Error 318

I've been disconnected twice now, and each time Error 318 pops up when this happens.

Error 318
You have been dropped from the server because you reached the message rate limit. Please avoid excessive messaging (i.e spamming).

The thing is, I'm not sending out any messages to anyone. In fact, I haven't used chat since I logged in today. Have more people experienced this recently? Just thought I'd throw this out there so they know it's still an issue.
  • highrisedrifter
    Just had this again. I had only been in-game about a minute and was on my horse, riding. I haven't been anywhere near the chat channels as I am logged into Teamspeak and chatting to my guild on there.

  • sanjiro666
    Soul Shriven
    I am getting this one all the time.
    I am not messaging anyone.
    Game starts to lag allot and then DCed with that error message
  • ZOS_TristanK
    Hi there, folks. Is there anything in particular that you're doing in-game when this happens? For instance, crafting, buying items from a vendor, a particularly vigorous battle?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Kinsaven
    Hi there, folks. Is there anything in particular that you're doing in-game when this happens? For instance, crafting, buying items from a vendor, a particularly vigorous battle?

    I think the first time I was doing some crafting, though the second time I was just out in the world doing a quest, so I don't think it was tied to anything specific for me at least.

  • ZOS_TristanK
    Thank you for the information, @Kinsaven! We are looking into the exact cause of this issue currently. If it happens again, when you log back in, do you mind please submitting a bug report using /bug detailing what you were doing when the kick occurred?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Kinsaven
    Thanks very much for the reply, and if it happens again I'll make sure to submit a report. :)
  • Nebthet78
    I had this happen to me today.. I hate using chat so have that screen off so I never see it unless it is an actual friend logging on and off the game.

    I was in the town actually going between the bank and the blacksmithing area of Vulkhel Guard when I was kicked.
    Far too many characters to list any more.
  • Thol
    I just got the same error, I was exploring when I got kicked from the game, I didn't write anything in the chat since I logged in.
    Error 318 (6:3:1181:2)
    You have been dropped from the server because you reached the message rate limit. Please avoid excessive messaging (i.e spamming).

    I hope this is not a spammer using my account name as a decoy...
  • Uncle_Bob
    Are you running any addons? I would try disabling all addons and see if that makes a difference. Some addons can communicate messages without you actually seeing them in chat.
  • Thol
    Uncle_Bob wrote: »
    Are you running any addons? I would try disabling all addons and see if that makes a difference. Some addons can communicate messages without you actually seeing them in chat.

    I'm only using Lootdrop and Inventory Grid View.

  • Kinsaven
    I don't think it's an add-on issue, since when I got the errors I wasn't running any add-ons whatsoever. I haven't had this error since I posted this thread though, it seems to just be completely random.
  • ShintaiDK
    Hi there, folks. Is there anything in particular that you're doing in-game when this happens? For instance, crafting, buying items from a vendor, a particularly vigorous battle?

    I was simply running around gathering resources when it happend. It didnt happend when I was harvestign tho, simply while running.
  • Ageless
    Hi there, folks. Is there anything in particular that you're doing in-game when this happens? For instance, crafting, buying items from a vendor, a particularly vigorous battle?
    I was trying to sell stuff to vendors, but noticed that the interact button was no longer interacting. Which is when I tried to log off, and then got the error 318. I waited 30 minutes before logging back in.

    At this same time, my partner was still on the server, but for her everyone in the world vanished. Only a handful other players were around, but no NPCs. And that both in Daggerfall and in Davon's Watch. She logged off and back on, that didn't fix that. After I logged back on, NPCs repopulated her world again. Weird.

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • lauri.syrjaeb17_ESO
    Huge lag spike on EU server a minute ago, alt+tab to desktop, alt+tab back to Error 318: stop spamming plz. Wasn't doing much, reading news mostly. I did report a gold spammer earlier today but that's about it.
  • nirax
    conratulations. this gets worse and worse.
    i got this error two times today while FIGHTING. Server was lagging a bit.
    yes i am hammering the mouse key to attack and in timing keys for an specials (depends on situation, but i just give a breakdown of what i think caused it)
    thats how i play and won esports tournamets since 98.
    will have to quit if that persists. getting kicked out of the game for fast key pressing during combat.. you guys must be kidding..
    this funny pic featuring "Elders Scrolling Online" just comes into my mind. ;)
    Edited by nirax on April 29, 2014 11:28PM
    Nirax TC of [Buka]
  • o.campbellb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Great, if got the same Error. -.-
    Will that problem hold on or is it fine when i log in later?

    The bulk of bugs is pain in the ass. I wondering that there is no apologise and/or free Days.
  • murklor007neb18_ESO
    Got the same error last night well. Its nothing to worry about really. In less than technical terms, the server is lagging like crazy, piling up commands from the client and then executing them in a burst - resulting in "excessive messaging" and kicks you from the game.

    Isnt it funny when a game basicly say its your fault when the server capacity cant keep up? I mean, they arent wrong. Not really. It is your fault for playing the game and adding another player to the stack, after all.

    So hang your head in shame player.
  • ian8811946
    Been getting this error for the last week or two on a regular basis. Always starts with very bad lag. If your fighting a mob its almost a guaranteed death. I love this game but it is almost unplayable let alone enjoyable. I don't know if its just server overload or just the way the game handles lag, but this really needs to be fixed.
  • randomriffyrocksprerb18_ESO
    It happens to me while I was downloading something, during lags and such. I think its because of a connection inconsistency or sending excess data. For example if you were mining an ore and it was laggy. You tend to wanna press the interaction over and over again untill it finally mines. This would send multiple data to the server to mine the freaking ore, thus Error 318. Which is not excessive messaging but excessive sending of data to the server
    Edited by randomriffyrocksprerb18_ESO on May 7, 2014 9:46AM
  • King_Merrygold
    Fighting mobs with some extreme lag. Suddenly my attacks/skills/blocks don't work at all, I can only move. Twenty seconds or so later I get kicked with this error. Happens every 1 or 2 minutes.
  • Hozec
    Kinsaven wrote: »
    I've been disconnected twice now, and each time Error 318 pops up when this happens.

    Error 318
    You have been dropped from the server because you reached the message rate limit. Please avoid excessive messaging (i.e spamming).

    The thing is, I'm not sending out any messages to anyone. In fact, I haven't used chat since I logged in today. Have more people experienced this recently? Just thought I'd throw this out there so they know it's still an issue.

    I have seen this happen on lag spikes also. It may also be same error code for when sending requests to the server and you hit the "max request limit". You would get disconnected because of 2 many requests. IE spamming the server for a response.
  • therran77b16_ESO
    Hi, happends almost all the time to me during a big lagspike :S
  • andreshorter71
    Soul Shriven
    i've been getting this for the past 48 hrs and i've been kicked from the game at least 20 times during that period i kid you not. i even posted a video on youtube of some gameplay where i got kicked. i'm fighting and when i initiate an attack, theres a delay, suddenly i've got baddies all over me, most times i'm able to block then my summons disappear then i'm kicked. like everyone else, i'm not messaging anyone at all. here's the link
  • Hilgara
    This happened to our tank in the middle of a craglorn dungeon. We were using TS3 so no one was chatting. makes you wonder what happens if it carries on doing it.....unjust ban perhaps.....
  • ZOS_TristanK
    Hey, folks. Thanks for reporting this issue. Players will see error 318 when they have been messaging excessively, however sometimes the error occurs even when player aren't chatting. If this happens to you, when you log back into the game, please submit a bug report that includes the following information:
    • The entire error message
    • What server you are playing on
    • What zone you were in when the error happened
    • If you were in a particular cave or dungeon
    • What you were doing (crafting, battling, etc.)
    Edited by ZOS_TristanK on June 3, 2014 3:24PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • felixgamingx1
    @ZOS_TristanK‌ got that once while editing guild member notes. A guild that btw was dedicated to active serious players and now has 12 members online due to these bugs.
  • Hozec
    @ZOS_TristanK‌ got that once while editing guild member notes. A guild that btw was dedicated to active serious players and now has 12 members online due to these bugs.

    your first sentence is informative the rest of it is useless *** they don't need so why say it?

    It seems the error is same error when your client "spams" or sends too many requests to the server. So it may have nothing to do with chat or talking in chat. This seems to be common when lagged out and you hit buttons to try and kill stuff.

  • HardyHero
    @ZOS_TristanK admin

    Before the last 2 updates the game behaved normally.
    Now there is a long lag, and often the server is disconnecting me, displaying the following message:

    Error 318 (6:3:1192:2)
    You have been dropped from the server because you hit the message rate limit. Please avoid excessive messaging (i.e. spamming).

    This message always appears after a long period of lag.
    I have lost count of how many times during a battle, the lag started and got disconnected.
    Be a person of whom the world is not worthy.
  • Sertari
    Just have been kicked from server with this error too. I did two bug reports, then opened a crate and then wanted to apply Unstable Core onto a Montclair guy in Vet lvl Hildune's Retreat solo dungeon. I had no reaction from any key i pressed and died, after revive some of my healing showed up - breath of life, but that was all. Then I tried to hit that guy again and *poof* kicked. And yes must be lag related.

    Eu Server - Rvienspire Vet lvl - Hildune's Refuge solo dungeon

    Error 318(6:3:1253:2)
    You have been dropped from the server because you hit the message rate limit. Please avoid excessive messaging (i.e. spamming)

    PS: Of course EU server lag again :P
    Edited by Sertari on July 1, 2014 1:12AM
  • Draxys
    Just had this happen, researched it and came across this thread first.

    Here's what I'm about to put in the bug report:

    Error 318 (6:3:1253:2)
    "You have been dropped from the server because you hit the message rate limit. Please avoid excessive messaging (i.e. spamming)."

    NA, AD.
    Malabal Tor, Tomb of the Apostates.

    I was not messaging, had not sent one for 30 minutes. When I was sending them prior to the boot, it was certainly not excessive; an approximate total of 30 to a few different people over the course of an hour or so. I was fighting trash mobs, delay in graphics occurred on first pull (2 mobs), crash happened on second pull (3 mobs). Used Igneous Weapons buff, Inner Light was toggled, used Fire Blockade and Unstable Flame. Enemies were two melee and one necromancer I think.

    rip decibel
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