ectoplasmicninja wrote: »I was able to get the Sunna'rah staff style drop this time around, which was nice. Not sure how much luck I'll have with the Ul'vor staff though, given how massively crowded geysers are - I'm dropping DOTs and ulting etc but most of the time I'm not getting to loot the boss at all.
Elvenheart wrote: »I checked every lmpresario‘s Assistant in the game and was shocked to discover I had somehow missed getting the Apocrypha Expedition belt style during whatever event it was available so I got it for 2 tickets. And I spent three tickets on the three missing Murkmire grave stake fragments that have vexed the completionist in me for years, mocking me on the fragments list. Other than that, I had everything sold by all the versions of the Assistant, and now can concentrate on this event new items. 😊
ectoplasmicninja wrote: »I was able to get the Sunna'rah staff style drop this time around, which was nice. Not sure how much luck I'll have with the Ul'vor staff though, given how massively crowded geysers are - I'm dropping DOTs and ulting etc but most of the time I'm not getting to loot the boss at all.
Elvenheart wrote: »I checked every lmpresario‘s Assistant in the game and was shocked to discover I had somehow missed getting the Apocrypha Expedition belt style during whatever event it was available so I got it for 2 tickets. And I spent three tickets on the three missing Murkmire grave stake fragments that have vexed the completionist in me for years, mocking me on the fragments list. Other than that, I had everything sold by all the versions of the Assistant, and now can concentrate on this event new items. 😊