Script for G19?

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Are there any scripts(?) for the G19 keyboard?
  • Tiyamel
    I too, want to hear if anyone has made a cool script or two, either for the G19 or something compatible for the G13 as I have both, currently running custom layout of LCDHost on G19 and Teamspeak3 on G13, but would love to have an in depth app on my keyboard, so all you budding programmers out there, if you can help us, pretty please...............
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  • LilBudyWizerub17_ESO
    Why don't you give some idea what you're looking for because I really have no idea. Doing a rotation should be a bannable offense so I assume that isn't what you mean which, to me, leaves little more than key assignments. Most of that can be done with just the key bindings in the game since there isn't that many keys. There's 12 main panels, i.e. inventory and such, and 12 function keys, hum. Beyond that there's just emotes. I did a lame dance using the point emotes. Mostly it doesn't seem that useful without addons. Many of those add key bindings and slash commands that let you turn UI elements on and off. I suppose one could toggle the main interface elements on and off. So what, exactly, where you thinking?
    My Guild - Anvil
  • Crassius
    No, they don't mean they want scripts to bot. The screen with the G19 is used to display information usually.

    In this case I suspect showing constant player stats or last book read, or a minimap... (hmmm there's a good one!)

    I personally use MSI Afterburner to keep an eye on my temps but yea, that minimap idea is a good one if anyone is listening...
    Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll...
    Everything I say is just my opinion. Like it or not - that's all it is.
  • Cairenn
    Things like player stats (as Crassius said), showing things like bag space, fps, zone name, level, experience, gold, soul gems, ... are more examples of things that could very nicely be shown on the various enhanced-keyboard screens.
    Co-founder & Administrator
  • Stv
    Soul Shriven
    The screens in these keyboards can't be used with Teso atm as the addon api has no functions for accessing the lcd screens :(
  • Tiyamel
    @LilBudyWizerub17_ESO sorry taken me while to reply to this thread, been busy, as @Crassius stated im not looking to bot, I would love in depth stats to be available on the go without having to stop and open my screen, softcaps, gear damage and buff/debuff stats would be awesome on the lcd, but like @Stv has said it doesn't look likely if the api can't access it, to be honest its hard to find any real good apps for the G19, at least not for the games I play lol
    Edited by Tiyamel on May 15, 2014 10:23AM
    Guild Master of Lost Prophecies, small group of friends playing in Ebonheart Pact, recruitment only accessible through playing with us and making a good impression.
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  • zgrssd
    Cairenn wrote: »
    Things like player stats (as Crassius said), showing things like bag space, fps, zone name, level, experience, gold, soul gems, ... are more examples of things that could very nicely be shown on the various enhanced-keyboard screens.
    come to mind.

    Displaying this data on the G19 Screen is the hardest part. I heard ESO addons can access the internet. If that is true one could set up interprocess communication to some non-Addon Programm (wich deals with dispalying the data on the Screen). If, and only if!
    Elana Peterson (EU), Dominion, Imperial Sorc, Rune & Alchemy Crafting Char
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    Me babbling about PvE roles and Armor, Short Guide to Addon Programming (for Programmers)

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