I decided to share my guild event for this year: Holiday Hassle 2024 with you guys. Every December I organize some event for guildies and this one has been popular. Holiday Hassle is basically "hidden object" game with a story and it lasts whole month. There is new mission every day and when the new mission opens (usually 7CET) when the old one closes. The story is posted in our Discord and guildies send me their answers via pm and everyone gets prizes!

This event happens on PC EU server.
So here, to spread some joy in this world, it is for you if you!

Just for the fun of it. You do not have to send me the answers and unfortunately no prizes for the forum users. Enjoy!

"Hello my Friend!
I am a Keeper of the Enchanted Snow Globe house, Guardian of Saturalia, Väinö-Perttuli Lauantaimakkara. Just call me Väpä.
I need you once again to help me to prepare for the Saturalia and New Life Festival!!"
Saturalia is a Breton celebration that heralds the New Life Festival, and is held on the 25th of Evening Star.
Originally a holiday for Sanguine, the god of debauchery, it has become a time of gift giving, parties, and parading.
Among the Khajiit the Saturalia celebration and sharing of gifts is known as the "Saturalia Baan Dar gift swap"
Who lives in Snowglobe House?
"Me and my trusty frog Elvis live in the Snowglobe house most of the year, the rest of the staff live there just around Saturalia time. Braggis and Tuisku are my trusty helper elves, they have their bedchamber in the basement. You might remember Head Elf Toljanteri, he retired last year. Snow Mortals and Scuttleblooms are my enchanted workers, spirits of Saturalia. Snow Mortals are more or less the janitors and Scuttles are responsible of making all the Saturalia gifts."

"The Portal Machine is a heart of operations. With the machine we are able to teleport items (mostly gifts) in and out of the snowglobe. It has also super telescope and I use it to spy all the people in Tamriel (but no more about that uhm....)"
🎄 There will be a new mission every day around 7CET. At the same time old one closes. The house will be closed at this time. Missions are posted in this thread.
🎄 Find missing items at Balastar's Primary residence in PC EU. Copy paste in chat for direct port:
/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Balastar", 63)
🎄 The house can look different every day!
Have fun with us as we count down to the New Life!!!!
If you port in and are stuck in ice bubble, that means the house is in closed for maintenance.

"I had been on vacation with my frog Elvis. When I ported back to the Snowglobe House Braggis and Tuisku were there welcoming me with bad news. Scuttles and Snowmortals were not there. They should have started working 2 weeks ago, but no sight of them. Braggis told me they had tested the portal machine, it was working. They had also sent some messenger torch bugs, but no answer. Tuisku told me they had used the spyglass and narrowed down 5 possible locations for Snowmortals and 3 possible locations for the scuttles. The Scuttles like to move in pack so they should be all at the same place."

"Can you please port into these locations by copy pasting the script into in game chat? (in PC EU!)
Find out what the snowmortals are doing and tell them to port back here immediately."
🎄Find 3 Snowmortals from the locations below
/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Balastar", 10)
/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Balastar", 2)
/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Balastar", 90)
/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Balastar", 14)
/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Balastar", 38)
🎄Find 5 Scuttleblooms from the locations below
/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Balastar", 28)
/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Balastar", 49)
/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Balastar", 111)

EU/PC trading guilds:
Traders of the Covenant - Grahtwood - Elden Root
Twist it Sis - Stormhaven - Wayrest
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