ZOS_AmeliaR wrote: »If you already own ESO and would like to play via Steam, you can add your existing title to Steam. To do this, go to the “Games” option within Steam and select “Add Non-Steam Game to My Library.” Then, select the checkbox next to “The Elder Scrolls Online” and click “Add Selected Programs.”
ZOS_AmeliaR wrote: »If you already own ESO and would like to play via Steam, you can add your existing title to Steam. To do this, go to the “Games” option within Steam and select “Add Non-Steam Game to My Library.” Then, select the checkbox next to “The Elder Scrolls Online” and click “Add Selected Programs.”
ZOS_AmeliaR wrote: »If you already own ESO and would like to play via Steam, you can add your existing title to Steam. To do this, go to the “Games” option within Steam and select “Add Non-Steam Game to My Library.” Then, select the checkbox next to “The Elder Scrolls Online” and click “Add Selected Programs.”
DarkThunder wrote: »I have been in contact with a Zenimax Customer support person. They claim the issue is not their doing but that Steam is insisting on charging for another key so we can use Steam's features. They told me we should be directing our requests towards Steam.
Anyway it was something.
DarkThunder wrote: »I have been in contact with a Zenimax Customer support person. They claim the issue is not their doing but that Steam is insisting on charging for another key so we can use Steam's features. They told me we should be directing our requests towards Steam.
Anyway it was something.
that sounds familiar....oh yes, "it's not our fault that your game hasn't been shipped yet, we sent you a early access key, but the real game key is physically located in the box. Please direct your inquiry towards the retailer you ordered your' physical edition...
I'm slightly confused if you are agreeing or the opposite in regards. While I do understand the point you're making in regards to contracts and requirements (all those steam bonuses such as in game steam chat, trading cards, etc) are great "incentives" in the eyes for steam to lure customers in purchasing another edition (and the possibility of merging toons to other accounts) therefore making money.
Yet, I wasn't pointing out a pro-or con approach on the topic, only stating that this sounds awfully familiar to a previous problem, henceforth, some weird lesson of "research" wasn't considered again.
DarkThunder wrote: »I agree with what you are saying, just repeating what I was told. It seemed unlikely that such is the case since Valve has been doing this stuff for years with a lot of games and their companies.
This is just a guess, but I think it is more of a matter that Valve charges a fee to issue keys through Steam and Zenimax doesn't want to pay for hundreds of thousands to potentially millions of keys for pre-existing customers. I also think Titansteele is absolutely correct in that they should write off the expense for the sake of good customer relations.
I also realize that if this is the case, stating to "write it off" is easy to say when you aren't the one paying for it
DarkThunder wrote: »I have been in contact with a Zenimax Customer support person. They claim the issue is not their doing but that Steam is insisting on charging for another key so we can use Steam's features. They told me we should be directing our requests towards Steam.
Anyway it was something.
They do. They charge 1$ + 7 cents per gb the user downloads. Well thats the deal they have with humble bundle anyways.
***>>>"They claim the issue is not their doing but that Steam is insisting on charging for another key so we can use Steam's features."
Thanks Ri but guess what?
THEY KNEW that was the conditions set by Steam, they oh, maybe COULD HAVE GUESS how the majority of original subbers might react, and yet instead of applying pressure in their negotiations, they caved and went with it.
Same exact thing as saying: "We agree and want to go forward in compliance with the points being made by Steam."
And now in response to sincere inquiry from customers like YOU, the issue is being pawned off on Steam, whose shoulders are obviously broader and stronger.
(*) Bunch of b.s. (*)
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »There are many people who are willing to pay for the key. A few people have already said they would pay upwards of $20 for the Steam key.
I've taken one for the team and paid for the game a second time via Steam, despite having pre-ordered the Imperial edition and having made it mid-way through Cadwell's Gold.
There doesn't seem to be a way to add the code you receive via Steam (referred to as "The Elder Scrolls Online CD key") to an existing ESO account via the ESO store. The only code-redemption area I've found displays this error when I paste the Steam-based code into the form and submit:
"You do not qualify for this product"
So, it looks like if I want to redeem this code, get the game time, and get the dog vanity pet, I need to start over from scratch and create a brand new ESO account. Otherwise, I've basically just destroyed $50.
LAME! Way to make enemies, ZOS!