I see the outrage over the issues created by the 1.1.2 patch - people demanding that they be allowed to revert the game to before the patch, people threatening to cancel their subscriptions, and the general bashing of ESO and Zenimax.
I whole heartedly agree in certain points. Yeah, the Nightblades are getting screwed. Zone mobs are a hell of a lot harder (in certain zones it seems).
But as a whole, I defend Zenimax, and here's why.
First let me point out who a lot of these complaints are coming from: veterans. I'm a VR5 and have been playing the game since the moment it was released on early access (plus a few prior betas). I try and get in at least 2 hours on weekdays, and maybe 10 hours or so on the weekends. But then there are those players who spend every waking moment on ESO. They want to level as quickly as possible. They want to have all the best of everything as quickly as possible. They essentially want to "have their cake and eat it to" in every aspect of the game. They want to be king of the mountain so they can impress the other players. These guys can be some of the whiniest cry babies in the world.
I see a trend in their complaints. Often times it's not that the game is so messed up, it's that Zenimax made a change that they just simply don't like. For example, there are a few veteran zone dungeons where, in the past, the bosses were bugged. You could pretty easily kill them if you stood in the right spot or followed a certain procedure. But Zenimax has since fixed some of these bugs, so these bosses are no longer easier to kill. And I've seen A LOT of high level players complain about that.
"Why is so hard to kill this boss now?"
And how about recipes and motifs? Everyone whining that they can't find the best of stuff.
Everyone knows the bots and gold farmers are a big issue, just like any MMO. Historically speaking, there's no way to ever be 100% spam/bot/farmer free.
Zenimax, like other MMO game developers, are trying hard to combat this issue - an issue which, by their own admission, is a HUGE one - much bigger than perhaps they anticipated.
And players constantly complain about these farmers and spammers, but I've seen my fair share of players happily purchase items from these guys. Tempering alloy for 1500 gold? Pretty tempting. Why go out and do things yourself when you can just buy it from a farmer. So just like any economy: supply and demand. As long as "legit" players will buy these items, there will be no shortage of farmers/bots.
And seriously, do you really think that every patch is going to be perfect? When you started playing ESO, did you think the game would run perfectly forever?
Of course not. So why is everyone so surprised that there are bumps and glitches and bugs in the game?
Yeah, it sucks right now, in the moment. But do you really believe that the developers and game designers at Zenimax come in to work every morning and say "We love pissing off the players of our game! HA HA HA!"
Don't be ridiculous. They do pay attention to feedback and bugs. They do pay attention to trends on the forums. They are listening to the players as best they can. But they can't address every single issue in one fix. They can't respond to every single player's individual wants and desires. Zenimax WILL FIX THE PROBLEMS as fast as possible.
So please, stop acting like, just because you play ESO a lot, that you're entitled to having the game EXACTLY the way you want it. In reality, we're all getting a LOT of entertainment at a really, REALLY fair price.
And on that note...
There is nothing more pathetic or lame than you players who take to the forums and threaten to cancel you subscription. Grow up, kiddies.
Why do you think Zenimax responds with "Thanks for playing!" and then closes those threads? Because they don't want you as a player, and neither do people like me, for that matter. You're not helping or contributing. You're just babies throwing hissy fits.
By all means, quit. Cancel your subscription. Go find something else to do with your life, because apparently your life is so empty and so void of any purpose that you're threatening to quit playing a video game.
You feel like you're getting ripped off?
If you guys are really getting so worked up over $0.50 per day to play ESO ($14.99 per 30 days), then I think you have much, much bigger problems. If spending $0.50 is a real problem for you, you probably shouldn't be spending any money whatsoever on video games.
If you're the type of player who plans on going the distance with ESO, which so far is a REALLY good MMO from a really good franchise, then accept things for what they are. If it's so frustrating, take a break for a few days. The game isn't going anywhere.
In the long run, ESO is only going to get better and better. Sometimes it's "2 steps forward one step back." It's just the nature of an online game with a worldwide audience playing at all hours of the day.
I like ESO and I'm trying to see things from Zenimax's point of view, but people think that I'm either a) a fanboy - apparently not welcome on the forum, b) a paid PR person embedded by Zenimax to drum up positivity for ESO (that's my favorite), or c) just an idiot.
I am a fanboy. I like ESO and I'm going to keep paying and playing, because I believe the game will only improve as a whole. I have fun playing, most of the time. Except fighting trolls. I freaking hate Trolls and I can't really solo them.
I wish Zenimax did pay me. That'd be SWEEEEET!
Sure. I'll be an idiot.
Edited by one_eye on May 23, 2014 8:31PM