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Shield Charge Morph

Two part question:

a. When do I get to morph shield charge? It's already at level 4 but no morph option yet.

b. Shielded assault vs invasion? Thoughts?
  • Rosveen
    1. When level 4 bar fills up and you have a free skill point.

    2. I took Invasion for better control. It's always nice to take someone out of the fight for a bit longer. AFAIK damage shields don't take into account your mitigation, so I didn't feel Shielded Assault gave a big enough shield to be worth it.
  • Dreepa
    I took invasion but I feel like it was the wrong choice for PvP.

    The stun gain is minimal and in PvP I want any dmg mitigation I can get.

    Since this thread is a bit older, what did you take and what was your experience so far?

    Edited by Dreepa on May 3, 2014 2:31PM
  • Criselli
    I personally went with Shielded Assault as a DK Tank build and that small shield is great for dungeons to soak some of the initial "alpha strike" of the mobs while the healer gets his/her act together.
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  • Ffastyl
    I went with Invasion, but I do find the stun gain minimal. However, I use Invasion primarily to rush across the battlefield to the aid of my allies, so additional stun gives them an opportunity to renew the assault.
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  • Still_Mind
    Invasion. Shielded Assault shield pops the moment someone looks at you the wrong way, since the value is very small, it doesn't work with blocks and armour\SR mitigation. It's quite literally inconsequential.

    Now then, if it offered a 4-sec 10-15% flat damage reduction, I might very well consider taking it.
    Edited by Still_Mind on June 3, 2014 7:59AM
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • Cheatingdeath23
    I took invasion. One of my favorite attacks.
  • Anrai_Indoril
    Soul Shriven
    This post has settled my mind about this as well, invasion it is.
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