luizterra23 wrote: »The zone chat have been doomed to become a trade spam site, because there is no efficient (neither cheap) way to trade your own goods. The result of it is the huge amount of wasted items that we throw away because farming from mobs is largelly more efficient than trading goods for acquiring gold. The economy becomes staggered, and the fun of collecting and crafting goods is lost along with it's purpose.
Either way, If it's not supposed to have some serverwide Auction House in the game, at least the COD feature should be exempt of charges, and the Guild Store having it's posting fee cutted by half.
It becomes a paradigm that we should not be allowed to spam chat as while the game pushes us of doing so.
Agree. Drops are high, demand is low. Convenience is low. It's almost impossible to sell anything.
I try it one time in the zone chat, then I vendor or deconstruct it. Then I move on.
No, for me personally it does not work.
I am not happy with:
- the present functionality of the Guild Stores (not enough filters, no search by name, no sort by price per item etc),
- the constant spam WTS in all zone chats,
- the ridiculously high fee for COD items or selling the in a Guild Store,
- high repair costs combined with small vendor price of items you loot.
I am still trying to adapt and find my spot here, but so far - no, for me the existing system does not work. It does not make me happy.
spencerfollowsb16_ESO wrote: »Give change a chance people. Or go to one of the other generic mmos where you can be spoon fed the same experience yet again.
This game currently has no overarching "economy" to speak of. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of miniature sub-economies in all the various guild stores and zone chat in various shards/instances of all the zones.
While I can somewhat agree with some of the sentiment of people in this thread about auction houses being plagued by gold and item farmers, the problem with the guild store system the way it stands right now is that it's way too limited. A successful market economy needs to include as many people as possible. 500 people is nowhere near enough to create a true market as supply, demand and prices could be wildly different between each guild.
I am not overly familiar with the back-end infrastructure that it would require, but based on experience with other games like WoW and the now defunct Diablo 3 auction houses, it is entirely possible to implement an auction house on a large scale in this game as well, probably one each for the NA and EU megaservers. More people = more supply of items, more listings, more capability for consumers to actually have access to and purchase what they need without having to waste their time joining trading guilds and digging through the currently horrendous guild store interface, better prices for everyone as there will be thousands/hundreds of thousands/millions of potential sellers all competing for business. The more listings there are, the more quickly prices will stabilize and an actual economy will be born.
Just my opinion anyway, I'm sure there are plenty who will disagree with me.
I belong to four trade guilds with hundreds of members each, but yet I find *one* bottle of dwarven oil to purchase at 500g. Sorry, but I only look stupid... No thanks... There is something *very* wrong with that and this example only underscores the problem. I think that
clocksstoppe wrote: »
No, there is nothig wrong with that. crafting tempers are the hardest things to obtain and that is why nobody is selling theirs
Adding an auction house would not make this game like all the others. Guild stores are basically just auction houses anyway. The only difference is they aren't nearly as good. So unless you are lucky and found a very effective guild store that allows you to buy what you need, the system is not going to be satisfactory.
grayssonb16_ESO wrote: »
we all play on one server, it's a difference if we got one auction house which dictates prices for everyone (with the pricegouging, goldseller moneylaundering etc.) or a lot of different markets, it would also remove an incentive for guilds to cap castles to sell to everyone.
being in a highpop trade guild helps as well.