De-Mystical Mounts - A Crown Store Concept

I find myself dreading the impending addition of the frost horse. I wanted to make a post imploring ZOS not to offer the horse, to maintain the integrity of the atmosphere, but I knew that plea would be in vain. ZOS stands to make money from these Mystical Mounts, so suggesting they not be released is entirely unrealistic. Instead, I'm suggesting something different.

I will more than likely never buy any of the mystical mounts that ZOS will releases. I have no interest in fire, ice, skelton, lava, wood, lightning, or whatever type of mystical or elemental mounts they come up with. I do, however, have an active interest in not seeing these mounts. To me they are almost as bad as if we had glitter unicorns with trailing rainbows. Not quite as bad, but close.

The point is? As silly as this sounds, they directly negatively impact my playing experience. So, I would like a purchasable Mystical Mounts Ignore toggle so that "cool" mounts like the Nightmare Courser and Frostmare appear as "Normal" mounts to me.

So the fire horse would go from this:
To this:

This should change everyone's mount but my own, and only in my perspective. If I have a fire mount, and I'm riding it around and also have this toggle turned on, my fire mount is the only fire mount I'll see. This could be accomplished with a toggle in the gameplay options menu or a trophy type item I could activate.

I would pay the same amount as one of these "cool" mounts for this option: 2500 Crowns. I would probably pay more. I really do dislike these mounts being so commonplace.

This concept can also possibly extend to costumes so players can ignore costumes others have on and see their real armor. I could see PVPers liking that option.

It's also important to note that no player would be able to tell if another player has this option turned on. It will in no way impact any other player's experience.
Edited by Gidorick on September 7, 2015 5:42PM
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  • Sacadon
    Why not create "Lore Vision"... a client side toggle that removes all lore-breaking visuals? Partially serious BTW about this.
    Edited by Sacadon on June 2, 2015 7:21PM
  • Gidorick
    Sacadon wrote: »
    Why not create "Lore Vision"... a client side toggle that removes all lore-breaking visuals? Partially serious BTW about this.

    That's exactly what I'm asking for.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Nerio
    Part of the appeal of over-the-top mounts to some is that they're over-the-top. The thought is that if I buy a peacock mount, I probably want everyone to see it. Such a toggle would then make me less inclined to buy one of these mounts.
  • traigusb14_ESO2
    It might be something an addon can do. I thought there was one way back that made all horses white so they were easier to see in PVP. Not sure if it was jsut a texture swap or if it could force model as well.

    I would also like it to make the first rider (guy in a bathrobe and tennis shoes?) Into the second rider (Dark Elf hottie). B)

  • Gidorick
    Nerio wrote: »
    Part of the appeal of over-the-top mounts to some is that they're over-the-top. The thought is that if I buy a peacock mount, I probably want everyone to see it. Such a toggle would then make me less inclined to buy one of these mounts.

    Why should your fun involve me, especially when it directly and negatively impacts my fun?
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • idk
    I disagree. Artistic liberties are permitted and with mount effects such as the nightmare mount everyone should see the effect all the time.

    It's the reality of the MMO. Granted, I didn't read your entire post as it was a little long worded for my taste.

    Thx for reminding me. I forgot to get the new mount last night. I think it's fabulous. Can't wait to get it.
  • Sacadon
    Gidorick wrote: »

    That's exactly what I'm asking for.

    Then what a great idea then :)... Seriously though, I do think that while they enhance they game like creating new skins for mounts, they could slowly add this type of functionality client-side (like you can disable the inner light ball (when it works)) and then retro other things when they were making bigger changes. I've no idea how extensive this would be, but there's a big enough following for this game to really consider it.
  • Nerio
    Gidorick wrote: »

    Why should your fun involve me, especially when it directly and negatively impacts my fun?

    Because it's an MMO, and one's ability to stand out in a crowd is something that has always motivated people playing these games.

    Just to be clear, I'm not this kind of player. I'm just offering a counterpoint for the sake of discussion.
  • RazzPitazz
    Gidorick wrote: »

    Why should your fun involve me, especially when it directly and negatively impacts my fun?

    What is multiplayer/PvP, Alex.
    Edited by RazzPitazz on June 2, 2015 7:35PM
    PC NA
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  • BBSooner
    I'd drop $20 - $30 on said lore vision. I have no interest in lore breaking mounts or the desires of the socially needy and their desperate attempts at "look at me!!".
  • Heromofo
    Sooo Gidorick wait for my episode this idea will work well with it.
  • AlienSlof
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I find myself dreading the impending addition of the frost horse. I wanted to make a post imploring ZOS not to aff the horse, to maintain the integrity of the atmosphere, but I knew that plea would be in vain. ZOS stands to make money from these Mystical Mounts, so suggesting they not be released is entirely unrealistic. Instead, I'm suggesting something different.

    I will more than likely never buy any of the mystical mounts that ZOS will releases. I have no interest in fire, ice, skelton, lava, wood, lightning, or whatever type of mystical or elemental mounts they come up with. I do, however, have an active interest in not seeing these mounts. To me they are almost as bad add if we had glitter unicorns with trailing rainbows. Not quite as bad, but close.

    The point is? As silly as this sounds, they directly negatively impact my playing experience. So, I would like a purchasable Mystical Mounts Ignore toggle so that "cool" mounts like the Nightmare Courser and Frostmare appear as "Normal" mounts to me.

    So the fire horse would go from this:
    To this:

    This should change everyone's mount but my own, and only in my perspective. If I have a fire mount, and I'm riding it around and also have this toggle turned on, my fire mount is the only fire mount I'll see. This could be accomplished with a toggle in the gameplay options menu or a trophy type item I could activate.

    I would pay the same amount as one of these "cool" mounts for this option: 2500 Crowns. I would probably pay more. I really do dislike these mounts being so commonplace.

    This concept can also possibly extend to costumes so players can ignore costumes others have on and see their real armor. I could see PVPers liking that option.

    ^ This! ^ So this!

    I love my nightmare mount, don't get me wrong, but in the lore of my main character (which goes back to Morrowind) only HE rode a nightmare, and the partnership is a mutual respect between the two of them. Hence my wish to also be able to toggle off tack - Merlin, his nightmare, is a friend, not a slave.

    It does feel weird to see others riding around on nightmares (in my little ES world of Basil the B... illegitimate!) because in Morrowind, I made a mod where he had to earn that allegiance from the daedric horse-thing. They did not just willy-nilly get handed out!

    So, even though I was thrilled by the nightmare being made available (considering that i can't just mod one in as I did in all the other ES games!), it feels all kinds of wrong to see so many, and thus, why I love this idea!
    Edited by AlienSlof on June 2, 2015 7:48PM
    RIP Atherton, my beautiful little gentle friend. I will miss you forever. Without you I am a hollow shell.
  • Gidorick
    Nerio wrote: »

    Because it's an MMO, and one's ability to stand out in a crowd is something that has always motivated people playing these games.

    Just to be clear, I'm not this kind of player. I'm just offering a counterpoint for the sake of discussion.

    Lol. Yea. There is the fact that me toggling OFF these special mounts means I am not being advertised to.... that could be an issue. I kind of see it as being similar to paying to turn off averts. Heck, put it behind the subscription and I'll resubscribe forever!
    Edited by Gidorick on June 2, 2015 7:49PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    AlienSlof wrote: »

    ^ This! ^ So this!

    I love my nightmare mount, don't get me wrong, but in the lore of my main character (which goes back to Morrowind) only HE rode a nightmare, and the partnership is a mutual respect between the two of them. Hence my wish to also be able to toggle off tack - Merlin, his nightmare, is a friend, not a slave.

    It does feel weird to see others riding around on nightmares (in my little ES world of Basil the B... illegitimate!) because in Morrowind, I made a mod where he had to earn that allegiance from the daedric horse-thing. They did not just willy-nilly get handed out!

    So, even though I was thrilled by the nightmare being made available (considering that i can't just mod one in as I did in all the other ES games!), it feels all kinds of wrong to see so many!

    Awesome perspective. Thanks for sharing!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Rosveen
    Didn't you want to showcase the mounts at every stable all across Tamriel the other day...?

    I consider the flaming pony a lame illusion spell cast by a young (in body and/or mind) mage to impress his equally lame friends and annoy pretty girls by setting them on (illusionary) fire. Totally a thing some people would do in real life if they could.
  • Yinmaigao
    F7sus4 wrote: »
    First, there are MUCH more important things that need attention for toggles (i.e. make it so I can't heal criminals out in the world and get a bounty).

    Second, where do you draw the line? Maybe I think your pink Daedric plate armor or wedding dress are stupid. Dies that mean I get to simply turn it off? No! That is arrogant and condescending. Get over it and ignore it if you don't like it.

    [Moderator Note: Removed moderated quote and response]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on June 2, 2015 8:32PM
  • Davadin
    Hard. Very hard.

    I personally would pay up to 10,000 for this "vision", but realistically, it doesn't work well with core values of an MMO. The whole idea of social interaction is to share your experience with others.

    In a single-player environment, this is what you would call an "add-on", and that would be perfectly fine.

    But in an MMO, it's a hard sell. It simply goes against the whole concept of massively multiplayer game.

    Something that even I would rather leave the game for another MMO than playing an MMO where everybody is "in their own world".

    Sorry, great idea.

    But I'll vote no.
    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
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  • Heromofo
    Davadin wrote: »
    Hard. Very hard.

    I personally would pay up to 10,000 for this "vision", but realistically, it doesn't work well with core values of an MMO. The whole idea of social interaction is to share your experience with others.

    In a single-player environment, this is what you would call an "add-on", and that would be perfectly fine.

    But in an MMO, it's a hard sell. It simply goes against the whole concept of massively multiplayer game.

    Something that even I would rather leave the game for another MMO than playing an MMO where everybody is "in their own world".

    Sorry, great idea.

    But I'll vote no.

    But im not sure how it would effect others besides forcing their mounts on others lol.
    Wouldn't we still be doing the same thing just my version would make me happy. :D
    Edited by Heromofo on June 2, 2015 8:21PM
  • JamilaRaj
    Sacadon wrote: »
    Why not create "Lore Vision"... a client side toggle that removes all lore-breaking visuals? Partially serious BTW about this.

    Because it's _monetization_ concept. People switching garbage off for free would undermine otherwise viable source of revenue.

    Anyway, I think it's a great idea and it could be elaborated on to make it even more sick. I know Gidorick is pretty sick himself, but his sickness nothing compared to this:
    1) Instead of single Mystical Mount Ignore, there would be one for each disgusting, lore breaking mount that would appear in crown store, so people would have to buy them again and again to hide everything. They would be monetized at least as well as people buying mounts, if not better.
    2) There would be some base cost for both mounts and ignores but option to buy it for more with no upper limit and more costly mounts/ignores would override effect of their counter-parts. So one could buy e.g. Psychedelic Chimera for $100 that another player would not have to suffer sight of only if he bought Psychedelic Chimera Ignore for $100 or more.

    Now gimme some awesomes. I think I deserve a couple.
    Edited by JamilaRaj on June 2, 2015 9:09PM
  • Elsonso
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I would like a purchasable Mystical Mounts Ignore toggle so that "cool" mounts like the Nightmare Courser and Frostmare appear as "Normal" mounts to me.
    Sacadon wrote: »
    Why not create "Lore Vision"... a client side toggle that removes all lore-breaking visuals? Partially serious BTW about this.

    It would be cheaper, in terms of development cost, to rein in the Crown Store staff and make them stick to lore appropriate material in lore appropriate quantity.

    This means that lore appropriate over-the-top mounts that would not appear in every city and glen of Tamriel should not be so available in the store that they appear in every city and glen of Tamriel.

    I know some people hate recolors, but really, there are a lot of lore appropriate "common" mounts that are just recolors. Those recolors add individuality to the characters, particularly ALTS. The don't need to leaving rainbows behind.

    Might cost a few sales, though, but that is something they should have considered when they decided to add a cash shop to a rather "down to earth" lore game.
    Edited by Elsonso on June 2, 2015 9:15PM
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  • Heromofo
    JamilaRaj wrote: »

    Because it's _monetization_ concept. People switching garbage off for free would undermine otherwise viable source of revenue.

    Anyway, I think it's a great idea and that could be elaborated on to make it even more sick. I know Gidorick is pretty sick himself, but his sickness nothing compared to this:
    1) Instead of single Mystical Mount Ignore, there would be one for each disgusting, lore breaking mount that would appear in crown store, so people would have to buy them again and again to hide everything. They would be monetized at least as well as people buying mounts, if not better.
    2) There would be some base cost of both mounts and ignores but option to buy it for more with no upper limit and more costly mounts/ignore would override effect of their counter-part. So one could buy e.g. Psychedelic Chimera for $100 that another player would not have to suffer sight of it only if he bought Psychedelic Chimera Ignore for $100 or more.

    Now gimme some awesomes. I think I deserve a couple.
    You get one awesome and one of my gifs from my top shelf. :D


  • Gidorick
    Rosveen wrote: »
    Didn't you want to showcase the mounts at every stable all across Tamriel the other day...?

    I consider the flaming pony a lame illusion spell cast by a young (in body and/or mind) mage to impress his equally lame friends and annoy pretty girls by setting them on (illusionary) fire. Totally a thing some people would do in real life if they could.

    Lol. Indeed I did. They are mutually exclusive concepts. :tongue:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    Yinmaigao wrote: »

    I will give you a bump, but 100% disagree with you.

    First, there are MUCH more important things that need attention for toggles (i.e. make it so I can't heal criminals out in the world and get a bounty).

    Second, where do you draw the line? Maybe I think your pink Daedric plate armor or wedding dress are stupid. Dies that mean I get to simply turn it off? No! That is arrogant and condescending. Get over it and ignore it if you don't like it.

    I would draw the line at:
    1. Magical mounts
    2. Character Costumes

    Pretty easy line to be drawn. :wink:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • SturgeHammer
    I know lore is important to a pretty large segment of the eso population, and I try to respect the lore's boundaries (even if I am not particularly well versed in it) when I post to any of the crown store wish list style threads. However, I must confess that I play a little loose with the lore when it comes to mounts I'd like to see (fellrunners). It would be nice if someone more knowledgable about the lore would compile a list of mounts that would be a straight up travesty, just so people are better informed.
    Edited by SturgeHammer on June 2, 2015 8:36PM
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  • Duskruler
    Yinmaigao wrote: »
    First, there are MUCH more important things that need attention for toggles (i.e. make it so I can't heal criminals out in the world and get a bounty).

    Second, where do you draw the line? Maybe I think your pink Daedric plate armor or wedding dress are stupid. Dies that mean I get to simply turn it off? No! That is arrogant and condescending. Get over it and ignore it if you don't like it.

    [Moderator Note: Removed moderated quote and response]

    Agree 110%

  • Yinmaigao
    lore appropriate

    That bugs the hell outta me. NONE of this game is really "lore appropriate".

    If you are going to pick and choose what breaks your immersion, why not worry about stuff like EVERYONE fighting for their souls from Molag Bal and the wonkiness of Cadwell's super-fun-adventure-time-happy-grind?

    Seems to me these are greater immersion breaks than being inconveniencedone by seeing a horse that is "not rare enough".
  • Gidorick
    Have you seriously not seen the explanation of everyone being the Vestige @Yinmaigao?

    When I am playing. I am the Vestige. Everyone else is not. From my perspective they, are just other adventures, they are not the Vestige. I do not see them on my main story quests. also, from my perspective, there are a bunch of fire horses running around. Why do normal non-vestige adventures have fire mounts?
    Edited by Gidorick on June 2, 2015 8:56PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Yinmaigao
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Have you seriously not seen the explanation of everyone being the Vestige @Yinmaigao?

    Doesn't mean I like our appreciate it for "my immersion".

    Anyways, this is getting a little off topic. Just want to say that immersion is cool, but not at others expense.
  • Danikat
    Nerio wrote: »
    Part of the appeal of over-the-top mounts to some is that they're over-the-top. The thought is that if I buy a peacock mount, I probably want everyone to see it. Such a toggle would then make me less inclined to buy one of these mounts.

    I don't know. I quite like some ridiculous things (not so much the nightmare horse but I love GW2's infamous unicorn bow for example), but for me the enjoyment comes from me having it and being able to see it. I couldn't care less who else can or can't see it or what they think.

    I probably wouldn't buy this option myself, but I can see how it would be very appealing to some people. And it would actually give ZOS more flexibility to add these types of mounts in future without fear of alienating other players.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

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  • Attorneyatlawl
    DELETED: Merged.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on June 2, 2015 9:02PM
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