I did a similar tests 3 days after the the early access. I was lvl 21-22 and I concluded that there is no point from armor. The only way to mitigate damage is by blocking. That is why I decided to wear light armor and to develop my cloth crafting skills. When I shared this with my guild-mates they all laughed at me and told me that I will change my mind in the higher levels. But I continued to play with cloth and shield. That was the second best decision that I made in the game. The best one is still that I rolled a DK.
I'm not sure level 20 is a good point for conclusive testing.
If armor provides 1% protection for every 50 points of it, and you have ~700 armor at level 20, then that's just 14% protection, even if everything works as intended. It is easy to come to the conclusion that armor is not worth it at that point. But as the armor cap increases, so does the protection it offers.
According to me it doesn't matter when I did the test because the logic is the same. If at lvl 21 I am hard capped at 800 and this means that at lvl 21 I should have 50% reduction. If at vr 12 I am hard capped at 2500 it will be again 50% reduction. The reduction scales with the soft and hard cap scales. It is not a fixed formula where 50 points of armor gives you 1%. At lvl 21 if the hard cap is 800 that means 16 points of armor gives you 1% damage mitigation while at Vr12 because the hard cap now is 2500, that means 50 points gives 1%.
Testing on the PTS w/ v12 character.
Baseline: Naked with no shield
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage: took 336 dmg per light attack.
0 armor = 0% mitigation
LIght armor w/ passives but no shield
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage: took 295 dmg per light attack.
850 armor = 13% mitigation
LIght armor w/ passives + shield
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage: took 286 dmg per light attack.
1027 armor = 15% mitigation
Medium armor w/ passives but no shield
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage: took 272 dmg per light attack.
1285 armor = 19% mitigation
Medium armor w/ passives + shield
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage: took 262 dmg per light attack.
1462 armor = 22% mitigation
Heavy armor w/ passives but no shield
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage: took 237 dmg per light attack.
1933 armor = 30% mitigation(this is approx. where overcharging begins)
Heavy armor w/ passives + shield
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage: took 231 dmg per light attack.
2037 armor = 32% mitigation
In full heavy w/ shield + passives + 1 armor buffs (1150 from Unstoppable IV)
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage during buff: took 200 dmg per light attack.
2614 armor = 40% mitigation(That's an extra 8% mitigation for roughly 11 sec)
In full heavy w/ shield + passives + 2 armor buffs (1150 from Unstoppable IV and 1750 from Shadow Barrier passive for NB, though other classes have similar buffs available.)
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage during that 4 sec: took 168 dmg per light attack.
3305 armor = 50% mitigation(That's an extra 10% mitigation for 4 sec)
In full heavy w/ shield + passives + 3 armor buffs (1150 from Unstoppable IV, 1750 from Shadow Barrier passive for NB though other classes have similar buffs available, and 2500 from Bone Shield.)
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage during that 4 sec: took 168 dmg per light attack.
4094 armor = 50% mitigation(Proves 50% mitigation is the hard cap)
Based on the above math, every 66 armor = roughly 1% mitigation.
Now I am VR12 and I play with 7 light armors (900 armor) and a shield and I can tank 4-5 players in pvp for more than 90 seconds
How much of the damage you take in PvP is actually mitigated by armor?
Unless you get jumped by a NB, it's 90% talons, banners, shards, mage's fury, impulse...
Testing on the PTS w/ v12 character.
Baseline: Naked with no shield
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage: took 336 dmg per light attack.
0 armor = 0% mitigation
LIght armor w/ passives but no shield
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage: took 295 dmg per light attack.
850 armor = 13% mitigation
LIght armor w/ passives + shield
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage: took 286 dmg per light attack.
1027 armor = 15% mitigation
Medium armor w/ passives but no shield
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage: took 272 dmg per light attack.
1285 armor = 19% mitigation
Medium armor w/ passives + shield
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage: took 262 dmg per light attack.
1462 armor = 22% mitigation
Heavy armor w/ passives but no shield
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage: took 237 dmg per light attack.
1933 armor = 30% mitigation(this is approx. where overcharging begins)
Heavy armor w/ passives + shield
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage: took 231 dmg per light attack.
2037 armor = 32% mitigation
In full heavy w/ shield + passives + 1 armor buffs (1150 from Unstoppable IV)
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage during buff: took 200 dmg per light attack.
2614 armor = 40% mitigation(That's an extra 8% mitigation for roughly 11 sec)
In full heavy w/ shield + passives + 2 armor buffs (1150 from Unstoppable IV and 1750 from Shadow Barrier passive for NB, though other classes have similar buffs available.)
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage during that 4 sec: took 168 dmg per light attack.
3305 armor = 50% mitigation(That's an extra 10% mitigation for 4 sec)
In full heavy w/ shield + passives + 3 armor buffs (1150 from Unstoppable IV, 1750 from Shadow Barrier passive for NB though other classes have similar buffs available, and 2500 from Bone Shield.)
vs. pack of 4 v11 Welwas, all physical damage during that 4 sec: took 168 dmg per light attack.
4094 armor = 50% mitigation(Proves 50% mitigation is the hard cap)
Based on the above math, every 66 armor = roughly 1% mitigation. (rounded, not exact)
Light armor + Bone Armor = 38% mitigation for 5 sec, long enough to mitigate a power attack but keep the light armor passives... at least for PvE where you can tell a power attack is coming.
So armor does matter vs. physical dmg, but how much of the PvE damage is actually just physical damage?
How do you guys propose to buff heavy armor?
Note light armours should not be nerfed, it's hard to survive as is for sorcs. Don't use robe dk as example of what should be done to the robe.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Note light armours should not be nerfed, it's hard to survive as is for sorcs. Don't use robe dk as example of what should be done to the robe.
The game began beta testing March 26 of last year. That's fifteen months ago. The game was released as "ready" on April 4th. That's more than two months ago. That fundamental game mechanics like armour or stamina v magicka are still conspicuously unbalanced is nothing like expecting "instant bug fixes". Hell, on most of these issues we don't even have the reasonable expectation that they are doing anything or that they even consider these problems problems. Meanwhile, we pay and we wait.Well, what else are they going to do? It's not possible to make instant bug fixes. They have to figure out what's causing the issue, then write the code, then test that, then put it in a patch.
leandro.800ub17_ESO wrote: »This bring another question. Reduce target armor by X or armor penetration is it worth it?
If mobs hit you almost the same if you are naked then if the other way around is the same why use these enchants?
These hard caps are just a consequence of combat design. You should use active defense (block, dodge, etc) instead of relying on passives.
Yep you are right that most of the damage is from the skills that you said. But there are a lot of players who use light attacks of bows, daggers, swords, and before the nerf bash...
It would be nice if you can test also when you block how the damage scales. Because I don't believe that there is a good synergy between armor and block.
If I remember correctly, when I did my tests: if a mob hits for 1000 and you block it with 60% reduction from the block mitigation and you are hard-capped with 50% armor reduction then the mob will hit you for 200 (1000*(1-0.6)*(1-0.5)). With zero armor and block the mob will hit you for 400. So from 1000 with hard capped armor you earn only 20% reduction of the damage when you block. This is not worth it.
nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO wrote: »
Dodge, dodge and dodge again. Every single of their high damage attacks get nullified if you dodge out of the red zone or at any time during their activation.
The game began beta testing March 26 of last year.
cubansyrusb16_ESO wrote: »Heavy armour is pointless you can remove all your armour leaving weapon and accessories and carry on playing as if you was geared.
Amsel_McKay wrote: »I like how we are comparing heavy with light and naked. I wonder if Medium would be best because you will hit the caps and have bonus in dodging damage...
You can get hard capped in Medium 50% mitigation and receive 35% dodge would that not be the best?
I've come to the conclusion that for a stamina based tank, it as actually "better" to use medium armor with one hand and shield because of the synergy between tanking and the medium armor buffs.
Dexterity = more threat from crits
Wind Walker = faster stam regen for more blocking
Improved Sneak = initial big hit from stealth to start fight with higher threat without using a taunt
Agility = more swings which create more threat
Athletics = more mobility for a cheaper cost
Evasion and morphs = PURE miss chance, not % mitigation. Each time an enemy misses due to this skill = 100% mitigation. Combine this skill with the Hist Bark set which also grants dodge chance while blocking and roughly 35% - 42% of all incoming attacks should miss.
NB can even get a class skill that grants more on top of that using magicka instead of stam so it draws from both resource pools... depending on the morph that's anywhere between another 15% and 30%! albeit short term... 2 sec of 30% miss chance on activation and then another 24sec of 15% miss chance.
Provided you keep up both of these relatively expensive skills and block, that totals 72% miss chance for 2 sec and 58% miss chance for 24 sec... on top of the mitigation you can attain for when you do get hit.
Great for those oh crap moments or just to alternate the resources you are using.