Unable to connect....

  • PurifedBladez
    I'm getting ready to uninstall then reinstall. Doubt it will fix the problem but what can it hurt I'm not getting to play anyways.
  • jr1387
    I found a solution that has worked for me, but it is still limited.

    1. Once you finally log in (took me an hr) run away from the areas/towns that most players use.
    2. Don't try to use the wayshrine into towns or use the wayshrine inside of towns to leave.
    3. I have been using the wayshrines near non popular towns and just walking to the town with no issues.
    4. Avoid using doors that have loading screens. This will disconnect you, but I have found relogging back in multiple times will eventually get me through that door.
    5. If you do get disconnected first back out to the dashboard and press the pause button over ESO and click quit game and then load the game. If you don't do it this way you will keep losing connecting at the login screen.

    I'm not saying this is a temp fix, but this has been working for me. I hope it works for everyone else.
  • PurifedBladez
    jr1387 wrote: »
    I found a solution that has worked for me, but it is still limited.

    1. Once you finally log in (took me an hr) run away from the areas/towns that most players use.
    2. Don't try to use the wayshrine into towns or use the wayshrine inside of towns to leave.
    3. I have been using the wayshrines near non popular towns and just walking to the town with no issues.
    4. Avoid using doors that have loading screens. This will disconnect you, but I have found relogging back in multiple times will eventually get me through that door.
    5. If you do get disconnected first back out to the dashboard and press the pause button over ESO and click quit game and then load the game. If you don't do it this way you will keep losing connecting at the login screen.

    I'm not saying this is a temp fix, but this has been working for me. I hope it works for everyone else.

    Wow, unfortunate you have to run through all those hoops to play. This issue is insane and the lack of response from zos is.. well ***.

  • LadyDestiny
    Seems like they would acknowledge the fact by now, since so many are having issues.
  • MrChrisAugustin
    Soul Shriven
    I've been having issues connecting to the server since last night. Load times between wayshrines, zones and buildings would get increasing longer to the point that I'd get kicked back to the logo with a cannot connect to the server error.

    This morning, I can't even login. I tried connecting to the Europe server and was able to get to the character selection screen, went back to North America and it kept getting stuck at the point previously mentioned.
  • LuminaLilly
    If you check the ps4 forum. They're having similar issues. But you know, it's our fault. All ports for everyone messed up at once.
  • NanookDE
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry to be critical, but how is this not fixed yet. I have been unable to stay logged in since last night. It continually kicks me to the initial screen with the error "unable to connect to game server.". Please make sure you have a valid internet connection. Umm, everything else on the Xbox works fine for me including party chat and other multiplayer games. Please Zoos, look into this.
  • MrChrisAugustin
    Soul Shriven
    Played for about 10 minutes, back to no connection screen. Can you at least acknowledge the issue?!
  • dantheman1972
    Glad to hear I'm not the only one having seen this issue start yesterday, August 7, after weeks of FLAWLESS connectivity.

    For me, it is occasionally not loading to character selection menu, and after that sometimes it doesn't load after I select character. However, once I am in, I can roam all around a zone, fighting, etc, without ANY problems. However, once I use a way shrine , go into a dungeon, or any other area requires loading, it usually drops. Now here is the interesting part. I've tried about 100 loads, and I have observed that it ALWAYS fails for cold harbour, and I seldom have problems for shadowfen, or the rift. Size difference in the load?

    However, none of my other friends have the issue, who live all over the U.S. So, we have to find out what 'we' have in common. No way in mal bog, did our ISPs go all belly up yesterday simultaneously. But, just to compare. I'm in Dallas using Verizon FIOS. If that is our commonality, I'll go to Sovngarde in the next boat ride.
  • AgentRay
    Baltimore.on Comcast not loading for me either:-)
  • NanookDE
    Soul Shriven
    Ok, so to update: I am able to log in and even use wayshrines but I get kicked every time I try to enter a delve. So try to tell me now how that is my fault. ZoS please give us an update. Your silence is in infuriating.
  • NanookDE
    Soul Shriven
    Spoke too soon. I am now back to being unable to even get to the character select screen.
  • LuminaLilly
    Hey, folks. Can you try two things for us?
    1. Log in to the opposite server (either EU or NA), then log back into your proper server.
    2. Turn your console totally off for 5 minutes, then turn it back on.

    Why haven't you gotten back to us!? Obviously your steps didn't work.

    No offence to you, but when @ZOS_GinaBruno comments, the game is in working order within the hour. We need her back.

    Also, I can't load onto coldharbour whatsoever. This is beyond ridiculous. Ports ports ports ports ports.
    Edited by LuminaLilly on August 8, 2015 1:42PM
  • Ravens-Sonata
    Ok was in-game - completed the Norvalik Ruin with Tharn - tried to leave the Ruins - Poof! Still seems to be the same issue - either saying no internet connection, cant connect to lobby, cant load Char Data, Cant load maps. I dont know If ZOS has paid any attention to any of the players regarding this matter, but These are all Server Side Issues. There is Either a Service not working properly or or is down. On a online server such as this the server has many services running for various parts of the game, it seems to me one or more are not properly communicating.

    I understand with online servers ( I own 2 of my own private servers) there will be hiccups, However, This is not Fair nor Right not to just the players, But to Bethesda as well.
    All of us have paid a great deal of money not to mention hours on this game, and not to be able to play it... well Im sorry it is not acceptable.

    I do appreciate the work ZOS does put into this, however, it seems there is a Substantial matter with your server that has been going on for over 12 hrs now and people on the NA Server (Im NA XB1) are still having major issues.

    Could we Please get a ZOS response to this and let us know what is going on and when will this be resolved???

  • CavalierKing
    Same issue this morning. It looks like my alt is working though. Was something recently updated? I haven't touched this character in a few days, but every other one that I played with recently is not working.
  • CavalierKing
    I got in with this alt, tried getting into Cyrodiil, then got booted at the load screen. I was able to load that character again, but once again got booted trying to load Cyrodiil.
    Edited by CavalierKing on August 8, 2015 3:01PM
  • CavalierKing
    This issue is clearly with the ZOS Xbox One NA megaserver. EU works fine, all other Xbox Live services work fine. It's only on certain characters, and it has to do with loading issues. Why is nobody fixing this? Are you waiting until everyone finally wakes up on Saturday morning to find their game not working?
  • Flu Jerky
    Flu Jerky
    I've mentioned this on the other thread concerning the "Unable to connect to game server..." problem.

    I didn't start running into issues until I became level 1 Veteran. When I tried to do "Cadwell's Silver", fast traveling from Stonefalls to Elden Root would result in a boot about 90% of the time. This happened yesterday evening.

    This morning everything was good in Elden Root. Once I tried to fast travel to Stonefalls, same thing happened. I tried a direct fast travel 3x until I decided to fast travel to another location in Grahtwood first. Doing this, and then fast traveling to Stonefalls worked. Then in Stonefalls, anytime I would try to enter a dungeon or fast travel, I got booted more. This has been all this morning.

    Now, I can select the character to use but trying to login leaves me with the "Unable to connect to game server..." problem again. I can, however, log into my other characters (lvl 20-some and level 10-some). I don't know if other people who are having this issue are a specific level, such as veteran, or not. I'm trying to find a common cause for everyone here since these issues are new to me as of late. Hopefully, if we can find something that all of us have in common, we can help narrow down the issue that will allow EOS to pinpoint the issue.

    My main, at this point in time, is completely unplayable. Lvl 1 Veteran playing the other factions maps ("Cadwell's Silver").
  • LuminaLilly
    Well, I cannot load Into COLDHARBOR with any character.

    Here's something interesting I found In the general discussion, posted by @NDwarf
    -reposted from General forums (maybe someone at support can contact level3:

    ESO been down for me and my buddy since last night (8pm est). We are in the Philadelphia, PA area.

    Eating breakfast and sitting at my laptop now so I ran a tracert to Elderscrollsonline.com (

    5 11 ms 22 ms 11 ms be-42-ar03.ivyland.pa.panjde.comcast.net []
    6 16 ms 14 ms 15 ms he-3-11-0-0-cr01.newyork.ny.ibone.comcast.net []
    7 13 ms 40 ms 12 ms ae12.edge1.NewYork2.level3.net []
    8 * * * Request timed out.
    9 * * * Request timed out.
    10 91 ms 104 ms 91 ms
    11 92 ms 104 ms 91 ms
    12 91 ms 90 ms 90 ms

    The problem isn't on ESO's end. It's the ae12.edge1.NewYork2.level3.net router is busted. I use Comcast and my buddy uses Verizon so I think that eliminates ISP issues. That's probably why east coast players can't get on. In other words, don't plan on playing ESO for the foreseeable future until level3 fixes their router.

    Note- No computer expert here, I'm just an old school gamer that learned how to tracert game servers back in the day when we had to do all of our own troubleshooting with fancy new 90's Internet games.

    This may or may not be the case. Either way, it's not on us but I just wish somethig. Was done
  • Flu Jerky
    Flu Jerky
    Very helpful and interesting. Although, I don't know why if that is the case my other characters would work but my main does not?

    Hopefully, we can get an ESO moderator to acknowledge this and look into it for us.
  • LuminaLilly
    Flu Jerky wrote: »
    Very helpful and interesting. Although, I don't know why if that is the case my other characters would work but my main does not?

    Hopefully, we can get an ESO moderator to acknowledge this and look into it for us.

    Depends on where your characters are. If you're in craglorn, COLDHARBOR, of Cyrodiil, it will not load.
  • NanookDE
    Soul Shriven
    Seeing as how there are many of us with this issue...

    Come on already. We tried your little band aid fixes, even though we knew they have no effect and we were right.
  • Flu Jerky
    Flu Jerky
    check that.... can't login with my alts either. My fault.
  • LuminaLilly
    Yea. I have the same issue I can commonly get in, but there's a chance it won't, if the loading circle freezes for a moment, which it shouldn't, it won't load. I can log in, but there's a chance it won't.
  • Ravens-Sonata
    Still NO Response regarding the 2 Tickets I submitted 12 hrs apart regarding this situation!!!!
  • LuminaLilly
    Hang tight peeps, got a response when I mentioned COLDHARBOR.


    This is Paul from The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Support Team.

    The connectivityy error you've described is a known issue right now and we're working on resolving this as soon as possible! We're truly sorry that this has been of hindrance to you and hope to iron it out very soon.

    Thank you for being so patient with us while we deal with matters like this and remember if you have any other issues please feel free to get in contact with us again.

    Have an amazing day,


    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited.
  • CavalierKing
    It's not about Coldharbour, Cyrodiil, or Craglorn. I have a character in Vulkhel's Guard and another in the Rift that won't load. It's about something they did that, if you played with a character some time around that patch, the character no longer loads.
  • Ravens-Sonata
    No map change is loading - it doesnt matter char or location, anything that is requiring a Map load is failing!
  • Flu Jerky
    Flu Jerky
    I agree with Ravens-Sonata. This originally started for me when I had done something in game that required a loading screen. Such an example would be fast traveling to a location or city -OR- entering a dungeon/solo mission.

    Now none of my characters, even my low-level alts, can be selected. I'm receiving the "unable to connect to game server. please make sure you have a valid internet connection even though you have Verizon FIOS and you pay a lot of money each month for fastest send/receive service they provide and we know your NAT is open and you have no other issues playing any of your other heavily based MP games but we like to put the blame on you...." message.

    I understood from the very beginning that there would be problems with the initial release of this game on consoles. I did not complain. Now, after seeing this crappy message inferring that it is on my end with internet connection, numerous times, is starting to anger me.

    ESO, change the "Unable to connect to game server..." message to "Our servers are the issue. We continue to have problems maintaining them and our affiliates' hardware. This is completely on us. Please sit tight as we take our time to fix this and completely ignore your requests to play."
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hi guys, we are continuing to investigate the issue from last night. If you haven't done so already, try a hard reboot on your console. If this doesn't work, please reach out to Customer Support so they can troubleshoot with you. Thanks for your patience; we know this is frustrating.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
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