Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Templar Aedric Skill BITING JABS

actually i never mind about what ppl say about zenimax. about the aoe cap , about any nerf , i never mind really , i try to accept that . but at this point i cant hold it anymore. if you are templar who didnt use destro staff skill impulse , then surely you will using bitting jabs , but after this major patch ,after you use bitting jabs , your character is just standing there , cant do anything , like stunned .

please zenimax , templar cc to survive a groups of mobs , or solo templar , is rely on that skill , if you nerf that , please give a reason why you nerf that , and put it on the patch notes . honestly i almost gave up playing templar , cause lack of cc and good damage aoe (well if u use impulse , then doesnt really matter) . and now you took my only bitting jabs . then what should i use to do some damage . solar barrage , well its nice , but not so good damage , and cost same magicka like biting jabs . for me who use 5 heavy n 2 light and 2 hand sword , bitting jabs is the most damage skill templar can have.

please give answer and give me back my bitting jabs

Please respond ,
  • Armitas
    Thank you all for your patience as we tracked this one down. We have an answer for you.

    In patch 1.1.2, we increased the internal cooldown of Biting Jabs from 0.5 seconds to 1.2 seconds. Unfortunately, this change was not documented in the patch notes. This was not intended, and we do apologize.

    This change was made to balance the ability's high single target damage. However we have been reading your feedback, and agree that the ability feels too unresponsive now. We will be reverting this change for the next patch (as soon as possible), and instead will slightly increase the ability's resource cost.
    Nord mDK
  • Mortosk
    Post here:

    And demand they hotfix this NOW. Or we are going to be screwed until the next patch.
    "Now I stand, the lion before the lambs and they do not fear. They can not fear." --Arthas Menethil (aka, The Lich King)
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Im neither paying or playing till they fix this lols.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
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