PTS Patch Notes v1.4.1

Community Manager
Notes de version PTS 1.4.1


The Elder Scrolls Online v1.4.1 features additional fixes to gameplay, itemization, and addresses many issues with dungeons, Craglorn, and Trials.


Alliance War
  • Increased the stats of battle-leveled player characters by 10%.
  • Elite vendors in Cyrodiil now sell Veteran Rank 14 gear.
  • Wanders-Far has reduced the cost of gear, and is now selling at the same rate as other nearby vendors.

Combat & Gameplay
  • Reduced the Veteran point cost for Veteran Ranks 13 and 14 so it takes less time to progress through those ranks.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the weapons held in slot 1 and slot 2, then weapon swapping, could cause the weapon models not to load.

  • Ardent Flame
    • Burning Embers: This ability’s heal no longer stacks multiplicatively when multiple player characters cast it on the same target.

  • Daedric Summoning
    • Volatile Familiar (Unstable Familiar morph): Fixed an issue where this ability was exploding twice; the damage has been set back to 20% of casters maximum magicka.

  • Undaunted
    • Bone Shield I: This synergy can no longer be activated by the caster.

  • Aura of Protection, a shaman monster ability, now correctly protects the shaman’s allies in combat. Ranged allies of the shaman now attempt to reach the totem when they aren’t busy casting.
  • Player character area-of-effect spells no longer fail to show their spell effects when cast in proximity to the Shaman’s “Aura of Protection” totem.
  • Fixed an issue where some monsters could become stuck running back and forth between player characters at range if no damage or healing was being done.
  • The tiny dark anchor that could appear while fighting dremora has been replaced with a daedric arch. Banekin summoned through the arch will now be vulnerable to daedra-fighting effects, as intended.

Crafting & Economy
  • Removed all crafting writs and associated quests, as this is a system that is not yet ready to be tested. They will return in a future patch.
  • Monsters will drop leather scraps again, regardless of the level of the character that kills them.
  • Level 15, 25, 35, and 45 equipment will now yield more consistent deconstruction materials appropriate to the item’s name.
  • All trophy fish required for the Rift Angler achievement can now be found in The Rift.
  • The Coldharbour Angler fishing achievement now correctly references only trophy fish located in Coldharbour.
  • Significantly increased the amount of inspiration gained from glyph creation.

Guild Store
  • Fixed an issue that where you could be erroneously charged the guild store listing fee when attempting to list items past your maximum listing limit.

Dungeons & Group Content
  • Fixed an issue so you will no longer enter empty Veteran Dungeons.

Dark Anchors
  • Boss waves will now aggro all player characters engaged with the event when they spawn.
  • It is no longer possible to aggro only one part of any Dark Anchor wave.

  • Faldar’s Tooth
    • Rozelun’s health bar now shows a Champion pip to properly display her increased difficulty.
  • Jode’s Light
    • Fixed an issue where a treasure chest and a Thunderbug were not accessible.
    • Fixed an issue where Yanadar would not reset properly after you died.
    • Fixed an issue where Yanadar’s VO wasn’t playing when he died.

Dragonstar Arena
  • LFG for Dragonstar Arena now has the proper Veteran Rank queuing requirements (VR 10 through 14 for normal mode, VR 14 only for veteran mode).
  • Fixed an issue where some music would not conclude.
  • Increased the movement speed for Champions and Bannermen.
  • Fixed an issue where Battlemaster Hiath would not taunt you after your group would die in the first Arena encounter.

  • Direfrost Keep
    • Eboric Direfrost will now be thawed after completing the last boss.

Veteran Dungeons
  • Veteran Spindleclutch
    • You will no longer be able to separate Praxin Dourare from the monsters in the fight.

  • General
    • Added achievements for Difficult Mode Trials.
  • Aetherian Archive
    • Changed Valariel and her clones so that they are now water elemental-type monsters instead of ghosts, to match their overland brethren.
  • Hel Ra Citadel
    • Fixed an issue if you were Stone Formed while casting an ability in Difficult Mode, and were unable to use the synergy Destructive Outbreak to free yourself.
    • Fixed an issue where Yokeda Rok’dun (Welwa Master) was not walking out with his welwas to start the fight.
  • Sanctum Ophidia
    • Fixed an issue where the vendor Lady Blade would not display some of her items if you were VR5 and below.
    • Fixed an issue where treasure chests were not group shared.
    • The Rockheaver Troll’s ability Rock Toss can no longer be interrupted.
    • Fixed an issue where the mini-boss Stonebreaker would not properly reset.
    • Fixed an issue where you were unable to access the secret item associated with the optional event.
    • Possessed Mantikora
      • You may find that attacking from the ledge above is now less survivable…
      • The ladder beyond the Mantikora is no longer interactable until after the Mantikora has died.
    • Serpent Celestial
      • Fixed an issue with the FX for one of the Celestial’s abilities.
      • Treasure chests will now spawn in Sanctum Ophidia.

Upper Craglorn
  • Fixed an issue where some wasp nests were not spawning additional wasps.
  • Fixed an issue where monsters would follow you through closed doors in some delves.
  • There are no longer unnecessary orbs on top of the braziers inside Loth'Na Caverns.
  • Overland bosses now have proper names.
  • Skyshards found in delves will now contribute toward the Skyshard Hunter achievement.
  • Sepilisk, found in Fearfangs Caverns, now behaves a little more intelligently when dealing with ranged opponents.
  • The quest step to kill Armorer Uthik no longer advances after she resets.
  • Skyreach Pinnacle
  • Aetherion can no longer knock you down if you are under the effects of Immovable or its morphs.

Exploration & Itemization
  • Fixed an issue with the Nirhoned weapon trait tooltip saying it gives a 0% increase to spell resistance.
  • The Nirnhoned weapon trait is now more powerful when applied to a two-handed weapon.
  • The Nirnhoned weapon trait now stacks when you are dual wielding.
  • You can now loot Wasp nests in Upper Craglorn.
  • Fixed an issue where the Sabatons of the Knightmare were Heavy Legs armor, instead of the intended Heavy Feet armor.
  • Skald’s Ring now has the Robust trait instead of no trait.
  • Fascinating Ring now has the Healthy trait instead of no trait.
  • Weapon enchants from difficult mode Trials are now more powerful.
  • Fixed an issue where the weekly quest reward for difficult mode Trials was giving out normal mode items.
  • Trials weapons now have a greater variety of weapon procs.
  • Item set pieces will now drop from non-boss monsters in Trials.
  • Set items from Upper Craglorn now scale to your level.
  • Fixed an issue where Mundus Stone buffs were not being applied.

Vanity Pets
  • Razak’s Opus no longer has collision.

Alik’r Desert
  • Rain Catcher Fields: The Johads will no longer affect your game performance.

  • Ensuring Security: Advisor Norion is no longer in two places at once.

  • The Final Assault: All group members will now be able to enter the Planar Vortex.

  • Can't Take It With Them: Adjusted the compass pins for this quest.

  • Bosmer Insight: The Spirit Animal buff will no longer apply outside of Grahtwood.

  • Stone Cold: Fixed an issue where The Hollow Watchman was not available.

Reaper’s March
  • Fixed several issues with the achievement Reaper's March Pathfinder.
  • Troll Arena: The troll fight will now always finish.
  • The Golden Claw: Rid-Thar-ri'Datta will now always be present when you need to talk to him.
  • Motes in the Moonlight: You will now be able to cleanse all four beacons.
  • A Traitor's Luck: You can now advance the quest after looting Captain gro-Mak.

  • Traitor's Tor: General Dathieu will no longer yell and complain about Ranser so frequently.
  • Hope Lost: Thibierry will now respawn if he gets stuck.

  • Three Tender Souls: The bodies in the crypt are no longer levitating unnaturally.
  • The achievement Slave Lord's Ruination will now be awarded when killing Rendrasa.
  • The achievement Rude Awakening now requires completing the proper locations.

  • Protecting the Hall: Defending the hall will now always progress you through the quest.

  • Azura's Relics: You can now use the scroll to summon the Daedra at the waterfall more consistently.
  • Lost Lions: Elise, Laroche, and Renard will now stop cowering after being rescued, and Elise no longer teleports away after you rescue her.
  • Repairing the Cage: Adjusted the compass pins for this quest.

Stros M’Kai
  • The Moment of Truth: You will now be able to advance this quest if Dugroth runs off early.

The Rift
  • Stomping Sinmur: All group members will now progress to the same quest step when defeating Sinmur.

  • Scion of the Blood Matron: The Basin of Suffering now has one compass marker.

  • Fixed an issue with the message in the Guild History so that Guild Traders are no longer considered currency.
  • Tutorials for using Siege weapons will now instruct you to use the Left Mouse Button (LMB) to fire the Siege weapon.
  • Fixed an issue where you were being erroneously charged for items that were not listed past the allowed 30 days when listing items on the Guild Store repeatedly.

Edit on 8/29 - Removed the following note from the Combat & Gameplay section:
  • You now have the option to only respec morphs. This is less expensive than a full respec of all abilities.

This change did not make it onto the PTS, but it will be in the live release of Update 4. We apologize for any confusion this caused!
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
Staff Post
  • Xsorus
    Darn.. still no fix for weapon enchant status effects
  • KhajitFurTrader
    • You now have the option to only respec morphs. This is less expensive than a full respec of all abilities.

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! This is great! :smiley:
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Is something ever going to be done about being stuck with the Warrior mundus stone? Still no updates for the issue from live, 1.3.5 didn't fix it, 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 have nothing.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on August 27, 2014 7:31PM
  • Anath_Q

    [*] Monsters will drop leather scraps again, regardless of the level of the character that kills them.

    I hope this includes gut drops from critters.

    | GM Cheesemongers of Nirn |
  • Wyld
    Was the 4th point in researching for Blacksmithing, Clothing, and woodworking fixed or removed with the crafting writ system?

    Edit: Answered my own question when I logged in. The answer is yes it is fixed. TYVM for your attention and dedication!
    Edited by Wyld on August 27, 2014 7:40PM
  • madangrypally
    Did the patch happen yet? I logged in and no morph only respec option and the PvP vendor still does not have the VR14 version.
  • Erock25
    They should also fix the fact that healthy on jewelry gives the same amount of stats as stamina /magicka instead of the usual 1.5x.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Can someone say what the morph-only respec cost is?
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • stewie_801
    Anyone else having a problem logging onto the PTS? It won't let me enter my account info at all. Tried both restarting my computer and the PTS. Still won't let me type in the PTS. Or click any of the options on the left side of the PTS login page. It simply clicks stuff on my desktop. Started a few apps accidentally this way.
    PC/NA Ebonheart Pact
    Invictus , Teut Spindle Your Brindle Officer
    Stewie the Destroyer Imperial Templar Former Emperor of Haderus
    Stewie's Big Ole Johnson Khajiit Nightblade
    Ser Arthur Dayne Dark Elf Dragonknight Former Emperor of Chillrend and Haderus
    Stewie's Bank Slot High Elf Sorcerer

  • Dominoid
    Can't find a way to respec morph only. At least at the shrine locations in Mournhold.
  • Dominoid
    Anath_Q wrote: »

    I hope this includes gut drops from critters.

    No guts or crawlers. ;-(

    I would have thought they were the same issue.
  • Grimbim
    Notes de version PTS 1.4.1

    Alliance War
    • Increased the stats of battle-leveled player characters by 10%.
    Can someone please explain to me what a battle-leveled player character is?
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Anath_Q wrote: »

    I hope this includes gut drops from critters.
    Not for this patch, but we are aware they're still not dropping and are working on fixing it.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Docmandu
    > Reduced the Veteran point cost for Veteran Ranks 13 and 14 so it takes less time to progress through those ranks.

    Remove the VR bump crap already or give an insta +2 VR button I can press instead of standing in a craglorn grind group for 2 days.
  • gurluasb16_ESO
    Awwh I was excited for the crafting quests :/ They'd have been a good solo thing in this group-focused patch.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Is something ever going to be done about being stuck with the Warrior mundus stone? Still no updates for the issue from live, 1.3.5 didn't fix it, 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 have nothing.

    So you guys plan to just brush this under the rug. K.
  • Docmandu
    Grimbim wrote: »
    Can someone please explain to me what a battle-leveled player character is?

    It's cannon fodder for VR players... but more precisely if you're lower level you will get stats of a level 45(M)-ish player in Cyrodiil. It's meant to give lower level players a chance, but versus VR12's (soon VR14's) you stand little chance.. and the non-vet campaigns are unfortunately just emperor / buff farm campaigns (and have VR5 guards O.o) -- so they are pretty much dead, meaning you have to face VR1-14 players on your lowbie.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Docmandu wrote: »

    It's cannon fodder for VR players... but more precisely if you're lower level you will get stats of a level 45(M)-ish player in Cyrodiil. It's meant to give lower level players a chance, but versus VR12's (soon VR14's) you stand little chance.. and the non-vet campaigns are unfortunately just emperor / buff farm campaigns (and have VR5 guards O.o) -- so they are pretty much dead, meaning you have to face VR1-14 players on your lowbie.

    Actually it puts you at about a base vr1-2 in stats, if I recall correctly. Haven't leveled yet or gotten any gear? Then why should they have stats matching top-tier?

    So has there been no consideration that over 50% of the forums dislike the increase in veteran ranks?

    Is this going to be your attitude towards feedback in the future? Just ignore it?

    Some forum polls of people complaining in a petition thread isn't a very accurate representation, when you consider virtually everyone in said threads doesn't even realize that VR12 vs. VR14 is about a 1-2% power difference anyway and hardly worth being fussed about.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • LonePirate
    Awwh I was excited for the crafting quests :/ They'd have been a good solo thing in this group-focused patch.

    I share the sentiment. Unfortunately, there were far too many problems with these quests. Given ZOS' glacial pace when it comes to fixing even the simplest of things, it is no wonder these quests were removed. I don't expect to see them restored until 1.5 and maybe not until 1.6.

    Thankfully us solo/duo players can rely on all of the other post VR10 content in the game that was created for us. Oh wait, there isn't any.

  • Docmandu

    Actually it puts you at about a base vr1-2 in stats, if I recall correctly. Haven't leveled yet or gotten any gear? Then why should they have stats matching top-tier?

    Some forum polls of people complaining in a petition thread isn't a very accurate representation, when you consider virtually everyone in said threads doesn't even realize that VR12 vs. VR14 is about a 1-2% power difference anyway and hardly worth being fussed about.

    So.. in the first part you say, suck it up and you need to level and gear (while a sub 50 can put on whatever he wants, it won't matter since he'll be below the stats he'll get battle-leveled to anyway).. and in the second part you say you don't need to level to VR14 as it all doesn't matter since it's "only" 1-2% power difference.

    So.. which is it?!
  • Dominoid
    LonePirate wrote: »

    I share the sentiment. Unfortunately, there were far too many problems with these quests. Given ZOS' glacial pace when it comes to fixing even the simplest of things, it is no wonder these quests were removed. I don't expect to see them restored until 1.5 and maybe not until 1.6.

    Thankfully us solo/duo players can rely on all of the other post VR10 content in the game that was created for us. Oh wait, there isn't any.

    Ya I could see how in an MMO your 16 Solo PVE regions to 1 Group PVE region is totally unfair to you.
    Edited by Dominoid on August 27, 2014 9:26PM
  • LonePirate
    Dominoid wrote: »

    Ya I could see how in an MMO your 16 Solo PVE regions to 1 Group PVE region is totally unfair to you.

    I see you still cling to the archaic notion that MMO = group content only. Given how you prefer to live in the past, how much of a hassle is it to drive a car that you start by turning a crank on the front of it? What's it like to watch television on a square black and white only box? Are you still amazed by that new wonder drug they call penicillin?
  • Samadhi
    Notes include no fixes for the issue with DoTs breaking Nightblade invisibility that was first acknowledged in May.

    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Dominoid
    LonePirate wrote: »

    I see you still cling to the archaic notion that MMO = group content only. Given how you prefer to live in the past, how much of a hassle is it to drive a car that you start by turning a crank on the front of it? What's it like to watch television on a square black and white only box? Are you still amazed by that new wonder drug they call penicillin?

    Who said anything about group content only? Simply pointing out the obvious fact that solo players complaining about nothing to do is hypocrisy at its best. And I don't even do group content.
    Edited by Dominoid on August 27, 2014 9:59PM
  • LonePirate
    Dominoid wrote: »

    Who said anything about group content only? Simply pointing out the obvious fact that solo players complaining about nothing to do is hypocrisy at its best. And I don't even do group content.

    My complaint was about the lack of post VR10 content for those players. You obviously misinterpreted that to mean "nothing to do." Nothing past VR10 is not the same as nothing to do, if it wasn't already apparent.
  • olsborg
    bleh, such a large portion of players dont want an increase in veteran ranks, and they still mean to go through with it..bleh

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Maverick827
    olsborg wrote: »
    bleh, such a large portion of players dont want an increase in veteran ranks, and they still mean to go through with it..bleh
    They won't even acknowledge it. I'm embarrassed for them, and I feel bad for all of the employees who feel the same way but can't say anything about it.

    Anyway, here's a quick joke just to lighten the mood: Why don't they play poker in the jungle? Too many cheetas!

    Edit: Thanks for the LOLs for my joke!
    Edited by Maverick827 on August 28, 2014 12:56AM
  • stewie_801
    Notes de version PTS 1.4.1

    Combat & Gameplay
    • You now have the option to only respec morphs. This is less expensive than a full respec of all abilities.

    So I cannot figure out how to do this respec morphs only. Tried on both an EP and DC using the trials template provided. At Mournhold in Deshaan and Wayrest in Stormhaven. Both times it just gives me the one option to do a whole respec. On both toons I have skills bought and morphed, and skill points in things like crafting that have no morphs.
    PC/NA Ebonheart Pact
    Invictus , Teut Spindle Your Brindle Officer
    Stewie the Destroyer Imperial Templar Former Emperor of Haderus
    Stewie's Big Ole Johnson Khajiit Nightblade
    Ser Arthur Dayne Dark Elf Dragonknight Former Emperor of Chillrend and Haderus
    Stewie's Bank Slot High Elf Sorcerer

  • thedatajunkie
    No Guts? Still? The price gouging on guts on the regular server is getting insane. 7500 gold for 100 guts.... please ZOS, fix this and stop the madness!
  • stewie_801
    No Guts? Still? The price gouging on guts on the regular server is getting insane. 7500 gold for 100 guts.... please ZOS, fix this and stop the madness!

    FYI there is a workaround to get guts. Go make a level 3 toon and kill critters. They still drop guts. Don't level him/her. Just kill critters. You will get all the guts you need until they fix this.
    PC/NA Ebonheart Pact
    Invictus , Teut Spindle Your Brindle Officer
    Stewie the Destroyer Imperial Templar Former Emperor of Haderus
    Stewie's Big Ole Johnson Khajiit Nightblade
    Ser Arthur Dayne Dark Elf Dragonknight Former Emperor of Chillrend and Haderus
    Stewie's Bank Slot High Elf Sorcerer

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