ontheleftcoast wrote: »My khajiit would like to inform you furless ones that we're never "nude". So as long as cats aren't subject to the silly morals of you hairless creatures, sure, go for it.
There are some people in Rawl'Kra that would have such high bounties.... but in general your suggestions make sense. I don't think it should be by any means a priority to add it, but I would assume in Tamriel walking around letting everything 'hang out' as it were, would be illegal.
... interesting... you being up an interesting thought. What if some cities had stricter laws. Maybe in one city they have no indecency laws and you can do what you want, but in another, running around without shoes is considered faux pas. hehe. That would be great!
Akavir_Sentinel wrote: »Sure, why not, but if you are going to go that route, why limit it to being unclothed? What about those wonderful players who /emote sit and and sit on the ground while the other player /emote pushups and does pushups with his/her head bobbing in the other players lap? There are several other examples I could give, but you get the point. Like I said in the other thread, players like these are why we can't have nice things.
Akavir_Sentinel wrote: »Sure, why not, but if you are going to go that route, why limit it to being unclothed? What about those wonderful players who /emote sit and and sit on the ground while the other player /emote pushups and does pushups with his/her head bobbing in the other players lap? There are several other examples I could give, but you get the point. Like I said in the other thread, players like these are why we can't have nice things.
ontheleftcoast wrote: »
Heck yeah, that's the spirit. A place like Murback would be very prudish but a frontier city like Rawl'kha might be "anything goes". They could even make an achievement out of getting caught (and getting away with) things like public drunkenness, nudity, maybe even yelling. Remember how guards in Skyrim would get all pissy about you shouting in town? Well, /yell should have consequences, dammit. ;D
Psychobunni wrote: »
My mule sits in Dhalmora crafting hut in just her tabard, she rarely ever leaves. I don't want to fully dress herShe's not hurting anyone
Pantless bounties...I'm going to run around pantless to honor this
theforgottenking1779 wrote: »Lol if the justice system was more realistic this idea would be great but sadly it isn't i we are talking about a justice when the guard see something attack you they just stand there like dummies and do nothing to help lol and if you got a bounty heck they will even join in on killing you with the other thing already beating your ace that's not realism it needs some major adjusting
Interesting. That doesn't look bad at all @Psychobunni... I'd even say it's a cute look.
I mostly just want things like THIS....To be heavily discouraged.
Psychobunni wrote: »
I don't know. While on one hand I understand that a mob of players in their undies can be "immersion" breaking for some, I also understand how difficult it is to come up with fun/appealing things for guilds to do. There are only so many raffles, live auctions, etc. Sometimes simply doing something ridiculous just because is fun too! Helps build the "social" aspect.
Just seems like the last thing we need is more limitations. Besides, some people do quest nekkid for the difficulty too!
Using emotes to sit in front of the bank making it appear sexual is another matter. Take it to the Ebony Flask!
This is a pretty quick suggestion:
If a player is running around pants-less in public and they are seen by a guard, they should get a little bounty and their wanted level should increase. This infraction should be a lesser crime than picking a lock or pickpocketing, but it should be a crime.
starkerealm wrote: »
One minor potential problem...
You steal a pair of pants and put them on. The guard arrests you for stealing, takes the pants. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You can't pay your fine, so the guard beats you to death.
ontheleftcoast wrote: »My khajiit would like to inform you furless ones that we're never "nude". So as long as cats aren't subject to the silly morals of you hairless creatures, sure, go for it.
Never Nude is a syndrome which Tobias Fünke suffers from which renders him unable to be naked, even in solitude. He copes by wearing tight jean cutoffs under his clothes. It is not recognized by the DSM-IV. Annual conferences are held for those affected.
You just make it when you're arrested for indecency you're give cheap pants/shirt to cover yourself. Like the soul shriven clothes you start with.
MaximusDargus wrote: »What is this? An M rated game and you complain about the type of nudity you commonly see in TV?