Magicka was one of the first guilds in The Elder Scrolls Online, created during the early days of the beta. Continued in the full game under the leadership of
@Marginis, Magicka has since returned to the breadth and class it had in the beta, and then surpassed it. Magicka now stands as one of Elder Scrolls Online's premiere RP (roleplay) guilds.
For those that don't know what RP is, it basically means that when you're in-game, you play as your character. You don't look at the game in terms of it being a game, with skill trees, stats, and numbers, but you look at it as a real world like our own, with the exception of having magic and talking cat people. When you speak in-game, it's not you, it's your character. An example: if you play as a Khajiit, you might speak like NPC Khajiit, saying "this one" or "Khajiit" instead of "I" or "me". If you might normally say you're a level 40, instead you might say you're particularly skilled in combat, or maybe just really strong. For some this kind of thing comes naturally. Others have to take some time to learn it. Regardless, RP allows all of us to much more fully immerse ourselves in the world of Elder Scrolls Online, and because of that we enjoy playing TESO in a way those who don't RP never will.
Speaking of roleplay, Magicka being an RP guild, we do expect our members to be IC (in character) at least most of the time. While we will not strictly require RP all the time, Magicka
strongly encourages staying in character. Try to stay IC in guild chat and at guild events, and use brackets [ ] or some similar denotation to indicate that you are speaking OOC (out of character). Tamriel is a rich world full of many wondrous things – you wouldn’t want to ruin that by talking about framerate drops and stat charts, would you? And don't worry if you are new to RP, Magicka guildmates are more than willing to help you learn the ropes. And to specify, RP is used in all chats when interacting with the guild in a group setting (this includes guild chat [/g#], group chat[/g], yell[/y], and say[/s] unless specified otherwise.
Outside of RP, Magicka is a teamwork driven community, with veterans helping fresh-faced recruits, Altmer fighting side by side with Khajiit, and bards entertaining even the most grim warriors. And although Magicka is based in the Aldmeri Dominion, where the magicka flows strongest, we welcome with open arms all races, all alliances, mages, rogues, and warriors alike – yes, even Argonians. This applies equally to players. We are based on the NA servers, but gladly host players all across the world, from Russia to Australia to the US to the UK.
Aside from having a wide variety of members, we also do a mixture of activities. While Magicka mainly just acts as a hub for RPers to gather and group up, we often RP in Magicka itself, meet in a nearby pub to get drinks and tell stories, go on quests and fight daedra, and rarely, sometimes even venture out into Cyrodil (our unofficial PvP campaign is Azura's Star).
It should also be mentioned that while Magicka does not have any requirements or regulations regarding such, our guild color is
blue, and we use the
symbol for
alteration as our guild emblem when the option is present.