Bug on The heart of a telvanni Quest

Soul Shriven
when you enter work area in that mine it suppose to help slave in there to open the door for you Right? but there is No slave in there Eoki didn't show up when I kill Overseer in that room and that door can't open by myself so i'm stuck right there can't go any further.
  • Tirluka
    Soul Shriven
    The overseer is not where he is supposed to be even when i reloadui. I cannot proceed any further in the quest.
  • Indigo_Shade
    I am also stuck at the Vassamsi Mine Shaft door.

    Based on the quest discussion with Eoki before entering the Mine entrance, I decided to use the "powder" he gave me to throw at mobs in the mine. I also did this with the mini-Boss, who was in the area just before the entrance into the "Work Area".

    When I loaded the Work Area, I wondered why there were dead guards everyone, and no Slavemaster. The Mine Shaft door doesn't work.

    Additional Details
    Now there is not a soul (enemies, slaves, quest people) in the mine, and all the bad guys are dead, and their bodies lying everywhere.

    I have logged out, and back in, and even left the mine through the front door, just to see what would happen. Sun-in-Shadow and Eoki are standing out at the front, and when I speak to them, they both act like we have not gone into the mine yet. When I go back in, they do not follow and the mine hasn't reset.

    I would abandon the quest, but I've never done that before, and have no idea if I will loose the entire Quest Line or just this one single piece of it. Help!
    Edited by Indigo_Shade on August 21, 2017 2:47AM
  • Betheny
    It gets better - if you manage to get past this door, you'll get stuck on the very next step when Sun-In-Shadow stays in cowering mode and won't talk to you, after killing that slavemaster guy.

    I got stuck about 5 times in that first room (getting out of mine shaft door) and once I got through that door (luck) another 3 times after killing Slavemaster Arenim :|
  • leprosy
    Soul Shriven
    Don't bother with abandoning the quest it won't help. I hope this maintenance down time fixes the issue.
  • Skua
    I'm also stuck.

    I did the quest on the first playthrough and chose the powder, used it on the mob and the mini-boss. Got stuck inside the room before the work area with the boss. Eoki and Sun-in-Shadow moved and could be found standing in the entrance outside the mine. Logging out and back in did nothing to fix the problem.

    I abandoned the quest.

    On the second playthrough I chose the powder again and used it on the mob but killed the mini-boss. Made it into the chamber with the boss and killed him but Eoki and Sun-in-Shadow were stuck in chains even after he was dead so I could not talk to them. Logging out did nothing this time also.

    I guess I'll try it again killing everyone in a little while and see if that makes a difference.

    Update: went through with the kill all option and they still stayed stuck to the floor until I exited the cave through the back. They were standing by the entrance like I had not gone in, when I walked back through the cave from the entrance to the boss room I could talk to her as she was unchained at that point and finish the quest.
    Edited by Skua on August 22, 2017 12:20AM
  • leprosy
    Soul Shriven
    I was finally able to enter the last room but I couldn't talk to Eoki & Sun after killing the final guy. But was able too after leaving the cave and coming back in. I didn't use the dust on any mob but not sure that matters since i was having problems with both options. After 3 days I'm glad I'm done with the damn thing.
  • Indigo_Shade
    I finally got through it.

    1. I abandoned the quest and re-did the pre=mine tasks.
    2. When Eoki gave me options on how to deal with the mine, I selected the "kill" option.
    3. Got all the way through the tasks and killed the main boss.
    4. Found Eoki and Sun-In-Shadow were magically chained and I could not speak to either of them.
    5. Left the mine through the back entrance, and walked around to the front.
    6. Saw both Eoki and Sun-In-Shadow outside the entrance. Spoke to each of them, and both had dialogue as if we 3 had all been in the mine.
    7. Went back into the mine, everything was still dead. Walked all the way to the last area where I last saw Eoki and Sun-In-Shadow chained, but this time I could speak to Sun-In-Shadow, and was able to progress through the rest of the quest.

    Note: If it matters, I chose the "free Eoki" option.
  • TheRealPotoroo
    Aargh! Damn this quest. Done it twice, stuck again at the Escape Mine.
    PC NA, PC EU

    "Instead of taking the best of the dolmens (predictable rotation), the best of the geysers (scalability based on number of players), and the best of the dragons (map location and health indicators) and adding them together to make a fun and dynamic world event scenario, they gave us....... harrowstorms." https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/6850523/#Comment_6850523
  • EttinTheBreton
    I'm also stuck in the Vassamsi Mine:
    The door appears to be locked, as the "Open" letters are grayed out and I cannot proceed. When Eoki and Sun-In-Shadow entered the mine with me after using the smoke bombs in the first section, I saw some NPC start to yell and run into the door in the area where I am stuck above. That might have been the overseer character that Eoki (or someone) warned be about, but I'm not sure if triggering their alarm is avoidable or not.

    I believe I am stuck, and I'll try abandoning the quest tomorrow to see if I can fix it.
    I am also stuck at the Vassamsi Mine Shaft door. [snip]

    I would abandon the quest, but I've never done that before, and have no idea if I will loose the entire Quest Line or just this one single piece of it. Help!
    @Indigo_Shade it should be fine to abandon the quest. I do not think we will lose the entire quest line, only to the part where we talk to Eoki on the docks (or where Sun-In-Shadow asks us to talk to him, when we begin the actual quest "The heart of a Telvanni"). So I believe we will lose the progress of going to the bar, talking to the drunk people, then going to the "camp", then going to the (actual) camp, and then going into the mine.

    Also, it was strange to hear Sun-In-Shadow gasp and say, "Eoki, are these bodies?" even though I had used the powder bombs that were just supposed to knock them out.

  • TheRealPotoroo
    I finally got through it.

    1. I abandoned the quest and re-did the pre=mine tasks.
    2. When Eoki gave me options on how to deal with the mine, I selected the "kill" option.
    3. Got all the way through the tasks and killed the main boss.
    4. Found Eoki and Sun-In-Shadow were magically chained and I could not speak to either of them.
    5. Left the mine through the back entrance, and walked around to the front.
    6. Saw both Eoki and Sun-In-Shadow outside the entrance. Spoke to each of them, and both had dialogue as if we 3 had all been in the mine.
    7. Went back into the mine, everything was still dead. Walked all the way to the last area where I last saw Eoki and Sun-In-Shadow chained, but this time I could speak to Sun-In-Shadow, and was able to progress through the rest of the quest.

    Note: If it matters, I chose the "free Eoki" option.
    I just got through it. This time I also selected the "kill option". The trick to unlocking the door so you can escape the mine is timing - if you don't get up to the door before Eoki and Sun-In-Shadow arrive and have their fight then the door will never unlock. The first two times I did it today I stayed at the bottom of the room killing the guards while all the NPCs just disappeared on me. This time I got there in time.

    After that I killed the boss but 'talk to Sun-In-Shadow' didn't get triggered so like you I went outside, talked to them both, went back in the mine through the front entrance and then Sun-In-Shadow would talk to me. Then I exited onto the wharf and hung around talking to Eoki and Sun-In-Shadow until the end quest was triggered.

    This quest has already been patched once and now it's buggered again. I hope it's not going to be one of those nightmare quests they can never fix properly.
    PC NA, PC EU

    "Instead of taking the best of the dolmens (predictable rotation), the best of the geysers (scalability based on number of players), and the best of the dragons (map location and health indicators) and adding them together to make a fun and dynamic world event scenario, they gave us....... harrowstorms." https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/6850523/#Comment_6850523
  • maboleth
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Any word on this yet? I've heard lots of complaints in the zone chat as well. I'm yet to start this quest, but I'd rather wait for you guys to fix it.
  • Indigo_Shade
    While I was working on the second go-around with this quest (which worked) someon in Zone chat was having the same problem. After I received the Memento for completing the quest, I PM'd the player and told him what I did. While I was tooling around doing other stuff, he messaged me back saying it worked.

    @TheRealPotoroo You hint about the timing is probably spot on. Yes, I am pretty sure somebody goes through the work area door, screaming. If that doesn't happen, you can't open THAT door.

    And in the next area, the quest npc's do need to interact with the Boss, who I guess is the one that chains them. Silly though, that killing the Boss doesn't remove the chains. Though actually, Sun-in-Shadow releases Eoki from them.

    There are several spots where things get wonky in this quest, or just don't work right. It certainly needs more refinement.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    maboleth wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Any word on this yet? I've heard lots of complaints in the zone chat as well. I'm yet to start this quest, but I'd rather wait for you guys to fix it.

    No fix yet, but we are investigating. Will let you all know if we need more information - thanks!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • CrispyWalrus
    Soul Shriven
    Encountered this bug. Can't open the escape tunnel door-- E to interact is greyed out.
  • TheRealPotoroo
    Having done this quest on more than one alt I can confirm the trick to escaping the mine is to get up to the door in the Work Area before Eoki and Sun-In-Shadow arrive. Just rush up and wait. Some slave NPCs will disappear through the door but they are irrelevant, the three guard NPCs will show up but you've pulled them out of their zones so they are not a problem either. When Eoki and Sun-In-Shadow show up you need to go back down and deal with the guards. When they are dead Eoki and Sun-In-Shadow will have their argument and the door will unlock.
    PC NA, PC EU

    "Instead of taking the best of the dolmens (predictable rotation), the best of the geysers (scalability based on number of players), and the best of the dragons (map location and health indicators) and adding them together to make a fun and dynamic world event scenario, they gave us....... harrowstorms." https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/6850523/#Comment_6850523
  • ol_BANK_lo

    No fix yet, but we are investigating. Will let you all know if we need more information - thanks!

    Still broken on Xbox One for me as of today. I am stuck on "Escape the Mine". Can't get through door all the slaves ran out. Abandoned and did it again, and still nothing.
  • MutantMirage
    Hey guys, if you're still stuck and are using the knock-out powder on the Guard Captain, try progressing the quest without doing that. That's how it worked for me - heard this helped some other folks too!

    Good luck!
  • Ashdroid
    Hey guys, if you're still stuck and are using the knock-out powder on the Guard Captain, try progressing the quest without doing that. That's how it worked for me - heard this helped some other folks too!

    Good luck!

    Just tried this—no luck.

    I used the knock-out powder on the first group of guards, then killed the captain as well as the next group of guards in the work area (there was no option to use the knock-out powder for those last guys). I ran to the escape shaft door, and slaves were able to go through it, but I can't.

    Guess I'll have to try the kill everyone option next. Hopefully third time's the charm.

    Lethal option worked, but still had its bugs.

    After killing the Slavemaster, you have to talk to Sun-in-Shadow, but for me she was chained up and unable to be talked to. So I had to leave the mine and then circle back through it, then I could talk to her and was able to finish the quest.
    Edited by Ashdroid on September 7, 2017 4:45AM
    Pocketable Goods Reallocation Specialist
    PS4 NA
  • Kaliki
    I got stuck there too just now, also after taking the powder option.
    - Templars: Slower by Design® -
  • Megatto
    This is ***. Why haven't they fixed this yet?!
    Remove loot boxes or riot
  • Megatto

    No fix yet, but we are investigating. Will let you all know if we need more information - thanks!

    Remove loot boxes or riot
  • Vader716
    Soul Shriven
    It locked for me too, here was my process to get through, very similar to others.

    1. Abandoned and restarted quest
    2. Selected knockout/powder option
    3. Knocked out first guards with powder and freed two slaves.
    4. Entered next room and killed captain
    5. Ran through the door
    6. Killed three guards as they approached
    7. Ran to exit door ( that was locked before)
    8. It was still unopenable as I watched slaves walk through.
    9. Saw Sun-in-Shadow and Eoki argue and SiS knock him down.
    10. Open on door highlighted so immediately entered
    11. Killed slavemaster and was prompted to talk but couldn't
    12. Left through the exit on right side.
    13. Talked to SiS and Eoki with no effects
    14. Re-entered main entrance, ran to room where killed slavemaster, now I could talk to SiS
    15. Freed Eoki
    16. Left through exit.
    17. Completed quest.....arghhhh that was fun.

    Hope this helps someone.
  • Tinselworm
    Soul Shriven
    I am also having this problem right now, lets see if I can get though on my 3rd try...Edit: ok 3rd time it worked, I followed what Vader716s did and that worked for me.
    Edited by Tinselworm on September 16, 2017 10:36AM
  • Khyleth
    Soul Shriven
    How has this been bugged for a month with no word on a fix?
  • TheRealPotoroo
    Khyleth wrote: »
    How has this been bugged for a month with no word on a fix?

    PC NA, PC EU

    "Instead of taking the best of the dolmens (predictable rotation), the best of the geysers (scalability based on number of players), and the best of the dragons (map location and health indicators) and adding them together to make a fun and dynamic world event scenario, they gave us....... harrowstorms." https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/6850523/#Comment_6850523
  • Myyth
    yup still bugged!!

    cant leave the mine. Door is greyed out.

    guess ill try abandoning the quest

    Ok, abandoned quest, got sent all the way back to talking to sun in shadow in her house. did all the steps over again.

    Didnt work!
    Cant escape the mine.
    Edited by Myyth on September 22, 2017 4:24AM
  • Myyth
    I logged on today and my character was outside the cave. Killed the guards, captain and followed steps.
    The quest worked this time and I was able to complete it.

    I didnt do anything different, I guess just keep trying and it eventually fixes itself.
    Edited by Myyth on September 23, 2017 3:08AM
  • KcjAries78
    It is October! Why are these quest lines still not fixed? What are they waiting for? They made us pay for a new game and they can not fix these quests? This is not the only quest line that bugs out because of the characters running off or not loading fast enough so you know what to to. This is so annoying. I bombed the guards, killed the boss and everyone ran off. Get to the mine shaft exit and it will not let me out. This is ridiculous!
  • Mithoron
    I did the quest over the weekend...I had the issue where Sun-in-Shadow stayed cowered in fear after fighting the slavemaster; however, running around for a bit (5 minutes or so) and eventually she and Eoki stood up and walked to the door to open it for me...so for me it was simply waiting...
  • smacky
    4 Months later and still no fix.

    Either remove the mission, or unlock the door permanently until you fix it.

    I have just gone through the pain of this 2 times.

    1. This is not a DLC we get for being ESO Plus, It it a PAID Addon - Please give it the attention it deserves.
    2. You force us to complete 32 Missions in the area to buy a house (not to mention all the other BS) and then you leave a bugged mission like this in there to screw us over.
    3. start fixing your crap, or lose me as a player and therfore an ESO Plus subscriber. No doubt this one mission has cost you customers already.
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