This gonna sound wrong since I am a businessman, but some people are good if they leave. Those bozos who only wants to pvp if they are an vampire who can instantly kill 50 people for example.
I WAS gonna start a night blade before I saw this post. It was to good to pass up. I want to play one, dual wield, because what I've seen thats where the most are broken? Can never say anything for sure. Though fixing the current patch is more then likely what zenimax is ONLY doing right now, I hope. BUT, you have to trust me when I say, I have a "gut" feeling about certain things.
Patch 1.2.X is not 2 months away. 1 week my gut says.
About playerbase for ESO (off topic but this is something I know and wants to share). Even if it sounds wierd, I am a guildleader in a small, but active social/group/quest/have fun with dark elves guild. (Link in my sig if you wanna look at a BAD page).
A community has defenetly started to evolve in the game. I speak with other guildleaders about news/progress/their view and experiences. And I get the same answers as we have in our guild. We are small, but we find a recruit every now and then, all who LIKES ESO. Other guildleaders have very simular statements. And this is as recent as thursday. I am sure the pink world or whatever bug people got from this patch didnt help, but I do see more "real" players around. Not just "race to high lvl", but like yesterday, we recruited someone who played from early access but was "only" lvl 35 (I am 37).
Our new recruit had a very simular story to mine. The game is fun! hunting skyshards are fun! (no addon).
Trying to kill a troll is something I NEVER gonna even try again!
If the game stablizes somewhat. Sure bugs, but it does need to be playable...
I think the "new" players are still buying the game. This week, next week. next month.
Maybe my enthusiasm is talking, but there are way to many things in this game to not be interested if you are a player who enjoy what ESO is.
Fek! Long post again! Blame my mother, she is a hairdresser!
So, night blade, dual wild, medium and light armor, that odd guild skill that heals everyone around you and I guess Ill try a bow!
I understand that the hardest tradeskill to get good at is enchanting? Will try that.
Now to the really important question. What race? I got imperial so I can pick em all. I do have a liking for the kajiits and lizards...but both those are GOOD night blade races right? I want something that isnt the best...hmm, A drunk nord night blade?
And not a single word to me? Your cheerleader through the harsh night?
I'll send my hireling to spank you!
Thunderknuckles wrote: »One eye, just lettin' you know that there are plenty of people out here who agree with you 100%. You are not the only adult playing the game. LOLMost of what these other people are whining about incessantly are known as, "First world problems".
If you have the energy to read my post just below yours, I am saying the same thing and I hear the same thing from other guilds as well.
It notices also those times I choose to do a pug dungeon, quest with someone or just trade blacksmith stuff with.
The player base in ESO seams....better, then other games. If its an age thing, I do not know. I just meet more and more people, and they tend more then often to be nice.....
Thunderknuckles wrote: »One eye, just lettin' you know that there are plenty of people out here who agree with you 100%. You are not the only adult playing the game. LOLMost of what these other people are whining about incessantly are known as, "First world problems".
Thank you, sir! I didn't set out to do a "me vs. every other player" quest here, haha. But man, people get pretty wound up.
ipkonfigcub18_ESO wrote: »I really dislike fanboy threads in game forums...
oxygen_boarderb16_ESO wrote: »This kind of thing is to be expected in any major content patch. Gone are the days that things just work out of the box. Get used to it, find the problems, report them and participate in the creative process that is the game industry.