WereWolfs and (Redacted Title)

First off let me point out that this is simple just my own personal rant, it has much cursing in it but if you care to read, or post your own rants on the subject, great.
Feel Free, its encouraged.

If you came her from...

Let me start....Zenimax...WHAT THE ***?
Why do you insist on killing off the Were Wolf Skill lines?! Why do you constantly ignore out plea's to fix the skills! Yes, I'm talking about the
  1. Pack Leader reverting back to human at random times (almost consistently)
  2. The Pounce getting stuck in a single "Jump" animation to the point where you can only accept your death due to the inability to interact.
  3. The Call of the Pack reverting others to humans.
  4. The Devour not giving nearly enough extra WW time because the animation length...
The list goes on and on! Why Zenimax!?

I log in today 5/5/14 and the only thing I find fixed about the Were Wolf is that we can no longer have Infinite sprint!?! What the HELL!? Another *** debuff!

All you hear about in the infection zones now is "Selling Vampire bite" Want to know why?! Because the WereWolves are too WEAK! Because your team isn't bothering to patch these things! What do you have against your Were Wolf players?!

At this point you are really pushing my damn buttons. Its been almost (If not over) a month since your release, and even longer since WW's were first introduced in beta!
IT HAS BEEN A PROBLEM SINCE BETA! Before you launched I remember you responding to all our tweets about the game, and actual reply's from humans in bug reports! Why!? What happened!? I don't get why you can't just listen to us, the community!

*Sigh* I'm not asking for mircles here. I'm just asking for you, as a company, to respond to your fans, respond the your players...we, as fans trust you, we respect you..hell I'm even on your side in the whole Oculus Debacle....all im asking is that you Listen to your fans!

I'm done for now...if anyone reading cares to rant along, or just share their opinions on the matter, please do. I want to read them all :smile:
Edited by PurpleFox on May 11, 2014 5:29PM
IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
Class: Night-Blade
Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • articwolfgirl
    I could not agree more, I was seriously wishing for maybe a bug or two fixed to the actually form but instead its a 'nerf'/'bug fix' on their running speed. Seriously? Are WW's not broken enough to be fixed seriously? I had to pay for a complete skill point reset (15k) just to redo my were wolf skill tree since I was one of the many who 'tried' to do the whole pack leader morph and could not transform to save my life. Couldn't continue working on the rank without being able to kill in ww form, and when I messaged Zeni bout it as a ticket the response I got was:
    There have been more reports about a similar issue. We are currently investigating this and, in the meantime, please use /bug in the chatbox to allow us to document it.

    When these kinds of issues arise, especially if they involve several players, we are determined to ensure that every single player who may be affected sees it resolved at the same time as all others. We are sure that a positive outcome will arrive and that it will be integrated as smoothly as possible.

    We will be closing this ticket because of that.
    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    So.... instead of helping me reset my talents, or undoing the reset for me... or even telling me how to do so to get me past this broken progression because indeed my rank was still at 5 and I could not progress any further without killing in ww form, I was sent that lovely letter pretty much telling me "Hey its a bug, we can't do anything about it... be sure to report it as a bug and we will try to figure it out eventually."

    I had to look up how to reset my attributes and such on my own since I didn't even know you could btw just to undo my morph. My ww now runs around as an unmorphed transformation lvl 10 rank just because I don't feel like dealing with all the glitches.

    The kneeling when trying to leap to an enemy is beyond annoying.. When it happens, I use up potions/food just to get unstuck wasting materials that I could be using later on.

    The whole unable to gain hp while in the form becomes troublesome as well. Health pots anyone? Grab a stack of them because your gonna need them to stay alive when pulling a larger mob then 2. 4-5 enemy's and your boned, if your lucky you'll survive thanks to a passerby, or it your able to 'time' your fear shouts correctly despite the fact there is a 3-5 second delay when you button mashing trying to get it to go off.
    Bring out yer dead!
    I honestly want to yell this some times when trying to farm kills in ww form, leaving the loot on the bodys seems the easiest way to keep the bodys stacked for devour farming.

    I still think a toggle for werewolf form would fix this all together. How hard would it be to take away the ultimate for werewolf and make it a toggle on/off switch? Zeni is already implementing a guard system for the citys so make it to where if your in ww form in a city the guards will attack you/ villagers will run away screaming as they should be meaning that would solve the whole ww's constantly running around citys thoughts. People might gripe about ww's not having an ultimate because of this but at the same time they would complain less because lets face it... Vamps get to be vamps 24/7 shock and awe.... why should ww's be the same way? The suffer from poison damage, they have to 'build' up their ult just to go into the form while spamming corpses for food... it looks horrible btw, I scare people on a constant basis in dungeons because I have to sit chomping on a dead body for a good bit to build up enough time on the form just to continue with the next mob as well as wait on my health to regen.

    As for the form glitches, that toggle should eliminate a lot of the problems, not having to build up 'ultimate' points just to be in the form (just for it to break) means even if the form breaks for whatever reason we could toggle it again right away and keep going. If we still need to sacrifice something to be in the form then make it stamina like300-500 stamina to cost to be in the form and from there you have to devour every 10-15-30 minutes something on those lines... not every 10-15 seconds.. that's just horrible. 80% of the time your in your form, it doesn't feel like your a beast. It feels like your a rabid dog with a severe eating disorder.
    Edited by articwolfgirl on May 5, 2014 8:33PM
    Some times life steals the stairs right out from beneath your feet, you have to hold on by whatever means even if the risk are too high. Never give up, eventually you will find a new stair has formed right beneath your foot where you left off.
  • PurpleFox
    I could not agree more, I was seriously wishing for maybe a bug or two fixed to the actually form but instead its a 'nerf'/'bug fix' on their running speed. Seriously? Are WW's not broken enough to be fixed seriously? I had to pay for a complete skill point reset (15k) just to redo my were wolf skill tree since I was one of the many who 'tried' to do the whole pack leader morph and could not transform to save my life. Couldn't continue working on the rank without being able to kill in ww form, and when I messaged Zeni bout it as a ticket the response I got was:
    There have been more reports about a similar issue. We are currently investigating this and, in the meantime, please use /bug in the chatbox to allow us to document it.

    When these kinds of issues arise, especially if they involve several players, we are determined to ensure that every single player who may be affected sees it resolved at the same time as all others. We are sure that a positive outcome will arrive and that it will be integrated as smoothly as possible.

    We will be closing this ticket because of that.
    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    So.... instead of helping me reset my talents, or undoing the reset for me... or even telling me how to do so to get me past this broken progression because indeed my rank was still at 5 and I could not progress any further without killing in ww form, I was sent that lovely letter pretty much telling me "Hey its a bug, we can't do anything about it... be sure to report it as a bug and we will try to figure it out eventually."

    I had to look up how to reset my attributes and such on my own since I didn't even know you could btw just to undo my morph. My ww now runs around as an unmorphed transformation lvl 10 rank just because I don't feel like dealing with all the glitches.

    The kneeling when trying to leap to an enemy is beyond annoying.. When it happens, I use up potions/food just to get unstuck wasting materials that I could be using later on.

    The whole unable to gain hp while in the form becomes troublesome as well. Health pots anyone? Grab a stack of them because your gonna need them to stay alive when pulling a larger mob then 2. 4-5 enemy's and your boned, if your lucky you'll survive thanks to a passerby, or it your able to 'time' your fear shouts correctly despite the fact there is a 3-5 second delay when you button mashing trying to get it to go off.

    You payed 15k too? I had to sell my only Ancent Elf Crafting book for the money to reset the damn thing...thank god for markplier videos XD
    Else I would be raging so bad right now...

    But I agree with you, the support wasn't nearly as good as it was in beta, and I'm getting tired of /bug reporting every damn time I find another thing wrong, just to get an automated response.
    Hell, I had one of mine friend quit because they got to Vet1 and then the NPC you talk to to enter coldharbour, just didn't talk.
    He told me that support suggested he "Restart his game" Like from level 1....the whole damn thing again because they couldn't be bothered helping!
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • sh4d0wh4z3
    I chose the werewolf berserker ultimate over the other one, but i do feel that WWs are completely underpowered. I mean, we have to constantly fight things to get our ult up and stay there unless it will disappear because of a bug that is too unimportant to fix. We only get 2 actives, one which is somewhat decent and the other complete ***. Our passives are completely stupid and do not help us at all. We only have about 30 seconds to try to get as much kills before we a reverted back to human. We have no passives to buff our human form, only a faster ult buildup only if you have the WW ult on and a debuff that makes us weaker. Ive seen the prices of WW dropping fast everyday because nobody wants to be a bugged animal for 30 seconds.

    My thoughts about how the bugs are being handled are profound. It feels like only a group of 5-10 people max are actually working on this game. All the patches they are throwing out are all small fixes and have nothing to do with the real problems that we are reporting. If we complain how a class or something is weak, we get a patch the week after with a fix where "There are 1 too many birds on a tree. We've also fixed a problem where there was an extra comma in a dialog. The game should be fine now. We've also done some tweaking to classes. We've currently nerfed the nightblade skills and the werewolfs attack power. This has been a issue for everybody so we hope you're happy" The only real patch we're going to get and doesn't even fix an eighth of our problems is craglorn. I dont see why their pushing expansions so soon after lauch where their main focus should be fixing the bugs that have been around since day -5 and beta. And about the bots. IMO, our real problem shouldn't be the gold spamming bots or the dungeon/quest/resource node bots. Instead, it should be the forum and ticket bots. I know you have a *** ton of criticism and tickets flying your way, but constantly sending out the "We'll look into it" and "There doesn't seem to be a problem" or "We'll fix it right away" doesn't help the situation where the promises arn't fullfilled.
  • awkwarrd
    Just wanted to let you know, the 1.1 patch has some WW fixes.
    Buffs even, not just nerfs.

    How broken they are when they hit live, idk.
    How much nerf they will get after ppl start to QQ, idk.
  • PurpleFox
    sh4d0wh4z3 wrote: »
    My thoughts about how the bugs are being handled are profound. It feels like only a group of 5-10 people max are actually working on this game. All the patches they are throwing out are all small fixes and have nothing to do with the real problems that we are reporting. If we complain how a class or something is weak, we get a patch the week after with a fix where "There are 1 too many birds on a tree. We've also fixed a problem where there was an extra comma in a dialog. The game should be fine now. We've also done some tweaking to classes. We've currently nerfed the nightblade skills and the werewolfs attack power. This has been a issue for everybody so we hope you're happy" The only real patch we're going to get and doesn't even fix an eighth of our problems is craglorn. I dont see why their pushing expansions so soon after lauch where their main focus should be fixing the bugs that have been around since day -5 and beta.

    I feel the same damn way, it really is quite pathetic on their part. Zenimax wanted to start up an MMO but they were no where near ready to deal with the world of problems that came with it.
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • PurpleFox
    awkwarrd wrote: »
    Just wanted to let you know, the 1.1 patch has some WW fixes.
    Buffs even, not just nerfs.

    How broken they are when they hit live, idk.
    How much nerf they will get after ppl start to QQ, idk.

    Thanks for the info, but at this point that's not what i'm trying to say, what i'm trying to say is that the company needs to take better care of their fan-base, they need to give us as much as we give them. It's not a one sided relationship. Because really, that's what this is. Its a relationship, a business. They want to run it, but they have to remember "The customer is always right" that rule can be applied here with ease, and its something the company needs to understand.
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Spritehawk
    At least you get to turn into a werewolf lol. My ultimate resets so often that I dont even bother looking to see if I can use it. I think Ive used it maybe three times cause I am level 2 in werewolf skills. The last time I used it the animation of it going away kind of lagged or bugged or glitched and I died to the mobs around me. As much as I hate to see all the vampires around me, I think I'll just start pretending that I can morph into a Dragon. Seem to be more of a realistic thing than a Werewolf atm
  • NordJitsu
    I believe they did mention in the AUA that they would be fixing the werewolf line bugs as well as buffing it.

    I agree though that they should respond more often on the forums. Failing to do so just leads to frustration.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Hoylegu
    The game's been out a month. Let them get the technical/server issues fixed first, then they can focus on balance/content fixes.

    Zenimax seems to be the victim of their own success. The game is amazing fun, yet it's only a month old. People see how fun it is, and myopically expect it to be as polished as a 5 year old game.

    Your fixes will come.

  • articwolfgirl
    PurpleFox wrote: »

    You payed 15k too? I had to sell my only Ancent Elf Crafting book for the money to reset the damn thing...thank god for markplier videos XD
    Else I would be raging so bad right now...

    But I agree with you, the support wasn't nearly as good as it was in beta, and I'm getting tired of /bug reporting every damn time I find another thing wrong, just to get an automated response.
    Hell, I had one of mine friend quit because they got to Vet1 and then the NPC you talk to to enter coldharbour, just didn't talk.
    He told me that support suggested he "Restart his game" Like from level 1....the whole damn thing again because they couldn't be bothered helping!

    Ouch... I haven't heard of support telling people to restart their characters, that's just rough.
    Spritehawk wrote: »
    . As much as I hate to see all the vampires around me, I think I'll just start pretending that I can morph into a Dragon. Seem to be more of a realistic thing than a Werewolf atm

    DRAGON! :3 Seriously that is a wicked thought, we all should keep that in mind.

    Hoylegu wrote: »
    The game's been out a month. Let them get the technical/server issues fixed first, then they can focus on balance/content fixes.

    Your fixes will come.


    We know the fixes will come we are just keeping tabs on the glitches/bugs along the way. As paying customers we are allowed to rant as well as discuss issues at hand. No QQ just simple discussion over the facts, lets face it there are a lot of bugs in the game. Eventually everything will be fixed only to discover more bugs when new things are introduced as it goes with any mmo. :smile:
    Some times life steals the stairs right out from beneath your feet, you have to hold on by whatever means even if the risk are too high. Never give up, eventually you will find a new stair has formed right beneath your foot where you left off.
  • BenjaminKacher_ESO
    They fixed a bug/exploit, they didn't "nurf" the skill line further. I agree it needs fixes but don't complain when your exploit goes away.
  • PurpleFox
    They fixed a bug/exploit, they didn't "nurf" the skill line further. I agree it needs fixes but don't complain when your exploit goes away.

    If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. You clearly don't understand the situation here and that fine, but responses like these are completely unnecessary.
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Reenlister
    They fixed a bug/exploit, they didn't "nurf" the skill line further. I agree it needs fixes but don't complain when your exploit goes away.
    Exploit? what exploit. We never even get to be Werewolves, much less exploit it..
    Lets see, 10 mins of RL time to build up your ultimate, only to see it gone if you zone, or sometimes if you just walk, and don't go to the bathroom for a moment, no ultimate when you come back.
    Then you get 30 seconds as a Werewolf if you get to change, but you can take devour, which takes longer to eat the corpse then you really exchange for time as a wolf, plus no health bonus from it, and your completely vulnerable while eating, say to like a shield bash knocking you off.
    Only two powers, one of which requires you to back off your enemy to use, the other only 'scares' them.
    Hey, I could deal with that even, but again, thirty seconds in your wolf form?
    Meanwhile, the Vamps, the dreaded enemy of we wolves, get to run around in stage 3 and 4 since its a helpful thing to them?? That's supposed to be a bad thing, not oh, look how cool and uber I am in my not fed state.
    Yeah, it is fubar beyond all belief.
    I wrote support about it many times in bug reports.
    The answer, well we are looking into it?
    This is not new, again a thing that should have been known and fixed while still in beta.
  • PurpleFox
    Reenlister wrote: »
    They fixed a bug/exploit, they didn't "nurf" the skill line further. I agree it needs fixes but don't complain when your exploit goes away.
    Exploit? what exploit. We never even get to be Werewolves, much less exploit it..
    Lets see, 10 mins of RL time to build up your ultimate, only to see it gone if you zone, or sometimes if you just walk, and don't go to the bathroom for a moment, no ultimate when you come back.
    Then you get 30 seconds as a Werewolf if you get to change, but you can take devour, which takes longer to eat the corpse then you really exchange for time as a wolf, plus no health bonus from it, and your completely vulnerable while eating, say to like a shield bash knocking you off.
    Only two powers, one of which requires you to back off your enemy to use, the other only 'scares' them.
    Hey, I could deal with that even, but again, thirty seconds in your wolf form?
    Meanwhile, the Vamps, the dreaded enemy of we wolves, get to run around in stage 3 and 4 since its a helpful thing to them?? That's supposed to be a bad thing, not oh, look how cool and uber I am in my not fed state.
    Yeah, it is fubar beyond all belief.
    I wrote support about it many times in bug reports.
    The answer, well we are looking into it?
    This is not new, again a thing that should have been known and fixed while still in beta.

    You read my mind...
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • PurpleFox
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    I believe they did mention in the AUA that they would be fixing the werewolf line bugs as well as buffing it.

    I agree though that they should respond more often on the forums. Failing to do so just leads to frustration.

    Had a bit of time an looked into that, the only bug fix we are getting as werewolves is that they would be fixing ONE USELESS PERK! that's it...only that...no proper bug fixes, no animation bug fixes, no new powers, no buffs....just one damn perk fix.
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Valaska
    Couple things would help it;

    400 Ult Cost for Transformation
    5 minutes transformation time
    WereWolf timer FREEZES when in combat!

    We then need a couple active skills... Yes Vampires get 2, but they use all their other actives as well;

    1. Someway to break blocking enemies while not costing/being as random as roar
    2. A mid combat devour that self heals yourself HP wise, and fills werewolf bar (A LONG WITH the freeze in combat for the timer, so you don't drop out as soon as you stop fighting.)
    3. More time per devour, possibly a short buff too.
  • Kaiem
    They have stated they are working to sort the werewolf bugs and looking to buff the skill line as a whole. However, it would be nice perhaps if they worked to maybe fix things like the nightblade CLASS first which remains riddled with bugs. Unfortunately though I haven't even seen the nightblade bugs acknowledged, I've only seen them say that they will look to buff the least used abilities that the class has.
  • PurpleFox
    Valaska wrote: »
    Couple things would help it;

    400 Ult Cost for Transformation
    5 minutes transformation time
    WereWolf timer FREEZES when in combat!

    We then need a couple active skills... Yes Vampires get 2, but they use all their other actives as well;

    1. Someway to break blocking enemies while not costing/being as random as roar
    2. A mid combat devour that self heals yourself HP wise, and fills werewolf bar (A LONG WITH the freeze in combat for the timer, so you don't drop out as soon as you stop fighting.)
    3. More time per devour, possibly a short buff too.

    A 400 cost would screw it up royally, as i have my cost at 435 from combining the "Dragon" heavy armor set = 20% reduced ulti cost
    and the "Hercines hide" set = 33% reduced cost for ww transformation
    without its at 925 cost or something along those lines.
    Kaiem wrote: »
    They have stated they are working to sort the werewolf bugs and looking to buff the skill line as a whole. However, it would be nice perhaps if they worked to maybe fix things like the nightblade CLASS first which remains riddled with bugs. Unfortunately though I haven't even seen the nightblade bugs acknowledged, I've only seen them say that they will look to buff the least used abilities that the class has.

    I play as a Nightblade/Werewolf, though i focus more on my stamina cost skills rather than my magic ones, as the massive stamina pool for the WW allows easier use of the skills, as such I haven't really noticed as many bugs with the Nightblade Skill lines.

    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Hozec
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    actual reply's from humans in bug reports! Why!? What happened!? I don't get why you can't just listen to us, the community!

    bug reports are not meant or designed for them to reply to you. You let them know of a bug... and it gets added in their que of other bugs to be looked at replicated then find the problem then fixed then patched. What kind of response are you looking for in a bug report?

    If you wanted help like you said why didn't you open a ticket instead of the bug report?

  • PurpleFox
    Hozec wrote: »
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    actual reply's from humans in bug reports! Why!? What happened!? I don't get why you can't just listen to us, the community!

    bug reports are not meant or designed for them to reply to you. You let them know of a bug... and it gets added in their que of other bugs to be looked at replicated then find the problem then fixed then patched. What kind of response are you looking for in a bug report?

    If you wanted help like you said why didn't you open a ticket instead of the bug report?

    I do...all the time...never get the desired response...
    Its always along the line of...
    "Many players have reported this...blah blah...working on it, closed ticket"
    I never get the response i want out of support is all, I did get one really good one once, I think it was about a crash in a specific area of the Alikir desert, got sorted out really easy. But guess when that was? Beta

    My point to this rant is that the company representatives need to learn to listen to us. They need to take advice from us, the players.
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Valaska
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Valaska wrote: »
    Couple things would help it;

    400 Ult Cost for Transformation
    5 minutes transformation time
    WereWolf timer FREEZES when in combat!

    We then need a couple active skills... Yes Vampires get 2, but they use all their other actives as well;

    1. Someway to break blocking enemies while not costing/being as random as roar
    2. A mid combat devour that self heals yourself HP wise, and fills werewolf bar (A LONG WITH the freeze in combat for the timer, so you don't drop out as soon as you stop fighting.)
    3. More time per devour, possibly a short buff too.

    A 400 cost would screw it up royally, as i have my cost at 435 from combining the "Dragon" heavy armor set = 20% reduced ulti cost
    and the "Hercines hide" set = 33% reduced cost for ww transformation
    without its at 925 cost or something along those lines.
    Kaiem wrote: »
    They have stated they are working to sort the werewolf bugs and looking to buff the skill line as a whole. However, it would be nice perhaps if they worked to maybe fix things like the nightblade CLASS first which remains riddled with bugs. Unfortunately though I haven't even seen the nightblade bugs acknowledged, I've only seen them say that they will look to buff the least used abilities that the class has.

    I play as a Nightblade/Werewolf, though i focus more on my stamina cost skills rather than my magic ones, as the massive stamina pool for the WW allows easier use of the skills, as such I haven't really noticed as many bugs with the Nightblade Skill lines.


    So the rest of us need a jacked up ultra high Ult cost for not picking a certain armor? Sounds legitimate. Instead of avoiding fixing it because of Hircines hide, nerf hircines hide and buff the WW ult cost dropping it down to 400.
  • mowind
    Zenimax hates you all, cant you tell by the way they treat us?
  • PurpleFox
    So the rest of us need a jacked up ultra high Ult cost for not picking a certain armor? Sounds legitimate. Instead of avoiding fixing it because of Hircines hide, nerf hircines hide and buff the WW ult cost dropping it down to 400.

    No, i'm not saying that, i'm just pointing out that there are other ways when it comes to cost wise, though....if i had it my way the Were Wolves would get a complete overhaul, new useful perks. New powers, a toggleable power, or perhaps free transformation cost when at night.

    I get why it is taking so long, but honestly....i have lost hope on the matter...at this point I have mastered the WW rank 10, full power, Etc. im done with it for now...
    I love it dearly...but its something i just have to forget attempting to get them to fix....if they do buff us, new powers, new perk, etc.
    then fine i will be over the moon, but at this moment in time...they just don't care, so i ask you...
    Why should I?
    Edited by PurpleFox on May 9, 2014 11:20PM
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Valaska
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    So the rest of us need a jacked up ultra high Ult cost for not picking a certain armor? Sounds legitimate. Instead of avoiding fixing it because of Hircines hide, nerf hircines hide and buff the WW ult cost dropping it down to 400.

    No, i'm not saying that, i'm just pointing out that there are other ways when it comes to cost wise, though....if i had it my way the Were Wolves would get a complete overhaul, new useful perks. New powers, a toggleable power, or perhaps free transformation cost when at night.

    I get why it is taking so long, but honestly....i have lost hope on the matter...at this point I have mastered the WW rank 10, full power, Etc. im done with it for now...
    I love it dearly...but its something i just have to forget attempting to get them to fix....if they do buff us, new powers, new perk, etc.
    then fine i will be over the moon, but at this moment in time...they just don't care, so i ask you...
    Why should I?

    Only way they know people care is if we get a discussion and commentary going about it. Hopefully Zeni will read this... As unlikely as it is... If they do, they may earnestly consider some of the angles we come at to fix the problems we WW's have.

    As a WW10, I approve the message of keeping the forum going about it.
  • Sakiri
    Valaska wrote: »
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Valaska wrote: »
    Couple things would help it;

    400 Ult Cost for Transformation
    5 minutes transformation time
    WereWolf timer FREEZES when in combat!

    We then need a couple active skills... Yes Vampires get 2, but they use all their other actives as well;

    1. Someway to break blocking enemies while not costing/being as random as roar
    2. A mid combat devour that self heals yourself HP wise, and fills werewolf bar (A LONG WITH the freeze in combat for the timer, so you don't drop out as soon as you stop fighting.)
    3. More time per devour, possibly a short buff too.

    A 400 cost would screw it up royally, as i have my cost at 435 from combining the "Dragon" heavy armor set = 20% reduced ulti cost
    and the "Hercines hide" set = 33% reduced cost for ww transformation
    without its at 925 cost or something along those lines.
    Kaiem wrote: »
    They have stated they are working to sort the werewolf bugs and looking to buff the skill line as a whole. However, it would be nice perhaps if they worked to maybe fix things like the nightblade CLASS first which remains riddled with bugs. Unfortunately though I haven't even seen the nightblade bugs acknowledged, I've only seen them say that they will look to buff the least used abilities that the class has.

    I play as a Nightblade/Werewolf, though i focus more on my stamina cost skills rather than my magic ones, as the massive stamina pool for the WW allows easier use of the skills, as such I haven't really noticed as many bugs with the Nightblade Skill lines.


    So the rest of us need a jacked up ultra high Ult cost for not picking a certain armor? Sounds legitimate. Instead of avoiding fixing it because of Hircines hide, nerf hircines hide and buff the WW ult cost dropping it down to 400.

    My suggestion ended at it with 500 after morph at rank 4 and 375 with a hard 25% cap on ultimate reduction.

    Would fix the "constant ultimate dk/emp/vam" too.
  • ScardyFox
    Bring your ire here - someone from zeno staff actually responded to the post. Keep pouring on the demands, my fellow weres.

  • Corithna
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    I could not agree more, I was seriously wishing for maybe a bug or two fixed to the actually form but instead its a 'nerf'/'bug fix' on their running speed. Seriously? Are WW's not broken enough to be fixed seriously? I had to pay for a complete skill point reset (15k) just to redo my were wolf skill tree since I was one of the many who 'tried' to do the whole pack leader morph and could not transform to save my life. Couldn't continue working on the rank without being able to kill in ww form, and when I messaged Zeni bout it as a ticket the response I got was:
    There have been more reports about a similar issue. We are currently investigating this and, in the meantime, please use /bug in the chatbox to allow us to document it.

    When these kinds of issues arise, especially if they involve several players, we are determined to ensure that every single player who may be affected sees it resolved at the same time as all others. We are sure that a positive outcome will arrive and that it will be integrated as smoothly as possible.

    We will be closing this ticket because of that.
    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    So.... instead of helping me reset my talents, or undoing the reset for me... or even telling me how to do so to get me past this broken progression because indeed my rank was still at 5 and I could not progress any further without killing in ww form, I was sent that lovely letter pretty much telling me "Hey its a bug, we can't do anything about it... be sure to report it as a bug and we will try to figure it out eventually."

    I had to look up how to reset my attributes and such on my own since I didn't even know you could btw just to undo my morph. My ww now runs around as an unmorphed transformation lvl 10 rank just because I don't feel like dealing with all the glitches.

    The kneeling when trying to leap to an enemy is beyond annoying.. When it happens, I use up potions/food just to get unstuck wasting materials that I could be using later on.

    The whole unable to gain hp while in the form becomes troublesome as well. Health pots anyone? Grab a stack of them because your gonna need them to stay alive when pulling a larger mob then 2. 4-5 enemy's and your boned, if your lucky you'll survive thanks to a passerby, or it your able to 'time' your fear shouts correctly despite the fact there is a 3-5 second delay when you button mashing trying to get it to go off.

    You payed 15k too? I had to sell my only Ancent Elf Crafting book for the money to reset the damn thing...thank god for markplier videos XD
    Else I would be raging so bad right now...

    But I agree with you, the support wasn't nearly as good as it was in beta, and I'm getting tired of /bug reporting every damn time I find another thing wrong, just to get an automated response.
    Hell, I had one of mine friend quit because they got to Vet1 and then the NPC you talk to to enter coldharbour, just didn't talk.
    He told me that support suggested he "Restart his game" Like from level 1....the whole damn thing again because they couldn't be bothered helping!


    Restarting the game simply means completely closing the game client, waiting a minute or two, then relaunching the game. It doesn't mean reroll your character. Either your buddy is lying to you, misunderstood what customer service was asking him to do, or your lying to us. Either way I don't buy it at all. If you're respecing at the drop of a hat, then that's your choice, not something you're being forced into. And yes resetting your skill points simply because you are too impatient to wait for a bug to be fixed is respecing at the drop of a hat. You have no one to blame but yourself for this.
    For all the millions of pages of codified law we have enacted in this nation alone, all of it, every word, sentence, paragraph and nuance, is steeped in the singular idea of this:

    "Be good to one another."
  • PurpleFox
    Restarting the game simply means completely closing the game client, waiting a minute or two, then relaunching the game. It doesn't mean reroll your character. Either your buddy is lying to you, misunderstood what customer service was asking him to do, or your lying to us. Either way I don't buy it at all. If you're respecing at the drop of a hat, then that's your choice, not something you're being forced into. And yes resetting your skill points simply because you are too impatient to wait for a bug to be fixed is respecing at the drop of a hat. You have no one to blame but yourself for this.

    Firstly, this isn't an environment that supports Trolls, Vampires or people like you who questions friendships, try to discredit others who only want so Share their opinions and stories on legitimate matters that belong on this forum. Didn't your mother ever teach you "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?"

    Secondly, "Reroll" was the exact word used in their story. I said "restart" because some people don't know what "Reroll" means, this makes it easier for all.

    Lastly, It's clear that you have never morphed to pack leader...go on, try it. You will ask for a respec too, so don't come into this thread acting like you know everything, because you DON'T!

    You should know when to pick a fight, and this is not one you want to pick...so leave
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Adryssa_Joneley
    I totally agree... they need to seriously do something about those werewolves. I haven't personally played one but i watch the zone chat and guild chat and i don't see anything positive written about them. In fact, i do see many 'wanting' to be a werewolf but due to the way it is atm, they opt not to be. And that is a shame because i would just adore to be one on at least one or more toons. I can't believe they are already doing nerfs on something that feels so broken already. I hope they do listen or actually looking into it. I feel that perhaps they are but maybe they just don't know HOW to go about fixing it. Maybe its a challenging project for them. But either way, I sincerely hope they will find some solution. They should make the vamps and werewolves equally fun and work well, to actually make a person have that difficult decision for their toon. "So to be a vamp or a werewolf. Hmm, a difficult choice," because they are both equally good and special in their own way. I really hope they won't simply kill off the werewolves by removing them completely from the game as their fix. Many wouldn't be happy about that.

    So lets hope they are listening and will or are doing something about it.
  • ZurinArctus
    I went vampire, purely for the drain ability. My brother went werewolf. He doesn't use a single skill from Werewolf aside from wanting to level them up periodically. It's sad.

    Some of these game breaking bugs still exist for this long, with no available ETA on an appropriate fix. Why they're already adjusting effects of skills that have never performed correctly to begin with is beyond me.

    I hope they coordinate themselves better and get some of these major issues banged out before long.
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