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Sorcerers: What is your DPS?

  • Crescent
    whykillme wrote: »
    Well been doing some raids now in the 12-mans. I'm managing ~550 DPS. Thsi is with the crystal fragments, curse, mage's fury, mage light, spell symetry.

    49% crit change, 136 spell power.

    Thank you for the actuall stats , and abilities, . Could you post geear sets your using too. 550 sustained is nice. Im curious as to what st melee builds are sustaining . Ive been capping out at about 400 at v11 with hundings . If my rotation is perfect and i keep bleed and dots up

    Hundings is actually a waste since what is does is increase weapon damage by 18%, but weapon damage already caps with critical surge so what you're actually getting is a minuscule boost.
  • GreasedLizard
    550 Single Target as NB @ v7 - drops around 100 if I am buffing party with Combat Prayer
    1800+ AE lol

    2.1k MP - stock Spell Dmg, MP pots, Warlock, Purple Infused Resto staff
    2.5k HP
  • zaria
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »

    You say light attack -> cast spell but what spell? You have no attacking spell on your bar besides crystal frag. My gear is far from optimized but I'm pulling 400 on average sustained boss fights weaving curse, endless fury, and crystal frag.

    I'm smelling a lot of bull in this topic already. One poster just bragging about his dps with zero explanation and another saying templars do 1/16th the dmg of Sorceror.... Didn't know templars maxed out at 25 dps lol.

    Crystal Frag - know your ABCs, always be ... nevermind. But I am discouraged from using Curse because it still consumes mana and deals less damage than Crystal Fragments and even with a free proc you'll end up even with Crystal Frag on average. So why bother? Instead, I use matriarch or evil hunter to provide that extra damage boost.

    For more clarification and reasoning behind why I do this is mainly because while curse is instant cast it still has an animation time which I think you can cancel out with block (not sure) but for me the execution becomes fairly clumsy and the time difference between light attack -> crystal frag versus light attack -> curse isn't enough to make the latter worth it under many conditions. But like I say later that I probably need to run the numbers more thoroughly (and probably macro it and record the results) to deliver a better conclusion. But for now, I am not going to run curse. Also, keep in mind that spell symmetry boosts spell damage of the next spell by 20% with passives along with reducing the cost of a spell by 20%. And I think Crystal Frags has a higher ratio for spell power to damage so it's more beneficial to cast Frag rather than Curse. Also, if I were to use something other than Matriarch I would PROBABLY use Daedric Tomb for that sweet 900+ damage after symmetry every now and then.

    Matriarch is a nice 50-75 DPS boost as I mentioned. Furthermore, I often run with another sorc so I don't bother running curse. So it may be out of habit, it may be that I am not running the numbers thoroughly but I just don't find curse to be worth it.

    The break down is that I am hitting 700+ per crystal fragment, critting up to 1.1k with 40% crit rate on Daedric targets (adjust it lower for non-daedra). With surge up my auto attacks are hitting for 235 critting for 370? Then throw in matriarch or evil hunter procs. For maintaining high DPS with that rotation it's mainly keeping your rotation clean, hoping you get procs from Spell Symmetry/Surge, and hoping your pet stays alive. As for the execute phase it's mainly dependent on disintegration procs and whatever other procs you have since you're just throwing out mage fury endlessly (and weaving attacks though I get super lazy).

    I do often use potions since you get a ton of magicka pots. Some times, if I want to push the numbers I will admittedly just pop spellcrit/dmg/magicka pots.

    Interesting that you get more dps just spamming crystal frag (with buffs) than I do using multiple single target spells. I will have to test this out.
    Yes crystal fragments are nice, even nicer solo as it knock target down, the knockdown also work on many small bosses.

    Endless furry is nice then target is low on health.
    Should work better if you switch to it on bosses at 20% health as its cheap and can be spawned.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Armitas
    Im curious as to what st melee builds are sustaining . Ive been capping out at about 400 at v11 with hundings . If my rotation is perfect and i keep bleed and dots up

    @Wifeaggro13 I'm getting a typical parse of 510 with a 2hander on mammoths. Using the viper and redmountain set. (DK) I keep unstable flame dot up 100%. I am using a heavy/light/skill combo. First I use flame lash in the combo until the enemy is at half health and then I use executioner as the skill in that combo.

    With flame damage on my weapon and poison from the viper set coupled with arcane fighter I can run poison and burning effects for added, behind the scene dots.

    (Also getting over 500 for bosses)
    Edited by Armitas on May 27, 2014 1:24PM
    Nord mDK
  • OtarTheMad
    I am not sure what my DPS is but I usually seem to do pretty well in both PvE and PvP. I have a VR 8 (almost 9) Sorcerer who typically has

    1. Crystal Blast (Morph of Crystal Shard)
    2. Endless Fury (morph of Mages Fury)
    3. Daedric Minefield (morph of Daedric Mines)/Pulsar (Morph of Impulse)
    4. Streak (Morph of Bolt Escape)/Destructive Reach
    5. Fire Rune/Hardened Ward

    I sometimes in PvE throw in the Twilight Matriarch and the Clannfear spells in the 4 and 5 spots. My second bar usually changes a lot depending if I am in PvE or PvP and if we're defending or on the offensive. Boundless Storm is usually in it though. I just wish that your summoned creatures leveled up passed 50 with you, be nice once you get to the higher VR's.
  • Khazaad
    This is equivalent to determining athletic prowess based off of a person's max bench press.

    It's a worthless statistic that leads to illformed conclusions when considered by itself.

    So, whatcha bench?
  • Osmiumium
    Niminion wrote: »
    Yep, all sorcs need to learn resto lazer clipping, pew pew!

    I don't have Symmetry yet is it really that much better than dark conversion?

    Oh and wtf make shards proc itself pls!

    Please educate a newbie Sorcerer, as I would rather not spend the gold to re-morph.

    The tooltip for Crystal Fragments (CF) reads: 35% chance to make your next use an instant cast and cost 50% less when activating ability with a Magicka cost"

    I read this as (A) each use of CF has a chance to make the next CF instant & half-cost. Is this the case? Or (B) does it means using any other magicka-costing ability has a chance to make CF instant & half-cost? Because comments in this imply it is actually version B.

  • kasain
    If you are a new sor, CC is a joke.

    Demonic curse and prism. 80% of all solo quest you do for m\bosses and world bosses, this combo works. The monster won't even get one hit off on you.

    In groups of two Prism holds a mob for 20 secs.

    Level a melee type weapon so when MP is gone and one mob you can own it. Uppercut or reverse slash are great for his.

    Crave is great AOE, Stampede great for archer mage mobs out of range
  • Pyatra
    Osmiumium wrote: »
    Niminion wrote: »
    Yep, all sorcs need to learn resto lazer clipping, pew pew!

    I don't have Symmetry yet is it really that much better than dark conversion?

    Oh and wtf make shards proc itself pls!

    Please educate a newbie Sorcerer, as I would rather not spend the gold to re-morph.

    The tooltip for Crystal Fragments (CF) reads: 35% chance to make your next use an instant cast and cost 50% less when activating ability with a Magicka cost"

    I read this as (A) each use of CF has a chance to make the next CF instant & half-cost. Is this the case? Or (B) does it means using any other magicka-costing ability has a chance to make CF instant & half-cost? Because comments in this imply it is actually version B.

    Any other Magicka/Spell can proc it from what I've seen.
  • steinernein
    ... I wish you guys approached these issues a bit more aggressively instead of passively.

    The average DPS for a sorc is way over 700 now in any condition where you can sit and nuke. An alternative, with higher mobility, is to simply use Crushing Shock and apparently avoid crystal fragment procs due to how clunky the animation cycle is.

    Also, how the *** do you people do so little DPS with a two hander? Christ at VR2 I am already at 500 DPS as long as I have execute sitting on my bar (I don't need to use execute).

    Why aren't you guys using wrecking blow?
  • Kingslayer
    Pyatra wrote: »
    Osmiumium wrote: »
    Niminion wrote: »
    Yep, all sorcs need to learn resto lazer clipping, pew pew!

    I don't have Symmetry yet is it really that much better than dark conversion?

    Oh and wtf make shards proc itself pls!

    Please educate a newbie Sorcerer, as I would rather not spend the gold to re-morph.

    The tooltip for Crystal Fragments (CF) reads: 35% chance to make your next use an instant cast and cost 50% less when activating ability with a Magicka cost"

    I read this as (A) each use of CF has a chance to make the next CF instant & half-cost. Is this the case? Or (B) does it means using any other magicka-costing ability has a chance to make CF instant & half-cost? Because comments in this imply it is actually version B.

    Any other Magicka/Spell can proc it from what I've seen.

    Indeed it can i have procced it off, my rez staff heavy attacks
  • n3c
    I think the normal is 300-500 , but dependant on crit , passives..

    Get 700 if critical and I hit critical quite often. Think my critical chance is at 46% at with all buffs. ( thats from crystal )
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