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New global cool-down on biting jabs is too much!

  • aleister
    so 2 maint windows, and 2 emergency patches and still no fix.

    Yeah. This is literally a value in a table somewhere. There is no good reason for a fix to be taking this long to be made available.
  • pecheckler
    it is too painful
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • Dudis
    My point of view is from PvP so I don't care about soloing world bosses or whatever. Nerf the damage and knockback if you have to but remove the damn cooldown. It's clumsy and frustrating as hell.
  • Nidwin
    Biting jabs is just plainly horrible and I don't understand, except for bots, why peeps are spamming it. I don't mind ZOS reverting it back for you boys and gals to make you happy again although.

    I understand the easier aspect of using, spamming it, compared to other combos but for me it doesn't justify a spot on my skill bar.
    Nidwinqq Templar (healzzz) United Warhammer Vets
    Nidwinqq RR100 Magus till the end, R.I.P. Badlands
  • Dudis
    600-1000+ damage (depending on procs) on anyone below 50% AND a knockback doesn't justify a slot on your bar? Damn, I'd like to see your build :S

    Unless you're resto/destro or something obviously...

    You don't have to (and mostly probably shouldn't) spam it either since it's so easy to dodge out of but being basically stunned for a second after using it is just dumb.

    It remains almost as strong while using it on CCd targets.
    Edited by Dudis on May 30, 2014 10:03AM
  • Nidwin
    Dudis wrote: »
    600-1000+ damage (depending on procs) on anyone below 50% AND a knockback doesn't justify a slot on your bar? Damn, I'd like to see your build :S

    Unless you're resto/destro or something obviously...

    I'm not resto/destro but I'm 2-handed, sword for the awesome look, in PVE.
    PvP is full heals but that's out of topic.

    Problem with BJ is that it hasn't any synergy, just OK damage, and an annoying channeling/noise/stupid animation. It's also too expensive for that OK damage, my opinion of course.

    If only I hadn't screwed up my Cleave morph into that stupid shield, but back then I didn't knew what I know today.
    Nidwinqq Templar (healzzz) United Warhammer Vets
    Nidwinqq RR100 Magus till the end, R.I.P. Badlands
  • sCouraGeFire
    Stop worrying and love the bomb.

    I am a Templar and only used Bitting Jabs at VR2. To say the least, is not that good.

    Javelin is by far better to CC targets, and blast them to oblivion with Dawn Wrath abilities and weapons.

    For caster templars maybe. For us melee templars this is our main class skill. Not because it knocks back, or even because it crits alot, it is the only legit melee skill we have other than explosive charge, which isn't useable while actually in melee range. the other really good templar skill we have in dawns wrath (backlash) has a 1.5 second cast time so no dice for melee users. Solar flare? the melee range morph doesn't even work with jabs. Both javelin and spear shards stun 1 target when morphed. Both are ranged and cost absurd amounts of magicka so they aren't decent melee skills. Eclipse is single target only works if they cast single target spells, good for a caster/ranged of course.

    Biting jabs and Aedric ultimate are the only viable melee range skills we have, explosive charge is good to get to melee range right before you die a horrible death.
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