Justice System Addition - Public Indecency

This is a pretty quick suggestion:

If a player is running around pants-less in public and they are seen by a guard, they should get a little bounty and their wanted level should increase. This infraction should be a lesser crime than picking a lock or pickpocketing, but it should be a crime... if a guard sees you. Unlike other crimes, this one would require a guard to catch you in the 'act' for you to get a bounty.

To prevent players from being "forced" into a style perhaps the infraction could be without pants and without shirt at the same time. That way a player could run around without one or the other as it seems to be the complete lack of both that jostles player's jimmies.

To build onto that, different cities could have decency laws to where in one prudish city they require players to have shirts, pants, and shoes... and other cities that are flying free with no laws at all! This would actually add quite a bit of life and variety to the cities of ESO.

Edited by Gidorick on July 26, 2015 3:50PM
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  • ontheleftcoast
    My khajiit would like to inform you furless ones that we're never "nude". So as long as cats aren't subject to the silly morals of you hairless creatures, sure, go for it.
  • Anzriel
    There are some people in Rawl'Kra that would have such high bounties.... but in general your suggestions make sense. I don't think it should be by any means a priority to add it, but I would assume in Tamriel walking around letting everything 'hang out' as it were, would be illegal.
  • Gidorick
    My khajiit would like to inform you furless ones that we're never "nude". So as long as cats aren't subject to the silly morals of you hairless creatures, sure, go for it.

    Khajiit have naughty bits too. Barbed ones!
    Edited by Gidorick on December 22, 2015 7:09AM
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  • Akavir_Sentinel
    Sure, why not, but if you are going to go that route, why limit it to being unclothed? What about those wonderful players who /emote sit and and sit on the ground while the other player /emote pushups and does pushups with his/her head bobbing in the other players lap? There are several other examples I could give, but you get the point. Like I said in the other thread, players like these are why we can't have nice things.
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  • Gidorick
    Anzriel wrote: »
    There are some people in Rawl'Kra that would have such high bounties.... but in general your suggestions make sense. I don't think it should be by any means a priority to add it, but I would assume in Tamriel walking around letting everything 'hang out' as it were, would be illegal.

    ... interesting... you being up an interesting thought. What if some cities had stricter laws. Maybe in one city they have no indecency laws and you can do what you want, but in another, running around without shoes is considered faux pas. hehe. That would be great!
    Edited by Gidorick on July 25, 2015 4:40AM
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  • ontheleftcoast
    Gidorick wrote: »

    ... interesting... you being up an interesting thought. What if some cities had stricter laws. Maybe in one city they have no indecency laws and you can do what you want, but in another, running around without shoes is considered faux pas. hehe. That would be great!

    Heck yeah, that's the spirit. A place like Murback would be very prudish but a frontier city like Rawl'kha might be "anything goes". They could even make an achievement out of getting caught (and getting away with) things like public drunkenness, nudity, maybe even yelling. Remember how guards in Skyrim would get all pissy about you shouting in town? Well, /yell should have consequences, dammit. ;D
  • Gidorick
    Sure, why not, but if you are going to go that route, why limit it to being unclothed? What about those wonderful players who /emote sit and and sit on the ground while the other player /emote pushups and does pushups with his/her head bobbing in the other players lap? There are several other examples I could give, but you get the point. Like I said in the other thread, players like these are why we can't have nice things.

    ZOS would have to create a matrix of proximity + emote + order in which emote was activated = bounty. I would totally be in support of something like that. You couldn't put the bounty on the player who did the first emote, it would have to be on the player who did the second emote.
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  • Slonekb05
    cant disagree more with the op lol
  • TheShadowScout
    I second the notion!

    Down with the ones who have their pants down! Let them bow their heads in shame, and feel the long arm of the law punish their pant-less behinds! No, wait... that sounds somewhat... less then proper... :tongue:;)
  • Psychobunni
    Sure, why not, but if you are going to go that route, why limit it to being unclothed? What about those wonderful players who /emote sit and and sit on the ground while the other player /emote pushups and does pushups with his/her head bobbing in the other players lap? There are several other examples I could give, but you get the point. Like I said in the other thread, players like these are why we can't have nice things.

    My mule sits in Dhalmora crafting hut in just her tabard, she rarely ever leaves. I don't want to fully dress her :/ She's not hurting anyone

    Pantless bounties...I'm going to run around pantless to honor this ;)
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • Gidorick

    Heck yeah, that's the spirit. A place like Murback would be very prudish but a frontier city like Rawl'kha might be "anything goes". They could even make an achievement out of getting caught (and getting away with) things like public drunkenness, nudity, maybe even yelling. Remember how guards in Skyrim would get all pissy about you shouting in town? Well, /yell should have consequences, dammit. ;D

    HAHA! Yes! That would be so great!!! So many possibilities! This could go so far... like issuing citations for sprinting on your mount through a city.
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  • Gidorick
    Slonekb05 wrote: »
    cant disagree more with the op lol

    lol. I should have made this a poll!
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  • Gidorick

    My mule sits in Dhalmora crafting hut in just her tabard, she rarely ever leaves. I don't want to fully dress her :/ She's not hurting anyone

    Pantless bounties...I'm going to run around pantless to honor this ;)
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  • theforgottenking1779
    Lol if the justice system was more realistic this idea would be great but sadly it isn't i mean we are talking about a justice system when the guard sees something attack you they just stand there like dummies and do nothing to help lol and if you got a bounty heck they will even join in on killing you with the other thing already beating your ace that's not realism it needs some major adjusting
    Edited by theforgottenking1779 on July 25, 2015 4:52AM
  • Gidorick
    Lol if the justice system was more realistic this idea would be great but sadly it isn't i we are talking about a justice when the guard see something attack you they just stand there like dummies and do nothing to help lol and if you got a bounty heck they will even join in on killing you with the other thing already beating your ace that's not realism it needs some major adjusting

    I totally agree. But... grand sweeping changes can be made with small incremental adjustments.
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  • Psychobunni
    Gidorick wrote: »

    She rocks it I think, even covers her bum, I'm going to keep it until VR! TY



    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • Psychobunni
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Interesting. That doesn't look bad at all @Psychobunni... I'd even say it's a cute look.

    I mostly just want things like THIS....
    To be heavily discouraged. :neutral:

    I don't know. While on one hand I understand that a mob of players in their undies can be "immersion" breaking for some, I also understand how difficult it is to come up with fun/appealing things for guilds to do. There are only so many raffles, live auctions, etc. Sometimes simply doing something ridiculous just because is fun too! Helps build the "social" aspect.

    Just seems like the last thing we need is more limitations. Besides, some people do quest nekkid for the difficulty too!

    Using emotes to sit in front of the bank making it appear sexual is another matter. Take it to the Ebony Flask! ;)
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • Gidorick

    I don't know. While on one hand I understand that a mob of players in their undies can be "immersion" breaking for some, I also understand how difficult it is to come up with fun/appealing things for guilds to do. There are only so many raffles, live auctions, etc. Sometimes simply doing something ridiculous just because is fun too! Helps build the "social" aspect.

    Just seems like the last thing we need is more limitations. Besides, some people do quest nekkid for the difficulty too!

    Using emotes to sit in front of the bank making it appear sexual is another matter. Take it to the Ebony Flask! ;)

    I completely understand the argument against this idea... This really is a case of a few ruining it for everyone. Of course... I'm not suggesting that this type of activity be disallowed... but if players want to have a nekkid-smexy-party... they shouldn't have it in cities because they will get in trouble. Having the parties out in the wilderness (away from guards) wouldn't be an issue because there would be no one to see them for them to get in trouble.

    Then everyone is happy. Well... everyone but @Psychobunni. I'm wondering if a "No pants IF no shirt too" would make more sense. So if a player is wearing a shirt, they can be pants-less and if they are wearing pants, they can be shirtless.
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  • Psychobunni
    LOL, I'm happy, kinda slap happy at this point in the day :D

    Just putting forth the opposing view
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • BlueViolet
    I think that's a great idea! :D
    I never have understood why people want to run around towns or do dungeons in their knickers.

    Edit - I'd go for the emote bit too, but they'd never put the work needed into implementing it though.
    Edited by BlueViolet on July 25, 2015 6:49AM
    EU / NA / PC
  • BlueViolet
    Double post.

    Edited by BlueViolet on July 25, 2015 6:47AM
    EU / NA / PC
  • starkerealm
    Gidorick wrote: »
    This is a pretty quick suggestion:

    If a player is running around pants-less in public and they are seen by a guard, they should get a little bounty and their wanted level should increase. This infraction should be a lesser crime than picking a lock or pickpocketing, but it should be a crime.


    One minor potential problem...

    You steal a pair of pants and put them on. The guard arrests you for stealing, takes the pants. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You can't pay your fine, so the guard beats you to death.
  • MrGhosty
    I don't think so, if we had player housing to handle crafting and other duties beyond cities then I would give a tentative maybe, but as it stands I've got enough things to juggle between characters when I gear up I don't want to also have to worry about having a set of "decency" clothes just to get characters equipped.

    Also, if we're looking at indecency, Almalexia would be the greatest offender. If it's good enough for a god, it's good enough for me #freethepants
    "It is a time of strife and unrest. Armies of revenants and dark spirits manifest in every corner of Tamriel. Winters grow colder and crops fail. Mystics are plagued by nightmares and portents of doom."
  • Anzriel

    One minor potential problem...

    You steal a pair of pants and put them on. The guard arrests you for stealing, takes the pants. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You pay your fine. The guard arrests you for going around without pants. You can't pay your fine, so the guard beats you to death.

    You just make it when you're arrested for indecency you're give cheap pants/shirt to cover yourself. Like the soul shriven clothes you start with.
  • EQBallzz
    My khajiit would like to inform you furless ones that we're never "nude". So as long as cats aren't subject to the silly morals of you hairless creatures, sure, go for it.

    Interesting. So you are saying Khajiit are "never nudes"? I haven't seen those since Arrested Development.

    Never Nude is a syndrome which Tobias Fünke suffers from which renders him unable to be naked, even in solitude. He copes by wearing tight jean cutoffs under his clothes. It is not recognized by the DSM-IV. Annual conferences are held for those affected.

    Now I just have to see a Khajiit wearing a pair of tight jean cutoffs..
  • Rinmaethodain
    What is this? An M rated game and you complain about the type of nudity you commonly see in TV?
  • Gidorick
    Anzriel wrote: »

    You just make it when you're arrested for indecency you're give cheap pants/shirt to cover yourself. Like the soul shriven clothes you start with.

    LOL.. pay your fine... auto-equip burlap shorts.
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  • Gidorick
    What is this? An M rated game and you complain about the type of nudity you commonly see in TV?

    Honestly it's not the nudity I have issues with. I'm actually 100% for "sexy" armor... it's the lewd behavior that people perpetuate while in the "nude" state.

    I mean... there are idiots who have posted tutorials on how to do this stuff.

    The primary thing that lead to this suggestion is that people are saying children won't be added because people are pervs and will do this sort of stuff to children NPCs... so I'm like "ok, make it "illegal" ". It should NEVER be that a games progress in design, art, style, culture should be hindered by inappropriate acts of gamers. I think that's a travesty if that is TRULY the reason kids aren't in this game.

    I'm pointing out here that there CAN be consequences to actions... ZOS doesn't have to let the lecherous stifle their game... in fact, they can enhance their game and make it a more immersive experience by actively discouraging this behavior in the areas where there would be considered "public" and the areas where there are children.

    It's not as simple as "being offended".
    Edited by Gidorick on July 25, 2015 12:56PM
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  • Rinmaethodain
    Well, sorry.

    No matter how much i look at it i still see only person doing pushups.

    If you see something "lewd" in it, then i cant help with what your brain sees. There is a saying in my language "starving will see bread everywhere" so if you see lewd things in simple and common behaviours.... : P well, maybe its the way you think?
  • BlackEar
    No thanks.

    I would rather they spent their time on something else.
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