Caught in the second or third Saltwater hole near Morkul Stronghold during midnight. I was fishing with my wife, together with Sharp and the food was Artaeum Picked Fish Bowl and with CP for fishing, of course. So it was for a few minutes.
There is NPC fisher Atorag who gives you some clue for that.
liliub17_ESO wrote: »While I have not spent hours and hours and hours fishing during the event, I can say that I have not noticed ANY increased drop of special fish in any of the zones. In fact, I think the entire time, only two (maybe three, benefit of the doubt) have shown up at all. RNGeesus does not favor me, apparently.
Lots of plain fish, though. Same as always. And two gunny sacks.
DenverRalphy wrote: »
There's not supposed to be an increase in the drop rate of the special fish. The only difference is that when a special/trophy fish does drop, it's supposed to be guaranteed to be a fish you have not yet caught.
Gwendoliine wrote: »It does not work for me in Galen, I need one last foul water fish and got 13 and 10 same green foul water fishes but not the one I am missing...
And I have plenty of space in my inventory. :-(
Gwendoliine wrote: »It does not work for me in Galen, I need one last foul water fish and got 13 and 10 same green foul water fishes but not the one I am missing...
And I have plenty of space in my inventory. :-(