Question Gathering Thread for Upcoming ESO Community Q&A - PVP
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What's your opinion on armory stations in Battlegrounds, and/or in Cyrodiil keeps, that override In-combat states to swap gear if addressing the in-combat bug isn't feasible?
Hi @ZOS_JessicaFolsom and @ZOS_Kevin I've split my questions into 4 different sub-categories to hopefully help make my wall of text more readable for everyone. I do want to note, that I feel that all of these questions are equally important (as are the sub-categories) that making a long list would result in down-playing the importance of many of these questions.
Questions regarding the upcoming PvP Cyrodiil tests
Will the aims/outcomes/results of the upcoming PvP tests be shared?
Will the team be sharing how they intend to move forward regarding the results of these tests?
I understand the whole NDA and intellectual property thing, but surely there must be some information/conclusions/roadmaps that can be shared, such as narrowing down some of the more performance impacting aspects of PvP, some of the more general ideas for moving forward, etc.
Will the results (that can be shared) from the tests, be shared in a timely manner such that the community can help provide better, and more relevant, feedback and have a constructive discussion with the team on the plans moving forward to help the team reach their desired outcome?
This question isn't to say that the players should be making those decisions since it is still ZOS's game, but the aim of this question is to help ensure early enough communication is done to provide additional perspectives for the team when they want to make some larger, more sweeping changes to the game to ensure the changes that are made that will be of a benefit to more players and be less controversial. At the bare minimum, the aim of this question is to help ensure a way to provide understanding between the team and the players is made to reduce the speculation and lack of understanding as to why things are changed the way they are that a short 1 paragraph note just cannot effectively explain.
Questions regarding overall discrepancy in balance between organized and more casual playstyles in PvP
What are the team's thoughts on the current discrepancy in power regarding organized groups/raids compared to everything else?
(follow-up 1) Is the team happy that such a large discrepancy of power is possible where the power obtained becomes multiple magnitudes more than the sum of the individual parts.
(follow up 2) Thoughts on this power being primarily achieved via stacking every group buff set, instead of the growth/development of a players/groups skill?
Questions about set design and the impact of such set design in PvP
Is the team happy with the current design direction where procs are able to essentially play the game for the player?
Examples of this would be:
- Sets providing Free bursts of damage (tarnished nightmare) free heals (Mara's balm) or other impactful effects.
- Abilities being able to stack up 4-5 different status effects that all have their own buffs, debuffs, effects.
Both of these resulting in a big spike of free damage, healing or other effect that didn't require any inputs or skills to gain the benefits of.
What are the teams thoughts on the hundreds (well over 500 iirc) of different sets currently available in the game and yet despite the massive range of options, there's barely a dozen sets that are considered worth running for combat encounters above role-play or questing?
What are the teams thoughts on some of the more egregious proc sets that are breaking fundamental combat rules of the game, that are creating very toxic and borderline exploitative gameplay experiences?
e.g. Rush of Agony set; being a short cooldown, large AoE, mass pull set, that has no inherent cost or downside to using it and also breaks the rule about pull/Crowd Control effects granting Crowd Control immunity to their targets.
More general questions regarding mechanics in PvP, particularly relating to stacking mechanics
What are the teams thoughts on the amount of unchecked power that is currently obtainable in organized raids by endlessly stacking the same abilities/effects over and over?
Some examples of this are stacking multiple instances of echoing vigor and/or shielding contingency being used to ensure that an entire group can become immortal in PvP due to having 40k+ worth of shields and 15k healing per second active at all times.
It is important to note that PvP was never designed for this much stacked power to be available for groups, where as PvE encounters such as trials and dungeons are designed specifically to require such stacked power to complete them, hence why such stacked up power is causing such an issue specifically in PvP and why there is such a conflict every time something needs addressing in PvP but is required to be good in PvE.
Is the team considering adjusting/limiting the ability to stack the same abilities and/or types of effects?
One final question that will no-doubt have already been asked multiple times, but it is indeed one that has needed answering/updating for many years now: Has the team made any progress on the stuck-in-combat bug that has plagued cyrodiil in almost forever?
Looking forward to seeing the Q&A and continued discussion regarding the resulting answers the team can give to the questions raised on this thread.
Given the feedback regarding the recent changes to battlegrounds and the fact that many players have expressed a desire for the three team 4v4v4 format to be reinstated as an option, in addition to 4v4 and 8v8, will 4v4v4 be reinstated?
Is it intentional that two competent players in pvp will often stalemate against each other and walk away from their fight since they cannot kill each other?
If not, how long is an average fight between two skilled players intended to last?
Instead of only focusing on being able to inrease the cap of Cyrodiil population, It would be nice with new content of PvP. Cyrodiil has been out for so many years and even if the cap was increased and performance was better, many players are bored of it. I would personally like a new PvP zone like Imperial City or a complete change to it's map. Perhaps a new campaign with a different map to Cyrodiil. A new PvP zone would bring alot of old players back and would be a good selling point.
Something I've wished ZOS would do for their advertising/streams/trailers is to show how off highly skilled gameplay and what is possible to achive when you reach endgame. But that has never really been the case. For example the lastest PvP stream for Battlegrounds. As a player who plays both endgame for PvE and PvP and has learned light, bash, animation canceling and all these things, watching these streams and trailers the gameplay seems very slow and clunky. This gameplay for me is not very atttractive to watch. Specially nowdays with games being so fast paced. What got me into ESO was seeing gameplay of good players like SypherPK back in the days on Youtube, not the trailers which always showcased a slow and clunky playstyle without light attack weaving etc. It would be nice if ZOS could somehow showcase this more, specially for PvP.
As for the performance, the only thing that seemed to fix it for awhile was the hardware update which eventually was deteriorating after each patch. But performace is still much better than it was before it, perhaps beacuse of the lower population cap.
Thank you for the questions, everyone! This thread is now closed as we collate and organize the questions. Between the thread here and on Reddit, we have quite a few!
Hey everyone! We wanted give you an update on how the PVP Q&A is coming along. As noted in the message above, we got a lot of thoughtful questions. There are so many we'd like to answer that we are going to split the Q&A into two parts, with the first part focusing on questions about the upcoming Cyrodiil Champions test on the live servers. There have been, understandably, many questions about that. Timing-wise for Part 1, we're looking at either next week or the week of Feb. 4. Part 2 of the Q&A will focus on more of the broad PVP questions, and follow the first batch. Thank you!