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Question Gathering Thread for Upcoming ESO Community Q&A - PVP

Community Manager
Hi everyone! We’re kicking off the new year with our first community Q&A opportunity. We’ve seen a wealth of questions about PVP-related topics in the community, so we’ve opted to start with that.

In this thread, please share your ESO PVP-related questions. We will keep this thread open until Monday, January 13 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time, after which we will close it and go through the questions. We will answer as many as we’re able. Here’s some guidance for questions that will help us:
  • Please try to keep questions as concise and specific as possible – give context where you can.
    • Example: "When are you going to fix Cyrodill?" while concise, is not specific enough to really tell us what you're asking. Something like "What steps are you taking to improve server performance in Cyrodiil during big battles?" is better.
  • While we recognize there is some inherent class balance overlap with PVP topics, for the sake of this Q&A we'd like to keep questions focused on PVP activities and content in ESO.
  • Consider which questions are most important to you and prioritize those at the top of your list if you post multiple.
  • If you see a question that you really like or agree with, consider giving it an “Awesome” react. While we can’t guarantee that we’ll select every question with the most “Awesome” reactions, this will help us gauge which questions are most important to all of you!
  • And as always, just a reminder to please do your best to be respectful and constructive with your questions.
Lastly, we will be getting this Q&A localized, which does add a little extra time to the overall process. We’ll let you know if it’s looking like this will take more than a couple weeks.

(We are cross-posting this on the ESO Reddit community.)
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on January 16, 2025 2:53PM
Jessica Folsom
Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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Staff Post
  • Poss
    I’m gonna preface this by pointing out that when Cyrodiil released, it had the potential to be the Fortnite phenomenon of the era. Don’t forget Fortnite battle royale started as a PvP game mode within the base game. Over the years, Cyrodiil slipped into neglect. But it still has potential with a little love.

    My question is, do you intend to commit the resources to fix the problems that exist in Cyrodiil? The stuck in combat bug, performance instability, the stamina bug etc or is this drive to garner feedback all false hope and Cyrodiil really is a lost cause
  • Erickson9610
    Are there any plans to give Werewolf some interaction with the stealth and stealth detection systems?

    You currently aren't able to sneak while in Werewolf form, so stealth builds are impossible, even if you play a Nightblade Werewolf. There are animations already in the game for sneaking in Werewolf form, and werewolves in previous TES games (excluding Skyrim) could sneak — even werewolf NPCs in ESO are able to sneak!

    To add to that, werewolves also don't have any stealth detection abilities, since they can't use Expert Hunter, Magelight, Revealing Flare, or even the Sentry set (because they can't crouch). In PvP this makes werewolves easy targets for stealthed enemies who use ranged abilities, because werewolves can't detect them without hitting them with an area of effect ability like Infectious Claws or Roar.

    This is angled towards PvP, but this affects PvE, too — werewolves can't complete the Tarcyr fight in March of Sacrifices without first doing one of the side bosses which itself requires them to sneak, they can't fight Hollowjack during the Witches Festival due to the stealth mechanic during the fight, and that 2nd side boss in Graven Deep requires players to physically crouch under the lasers, meaning invisibility potions don't work.
    PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf

    Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
    Please give us Werewolf Skill Styles (for customizing our fur color), Grimoires/Scribing skills (to fill in the holes in our builds), and Companions (to transform with).
  • Avran_Sylt
    (Regarding the upcoming PvP test)

    Are there any changes to Sneak?

    Will Cloak be part of the Nightblades kit?

    Will Invisibility Potions be added to the selection of useable infinite potions?

    Will Detection Potions be added to the selection of useable infinite potions?

    (If yes to the above) Will Detection Potions still retain their current 45m radius?
    Edited by Avran_Sylt on January 10, 2025 4:00PM
  • Lyraen_Skyforge
    • Please try to keep questions as concise and specific as possible – give context where you can.
      • Example: "When are you going to fix Cyrodill?" while concise, is not specific enough to really tell us what you're asking. Something like "What steps are you taking to improve server performance in Cyrodiil during big battles?" is better.

    Why is it so difficult to get open and honest answers without having to constantly beg for them? Most of the questions you’ll be addressing have been asked for years.

    We don’t need more Q&A sessions—we need results. It feels like more effort is put into PR and marketing than into actual game development.
  • Estin
    There is quite a bit of concern over goal for the Vengeance Cyrodiil tests. While it's understandable that it's primary goal is to increase the performance while also (hopefully) massively increasing the population count, many are unsure if it's worth it over the perceived loss of gameplay diversity and identity. I would like to ask some questions to help ease the worry that many of us have.

    1. If the upcoming test is successful, are there plans to introduce additional skill lines, passives, and item sets in future tests? For example, Vengeance Test 2 would include Weapon Skills, Test 3 would include guild/alliance war skills, Test 4 would include passives, etc all the way up to the current state of build diversity?

    2. If yes to question 1, what will be the desired release frequency for each test phase you will try to aim for? For example, every two months, four months, six months?

    3. If no to question 1, is the end goal to convert Cyrodiil (or at the very least a single campaign) into a something similar to a hero shooter, meaning every class will have templated stats and only allow for one to two types of play styles? It was mentioned during the live stream that the idea was if you saw a specific class out on the battlefield, you would know exactly what they can do in terms of play style. While this is already something that is possible, the current build diversity allows for each class to have a large pool of different play styles that can subvert expectations which is how they should be.

    4. If Vengeance ends up failing, what other plans do you have to address the current state of performance and balance? It is no secret that healing causes a lot of strain on the server while also allowing for very unbalanced game play (Ball Groups). Will this be the next area you will look at?

    5. If Vengeance is a success and welcomed by most if not all of the PvP community, will it be implemented into all PvP campaigns?

    6. If yes to question 5, will it be implemented into dueling, battlegrounds, and Imperial City?

    7. If yes to question 1, would this allow for the long awaited separation of PvE and PvP?

    8. If yes to question 1 and 7, how will the new PvP skills work with the armory station? Will we be able to save PvP builds with the new PvP skills?

    9. What plans are there to address the current state of one sided battlegrounds?

    10. Are there any plans to have a dedicated server that will host PvP instances?
    Edited by Estin on January 10, 2025 4:02PM
  • Avran_Sylt
    Why is it so difficult to get open and honest answers without having to constantly beg for them? Most of the questions you’ll be addressing have been asked for years.

    We don’t need more Q&A sessions—we need results. It feels like more effort is put into PR and marketing than into actual game development.

    Well, I've been away from the forums for a while, but your own comment is diluting the response pool with not only no question and being off-topic (as is this one), but you're also bashing and demanding answers when they specified it'd take a few weeks to collate everything.
  • LarsS
    When will the campaign point and buff system be revised. Campaigns are decided when cyro is empty, so why care about the campaigns? In addition the alliance dominating the map, get buffed, why?
    GM for The Daggerfall Authority EU PC
  • Avran_Sylt
    Why are you alerted you've been detected (from the open eye) via an enemy Detection Potion while you're Sneaking, but not while Invisible?

    What's your opinion on maintaining Stealth/Invisibility when you use a Detection Potion?
  • spartaxoxo
    Are there any plans to update the gameplay of Imperial City?

  • BixenteN7Akantor
    How is the fixing of the out-of-combat bug going ? It really gets on the nerve of the players.
    How is the fixing of the 49710 hours long phantom negative effects bug going ? A visual bug yes, but it always raises questions for new PVP players.
    Could we be able to mount when in combat but with no mount stamina (meaning any damage, even DoTs will dismount you) ?
    When will you adress the cross healing problem in PvP ? This is the N°1 problem to fix about ball groups.
    Can you massively increase the likelyhood of dropping the Lost Thesis in BGs ? No one has seen one drop since U44.
  • Soraka
    1) Are you going to use this test AND the results of past tests, or is this starting completely over? I see people suggesting tests of things that have already been looked at.

    I hope we don't forget the history of what the pvp community has already cooperated with in regards to testing and actually listening to feedback.

    2) And what is your actual intent with templates? Is it just to test with limitations or is it testing a future rework of how pvp works in this game? (Testing only vs preview of things to come)

    My own opinion, but if I wanted template character pvp I would have stayed in games that did that. I hesitate to participate in this not knowing the intent AFTER the test.

    ETA: link to past test comment from Gina

    3) If the idea is to keep templates, what incentives do PVP mainly players have to move forward with purchasing DLCs that are sold based on systems such as scribing, as we won't be included in such systems.

    4) if templated characters become the gameplay style and not a test, what plans do you have for making decisions on PVP templates, as the current understanding from what I've heard is there may not be developers at the moment who focus on/specialize in PVP.

    I worry my tone does not come off correctly. I am worried about what this means for the future of PVP. I am not trying to be negative or hateful. I want Cyro to run better, not turn into a completely new system. Variety is a large part of the appeal for Cyro. And the ability to be as casual or hardcore as you want. Not to run in circles with 20 people with the same build.
    Edited by Soraka on January 10, 2025 4:38PM
  • React
    1. A concern I frequently see here on the forums is the effectiveness of "ballgroups", or trial-composition PVP 12 man raids who are stacking every buff in the game, 12+ instances of echoing vigor, 40k+ HP with 20-40k damage shields, etc. Is the combat team okay with the current power levels of these groups? If so, why? If not, why haven't steps been taken to address them?

    2. The cyrodiil performance after the hardware upgrade was immaculate for a short period of time. For around 6-9 months, the game ran nearly flawlessly at all hours of the night - truly something I don't think anyone believed was possible. Why did the performance degrade again after 9-12 months post server upgrade? Could the issue simply be resolved by allocating slightly more server resources to cyrodiil?

    3. Would the combat team be willing to restart a program such as the class reps program, or something of a similar vein? Based on how the community has received the balancing changes over the past few years, it seems that the combat team could really benefit by having some unbiased, experienced, and knowledgeable veteran players providing their perspectives on the directions balance should be taking, primarily in regards to PVP.
    Edited by React on January 13, 2025 6:31AM
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • tomofhyrule
    Are there plans to adjust scoring or bonuses in Cyrodiil to help encourage players to even out campaigns?

    Currently, many non-Grey Host campaigns end up becoming 1- or 2-alliance fights only, where the third alliance has a score less than half of the other two. However, there is no score/AP bonus enticing people to play that third alliance, so it essentially just forces players of that alliance into a different Campaign if they want to do anything other than get zerged down. The 'Low Score' bonus should activate a lot more frequently than it does - it seems it is only active when one alliance is ahead of the other two by double the score, and not when one alliance is the one trailing.

    Also the Population bonus pops at odd times and seems to have no basis on the population of the alliance. There have been plenty of times an alliance with the bonus is on two or three bars, while an alliance without the bonus has been on only a single bar for the duration of the Campaign.

    If players were given an incentive to play underdog alliances (e.g. an AP bonus), it could help even out campaigns in cases where the map seems to be dominated by a single one. And then, once the imbalance has been rectified, these bonuses should be removed to prevent exploitation.
    Edited by tomofhyrule on January 10, 2025 4:24PM
  • Celas_Dranacea
    Have you guys considered NPC raid groups in Cyrodil that join whatever is the low pop faction - groups capable of sieging / taking / defending keeps - as a solution to there being population imbalances throughout the 24-hour cycle?
    A Bosmer Nightblade Werewolf
  • Decimus
    1. BG Matchmaking (particularly in 4v4) has been a very heated topic ever since the overhaul of the battlegrounds - have you considered restructuring them a little bit and adding a team shuffle, similar to how WoW does their Arenas?
    2. We could see our MMR rating during week one of Update 44 PTS, this was removed despite a lot of players enjoying seeing their own rating. Have you considered adding this feature back and perhaps allowing people to hide it if they want? It would also be nice to see how much MMR is gained/lost after each battleground.
    3. A generic question to round it up I guess: what are your plans going forward when it comes to battlegrounds?
  • IncultaWolf
    Since a lot of the base game assets/zones are getting updated, is there any chance the player werewolf model can get updated as well? It's very dated and desperately needs a new look. Would also love to see skill styles for the transformation ultimate.

    On the pvp related side of things, I'd love for werewolf to have the ability to sneak/crouch because we're locked out of certain sets like sentry and spaulder of ruin.
    Edited by IncultaWolf on January 10, 2025 4:55PM
  • TonyH196
    "The combat bug " tends to make things difficult in Cyrodil in all campaigns, unable to mount, unable to port to keep because of being stuck in combat when there is nothing close enough to cause you issues or the fight had finished but not registering so you are stuck not able to do anything about it... The issue is difficult to explain other than what I just said
  • Wolfkeks
    Have you considered updating the reward structure and the rank system in Cyrodiil? Would you consider adding new ranks after rank 50 so older PvP players have something to strive for?
    "Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?" - Fadomai
    EU PC 2000+ CP professional mudballer and pie thrower
    Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, vAA hm, vHelRa hm, vSO hm, vMoL hm, vHoF hm, vAS+2, vCR+3, vSS hm, vKA, vRG, Flawless Conquerer, Spirit SlayerGod Slayer

    Alith Legion - Social - EP 🐉
    The Brotherhood of Askir - Social - EP 🐉
    The Coins (Rolling Coins, Flipping Coins, Shinning Coins) - Trading - AD 🦅
    Brave Cat Guild - Trading - AD 🦅
    Casual Canines - Endgame PvE and PvP - DC 🦁
  • acastanza_ESO
    Why did you stop changing the names of campaigns to align with the content cycle that we're on, and, can we please go back to changing the names of campaigns to align with the content cycle that we're on?

    It's a super, super, tiny thing, but it just helps make pvp feel cared about.
    Edited by acastanza_ESO on January 10, 2025 5:11PM
  • anadandy
    Any plans to update the Under 50 "newbie" campaign so it is actually a helpful training ground for new Level 10 PVP players? Encouraging new players in a better atmosphere may lead to healthier PVP in general.
  • Marto
    Which skill lines will be available during the test period? Class skill lines are a given, but can we expect to see weapon, armor, and world skills?
    "According to the calculations of the sages of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth, the batam guar is the cutest creature in all Tamriel"
  • JaxontheUnfortunate
    Based on the stream I think only class skill lines were hinted at being available.
  • Destai
    To baseline, I'd like to see a summary of what work has been done for PVP, along with the timeframes where that work occurred. We've had a few tests in the past, what came of those?

    For the stuck in combat bug, how long have you been aware of it? Is there an ETA on getting it fixed?
    Edited by Destai on January 10, 2025 7:29PM
  • SerafinaWaterstar
    1) When are you going to fix ‘stuck in combat’?

    2) Are you going to look at ball groups & how their healing / shield spamming ruins pvp?

    3) Are you going to look at increasing the group size?

    4) How about adding things such as ladders, that could be used to get in once there has been a main breach? Just to make things more interesting.

    (5) is totally selfish & cheeky - as I play numerous characters in pvp, its going to take forever to get even one to Grand Overlord - can you not just combine all the AP I’ve earned across all chars & give the title that way?! I mean, as it is now, titles can be used on a char that has never done pvp, so there’s bit of a disconnect…..😁)
  • dark_hunterxmg
    Are there any plans to address the Werewolf shortcomings?
    1. Returning the snare to the direwolves for pack leaders.
    2. Adding a heal over time ability, either separate from Hircine's Bounty, or incorporated(preferred).
    3. Making the first heavy attack after casting Ferocious Roar faster like the skill states.
    4. Let Werewolves use weapon passives.
    5. Reduce the cost of Hircine's Bounty which is currently ~5700mag
    6. Change the double cast Pounce/Carnage to a single skill so that the gap closer can be used more efficiently.

    Can we also fix the heavy attacks so they don't auto cancel?
  • VixxVexx
    1. Do you feel like the state of abilities like Gravelord Sacrifice, Jabs, Flurry and Arctic Blast are acceptable?
    2. Why do unused skills remain untouched for years? (ex.: Consuming Darkness, Rune Prison, Stone Fist, Frozen Gate, Hidden Blade, Trapping Webs, ...)
    3. Why does it take so long to get anything done? Is it because of console certificates?
  • Erissime
    As a somewhat casual pvp player ( although I have taken to going there on an almost daily bases), while I do not have the depth of inquiries many pro-pvpers have observed and questioned over time (actual classes balance, sets, numbers and the like!), I do have some questions of my own:

    1. What is the meaning of the ranking system, as far as actual pvp goes? For I see it absolutely futile beyond a few titles and furnishing items as rewards. Is there a chance for it to have a greater influence on the actual battlefield? Logic says that it should be harder to fight a warlord as compared to a general or a colonel. But none of these ranks seem to have any value what so ever. Solution proposed is either entirely get rid of them, or add some incentive to their existence beyond non-pvp rewards. Perhaps some buffs? Passives? Anything directly reflecting into the pvp battlefield. Which leads to :

    2. The Emperorship leaderboards - long since abused by ap farmers and turning that achievement into an absolute mockery over the years. Every new-comer with the right team seems to become an emperor these days. And those who actually try to do it as intended end up with sleepless nights and more frustration than joy from what I heard. My own (of course failed) attempt leading to more hours than I would have wished spent in a game, and simply not a grain of success in the end, even though I've held the 1st place for several hours at the time. How did someone way below that position (was not even among the first 10 ) reached nr 1 in less than 1 hour ( my personal experience that) - is beyond me. Perhaps IF the above point I made about ranks were to be looked into and connected to the emperorship (the higher the rank the greater the chance to become an emperor) may be some sort of a solution? But then I am no expert in considering all the ins-and outs of things, and I actually highly doubt this is a good solution. But I simply do not like bringing out problems without having at least thought of a potential solution, no matter how bad. Also please do not read this as a rant of someone who wants to become emperor but failed. I know how to, and probably could by now if I willed - I just find it hillarious at this point, and have no desire to try it. Not with 90% of pvpers (many of which low cp, and low ranks) running with it around. Also I am aware that people playing regularly are getting emperors fair and square as well. But I would much rather admire someone for it, in stead of laughing at it, or questioning half the time the authenticity of it.

    3. The talk of cheating and macros and scripts and the like is flooding Cyrodiil at every corner. There isn't a day I do not log in to see the zone-chats with at least a mention of the like. Again me personally have no say in it for I simply do not understand the possibility of it. I do however find strange how although I stand well in over-croweded encounter areas ( zergs vs zergs vs balls vs you name it) then that ONE player comes along, completely remote of any heavy populated areas, at far-off times from any heavy encounters, and almost crashes my game, freezing me in place for seconds at a time. This is also true of ballgroups: some ballgroups are what I now arrived to call "normal" and some you simply cannot play around because all they ever deliver is constant lag and game-freeze. And they all seem to function on similar ways - so what is the real difference? For I am willing to bet is not sets or skills. No matter - perhaps it is how the system works, perhaps people are more paranoid than they should - I would however like to propose an anti-cheat system capable of detecting anything outside the game meant to influence it - and while I do not know how much of this is true as far as eso goes, I know that it is true about games and gamers in general. And I know that there are games out there which have such systems into play and insta-ip-ban the users caught using any such things. Perhaps eso could update with something similar as well?

    4. And perhaps the least Cyrodiil related issue - but reflective of it I should like to propose is the choice of Guild Alliance. Namely a token of sorts which may enable a guild to switch to a desired alliance. I figure that since we have alliance change tokens, a similar thing should exist for guilds as well. Why? Because (this being my own particular case) I created my guild long before I even considered joining pvp, and I just went with whatever the character I had loged in at the time, completely disregarding that choice. Nowadays my alliance of choice is quite another, and unlikely to change anytime soon, but I cannot in any way either disband the guild and re-create it, nor am I happy with my (noob-then) choice.

    5. Please add the attribute-change and skills morphs/change shrines in Cyrodiil as well! If before that was a question of possibility, with the Scribing altar and Armory facilities around, I think it is high time these basic altars are added to the bases too, (and if you dare... why not mara's shrine too!?). It is highly annoying to leave a campaign for changes, especially when there is a queue around!

    Thank you.

    P.S. - Please fix the stuck in combat bug!
    Edited by Erissime on January 10, 2025 9:38PM
  • Finedaible
    Has the team considered that the hundreds of motif styles and their combinations, character skins, adornments, and polymorphs may possibly be responsible for the poor performance in PvP? I mean, I'm no coder but all those different combinations must have some measurable impact on the server.

    I wonder if it might be worth testing a campaign where all polymorphs, skins, and adornments were disabled, and characters can only use their alliance styles, or a few costume options that have to do with their alliance.
    Edited by Finedaible on January 10, 2025 9:51PM
  • LonePirate
    1. Is there an actionable plan and schedule to fix the stuck in combat bug plaguing Cyrodiil? Or is it hoped that the changes with the Vengeance campaign will solve the issue instead?
    2. Will Volendrung ever be replaced by a different Daedric artifact/weapon?
    3. In order to encourage more low-level and introductory players to join Cyrodiil, can double AP, and double XP be permanently enabled on the Below Level 50 campaign? These should be doubled again to 4x normal amounts during the Whitestrake events.
    4. With heal stacking being a major problem in Cyrodiil, can healing finally be converted to Major and Minor buffs such as Major Medicine and Minor Medicine where a player can have at most only one of each buff active at any given time?
    5. With the coming advent of season passes, can the current cosmetics purchased with AP and Tel Var be cycled out or supplemented with new seasonal cosmetics?
    6. Can skill and attribute respec shrines be added to the Cyrodiil and Imperial City base camps?
    --- Will the new Seasons include pvp?
This discussion has been closed.