UI Error - user:/SavedVariables/ZO_Ingame.lua:145: unexpected symbol near '{' (PS4 NA)

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
Started getting the error listed in title a few hours ago (perhaps related to the voice chat not workng currently?). I can "Dismiss Error" and game continues playing fine as far as I can tell, of course aside from the voice chat being down right now.

Is this also a known issue? Any ETA on this UI error and voice chat?
[Arcane] is recruiting! Daggerfall PS4 NA PvP/PvE - 400+ active members ~ Main recruitment thread ~ www.facebook.com/ArcaneGuild
  • Yattaq
    UI errors generally would require a patch to fix, so that would likely be a while. Have you noticed any consistency with the error popping up? Like after zoning, grouping, trading, etc.

    The voice chat problems seem to get worse during the time of day you'd expect more people to be online. Not sure what they could do about that.
  • JediRift
    UI error started a few hours ago when logging in, and now occurs any time I log in.

    As for voice chat, it worked all day, on a saturday, at peak times. It went down at around 10pm and is still down at 1:24am. Wouldn't consider after midnight to really be a peak time.
    [Arcane] is recruiting! Daggerfall PS4 NA PvP/PvE - 400+ active members ~ Main recruitment thread ~ www.facebook.com/ArcaneGuild
  • XyonicS
    Soul Shriven
    I get it on log in, straight after I have loaded into a selected characters game, so far on all characters and I also get '[' and '(' as well so something strange going on. Did not get this error before the PSN down time yesterday that also happened while PS4 NA was down for maintenance.
    Started from the first load up after that.
  • Ravadosh
    Soul Shriven
    Same error here, it started when the game crashed on me, since then the error is there everytime i log in.
  • SleepyDog21
    Soul Shriven
    I'm getting this error I was told to delete my game by zenimax and it should be gone but when I tried that nothing happened
  • Eruamon
    Have the same error, and now the game won't let me join groups. I can create groups and invite people to join, but the game won't let me join any other groups. When invited and I accept, it tells the other person I declined, and my game tells me that the invite was accepted but failed to join group.
  • chaserstorm16909
    The following fix has recently been posted. Has anyone tried it yet? Does it work? I get the same error right after log in just like XyonicS.

    https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/29862/kw/SearcUser:/SavedVariables/ZO_Ingame.lua:145: unexpected symbol near '['
  • Hairyblue
    Soul Shriven
    I've been getting this error too. I deleted the saved data on my PS4 like the help fix instructed. I had to redo my options but I didn't get the error.
  • ChingChangChui
    I've got this error since day 1 (ps4). The first time I actually logged in I was fine... It started happening on my second log in and has continued.
    As I always say: When it comes to forums, post or your toast.
  • deceasedb
    I have this error, and now my actions on my action bar wont work... this is game breaking seeing how I can do nothing but run around now cause I cant fight enemies... Im on PS4...
  • Ace_of_Destiny
    Just delete your options save file.
    NOT the 55G one, delete the 10Mb one.
    It is just your options, like screensize, etc.

    ~MegaServer~>PS4 (NA) ~PSN~>Ace-of-Destiny
    I don't care what platform it is on...an MMORPG without Text Chat is NOT an MMORPG!
  • deceasedb
    I tried that and nothing changed my action bar still doesn't work right, I put in a help request on the help tab in game and all I got back was a computer response to check this forum which I haven't been able to find a solution on. I put in another help request on a actual help tab on this website and now I am awaiting a response from them which I am hoping is not another computer response. Hopefully this upcoming PS4 maintenance in like a day will fix my issue, cause if not I am screwed...
  • slipHAZARD
    Ace-2112 wrote: »
    Just delete your options save file.
    NOT the 55G one, delete the 10Mb one.
    It is just your options, like screensize, etc.


    I had a similar problem in another thread and Ace posted the same thing and it worked like a charm for me. Haven't had an issue since.
    __---> Just My Opinion <---__
    Console: PS4
    PSN: slipHAZARD
    Server: NA
    LVL 28 AD Altmer Sorc
  • Ace_of_Destiny
    slipHAZARD wrote: »


    I had a similar problem in another thread and Ace posted the same thing and it worked like a charm for me. Haven't had an issue since.

    If I helped just one person then I may die a happy man.
    *keels over dead*
    Hmph...I should have waited a little longer to start helping people. (lol) ;)

    ~MegaServer~>PS4 (NA) ~PSN~>Ace-of-Destiny
    I don't care what platform it is on...an MMORPG without Text Chat is NOT an MMORPG!
  • deceasedb
    Like I said that solution does not work for me...
  • Big_Boss_77
    Thinking outside the box here, but are you possibly experiencing lag? I know my bar quits working during times of heavy lag.
  • Ace_of_Destiny
    deceasedb wrote: »
    I tried that and nothing changed my action bar still doesn't work right, I put in a help request on the help tab in game and all I got back was a computer response to check this forum which I haven't been able to find a solution on. I put in another help request on a actual help tab on this website and now I am awaiting a response from them which I am hoping is not another computer response. Hopefully this upcoming PS4 maintenance in like a day will fix my issue, cause if not I am screwed...

    Your problem is not related to the Original Post.
    Have you tried resetting your router/modem?
    Because it sounds like it may be an issue with lag.
    Are you physically far from the servers...like in AussieLand?

    In any case, tomorrow they are rolling out a patch for consoles.
    I hope it fixes your problem so that you can enjoy the game! :)

    ~MegaServer~>PS4 (NA) ~PSN~>Ace-of-Destiny
    I don't care what platform it is on...an MMORPG without Text Chat is NOT an MMORPG!
  • deceasedb
    Its not lag, a few of the hotkeys will work while the rest don't, and I'm not in Aussie I'm in America on the North American server. I have reset my modem as well, and I have logged out of the server while it happens. I have gotten another email back from Bethesda and they said they are transferring my ticket to someone there who can take a look at it because they cant help me either.

    This is about as frustrating as it gets, game killer that's all it is. I am crossing my fingers and hoping like hell this patch being rolled out today for PS4 fixes it cause if not I am literally screwed...

    And my problem is related to the original post because that's the error message I am receiving when I log into my game, and my hotkeys is the only thing besides that that I am experiencing.
  • deceasedb
    Downloaded the patch and my hotkeys on my action bar still don't work... I am having a hard time not hating this game right now...
  • Ziraous
    I did what Ace had suggested and it…..waiting to see…..worked! ^-^

    I think what happened was I had put my PS4 on a bigger TV since we're on vacation but we brought my TV with us and when I switched over the resolution wasn't right.

    Thank you so much Ace! I will Tell my boyfriend to do this as well. ^^
    Edited by Ziraous on June 25, 2015 2:16AM
    ~~~~~~ -;- ~~~~~~ -;- ~~~~~~
    Lvl V 1 Vamp High Elf Templar PS4
    ~~~~~~ -;- ~~~~~~ -;- ~~~~~~
    My Crafting Tracker
  • SleepyDog21
    Soul Shriven
    Oops, I accidentally deleted the 55 gigabyte one first time I did it *facepalm* now I deleted the 10 megabytes one and it gone.
  • Endurance
    JediRift wrote: »
    Started getting the error listed in title a few hours ago (perhaps related to the voice chat not workng currently?). I can "Dismiss Error" and game continues playing fine as far as I can tell, of course aside from the voice chat being down right now.

    Is this also a known issue? Any ETA on this UI error and voice chat?

    UI is the game interface.. if you have any mods that change the way the HP/MP/STAM bars are displayed, or a extra window that shows DPS then its probably not configured correctly or not up to date
    I'm outta here
  • ZOS_AlanG
    Regarding the problem @JediRift mentions in the opening post, instructions for clearing this error can be found here.
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    I’ve moved to a new position and I am no longer active on this forum. For assistance, please check the resources linked above
    Staff Post
  • danieldaxx
    Soul Shriven
    Since yesterday i got this error...
  • Lunerdog
    ZOS_AlanG wrote: »
    Regarding the problem @JediRift mentions in the opening post, instructions for clearing this error can be found here.

    Only works for a short while and then the error report returns.
  • Brightxdawn
    Same here. It always comes back. :/
  • Lissiexx
    Thanks for the instructions to clear the error - this started yesterday and after deleting the file the error message no longer appears when I log in. If anyone knows what is happening with Elden Hollow dungeon with regard to the death portal bug and when the error is likely to fixed that would be great too :smile:
    PS5 EU
  • Pyro117
    I have cleared this error about way to many times. I have it again and once I clear it, then it might last a day or so before it comes back again.

  • Shakenbake393
    ZOS_AlanG wrote: »
    Regarding the problem @JediRift mentions in the opening post, instructions for clearing this error can be found here.

    I followed these instructions and the error stopped for awhile, but now it's back again. Is there another solution, something permanent?
  • Lunerdog
    And its back yet again, the "fix" is definately a work around for something they broke.
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