[PC/EU] The Seeker's Archive quest bugged

  • DrScott59
    Today's patch (Feb-12-2024) has finally FIXED this for me!

    I abandoned quest and started over. After talking to the statue, the quest proceeded ("speak to Ibrula"). Speaking with Ibrula completed the quest and gave rewards as it should.

    @MyNameIsElias -- Did you abandon and restart the quest?
  • MyNameIsElias
    DrScott59 wrote: »
    Today's patch (Feb-12-2024) has finally FIXED this for me!

    I abandoned quest and started over. After talking to the statue, the quest proceeded ("speak to Ibrula"). Speaking with Ibrula completed the quest and gave rewards as it should.

    @MyNameIsElias -- Did you abandon and restart the quest?

    Yes, this worked. Thank you!
  • Daewind
    I thought to have read in updates that this issue was solved but it isn't, see https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/652293/pc-mac-patch-notes-v9-2-10#latest as I still cannot talk to the statue. I have submitted a ticket about it.
  • DrScott59
    Daewind wrote: »
    I thought to have read in updates that this issue was solved but it isn't, see https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/652293/pc-mac-patch-notes-v9-2-10#latest as I still cannot talk to the statue. I have submitted a ticket about it.

    Did you abandon the quest and start over (i.e., abandon quest, pick it up again from the NPC, kill the three Anka-Ra warriors and activate the three seals, then enter the tomb, etc.)? Starting over may be required to get the fixed dialog tree. And apparently the bug had different effects for different characters, depending on what Necrom content was completed.
    Edited by DrScott59 on February 19, 2024 11:39PM
  • Taggund
    I had missed those patch notes. I still had the quest active, and I did not need to abandon/restart the quest. I just went back and talked to the statue, and it is now completed. Finally the zone is complete.
  • MyNameIsElias
    This quest is still bugged.

    I came to the seekers archive on a different character. I approached the statue and i am yet again stuck on "Talk to Hermaeus Mora's Statue"

    EDIT: i fixed it by re-doing the quest, and making sure i am NOT in combat when approaching the shrine. This caused the npcs to move forward as intended with their dialogue
    Edited by MyNameIsElias on April 11, 2024 7:06PM
  • Yudo
    Same issue happened to me today, was not able to interact with statue to complete the step "Talk to Hermaeus Mora's Statue". Tried logout and login several times but that did not work.

    Tried to abandon and start over, this time I tried not to be in combat before approaching the statue. Sneaked around and ignored adds in the room. However the the quest did not recognise that I am near the statue. Had to walk back to the entrance of the room and re-approach the statue and second approach worked.

    Quest completed after the workarounds...
  • haelgaan
    same problem today. picked up the quest, got through to the talk to statue step, and there was nothing to click on to talk - no option for interaction.
  • malistorr
    Could not talk to the Mora statue on Xbox NA as of a couple months ago. Opened a ticket and no reply. No idea if this is fixed yet but I can't complete the zone until it is. ZOS?
  • tuxon
    June 2024 can't even press to interact with him still bugged for me since winter, no one cares about this game anymore :)
    Resdayniil kan tarcel
  • Yudo
    tuxon wrote: »
    June 2024 can't even press to interact with him still bugged for me since winter, no one cares about this game anymore :)

    As a workaround, you'll have to abandon the quest and restart. When you come to the room with the statue do not engage in combat and sneak around to the statue and wait for the NPC to reach you.

    If that does not work, sneak back to the entrance of the room and have the npc follow you again, before sneaking back to the statue. You may have to repeat this a few times.

    That is how I finished my quest.
  • AnyaLyssa
    Soul Shriven
    Yudo wrote: »
    tuxon wrote: »
    If that does not work, sneak back to the entrance of the room and have the npc follow you again, before sneaking back to the statue. You may have to repeat this a few times.
    The NPC doesn't leave the statue after she gets to it, so she won't follow me back out of the room.

    Yes this quest is still broken 6 months after you made this post, over a year after it first broke.
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