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Is NB allright if I just want to hit lv 50 and stop?

Hit V12 with sorc recently and finding Cyrodiil to be a bit of a bore after 2 months of the exact same thing with unclear rewards. I thought I wanna play a gimmicky class.

Didnt like DK for some reason, too straightforward in terms of playstyle. I remember being a victim of NBs in the early days of Cyrodiil where hardly anyone is VR yet, and I want to play like them sneaky bastids now that we are going to be given a non-VR cyrodiil.

Not aiming for highest dps or things like that, just good old ganking 1 (or 2) shot kill and crazy burst. I dont even mind dying after that 1-shot tbh, just the pleasure of murdering someone without them knowing what hit em.

Still viable?
  • Tiyamel
    In the right situation, against the right player, with the right timing and the right setup, yup you can drop some people fairly fast, I have done on my NB, ive stuck with this class since early access and in PvP its always a 50/50 chance of winning, 1 shotting a DK tho? No freaking chance lol, go for the squishier mages and go for them fast and hard, and if you have the skill you can pull it off, but be prepared to get a beating from everyone else nearby lol, I find I just can't get the resources back fast enough for anymore than a 1v1 ganking
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  • TheAmu
    I'm a NB. I thought I'd give PvP a try when I hit VR 1. I snuck around, waited for a lower level dude. Snuck up on a level 43 Sorc. I unleashed all my mighty fury.

    I barely made a dent on his health bar. He turned around and hit me with some sort of ice shard that made my body bend at a 90 degree angle and then the next hit I was dead.

    So the physical effect may have been a graphics glitch. But it was still alarming. I have not played PvP since.

    The end.
  • cisadanepajsuxrwb17_ESO
    Ok, thats cool. Like i said i dont mind if I die even after killing that 1 feller. The hope is if I level casually and hit lv 50 come August or something, I hope the fixes are already inc for NB and classes more balanced.
  • Yakidafi
    Nb is not as bad as some make it out to be.
    Moons and sands shall be your guide and path.
    PC EU/NA
  • Aoifesan
    Yakidafi wrote: »
    Nb is not as bad as some make it out to be.

    And sadly in some cases it's worse. As when the game starts to bug out on you and you lose ability function you have to quit the game completely and therefor start over on the current portion of your quest arc.

    God forbid you should perish again, because you are lacking the skills you need on your bars.
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