If you get through the "looking for more players" phase, you reach the new and more interesting "waiting for the match to start" phase. Awesome.
Now, this wasn't an issue before the downgrade to 4v4 but now bgs (at least the 4v4 mode) are already 80% waiting for pve players to come down and 20% crushing said pve players.This makes it so that you can really feel the weight of the 45 second fun cooldown, especially for the second round of deathmatch.
Anyways, we either need to cut this timer to something like 10 seconds or maybe roll back the battlegrounds to when they were fun and balanced ? Just a suggestion
Everything feels so wrong about the new BGs because they were designed for group vs group. The time is only useful for Premades.
''Countering how hopelessly lopsided most matches are in two-teams BGs will happen when entire teams collectively agree to change builds and strategies midgame. This has always been the domain of Premades, where it belongs. Expecting casual solo players to do this is bound to be disastrous, which is what we're seeing right now.''
Source: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/670165/battlegrounds-cycle-of-self-destruction/p1
The waiting is ridiculous I agree, especially when 90% of BGs are decided in the first minute anyway.