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Health Healed vs Mana Cost

I know I should spend more time reading the forums rather than be distracted by such trifling business as actually playing the game. But I've only just made the unpleasant discovery that Honour the Dead which has been on both quickslots the past 37 levels is actually broken.

The power return only kicks in if you're below 50% health AFTER using the heal, and i don't think it's possible to have enough health to wait till you're that low before healing, without risking lots death every time your enemy crits.

Yet, looking across the restoration staff and Templar class line, i can't see any skills that offer a better than 1 for 1 health-magika trade ratio.

Most are in fact considerably worse , and will only have you come out ahead if multiple targets are caught by your heal.

Only the Mutagen h.o.t. comes out ahead for single target.

It almost begs the question , why heal at all?

Solo, my Templar tank started doing a lot better after putting a dps ability (that uses Magika) on my bar rather than just saving it all for healing. In other words, use your Magika to remove the source of the damage rather than trying to heal through it, since DPS abilities seem to offer a better than 1-1 ratio in terms of damage:magika.

I suppose when you softcap health regen, might as well work on magika regen as it acts as a second health bar with the heal. Still, i'd be much obliged if they'd fix Honor the Dead!
  • Andy22
    The resto staff, Regeneration skill and morphs have the best heal ratio > 1:1 and also the Grand Healing and morphs have a > 1:1 ratio.

    What u need to keep in mind is that Grand Healing will tick 4 times and its morph Illustrious Healing ticks 5 times. Multiple Grand Healing at the same area will also stack! So u can quickly cast 2-4 of those at a area for the increased healing output.

    The morph of Healing Ward also can come out at a very good ratio. That mainly depends on how well your target manages to avoid additional damage.

    In practice i found that if i have to use the ward, "***" is already going on, since u use ward if some one is not in ae heal range and drops below 50% HP. Now u pop the ward and often the DPS/tank is now very defensive and u have a chance that the huge shield will actually expire and heal for a big amount.

    This also works after some ae spike damage, if u cant keep all at the same ae area.

    This is from the point of view of a NB healer, so maybe templar don't have to rely on such tricks.
  • Dantonian_Rarstiana
    My most inefficient heal hits for 530ish health (not counting the other two targets it hits) while costing just around 300 mana...
    I don't think we are playing the same game, where your heals cost 500 mana to heal 500 health.

    Keep in mind that was my most inefficient heal...
    My illustrious healing will heal for 550 on 4 targets (assuming all 4 stand inside for the duration)... That's 2,200 HP for like 230 mana.

    Drugs are bad dude.
    Edited by Dantonian_Rarstiana on May 12, 2014 12:02PM
  • Mephos
    don´t know how you skilled your templar.

    standing in a rune circle or healing circle increases healing by another 30%
    standing in a morphed rune circle increases healing by another 15%

    I just have a healing set (10% more healing at 3 parts)


    672 without crit (and no bonus)
    992 without crit (and rune circle bonus) +45% bonus to healing
    1492 crit heal (with +45% bonus to healing)

    currently around 2k magicka with 109 magicka regeneration.
    burst HPS around 750 / second
    constant HPS around 150-250 (if I use potions its at 250, without its around 150)

    with restro staff I could even increase the HPS by almost factor 2 for myself with almost no additional magicka costs.

    I still do around 350-450 melee dps as temp ;) (single target)

  • Andy22
    Mephos wrote: »
    I still do around 350-450 melee dps as temp ;) (single target)

    While u play a healer in dungeons or is this solo PvE + some healing sloted?
    Edited by Andy22 on May 12, 2014 12:16PM
  • Mephos
    I have the same setup for dungeon healing as for PvE (resto staff + bow/1hshield/staff, depends on what I like at the moment) ^^

    no, the dps and the hps are two different things. since I almost only use magicka based skills its not possible to keep up high dps with high HPS without getting oom pretty fast.

    but that would be OP after all if someone could do high dps with high HPS at the same time ^^ its well balanced overall :)

    Just wanted to show that heals are worth the magicka if you specc right.
  • Andy22
    Mephos wrote: »
    Just wanted to show that heals are worth the magicka if you specc right.

    Ah was just thinking, if i should swap back to my lvl 30 Templar.
  • hobson101
    Mephos wrote: »
    ...but that would be OP after all if someone could do high dps with high HPS at the same time ^^ its well balanced overall :)

    it's called backlash :)
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    I actually really like the Honour the Dead ability, I think it's it's the single best healing spell I've used to date.

    When using it on yourself, just don't use it until your screen goes red around the edges, that's the easiest indication that your health is below 50%.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • jesterstear
    daftpunk wrote: »
    My most inefficient heal hits for 530ish health (not counting the other two targets it hits) while costing just around 300 mana...
    I don't think we are playing the same game, where your heals cost 500 mana to heal 500 health.

    Keep in mind that was my most inefficient heal...
    My illustrious healing will heal for 550 on 4 targets (assuming all 4 stand inside for the duration)... That's 2,200 HP for like 230 mana.

    OK some background - I'm not a dedicated healer. I'm a Templar sword and shield tank , who does a bit of healing with their class skill. I have a restoration staff but haven't tried to mainheal anything, other than a few world bosses - and even with these, as there are generally multiple mobs i find things go better if i keep the shield out and tank one of them then let one person be gangbanged by multiple elites while i try patch them up.

    When i'm soloing or tanking, i find that Honour the Dead is the only viable heal, (with the possible exception of Mutagen if i find time to switch weapons, normally i just put it on myself before a big fight). Everything else requires a staff or a long cast time, and i take more damage because i'm not blocking.

    I am in 5 heavy 2 Light Armour
    Level 37


    Health 1339 Regen 31
    Magicka 1123 Regen 59 (softcapped)
    Stamina 1005 Regen 47
    Armour 979

    Sword and Shield Skillbar

    Ransack IV

    Cost 175 Stamina
    Damage 140

    Honor the Dead IV

    Cost 345 Magicka
    Heals 374 Health

    Vampire's Bane III

    Cost 176
    Damage 322

    Restoration Staff Skillbar


    Cost 162
    Heals 418

    Ritual of Rebirth I

    Cost 283
    Heals 282

    Healing Springs

    Cost 264
    Heals all allies in target area 53 every 1 second for 3 second
    daftpunk wrote: »
    Drugs are bad dude.

    You have better ones?
  • jesterstear
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    I actually really like the Honour the Dead ability, I think it's it's the single best healing spell I've used to date.

    When using it on yourself, just don't use it until your screen goes red around the edges, that's the easiest indication that your health is below 50%.

    Unfortunately the power return feature isn't currently working as the tooltip describes. You only get it if below 50% health after the heal kicks in. I'm going to try get my health up a bit, see if i can bust 1600 with food etc. Still, that means waiting till i am below 450 to heal, which sounds very risky.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    OK some background - I'm not a dedicated healer. I'm a Templar sword and shield tank , who does a bit of healing with their class skill.
    I think you've answered yourself there. Being a non-dedicated healer, it's unrealistic to expect your healing spells/skills to perform as well as another character who's primary focus is healing. I think, if it's working well enough. you should just be happy with the healing you've got :smile: -

    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • jesterstear
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    OK some background - I'm not a dedicated healer. I'm a Templar sword and shield tank , who does a bit of healing with their class skill.
    I think you've answered yourself there. Being a non-dedicated healer, it's unrealistic to expect your healing spells/skills to perform as well as another character who's primary focus is healing. I think, if it's working well enough. you should just be happy with the healing you've got :smile: -

    Compared to another MMO i used to play, it just seems odd to get so little return on your Magicka. That other game had light armour healing classes yielding > 10:1 heal ratios, even the heavy armour, off-tanking, off-healing class managed about 4:1.

    I guess such ratios encourage some of the conventional mmo things this game tries to get away from , but i feel a slightly better return would be justified. With a 1:1 ratio, you are better off just dumping all of your Magicka and speccing into health instead. Actually i only have 5 points in Magicka, and 54 from an item, which i am looking to replace. No idea why my tank has so much Magicka ... racial bonus (Altmer)?
  • Drachenfier
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    I actually really like the Honour the Dead ability, I think it's it's the single best healing spell I've used to date.

    When using it on yourself, just don't use it until your screen goes red around the edges, that's the easiest indication that your health is below 50%.

    Unfortunately the power return feature isn't currently working as the tooltip describes. You only get it if below 50% health after the heal kicks in.

    How is this still not fixed?
  • Neutronium_Dragon
    Compared to another MMO i used to play, it just seems odd to get so little return on your Magicka. That other game had light armour healing classes yielding > 10:1 heal ratios, even the heavy armour, off-tanking, off-healing class managed about 4:1.

    Most MMOs assume facetanking - the healer is churning huge amounts of health into the tank who stands there taking huge amounts of damage. TESO isn't following that model; characters are supposed to avoid taking damage as much as possible with healing covering the incidental stuff that happens anyway and the occasional flubbed avoidance, and its efficiency is set accordingly.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    I think it's quite dangerous - and perhaps not overly wise - to compare ESO to any other more banal MMO. This is simply because the mechanics are, especially the combat ones, so different. Magicka/Stamina management in-combat alone, as one example, are different enough that direct comparison of such things as input:output ratios will only really lead to added to confusion.
    The bottom line I think should be: Is your character able to do what you want them to do? If so, well most everything's going more or less okay :smile: -
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Andy22
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    OK some background - I'm not a dedicated healer. I'm a Templar sword and shield tank , who does a bit of healing with their class skill.

    I think you've answered yourself there. Being a non-dedicated healer, it's unrealistic to expect your healing spells/skills to perform as well as another character who's primary focus is healing. I think, if it's working well enough. you should just be happy with the healing you've got :smile: -

    In later levels given the amount of skill-points u have u can take all the healing relevant passives u may still miss. I also suspect u simply do not use 7 light armor pieces, which would reduce the cost by 21%?

    As Templar u can do some more things to improve your healing:

    1) Spell crit chance (inner light). (works only for templar heals and the resto regeneration spell)
    2) armor set bonus (10% increased healing or 8% reduced group magicka cost or 5% crit chance)
    3) reduced magicka cost ring
    4) high damage resto staff (resto staff healing scales with staff dmg)
    5) "super" potions for more spell crit or weapon damage

    Edited by Andy22 on May 12, 2014 2:47PM
  • jesterstear
    Compared to another MMO i used to play, it just seems odd to get so little return on your Magicka. That other game had light armour healing classes yielding > 10:1 heal ratios, even the heavy armour, off-tanking, off-healing class managed about 4:1.

    Most MMOs assume facetanking - the healer is churning huge amounts of health into the tank who stands there taking huge amounts of damage. TESO isn't following that model; characters are supposed to avoid taking damage as much as possible with healing covering the incidental stuff that happens anyway and the occasional flubbed avoidance, and its efficiency is set accordingly.

    If you lowered the power cost of healing , healers still wouldn't be able to churn so much health that players can get lazy about dodging/blocking. I think what the magicka:health return ratio does is reduce dependence on "holy trinity". In traditional MMO, no matter how tough your tank was, going in without a healer was tantamount to suicide. In this game, because magicka is being converted to health at not much more than 1:1 ratio, there is more scope for bringing two tanks instead of healer and tank, and use agro swapping while the other regens. In theory.

    As far as honor the dead goes, yes if the ratio improved, it'd be a "no brainer" to spec the skill. If the ratio improves too much in fact it would become OP - if you were only allowed skills from one class line, then the huge benefit of self healing would be balanced by the loss of dps. That is a tradeoff i'd be quite willing to make incidentally!

    However, Templars are disadvantaged as tanks in other ways compared to DragonKnights however, so letting them have this heal is balanced overall.
  • Travail
    These are the numbers of my own abilities (VR4 Templar.)

    max health: 2535
    max magicka: 1890
    spell damage: 80
    damage listed on Resto Staff: 105

    Breathe of Life IV
    cost: 367
    tooltip healing: 498 (+250 x 2 other allies)
    actual healing: 595 (+298 x 2 other allies)
    single-target ratio = 1.62:1

    Ritual of Rebirth IV
    cost: 302
    tooltip healing: 399 (+30% on self)
    actual healing: 475 (618 on self)
    single-target ratio = 1.43:1

    Extended Ritual IV
    cost: 302
    tooltip healing: 57/2 seconds for 22 seconds (627) + 240 heal synergy
    actual healing: 86/2 seconds for 22 seconds (946) (did not test synergy, as I was by myself)
    single-target ratio = 3.13:1

    Healing Springs I
    cost: 281 (-17 magicka for each ally hit)
    tooltip healing: 86 x 4 (344)
    actual healing: 92 x 4 (368)
    single-target ratio = 1.39:1

    Rapid Regeneration III
    cost: 173
    tooltip healing: 768 over 16.5 seconds (hits 2 targets)
    actual healing: 825 over 16.5 seconds
    single-target ratio = 4.76:1

    Combat Prayer III
    cost: 302
    tooltip healing: 213 (+750 armor/spell resist, +10% damage increase)
    actual healing: 253
    single-target ratio = 0.84:1

    As you can see, the only ability which does not have a greater than 1:1 health:cost ratio is Combat Prayer, but that is because of the additional components of the ability. We can see HoTs like Rapid Regeneration and Extended Ritual are up around 3:1 and 4:1.

    Even the AoE abilities heal a single target for a good deal more than their magicka cost. Additionally, anyone standing inside my Extended Ritual is going to be healed for an additional 30% by Breathe of Life and Ritual of Rebirth. This brings both Breathe of Life and Ritual of Rebirth up over 2:1 ratios on allies.

  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Andy22 wrote: »
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    OK some background - I'm not a dedicated healer. I'm a Templar sword and shield tank , who does a bit of healing with their class skill.

    I think you've answered yourself there. Being a non-dedicated healer, it's unrealistic to expect your healing spells/skills to perform as well as another character who's primary focus is healing. I think, if it's working well enough. you should just be happy with the healing you've got :smile: -

    In later levels given the amount of skill-points u have u can take all the healing relevant passives u may still miss. I also suspect u simply do not use 7 light armor pieces, which would reduce the cost by 21%?

    As Templar u can do some more things to improve your healing:

    1) Spell crit chance (inner light). (works only for templar heals and the resto regeneration spell)
    2) armor set bonus (10% increased healing or 8% reduced group magicka cost or 5% crit chance)
    3) reduced magicka cost ring
    4) high damage resto staff (resto staff healing scales with staff dmg)
    5) "super" potions for more spell crit or weapon damage
    Yes, all handy. I think you might have quoted my post by mistake. However your points are not lost. As Jester said he's not a dedicated healer and wears 5 heavy 2 light. But these are all good points, I hope Jesterstear sees them. For them it will all be about balance and finding that happy medium.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • jesterstear

    Andy22 wrote: »

    As Templar u can do some more things to improve your healing:

    1) Spell crit chance (inner light). (works only for templar heals and the resto regeneration spell)

    Is this working BTW? I'd heard that it was broken, like the Honour the Dead power return.
    Andy22 wrote: »

    2) armor set bonus (10% increased healing or 8% reduced group magicka cost or 5% crit chance)

    Not seen much in the way of armour sets yet, imagine that's an endgame thing. When I used my sword and shield skill, Ransack, it boosts my armour into the softcap, but bear in mind that I am supposed to be tanking, I don't think I should wear more than 2 pieces of light.
    Andy22 wrote: »

    3) reduced magicka cost ring

    A few levels ago I sat down with a pen and paper and concluded that the % reduction in power cost from equipping one such ring is far less than the % increase in regen you get from equipping a regen ring. On fights lasting one minute or so, the regen rings win out by far, the regen stuff would only make sense for very short combats.

    Of course, you have to consider how things stack, the more power reduction you have in place, the bigger the % reduction each additional ring makes. For example , 15 off a 300 magicka spell is not much, but if you already have 2 such items, plus 30% reduction from light armour, and the spell cost is only 180 to start with, then that additional 15 reduction is a much bigger % improvement.

    In contrast, the more regen you have, the less difference each extra ring makes. Eg. If you only have 10 regen then a 10 regen ring doubles your regen - a 100% improvement. But if you already have 50 regen then that additional ring only adds 20%.

    In practice there are softcaps. I suppose dedicated healers are going to softcap regen and magicka anyway, so the next thing to work on is cost reduction?

    In my case however, I have to worry about Health, Stamina and Magicka regen, so I now have one jewellery item buffing each of these three - all are at or near the softcap. Since hitting 38 I've been working on my gear, now have 1600 health, about 1000 sta, 900 magicka and about 1100 armour - armour softcaps with self buff.
    Andy22 wrote: »

    4) high damage resto staff (resto staff healing scales with staff dmg)

    Indeed, at the time of making OP both my weapons were 9 levels below me. I have gotten a new staff, but can't log in because the euro server is patching. Obviously I'll be sword and board though, most of the time. I have noticed that the Templar class heals scale with main hand weapon damage, getting a higher level tanking weapon improved the heal slightly (about 15 points or so). I'm hanging on to the old one however, because it has a nice power return proc.
    Andy22 wrote: »

    5) "super" potions for more spell crit or weapon damage

    Can't comment, never seen any. I usually eat +health food before tanking however.

    Andy22 wrote: »
    I think you've answered yourself there. Being a non-dedicated healer, it's unrealistic to expect your healing spells/skills to perform as well as another character who's primary focus is healing. I think, if it's working well enough. you should just be happy with the healing you've got :smile: -

    Obviously, I don't expect to heal as well as a dedicated healer. I am a Templar, so don't have the CC, self and group buffs that make dragonknights such excellent tanks. I am trying to compensate with offhealing capability.

    The Templar class instant heal, Honour the Dead, is supposed to return 66% of the casting cost over 12 seconds if recipient is below 50% health. If this power return actually worked, it'd be just about balanced. You couldn't use it for mainhealing since letting people sit at 50% health in a group dungeon is going to get them oneshotted, and it only heals one target. But in an emergency it can help the main healer. That is basically the only heal I have available when in shield mode.

    The 1:1 ratio is so poor it just begs the question why bother at all. I'm not at all optimised for DPS yet my one DPS skill, Vampire's Bane has a better ratio.

    I thought I was rolling a hybrid tank/healer. I expected to be very poor on the dps side of things, with tanking weapon / armour skills and choosing a healing class skill line, but I was happy with such a tradeoff , I thought I would have good utility and be damn near unkillable, if very slow to progress.

    Well, it turns out you never really choose a class skill line, you can mix and match dps and heals from the Templar line. What I have is more of a hybrid tank/caster. You work towards something for so long, then find out it was all a mirage.

  • jesterstear
    Last night helped a guild group of 3 DPS do Elden Hollow. I managed to be the solo tank and healer for the instance, at the cost of a whole stack of power pots. However, at level 38, you'd expect nothing less. A Dragonknight could probably solo the whole thing, later that evening I watched a level 36 sorcerer solo crimson cavern. Their AOE is ridiculous, group of 6 mobs dead in 10 seconds, taking less damage than I did over a much longer fight...
  • Shaun98ca2
    As a main healer with Templar....Breath of Life is the ONLY way to go.

    Even as a "off healer" Breath of Life is WORLDS better than honor the dead.....even IF the ability was working properly.

    Breath of Life heals 3 people for a GODLY amount.

    Honor the Dead heals 1 person and...... Well that's just stupid.

    I would rather have Healing Ward over Honor the Dead any day.

    I think Honor the Dead isn't being fix because it needs a straight up change as its a TERRIBLE ability.
  • Tankqull

    Andy22 wrote: »

    As Templar u can do some more things to improve your healing:

    1) Spell crit chance (inner light). (works only for templar heals and the resto regeneration spell)

    Is this working BTW? I'd heard that it was broken, like the Honour the Dead power return.
    yes it is broken currently exactly two heals(and its morphs) can crit at all
    Restostaff: Regeneration (rapid regeneration/mutagen)
    Templar: Healing Ritual (ritual of rebirth/lingering ritual)
    all other heals do not crit (currently - a few patches ago some more heals were critting but they bugged or changed it on purpose no idea)
    The Templar class instant heal, Honour the Dead, is supposed to return 66% of the casting cost over 12 seconds if recipient is below 50% health. If this power return actually worked, it'd be just about balanced. You couldn't use it for mainhealing since letting people sit at 50% health in a group dungeon is going to get them oneshotted, and it only heals one target. But in an emergency it can help the main healer. That is basically the only heal I have available when in shield mode.

    i´m not sure if you´re right in this regard if you compare abilitys with tooltips formulated the same way as HtD the magica return will not be 66% but the tooltip value over the 12 sec.

    Edited by Tankqull on May 13, 2014 8:20AM
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • jesterstear
    Shaun98ca2 wrote: »
    As a main healer with Templar....Breath of Life is the ONLY way to go.

    Even as a "off healer" Breath of Life is WORLDS better than honor the dead.....even IF the ability was working properly.

    Breath of Life heals 3 people for a GODLY amount.

    Honor the Dead heals 1 person and...... Well that's just stupid.

    I would rather have Healing Ward over Honor the Dead any day.

    I think Honor the Dead isn't being fix because it needs a straight up change as its a TERRIBLE ability.

    That's the thing - for a main healer Breath of Life is obviously better, because group heals are the norm, and with a resto staff out, you have other ways of getting power back/more power efficient heals/light armour + power cost reduction rings.

    I chose Honour the dead so I can save myself if I fail to dodge something and get walloped, or a teammate suffers the same misfortune. Group maintenance heals are the preserve of the main healer. The power return means that even with a less than optimal Magicka build, I should be able to have this in reserve over the course of a boss fight.

    Also, if i'm soloing an elite, with my low dps we're in for a long fight, so the power return on honour the dead is obviously better than the ability to heal two other people who... aren't actually there.

  • Mephos
    Shaun98ca2 wrote: »
    As a main healer with Templar....Breath of Life is the ONLY way to go.

    Even as a "off healer" Breath of Life is WORLDS better than honor the dead.....even IF the ability was working properly.

    Breath of Life heals 3 people for a GODLY amount.

    Honor the Dead heals 1 person and...... Well that's just stupid.

    I would rather have Healing Ward over Honor the Dead any day.

    I think Honor the Dead isn't being fix because it needs a straight up change as its a TERRIBLE ability.

    I took honor of the dead over "breath of life" because I only wanted to heal myself like a paladin tank. not others. (don´t start with "its a mmo you fool").

    If honor of the dead would be working as the tooltip says it would be GODLY good.

    for 8 seconds you get every 2 seconds 15% of the magicka costs of the spell.

    lets say 300 magicka = every 2 seconds 45 magicka = 180 magicka over the whole duration. This would make this heal INSANELY good since you would save about 60% of your magicka using this skill only below 50%.

    the heal/magicka ratio would be great for single burst heals.
    if you want to heal groups (or aoe) I suggest the casted heal.


    basically if you are not a magicka based character your goal will be to reduce incoming damage as good as possible and heal a little.
    if you are magicka based you ignore mostly the incoming damage and just heal through it.

    its both a valid way and probably works similar good.

  • Shaun98ca2
    As a paladin tank I still see Breath of Life as a better choice sure you don't get the mana back but you can heal yourself and other group members adding to the overall group survivability.

    If your not a magicka based character to me sun shield would be a better choice. But some things still need to be worked out with wards.
  • chaosme
    The tooltip for Honour the dead is not exactly accurate. It only returns magicka if the target healed is below 50% after being healed. This makes it almost useless because the target would have to be at less than 20% hp before your heal for there to be a chance for the magicka return to work.

    At the moment, it would be advisable to take Breath of life instead. Also, with the way smart healing works in ESO, there is a chance that the heal may not go to who you intend, e.g. yourself, with HtD if there happened to be an ally (player, pet or NPC) within 28m of you with lower current hp than yourself. At least with BoL, you get 2 extra targets with 50% of the heal.
  • jesterstear
    chaosme wrote: »
    The tooltip for Honour the dead is not exactly accurate. It only returns magicka if the target healed is below 50% after being healed. This makes it almost useless because the target would have to be at less than 20% hp before your heal for there to be a chance for the magicka return to work.

    At the moment, it would be advisable to take Breath of life instead. Also, with the way smart healing works in ESO, there is a chance that the heal may not go to who you intend, e.g. yourself, with HtD if there happened to be an ally (player, pet or NPC) within 28m of you with lower current hp than yourself. At least with BoL, you get 2 extra targets with 50% of the heal.

    I've decided to start hogging Health like crazy. Got about 5 attribute points in Magicka and 10 in Stamina and the rest in health, all my armour enchants are Health, up to about 1800 now before food buffs. So , I can if I want let myself get down to 25%, use Honour the Dead and still be below 50% (provided it doesn't crit), and so enjoy a nice power return. So long as my regens are taken care of with jewellery, i'm happy for Magicka and Stamina pools to sit around the 1000 mark.
  • GreasedLizard
    Mephos wrote: »
    don´t know how you skilled your templar.

    standing in a rune circle or healing circle increases healing by another 30%
    standing in a morphed rune circle increases healing by another 15%

    I just have a healing set (10% more healing at 3 parts)


    672 without crit (and no bonus)
    992 without crit (and rune circle bonus) +45% bonus to healing
    1492 crit heal (with +45% bonus to healing)

    currently around 2k magicka with 109 magicka regeneration.
    burst HPS around 750 / second
    constant HPS around 150-250 (if I use potions its at 250, without its around 150)

    with restro staff I could even increase the HPS by almost factor 2 for myself with almost no additional magicka costs.

    I still do around 350-450 melee dps as temp ;) (single target)

    Backlash is all you need for DPS lol

    Heals within circle only buff Templar heals, not Resto staff unfortunately

  • Halrloprillalar
    two words: cost reduction

    light armor, seducer set, passives, (all are %) and jewelry (flat #) are your best friends.

    Also, +magika to increase your healing throughput and longevity.

    But judging by the OP they are not building to be a healer main, so the low return on investment, so to speak, is not surprising.
    If you want to heal well, build as a healer. If you want to dps, build dps. And so on.

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