Nayrore Administry (PVE-PVP-RP Guild)

Soul Shriven
"And at that moment, the Administry was reborn.."
The Nayrore Memoir, Part 19

Who is the Nayrore Administry?
The Nayrore Administry is a guild aimed at restoring a long-lost group known as the Administry of the Nayrore(Backstory of this guild will be written over time). The guild focuses on exploring Tamriel, battling in Cyrodiil, meeting up to hang out, and selling hand-crafted goods to the public. The Administry is an extension of the Magicka guild, created by a member of the guild and helped by guildmaster Kha'jiri.
Anyone can join the Admistry, and a letter sent to me or one of the officers stating your interest will result in an invite. Anyone new to the guild will automatically become an Underling(tier 1 of membership) until ten days have passed or the member has helped the guild in some way. This will make the Underling become promoted to a full member(tier 2 of the guild). If the member has shown extraordinary behavior and is worthy of the title, they will become an Officer(tier 3).
Guild members must follow the following rules:
-No downgrading or insulting other residents of Tamriel (unless in roleplay).

-Must be serious during (OOC) guild meetings involving rule changes or expulsion of a member.

-Strong language or sexual content is prohibited (STRONG, as there are younger players. Some language or sexual references are okay).

-No overpowering the guild government (UNLESS involved in roleplay; Nayrore Administry is trying to follow a Democracy when it comes to making rules and decisions. So far, it is a bit unbalanced).

-Follow Tamriel(ESO) rules.

Breaking one of the rules will result in a warning. After three warnings, a trial will be held and consequences will pursue.
What Does the Guild Do?
In the Administry, there are multiple activities one could take part in:

-Group Adventuring(PVE): Members in the guild team up to take on dungeons, kill enemies, and just explore!

-Cyrodiil Warfare(PVP): Guild members go to Cyrodiil and fight for their respective alliance.

-Guild Meet-Ups(Roleplay): Members find a place to settle down and have fun! (Roleplay is still in beta, and is done in the roleplay guild Magicka for now..)

-Official Meetings(OOC and IC Decisionmaking): Held when new rules and decisions are being made, member trials are being held, or something related is happening. (Done in OOC, but are also held in IC sometimes)
The Nayrore Memoir

The following writing is what has been discovered of the Nayrore Memoir, a group of books written by the original Administry, up until Part 18, where the guild suddenly vanished. Part 19 and on have been in development by the Nayrore Administry...
-Part 1-
It all started with a single Tamrielan, a Breton priest by the name of Uraesl Descques..

(The Memoir section will be written as time goes by..)
Guild Connections

-The Nayrore Administry is a daughter guild of Magicka.
Edited by CrunchyTayPey on May 28, 2014 8:06PM
Gah, alright! Uh..
My Tumblr!
My Charahub page!
  • CrunchyTayPey
    Soul Shriven
    Sadly, as of right now, ESO has been a mess on my side. Still trying to fix whatever the problem is.. :|
    Gah, alright! Uh..
    My Tumblr!
    My Charahub page!
  • myven
    Good day - I think it is anyway...

    I have a couple if question about the guild.

    First off, is the guild still active? Secondly, if active: are you recruting? Upps, here comes another question, is the guild online on Europe server as well?

    Myvryna is my character, and she is - as I write this comment - a level 34 breton sorcerer. I am exploring the possibilities if casual RP guilds and I really love your name (what I got so far). I am no hardcore roleplayer due to my passion to dö tje other stuff to (not crafting though, quite dull acording to myself). I have only played ESO for one and half week now, but really loving it and want to stay around. Though i feel a bit lonely, because of the huge world and all.

    You can send me a message or mail if you like to invite me or try me or something. Have very nice day to you!

    Character: Myvryna
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