As a wise man once said, welcome to the Elder Scrolls! Our Orcs are elves and our Dwarves are elves! (heck, even our cat-people were once elves)
The Elder Scrolls series definitely started out as more generic and heavily influenced by other fantasy of the time, but has over the years developed into something unique. I don't think it's fair to call anything a "rip-off", it's more so "here's a fantasy universe utilizing pretty standard fantasy things that have existed for decades".
To answer the question of the title directly, the majority of it is what I would definitely call "uniquely Elder Scrolls".
For some of my favourite bits of lore that I find fascinating and pretty unique, I can't say I've come across any other fantasy worlds where one of the major races arose from bioengineering performed by sentient hivemind trees from another world (or even possibly a previous Kalpa, depending on how you want to interpret things), and that said trees can continue to perform bioengineering on individuals when the need arises. I also like that the sun is literally just a hole.
Supreme_Atromancer wrote: »Just for discussion's sake, weren't Tolkien's orcs made from corrupted elves?
I agree nothing is truly original, and I honestly think that tropes are overly maligned. I think if you read the formula for George Martin's Game of Thrones etc. it might seem tropey and boring. People bemoan another medieval European setting but he did it in such a compelling way that those arguments fall into irrelevance.
Meanwhile the eternal quest to kill Tolkien has resulted in so much "Our Elves Are Different" (or "Our Orcs are Different") that Different Elves feel like they've become the trope.
In the same way, I also feel like counter-stereotype can be terribly over-used, to the point where the stereotype has lost all narrative value, if that makes sense. In small doses, it can be interesting, but I feel like it is often overly leaned on.
I'm personally turned off by things that feel contrived, and would far rather a trope that is done well.
Zombocalypse wrote: »Orcs in all fantasy settings are all rip-offs from Tolkien's works. But Orcs being a subcategory of elves. Now that is an Elder Scrolls original.
prof-dracko wrote: »All media can be reduced to basic tropes, it's not fair to say that anything is stolen from anywhere. Tolkien himself stole most of his elf and dwarf lore from Norse mythology.
Supreme_Atromancer wrote: »Just for discussion's sake, weren't Tolkien's orcs made from corrupted elves?
Tolkien didn't nail this detail down, but that was what the elves believed.