I said it last time a post like this was made and I’ll say it again: templar and nightblade are the execute classes. If every class had a good (I know sorcerer has an execute but I don’t think its used in PvE) execute spammable, then thats another step towards every class feeling the same with different colors.
I said it last time a post like this was made and I’ll say it again: templar and nightblade are the execute classes. If every class had a good (I know sorcerer has an execute but I don’t think its used in PvE) execute spammable, then thats another step towards every class feeling the same with different colors.
I also don't think that each class should get an Execute skill, as I can imagine that it would lead to more classes playing the same.
I agree with those that have said that it would be nice to have a Signature Script (or something) that adds Execute scaling to some Scribing skills, though. It'll be fun to play around with something like that for a bit.
Thumbless_Bot wrote: »I want race based executes. For example, nord could have an execute that puts people in a magical cube of ice called ice tomb that is so cold it crystallized the blood of the victim doing x frost damage damage that scales by up to 400% based on opponents missing health and freezes them in place like that stupid arcanist skill.
Zodiarkslayer wrote: »And speaking of it, I do not understand why we are limited to five abilities per skill line. Six per line could potentially solve so many balance issues.
Erickson9610 wrote: »I also don't think that each class should get an Execute skill, as I can imagine that it would lead to more classes playing the same.
I agree with those that have said that it would be nice to have a Signature Script (or something) that adds Execute scaling to some Scribing skills, though. It'll be fun to play around with something like that for a bit.
I imagine if "Execute" is a Signature Script, then for configurations which use the "Healing" Focus Script, the heal would scale larger the lower the ally's health is. It's definitely an idea worth exploring!
Erickson9610 wrote: »Zodiarkslayer wrote: »And speaking of it, I do not understand why we are limited to five abilities per skill line. Six per line could potentially solve so many balance issues.
That's where Scribing comes in. We now have 6 abilities + 1 Ultimate for all of the Weapon skill lines, with that 6th ability being extremely customizable. Scribing also gives us additional abilities for skill lines with fewer than 5 abilities, such as Soul Magic (raised from 1 to 3) and Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, Support, and Assault (each raised from 4 to 5).
I think it's too late to introduce new base game "morphable" abilities to skill lines. I'd rather see every skill line get multiple Scribing abilities, so we can potentially get more than 6 abilities per skill line.
I feel like every class should have an execute skill instead of relying on weapon executes
BXR_Lonestar wrote: »
I said it last time a post like this was made and I’ll say it again: templar and nightblade are the execute classes. If every class had a good (I know sorcerer has an execute but I don’t think its used in PvE) execute spammable, then thats another step towards every class feeling the same with different colors.
I agree. We do not need to take interesting class aspects and give them to every other class. Each should have a unique feel, and we already have enough homogenization across classes.
Besides, giving an execute to each class does not mean the classes would perform better. You noted the sorc execute, and it is not always used.
Duke_Falcon wrote: »I said it last time a post like this was made and I’ll say it again: templar and nightblade are the execute classes. If every class had a good (I know sorcerer has an execute but I don’t think its used in PvE) execute spammable, then thats another step towards every class feeling the same with different colors.
I agree. We do not need to take interesting class aspects and give them to every other class. Each should have a unique feel, and we already have enough homogenization across classes.
Besides, giving an execute to each class does not mean the classes would perform better. You noted the sorc execute, and it is not always used.
Sorc Excute needs buffed, its currently garbage.
Thumbless_Bot wrote: »I want race based executes. For example, nord could have an execute that puts people in a magical cube of ice called ice tomb that is so cold it crystallized the blood of the victim doing x frost damage damage that scales by up to 400% based on opponents missing health and freezes them in place like that stupid arcanist skill.
I agree, not every class needs an execute. The classes that should have them are the ones that are designed to have a longer time to kill, for example, heavy DoT based classes.
Arcs that spam Fatecarver don’t need an execute because they can deal high amounts of repetitive, direct, damage and melt an opponent … Or some of the physical weapon damage skill lines deal so much direct damage and include crowd control that they don’t need an execute.
Classes that rely on DoT durations or martial damage dealers with lower to mid outputs should have an execute to finish off the target; especially with the state of self heals & tanks in play right now.
The Sorc’s execute does suck, however, the only tweak I’d recommend would be if no pets are active. If a Sorc is running pets leave it as it is now, if no pets are active I’d change the execute target health proc to be a percentage multiplier (like other executes) as opposed to the flat rate it is now.
Duke_Falcon wrote: »I said it last time a post like this was made and I’ll say it again: templar and nightblade are the execute classes. If every class had a good (I know sorcerer has an execute but I don’t think its used in PvE) execute spammable, then thats another step towards every class feeling the same with different colors.
I agree. We do not need to take interesting class aspects and give them to every other class. Each should have a unique feel, and we already have enough homogenization across classes.
Besides, giving an execute to each class does not mean the classes would perform better. You noted the sorc execute, and it is not always used.
Sorc Excute needs buffed, its currently garbage.
It is the only execute that can be pre-cast, combined with other burst abilities and technically even be combined with another execute. It may not be the hardest scaling ability, but it surely has merits.