Thoughts on new Player Races, and why or why not lore-wise, and what features they may have if added

  • CamelhairNerve
    Soul Shriven
    The ones that interest me the most are extinct by 2E or are on other continents that are not in contact with Tamriel. (Atmora could be just a dead land now given the last ships of Atmoran immigrants to arrive early 1E were laden with corpses.)

    Ancient Falmer, Dwemer, and the races of Akavir. I suppose there could be Maormer, but lore restricts them from having a significant coexistence in Tamriel. We all know everyone and their eighth cousin, thrice removed's grandmother's step-son's roomate will want to play Maormer, incongruent with the lore established in the following eras.

    I think we're bound by the future of Tamriel in what we can have now as playable races.
    Don't mind me. I never do.
  • KaironBlackbard
    Or, what if the current races ARE the old races, just sent back to the stone ages because of a Space-Time Disruption that pretty much wiped everything from existence and started over again, leaving only the ruins of the old ones?

    Dragon Break - if uesp is correct

    Are they correct?

    Because if that's the case, each Era may end in a Dragon Break, pretty much resetting it.
    Thus more races could move in on Tamriel, be everywhere, then when the Dragon Break occurs they are sent back from whence they came with no knowledge of what lies beyond them or what they've previously achieved.
    Sea Elves can go all over Tamriel, but Dragon Break occurs and they are no longer on Tamriel.
    Faun likewise, Dragon Break, now they are only found on Galen and High Isle again.
    Minotaur seem to be almost everywhere, but in low populations... Who says some can't join the common people?
    Then from some, comes many.
    Look at Sotha Sil, look at the Dwemer, tell me there's no resemblance. Both work on Mechs.
    Suspicion: The dark elves are the dwemer, er, at least Sotha Sil and his crew. They make the machines. Dragon Break, they are all wiped from existence. Dark elves regrow. A new Sotha Sil will rise and research the ancient mechs and the disappearance of the "Dwemer." Sounds close to Dunmer now that I think about it. Did mistranslation cause the thought of a disappearance of an entire race?
    Another time maybe. *facepalm* Unintended Pun.

    Stuff happens, stuff gets wiped out and history is rewritten to make it seem like nothing really happened, and that stories of that are not fact, even if they are, but seem like fiction. Minotaur Emperor, hey that's fiction not fact, (wait, it really happened.)
    Faun roaming across Tamriel, naw it's just a story. Those things don't exist. (Wait till you (re)discover High Isle again.)
    Sea Elves roaming inland instead of Pirating on their ships. Just a story (or is it?)

    Any story could be a forgotten truth. A story of otherlandish races roaming Tamriel could be history covered up and undone by a Dragon Break, or Space-Time continuum.

    ASSUMING Uesp's correct about the possibility of such event, Dragon Break.
  • Eporem
    ASSUMING Uesp's correct about the possibility of such event, Dragon Break.

    From the definition there of a Dragon Break I believe something of a Divine nature has to happen to cause one and there is this that re-examines the Dragon Break - though not sure what it means.

  • SilverIce58
    Eporem wrote: »

    From the definition there of a Dragon Break I believe something of a Divine nature has to happen to cause one and there is this that re-examines the Dragon Break - though not sure what it means.

    You can actually read about what that means here:
    PC - NA
    CP 1125
    Veric Blackwood - Breton Magsorc DC
    Xhiak-Qua'cthurus - Argonian Frost Warden EP
    Kujata-qa - Khajiit Magplar AD
    Suunleth-dar - Khajiit Stamblade AD
    Teldryn Antharys - Dunmer Flame DK EP
    Strikes-With-Venom - Argonian Poison DK EP
    Rur'san-ra - Khajiit WW Stamsorc AD
    Ilianos Solinar - Altmer Stamplar AD
    Iscah Silver-Heart - Reachman Magden DC
  • Eporem

    You can actually read about what that means here:

    What dragon break would be the closest to the ESO timeline from that link...
    Edited by Eporem on August 18, 2023 1:31PM
  • Legoless
    Playable Grievous Twilight race? That's a new one. They aren't even NPCs.
  • KaironBlackbard
    Legoless wrote: »
    Playable Grievous Twilight race? That's a new one. They aren't even NPCs.

    Actually they are. Enemies. Found in dolmens and Imperial City, and usually around other Daedra. One is a boss in a dungeon and speaks as you fight him.
  • Lumenn
    I'd like more Argonian subsets, the naga, and especially the Sarpa(which wouldn't be hard to do, just add wings. They could be curious rather than xenophobic, or scouts(SOMEONE has had to see them throughout history to know they exist)

    Also Tang Mo, but only if they add monks too.
  • KaironBlackbard
    got photos or screengrabs (pictures)?
  • Rkindaleft
    Legoless wrote: »
    Playable Grievous Twilight race? That's a new one. They aren't even NPCs.

    There are bosses of them in Imperial City as well as the Sewers. Lord Warden Dusk from the Prison dungeon is technically a large one. Also can spawn as Dolmen bosses. PlayStation NA. I upload parses and trial POVs sometimes.
    Have cleared all trial hard modes.
    6/9 trial trifectas.
  • dazee
    Playable Maormer would be cool. Also a race of men descended from the men of Akavir with a bit more asian features perhaps.
    Playing your character the way your character should play is all that matters. Play as well as you can but never betray the character. Doing so would make playing an mmoRPG pointless.
  • ZOS_Icy

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