Nobody here is saying make the weapons buyable. Idea is to make them tradable. So only people who have ACUIRED (not earned) said weapons can trade them for OTHER said weapons. They will still be BIND ON PICKUP. Not sellable. Tradable.
damtotb16_ESO wrote: »I think it's fine as it is now. Sorry guys gotta earn it
Yeah uhh why should my hard work be wasted on plebs who dont even know how to use the gear properly... Im all for making weapons attainable (not easier to get) through token systems or other systems that require dedication and time but buying Maelstrom weapons? No No No.
Weapons should be tradable for other weapons.
Only people who buy the dlc can acquire the gear, but everyone can get the specific weapons they want through trading.
Simple concept, no idea how hard it would be to actually implement without people exploiting it somehow.
Win win though. People still spend money for the new dlcs every few months, but the gear you want will be easier to get.
damtotb16_ESO wrote: »
Again. read... dictionary... you get it. Or maybe not im not a SN teacher.
Weapons should be tradable for other weapons.
Only people who buy the dlc can acquire the gear, but everyone can get the specific weapons they want through trading.
Simple concept, no idea how hard it would be to actually implement without people exploiting it somehow.
Win win though. People still spend money for the new dlcs every few months, but the gear you want will be easier to get.
damtotb16_ESO wrote: »
This is your angle of vision and I respect that. However I find gear/weapons etc is easy to obtain already so I don't agree with you.
With time gets easier don't get discouraged!
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »You know what I would love? One comment from a dev that says one of 2 things. Either:
RNG is the system we plan to stick with, so deal with it.
We are looking at other methods and here are some preliminary ideas.
If its the first one, just let us know so we can move on...
Yeah that would be nice. The thing is they're probably not working on something or they would have gave us a time frame of the implementation like with VR.
Plus, with the monster helm vendor they're showing us that they either don't care or don't have enough staff/time to work on a better system then just selling putting them for gold and AP.
Weapons should be tradable for other weapons.
Only people who buy the dlc can acquire the gear, but everyone can get the specific weapons they want through trading.
Simple concept, no idea how hard it would be to actually implement without people exploiting it somehow.
Win win though. People still spend money for the new dlcs every few months, but the gear you want will be easier to get.
KoshkaMurka wrote: »
Less tradable items = more people hiring other people to do vMA for them
Much more fair, eh?
Other people to do it for them? What's this sh*t all about?
Other people to do it for them? What's this sh*t all about?
KoshkaMurka wrote: »
Same *** as goldselling.
No matter how you limit the trade, people who want to buy an advantage, will do that. So why limit it for anyone else?
But how? Pop round their house and play it for them?
Other people to do it for them? What's this sh*t all about?
Doncellius wrote: »@Decado
There are many ways to build your character. If you want the absolute Best-in-Slot "master" weapons you need to earn them yourself by proving your mastery. RNG is RNG, which is why everything else needs to be BoE. Would be nice (not helpful in Vet Maelstrom though) if you could even share dungeon/trial drops with other group members while in the same instance where you earned them. Bind on Group!
As for the token system idea that the community has brought up, I think it's a fantastic thought! Something like this:
• A normal Maelstrom Arena completion gives two tokens.
• A veteran Maelstrom Arena completion gives nine tokens.
- 10 tokens: V16 Epic chosen set armor piece, random trait/random slot
- 16 tokens: V16 Epic chosen set armor piece, random trait/selected slot
- 20 tokens: V16 Epic random set jewelry piece, random trait
- 32 tokens: V16 Epic set armor piece, selected trait/selected slot
- 40 tokens: V16 Epic chosen set jewelry piece, random trait
- 50 tokens: V16 Epic random Maelstrom Weapon, random trait
- 75 tokens:V16 Epic chosen Maelstrom Weapon, random traif
- 90 tokens: V16 Epic chosen Maelstrom Weapon, chosen trait
Refuse2GrowUp wrote: »
As for how: They simply provide the player they are paying to do the run for them with their PSN log in info and let that person log into their account to do the runs. Very risky; but apparently a lot of people find the risk acceptable.
KoshkaMurka wrote: »
Well, I guess in the worst case scenario they can just pretend that their account has been hacked.