The patch notes are so unclear on this and it's a bit frustrating.
The competitive BG leaderboards have a number of issues that have been reported here many times.
1. Healers earn way too much medal score, making it ridiculously easy for them to top score on the leaderboard and scoreboard. - This is the only issue that ZOS has commented on, which leads me to believe that this is the only issue that was fixed (which would be incredibly disappointing, as it indicates that they've been ignoring the other issues below).
2. Necromancers do not earn as much medal score as other classes, due to the fact that there are no medals for Pet Damage and Pet Healing, meaning their scoreboard numbers are lower and they have a harder time climbing the leaderboard. - This has been an issue since necros were released, and has never been commented on, acknowledged, or fixed. Now that the leaderboards have actual rewards and are being touted as "Competitive", it's unfair that one class is at a disadvantage compared to the others.
3. Shielders earn practically 0 medal score, since there is no stat or medal for "Shielding Done". Despite potentially being the most important member of the team, shielders will likely never even crack the leaderboard, as they earn a pitiful 500 score in an average deathmatch. - This issue has also existed since BGs were introduced, but has only recently become a real issue with the introduction of more shielding skills. Just like its unfair for true healers to earn an obscenely high amount of medal, it's unfair for shielder builds to earn an obscenely low amount of medal score.
4. Leaderboards are a cumulative score that only goes up. - This means that they do not represent performance, but rather # of matches played.
@ZOS_Kevin What did the hotfix entail? Did it fix all four of these? The patch notes didn't indicate what the fix actually did.
Edited by CameraBeardThePirate on November 1, 2024 2:13PM