"WEB" - originally rogue, now general guild recruiting [PC-EU, mostly PvE, focus: non-HM trials]

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)



The WEB is an international, English-speaking social (kind of) guild, founded in Spring 2015. Our main goal was to create a fun community based on thievery, sadly there weren't any content-elements implemented which would have helped this goal, so we reformed ourselves as a general guild.

About us, in short: we have players with characters from every class, race, role and playstyle, we have members from all of the alliances, while we are mainly PvE-oriented, so this won't carries anything importance. Our rules are about friendly behaviour, no-drama, no-rudeness etc. The players here are friendly, social, chatty and (mainly) mature guys (and girls :)), lots of us with family, job and pet, so our frequent playing hours are in the evening. Our trial-events are announced on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

TL;DR We need more active players, it is better if you're over CP160, but it's not a problem if you're below it, we always try to involve those members, who were quite newbie (even if they were over lvl50). If you want to be our member you should be active in the evening hours, able and keen to do group content, do not be arrogant and disrespectful, try to not be childish while we aren't against humour. Have no fear if you're basic in English, we won't force you to use any voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) software (while we have a free Discord server, for example our raid-calendar runs there); please just be quick in typing :) The only exceptions are the trial runs: those need voice coordination, so at least you have to be able to listen and follow.

If you feel yourself tired of forced joining procedure, you never liked if you were regulated (but you can conduct yourself, and you are able to greet your guildmembers), and you think you would like to strengthen our thieves' "army", and want to be a part of a nice community (who own a cool guild-hall, with assistants, crafting stations, including a transmutation station, and target dummies!), write a message here, but preferably in the game to @PainDragon.

The "Rules of the Nest"

No. 1. Respect your mates! Greet others when coming online, say goodbye when going off. Do not disturb, offend and hurt others, neither in public, nor in private chats, or any other ways. Arguing, and unnecessary or continuous usage of profane words on guildchat is forbidden.

No. 2. Try to be helpful, generous and friendly, help others as you can, are able, until it doesn't hurt your own gameplay.

No. 3. Be honest with other players, even if you know them from former adventures, or just met them for the first time. In or out of the guild.

The hierarchy in the WEB
Rights for the various ranks:

Thread (newbie member):

- talking with the members in guild chat
- read member notes
- deposit their unwanted items in the Guild Bank for free
- list their unwanted items in the Guild Store for a price

Braid (member, who stays in the guild for at least 60 days, it's some of a 'respect-rank')

Knot (veteran member, who takes care of the guild, takes part in activities)
(all the above, plus:)

- ability to claim and release alliance forts and resources
- withdraw items from the Guild Bank

Glue (given to those members, who deserve it because of their enthusiasm in the guild; this is the rank of the members of our in-guild 'core trial group')

Spinner (officer rank):
(all the above, plus:)

- they can edit the "About Us" and the "Message of the Day (MotD) box on the guild-panel ("G")
- they can edit Member Notes
- they can invite other players to the WEB
- they can promote and demote members
- they have the right to hire guild traders at kiosks (only one at a time)

The Weaver: Guildmaster.

Our "raiding policy" (Decalogue of the WEB :))
1. as I always inform you well before, about the correct date and time of our planned trial-runs (and later another activites, hopefully), it is important to prepare, and be ready for the announced start (try to be online with at least 30 minutes before starting)

2. we start the trial when we're at the door, so wait for all of the party-members to arrive

3. as we generally know the encounter, we are up against, we decide the needed roles and divide the team to groups (for the whole dungeon-run) before engaging the first fight (mainly before the start)

4. usually there are ready-checks, before bosses or dangerous trash pull, so be aware for them

5. the tank engages the fights always, except in particular cases, but this is rare

6. remove the "rush" word from your dictionary; stay calm and move together with the group, especially when there are players in it, who haven't been in the dungeon yet

7. in most cases we are discussing the mechanism of the upcoming boss-fight, sharing the tactics, like a short briefing

8. during the fights, you should be aware to what's happening, follow the tactics, do your "job", and do your very best to fight effectively

9. always be patient with your team, in the case of a wipe do not be furious and angry, instead try to share your thoughts about the reasons of getting defeated, give advices for the better performance

10. at the (successful) end of a dungeon-run, stay in the party for redistributing the loot, sharing your unwanted items with your mates, and hopefully earn some useful gear for yourself

(+1. greet your group when joining, you should thank the team-members their participation, and they should thank also, then say goodbye when leaving)

Our former recruiting message:
Welcome everyone to our resurrected recruiting thread!

Our guild, the WEB was born on a stormy evening, last year's Spring, just before the Justice System was implemented. That time we really thought the System will get more and more extensions; sadly we can see now that this dream haven't come true, and it never will. While we are impatiently waiting for the Thieves Guild DLC, we cannot cope with the cancellation of the plans about the Criminal-Enforcer System, and the Player-Stealing System.

We had our highs and downs, we quite quickly grew to 100 members (those were great days: creating our tabard, opening our Guild Bank then the Store etc.), and we kept this: as newcomers joined, we released our inactive members, because I honestly think that we won't worth more with 450 inactive members than 50, but the other 50 is active ;) Of course I've invited our former members back right after the kick, and more of them rejoined after they restarted playing.

We had some cool activities, even guild-events, I was really proud of some of our members (e.g. our top-thief, with the 1 million fenced gold achievement, or our mate who almost became emperor just from his own effort, without any groups or PvP-guilds), but sadly as our mates finished the content, more and more became bored, and went inactive. But life goes on, and we do not want to struggle with the inactivity of players, and we really want to try the never-done-yet group content, so we've opened our recruiting office again! :)

You surely want to know, who we are. Because this is a quite irregular opening, you can see our original background-message below, in the second post in this thread.

Which type of you, Honorable Players do we need?

Those, who:

- want to take part in the resurrection of a quite inactive (5-7 players online on evenings), but friendly "Justice System"-guild, whatever should it be now and in the future :)
- know how to greet your mates if you log in, and say farewell before logging out
- know the meaning of "LFG", and want to use it frequently on the guild chat :)
- need crafting partners, like to have generous end-game player-mates
- just want to spend their playtime in a calm, no-drama environment

That's it for the restart (what is not really a re-start, because we've never been dead since our foundation), you surely will meet me in the evenings, when posting our renewed recruiting message on the zone chats (mostly in the DC, because the LFG-tool was a pain to use, believe me: we tried it...) !

May all of you have light fingers and heavy purse! :)
Edited by SirCritical on August 28, 2018 8:02PM
  • SirCritical
    Hail to You, fellow pickpockets, robbers, bandits and burglars, also charlatans, smugglers, swindlers and other liars, those who call the outlaw hideout home, and the Fence "Father", who live their lives in the shadows, and shout: crime should pay better! Under the blessing of Baan-Dar, Rajhin and Stendarr, I hereby inform all of You, that the filthy organization, called "WEB", has formed! The leading intention is to take advantage of being on the "dark path", and offer wealth ("W"), equality ("E") and brotherhood ("B") to all the bad boys - and girls - across Tamriel, who swear the "Honor Among Thieves"! Join the WEB today, and be a Thread in a promising device!


    Server: EU
    Faction: DC-based cross-faction
    Type: mixed: no-grinder, trade - light specified RP (with an unique tabard, guild bank and store, and weekly guild-events), based on Justice System
    Current member number: we always need active, new members :)

    Hello adventurers! After some search in forums and community portals, I’ve come to the conclusion, that few players dare to count seriously with the options of thievery in ESO. So I thought out the basics of a guild, something mixed variant of Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, from the previous TES games. Surely remember them, hm? I seriously hope that in the near future there will be more and more „functions”, possibilities for players doing things on the rogue-side. Of course, I hope, this will turn out a situation where we could earn serious amounts of money. I really believe that this attempt will be successful, and now we lay down the foundation stone of an infamous underworld company.

    Our guild has a well-thought, RP-based (but neither complicated nor too strict!) set-up, our easily understandable "code of laws" was created mostly about respect and behavior. Our primary activity nowadays is to organize guild-events as we could successfully hire a guild trader (this was our previous big goal). Later I imagine a specialized store for selling mostly stolen or plundered goods, like blackmarket. But for this, we need the assistance of ZOS (while the code isn't allowing this at now). And there is a great role-playing potential as well, in a criminal’s life, if you like this.

    Voice communicating is possible (but not necessary), and we share our in-guild informations on a forum-site (while it is currently offline because of the lack of interest). This guild shouldn’t be operating for grouped PvE-content-farming, but if individual members would like to do activities, which need some tactical discussing, they could make this now in a smoother way. And of course, our guild chat always offers the possibility to find partners for a PUG.

    And why WEB? For the lore, for fun and also for symbolical meaning: I wanted to illustrate a „Tamriel-wide” network of criminals, with the cobweb-metaphor; for the lore: there is a letter, the „W” in the daedric alphabet, what is spelled „web”; and this is also an acronym, from the three capitals of the words in the motto above: Wealth, Equality and Brotherhood.

    If you’re interested, please feel free to contact me ingame (by whisper - "/w" - or by mail) or here in PM for invite!


    I wish all of you: light fingers and heavy purse!
    Edited by SirCritical on January 15, 2017 6:50PM
  • SirCritical
    Credit to our new "craftsman", joined today from the EP! Now we have a reliable representative there, so have no fear Sons and Women of the North, join the shadows...! :smile:
  • SirCritical
    We have now 6 members, cheers to our new "colleagues" ;)
  • SirCritical
    Yesterday we got 2 more bandits ;)
  • SirCritical
    Yesterday our 11th member has joined, so we are able to open the guild bank, and our tabard is under construction ;)

    Almost forgot that we have just raised a bit our shady AD-department, so the not-so-dark-skinned mer, and catfolk characters are also welcomed :)
    Edited by SirCritical on March 13, 2015 3:20PM
  • SirCritical
    We have 14 members today, and also a tabard for wearing in the war against poorness :)
  • SirCritical
    Silently growing: 16 members and planning to do some events ;)
    Edited by SirCritical on March 16, 2015 5:28PM
  • KleanZlate
    I'm currently at work but will surely contact you once I'm back in Tamriel.
  • SirCritical
    We have 17 members in our community, and looking forward to have some "newbies" ;)
  • SirCritical
    19 is the number for today, welcome to us, newcomers! :)
  • SirCritical
    Yesterday was a great day, worthy for leadership, got the 100k-loot and 1k-robbed-citizens achi, and also 3 new members! :)
    Edited by SirCritical on March 19, 2015 7:24AM
  • vodorb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Potentially interested, just reinstalling now it's free.

    Except I can't remember my characters name or class, pretty sure it was some form of rogue :p I'll be in touch I guess!
  • SirCritical
    Our 24th member have just joined our promising NO-GRINDER community :)
  • SirCritical
    The number of the day: 27! ;)
    And planning a stealing contest someday next week :)
  • SirCritical
    30 :)
  • SirCritical
    Yesterday we hosted our first event, the "Sticky Fingers" contest, with great fun (at least for us :)) also 2 robbers joined ;)
  • Madness1
    Are you looking for a group that celebrates thievery, killing, the shadows, and all things rogue? How about joining one of the growing thievery ESO guilds to date? Did you miss our Stealing contest?

    Well join us today and become a part of our community, we're planning a new event and all WEB members are welcome. Don't let this event pass you by and join today by sending a message to:

    What is the color of night?
    What is the color of the fox?
    Hail Sithis.
    What is the color of night?
    What is the color of the fox?
    Hail Sithis.
  • Grazzt
    Hey there !

    I'm very new to ESO (well I played a bit during Beta but just came back), so my character is only lv.6 for now, is that enough to join your Guild ?
    And ... how do I join exactly ? ;)
  • SirCritical
    We don't have level-requirement, so you should send an ingame mail to @PainDragon, and I'll send an invitation :)
  • Grazzt
    Excellent, will do !! :#
  • Madness1


    I've received a message from one of my contacts in the Daggerfall Covenant that a Breton lords son is being transported through Cyrodill. I Molag-Tibs got a vision from The Night Mother telling us, WEB what we need to do. We have a contract, plan, and some of the finest members around, we will act. Of course this contract will pay out a hefty reward but it's ONLY AVAILABLE TO GUILD MEMBERS.

    For further details about the contract, or for recruitment contact the leader of the one of our branches @PainDragon or @molag-tibs (using the in-game messaging service).

    What is the color of night?
    What is the color of the fox?
    Hail Sithis.
    Edited by Madness1 on March 30, 2015 4:48PM
    What is the color of night?
    What is the color of the fox?
    Hail Sithis.
  • SirCritical
    We broke through 40.
  • Madness1
    For all of you who participated in the event earlier I hope you all had a good time, got some decent XP, and items... I know I did.

    The event went pretty well don't you all think? Although we branched out originally from the premise it all went off rather well. We had an ambush gone wrong, a large battle, a siege, a set of duels, oh even some Star Wars talk.

    If you didn't participate this time, we hope to see you at the next event. And if you're player who hasn't joined and who enjoys the rush of thievery with a drizzle of murder, what are you waiting for... join us and be a part of the WEB.

    What is the color of night?
    What is the color of the fox?
    Hail Sithis.
    Edited by Madness1 on April 5, 2015 2:21PM
    What is the color of night?
    What is the color of the fox?
    Hail Sithis.
  • SirCritical
    After our successful event, mentioned before, more gangsters joined us, so this time we need only 2 "crafters" to open our blackmarket store, full of poisons and items got by corruption :)
    Edited by SirCritical on April 6, 2015 11:08AM
  • SirCritical
    Yesterday was great again, we opened our store, this time only available for our members, but we made a bid on a trader.
  • SirCritical
    Almost forgot: we are organizing our next event on the weekend.
  • SirCritical
    Edited the infos about our status.
  • SirCritical
    We had our 3rd event yesterday, again it was a different type to the earlier ones. And we have some more ideas... :)
    Edited by SirCritical on April 13, 2015 10:14AM
  • nbuotoo
    Soul Shriven
    im up for walking the dark path, also i have a TS3 server available if your interested. sending a PM in game now or invite me/PM me directly @nbu2
    Edited by nbuotoo on April 15, 2015 9:25PM
  • SirCritical
    Great! I wasn't notified by the system about your post, so I missed invite you yesterday, but I'll do it today as I come online!
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