WereWolfs and (Redacted Title)

  • Corithna
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Restarting the game simply means completely closing the game client, waiting a minute or two, then relaunching the game. It doesn't mean reroll your character. Either your buddy is lying to you, misunderstood what customer service was asking him to do, or your lying to us. Either way I don't buy it at all. If you're respecing at the drop of a hat, then that's your choice, not something you're being forced into. And yes resetting your skill points simply because you are too impatient to wait for a bug to be fixed is respecing at the drop of a hat. You have no one to blame but yourself for this.

    Firstly, this isn't an environment that supports Trolls, Vampires or people like you who questions friendships, try to discredit others who only want so Share their opinions and stories on legitimate matters that belong on this forum. Didn't your mother ever teach you "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?"

    Secondly, "Reroll" was the exact word used in their story. I said "restart" because some people don't know what "Reroll" means, this makes it easier for all.

    Lastly, It's clear that you have never morphed to pack leader...go on, try it. You will ask for a respec too, so don't come into this thread acting like you know everything, because you DON'T!

    You should know when to pick a fight, and this is not one you want to pick...so leave

    No I will not ask for a respec, no I am not trolling you nor anyone. I didn't say that I know everything, nor that there are not bugs. But I did say that respecing because you were too impatient to wait on a fix is on you. If a customer service agent did, as you put it, tell you're buddy to restart, then clearly it was out of frustration with impatient, ignorant, crying little twerps who have no idea about what life really is all about. But clearly inappropriate in a professional setting. I still say however that your buddy lied to you, misunderstood, or that you are blatantly lying to us on what the CS agent said.

    As far as my mother is concerned, It had been nearly three decades since since I was under her care. No I will not simply leave because you said to do so, I will speak my mind when and where I choose. I've played this title consistently now for over seven months. Nine if you count those little stress tests. So yeah I do have a pretty good idea of what's going on in this game.

    You said specifically that Zenimax reps couldn't be bothered to help. That's not the experience I've had with this company at all. They have always taken care of issues with alacrity, accuracy, and an effectiveness that left the effected issues completely resolved. But if you're asking them to reprogram the game for you, to fix what clearly has to go through the programmers, or to give you special consideration or for something that is outside their authority/ability to provide, then yeah of course your sniveling little butt is going to be **** out of luck. That's the problem with your type is that they expect miracles and fail to understand the realities of life.

    In the end this is a game service. It isn't life and death, and no you can't always get what you want. And perhaps if you were old enough to know with researching it where that live comes from you might not be having the issues you're clearly going through.
    For all the millions of pages of codified law we have enacted in this nation alone, all of it, every word, sentence, paragraph and nuance, is steeped in the singular idea of this:

    "Be good to one another."
  • LadyDestiny
    Totally agree with the OP. I took the WW knowing all the bugs were in place in hopes they fix it sooner than later. Tired of seeing vamp running around everywhere and wanted something different. Oh well, will continue to level it up in the hopes they finally do something about it and makes us somewhat competitive with vampire. On a side note, I have this on my NB so yeah, Double the bugs......lol. For the love of God, please let us have WW form for longer than 30 seconds. I mean seriously, don't WW stay in form for as long as they want if they have the ability to transform at will? Don't vamps, stay vamps 24/7? :s
  • PurpleFox
    "But I did say that respecing because you were too impatient to wait on a fix is on you."
    Again, you have never tried the morph, with the it applied WereWolf becomes completely, utterly, unplayable. Your rack up enough ultimate to transform, just to have a random "Human revert" happen within litterally 1-2 seconds of the transformation. It completely breaks the game, and this has been a problem since beta.
    "If a customer service agent did, as you put it, tell you're buddy to restart, then clearly it was out of frustration with impatient, ignorant, crying little twerps who have no idea about what life really is all about."
    Again you have no idea who you are speaking to, for your information we are both grown adults with families. And for you to accuse us of being "Crying little twerps" shows us how mature you really are.
    " It had been nearly three decades since since I was under her care."
    My ass it has, and for you too assume us to be what, 10? 14? Yet continue to harass me, and this community shows immature you really are. If you have been out of your parents house for 30 odd years, taking into account the fact that most teens/young adults in their late 30's early 40's left home at 19-21 that would put you around 38-41 years. Meaning that a 40 year old man is going round and deliberately disturbing the peace.
    I've played this title consistently now for over seven months. Nine if you count those little stress tests. So yeah I do have a pretty good idea of what's going on in this game.
    As have I, I have been in beta since November 2013, never missed one. Trying to use this as leverage? Won't work on me bud.

    Here, take a look at what you wrote.
    I still say however that your buddy lied to you, misunderstood, or that you are blatantly lying to us on what the CS agent said.
    Blatantly dismissing my real claim just to suit yourself.
    crying little twerps who have no idea about what life really is all about.
    How would you know? Hmm?
    That's the problem with your type is that they expect miracles and fail to understand the realities of life.
    What's my type then? The type that uses logic instead of harsh words?

    Every single insult that shows potential thread viewers, maybe employee's what your really like, you know what the difference between me and you is? I'm a better man.
    Edited by PurpleFox on May 11, 2014 9:42AM
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • PurpleFox
    Totally agree with the OP. I took the WW knowing all the bugs were in place in hopes they fix it sooner than later. Tired of seeing vamp running around everywhere and wanted something different. Oh well, will continue to level it up in the hopes they finally do something about it and makes us somewhat competitive with vampire. On a side note, I have this on my NB so yeah, Double the bugs......lol. For the love of God, please let us have WW form for longer than 30 seconds. I mean seriously, don't WW stay in form for as long as they want if they have the ability to transform at will? Don't vamps, stay vamps 24/7? :s

    Thanks :)
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • PurpleFox
    LOL Don't think you can get away with changing my title without me noticing!
    Silly Zenimax employees!!!
    There was a "and WTF Zenimax?" you stole from that title there :3
    Tell you what though, I'll fix it for ya :)
    Also.... you changed my title its clear that you have been here, so why not come back and comment a bit!
    Geez! Rude!
    Edited by PurpleFox on May 11, 2014 5:31PM
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • PurpleFox
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    LOL Don't think you can get away with changing my title without me noticing!
    Silly Zenimax employees!!!
    There was a "and WTF Zenimax?" you stole from that title there :3
    Tell you what though, I'll fix it for ya :)
    Also.... you changed my title its clear that you have been here, so why not come back and comment a bit!
    Geez! Rude!

    There :3
    I get my title with filters, heck i even organized it into a much better location XD

    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Brittany_Joy
    In the PTS the werewolf transformation is reduced to 725. (Info from Tamriel Foundry) If the ultimate reduction stays the same for the Salvation Set, reduces the werewolf transformation by 33%, and the Akaviri Dragonguard, reduces the ultimate cost by 20%. Wearing the Salvation Set and the Akaviri Dragonguard set should reduce our werewolf transformation to 341.

    The reduced cost will definitely increase our chances for our werewolf transformation. If they just allowed us to dodge and CC break in werewolf form then everything would be alot better. The reduced cost is just for the short run. ZoS does plan to add more to the werewolf skill line and buff it in the long run.
    Edited by Brittany_Joy on May 12, 2014 10:15AM
  • ScardyFox
    I feel like the reduced cost is bordering meaningless. I am still using ultimate to make myself weaker. Sure, I am being cynical, but this was brought up time and again in beta about how junky werewolf was.

    OK, back to wearing my patience cap.
  • PurpleFox
    ScardyFox wrote: »
    I feel like the reduced cost is bordering meaningless. I am still using ultimate to make myself weaker. Sure, I am being cynical, but this was brought up time and again in beta about how junky werewolf was.

    OK, back to wearing my patience cap.

    Why are you scared my foxy friend? :3

    No but in all seriousness. it would be wise to make it a toggle rather than a power, maybe a cost stamina to transform during the day, and nothing at night. Along with some buffs for in and outside of transformations.
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Sakiri
    Making it a toggle eats bar space on two weapon sets. Im fine with it being an ultimate.

    Im not fine with how I hit harder and survice better in elf form.

    And for the love of Hate give me 4 legged sprint!!
  • ScardyFox
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Why are you scared my foxy friend? :3

    Its a ploy of leading people into a false sense of security when I am a vicious machine of canidae destruction!
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    No but in all seriousness. it would be wise to make it a toggle rather than a power, maybe a cost stamina to transform during the day, and nothing at night. Along with some buffs for in and outside of transformations.

    Yeah, there is clearly a lot to do, its just the ultimate root need to be ripped clean out.

    Sakiri wrote: »
    Making it a toggle eats bar space on two weapon sets. Im fine with it being an ultimate.

    Im not fine with how I hit harder and survice better in elf form.

    And for the love of Hate give me 4 legged sprint!!

    Uh... I'd gladly let a small bar float on my screen in order for werewolf to have its own unique ultimate. Seems like a pretty small price to pay, if somehow hats being perceived as detrimental. But opinions are opinion.

    And yeah, I couldn't agree more with the sprinting. I wish they'd add a sneak as well, but that could be useless if a timer is being eaten up. However, sneak pouncing (even with how lame pounce is an an opener) could be hilarious time to time.

  • Brittany_Joy
    If only we were allowed to duel. Can anyone confirm if a Dual wielder can completely negate our damage by using sparks? I have been trying to check if it does but it is hard to find the correct person at the right time and place in Cyrodiil. If sparks can negate our damage then we are basically useless as an ult because we have way too many counters.
  • PurpleFox


    Combat & Gameplay
    Fixed an issue where werewolves could use Devour on the same corpse multiple times.

    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • phantasticus
    Amazing rant!

    I'm sure the pendulum will eventually swing the other direction when they finally get around to fixing this skill line. Then people will likely be asking for the werewolf to be nerfed... one day.. possibly... maybe in a few months.

    I guess for now ill just run around taking extra poison damage for no good reason other than my ridiculous stubborness.

    As far as using the dragon guard and saviors hide set to reduce ultimate. I deconstructed them as they are taking up too much space in my inventory just like the werewolf is taking up too many skill points.
    Edited by phantasticus on May 12, 2014 7:08PM
  • Cyrdemaceb17_ESO
    In the PTS the werewolf transformation is reduced to 725. (Info from Tamriel Foundry) If the ultimate reduction stays the same for the Salvation Set, reduces the werewolf transformation by 33%, and the Akaviri Dragonguard, reduces the ultimate cost by 20%. Wearing the Salvation Set and the Akaviri Dragonguard set should reduce our werewolf transformation to 341.

    The reduced cost will definitely increase our chances for our werewolf transformation. If they just allowed us to dodge and CC break in werewolf form then everything would be alot better. The reduced cost is just for the short run. ZoS does plan to add more to the werewolf skill line and buff it in the long run.

    725 Ultimate cost is a good step (not as low as I hoped, but still a good change). But: werewolf form needs to stay MUCH longer then the 40 seconds right now (just tested).
    Aside from the usual bugs with pack leader and our mostyl useless active skills, we need more time as a werewolf.
    Vampires are constantly complaining about hunting humanoids to feed on them. Imagine a werewolf with the same problem but a 40 sec timer to find one? Unless you only kill humanoids to begin with of course.
  • Zhoyzu
    Hoylegu wrote: »
    The game's been out a month. Let them get the technical/server issues fixed first, then they can focus on balance/content fixes.

    Zenimax seems to be the victim of their own success. The game is amazing fun, yet it's only a month old. People see how fun it is, and myopically expect it to be as polished as a 5 year old game.

    Your fixes will come.

    its been out for a month and already werewolf still broken as ***, shadowfen is *** up too, and craglorn is coming????

    they have some strange priorities over there in the studios.
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • Valaska
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Valaska wrote: »
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Valaska wrote: »
    Couple things would help it;

    400 Ult Cost for Transformation
    5 minutes transformation time
    WereWolf timer FREEZES when in combat!

    We then need a couple active skills... Yes Vampires get 2, but they use all their other actives as well;

    1. Someway to break blocking enemies while not costing/being as random as roar
    2. A mid combat devour that self heals yourself HP wise, and fills werewolf bar (A LONG WITH the freeze in combat for the timer, so you don't drop out as soon as you stop fighting.)
    3. More time per devour, possibly a short buff too.

    A 400 cost would screw it up royally, as i have my cost at 435 from combining the "Dragon" heavy armor set = 20% reduced ulti cost
    and the "Hercines hide" set = 33% reduced cost for ww transformation
    without its at 925 cost or something along those lines.
    Kaiem wrote: »
    They have stated they are working to sort the werewolf bugs and looking to buff the skill line as a whole. However, it would be nice perhaps if they worked to maybe fix things like the nightblade CLASS first which remains riddled with bugs. Unfortunately though I haven't even seen the nightblade bugs acknowledged, I've only seen them say that they will look to buff the least used abilities that the class has.

    I play as a Nightblade/Werewolf, though i focus more on my stamina cost skills rather than my magic ones, as the massive stamina pool for the WW allows easier use of the skills, as such I haven't really noticed as many bugs with the Nightblade Skill lines.


    So the rest of us need a jacked up ultra high Ult cost for not picking a certain armor? Sounds legitimate. Instead of avoiding fixing it because of Hircines hide, nerf hircines hide and buff the WW ult cost dropping it down to 400.

    My suggestion ended at it with 500 after morph at rank 4 and 375 with a hard 25% cap on ultimate reduction.

    Would fix the "constant ultimate dk/emp/vam" too.

    That is a great fix! Kudos. But this just in!


    Fixed an issue where werewolves could use Devour on the same corpse multiple times.

    They have DESTROYED the one thing that make werewolf bearable to me.
  • Sakiri
    In the PTS the werewolf transformation is reduced to 725. (Info from Tamriel Foundry) If the ultimate reduction stays the same for the Salvation Set, reduces the werewolf transformation by 33%, and the Akaviri Dragonguard, reduces the ultimate cost by 20%. Wearing the Salvation Set and the Akaviri Dragonguard set should reduce our werewolf transformation to 341.

    The reduced cost will definitely increase our chances for our werewolf transformation. If they just allowed us to dodge and CC break in werewolf form then everything would be alot better. The reduced cost is just for the short run. ZoS does plan to add more to the werewolf skill line and buff it in the long run.

    725 Ultimate cost is a good step (not as low as I hoped, but still a good change). But: werewolf form needs to stay MUCH longer then the 40 seconds right now (just tested).
    Aside from the usual bugs with pack leader and our mostyl useless active skills, we need more time as a werewolf.
    Vampires are constantly complaining about hunting humanoids to feed on them. Imagine a werewolf with the same problem but a 40 sec timer to find one? Unless you only kill humanoids to begin with of course.

    Couldnt you eat beasts too in skyrim? Was a perk to alter what you could eat.
  • Cyrdemaceb17_ESO
    Yes, you can actually feast on some beasts too. But you don't know before you kill it. And when its not eatable, then you just look for another prey to feed upon or switch back to human form, because your timer is almost finished anyway.
    With the actual time limit of werewolf, its really more like a nice party effect than actual useful skill setup.
  • Roboboy2710
    It's now gotten to the point where I just look through the forums at the werewolf suggestions, just so I can dream about what it would be like if it worked correctly, then remember that werewolf is nowhere close to fixed.
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein
  • PurpleFox
    Amazing rant!

    I'm sure the pendulum will eventually swing the other direction when they finally get around to fixing this skill line. Then people will likely be asking for the werewolf to be nerfed... one day.. possibly... maybe in a few months.

    I guess for now ill just run around taking extra poison damage for no good reason other than my ridiculous stubborness.

    As far as using the dragon guard and saviors hide set to reduce ultimate. I deconstructed them as they are taking up too much space in my inventory just like the werewolf is taking up too many skill points.

    Oh der you are Phantas...after you told me you commented I went checking, hiding in between the comments it seems XD
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • beckerprbub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    So, patch 1.1.2 came and WW is still useless as ***...
    Only 40 seconds to use the transformation, and the attacks, if derived from max stamina, are really weak: I feel like I'm fighting with a werewolf costume and disabled all abilities... We should be unstoppable killing machines in WW form, with huge attack, health and damage mitigation, but I feel like a wet *** ready to get screwed...
    The amount of ultimate needed for the transformation could stay pretty high, like 1k ultimate, but the time in werewolf should be a lot longer, like 20 minutes, and devour should add like 10 minutes, not reaching the cap, but going over it, then next devours should only heal you, and you could only get extended time when under 20 minutes again...
    Also we need a big buff to health regeneration in WW form or devour should heal for like 50% of the missing health...
    Another missing stuff is healing skill: A lot of films and books picture werewolf-forms and the humanoid-forms as having really huge healing abilities... But in WW form we die easier than fighting in humanoid form... It could be a skill, or just increased healing in WW form...
    Also, increased speed my ***.... that *** is soooo slow......
  • beckerprbub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    "Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift".
    Selling it is considered a scam right now, and it is not considered a gift at all :disappointed:
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