DK solos Craglon Delve.

  • rlconeb14_ESO
    Really funny to see DK solo or duo so much group stuff... my Nightblade is sitting in a corner crying cause he dies nearly instantly fighting 3 questsmobs at once. I dont wanna call nerfs to DK but instead rethink your Nightblade concept ( tripple our weak heals maybe?)

    First off don't take this as me calling you out on being a bad player or anything of the sort, just a little advice.

    If your nightblade is that weak it is most likely play style. I solo'd most dungeons while leveling and more into vet, mostly due to group wipes on mechanics and the group leaving on first or second boss. You might want to consider a nb is meant more of a single target character so focus on that. Your single target damage is insane especially being that you can always guarantee a crit.

    Take out ranged first as they are the only thing that should give you any problems. All but the toughest of melee should be a cake walk as you have an almost endless supply of magicka and stamina at your finger tips to deal with them. Bosses not immune to stun should never even get a shot in on you if played right whether you use ranged or melee.

    Last but not least you have some of the biggest self heals of any class depending on how you spec. While some require killing a target prepping an add is really very simple with invisibility. Simply prep a weaker target in groups if you see the need, go to something else when your about to die mark the prep'd target and finish it off with killer's blade. Also don't forget crafted potions nb's get the bonus for a reason so use them and use them often.

    While you may not aoe a crowd of weak mobs down you can go straight for the main boss and ignore them an ability no other class has or even skip through mob crowded content at will. You have immense healing and an almost endless supply of magicka and stamina. Nb's have single target damage a dk only dreams off (not knocking dk I luv them as well). The only thing other than some skill fixes nb needs is the agro on invis fixed so the mobs will go after other party members instead of just sitting there.
  • Huckdabuck

    Now, I'm not saying people shouldn't have input or that it's bad (people should constantly give them feedback and what not), I'm just saying that chances are, they probably know what theyre doing.

    I just spit out coffee...thanks for the jokes on a Monday morning!!!!!
    Texashighelf - VR16 Sorcerer EP NA - FILTHY BARBARIAN
    Texasimperial - VR16 Dragonknight EP NA - How do you like your DK?
    Texas'Imperial - VR16 Dragonknight DC NA - How do you like your DK?
    Texas-Imperial - VR16 Templar DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    Texas Highelf - VR16 Sorcerer DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    Texas Imperial - VR16 Nightblade DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    It's a very grey area.
  • the.dzeneralb16_ESO
    You're right, you probably know more than the team of trained and experienced team of people.
  • rlconeb14_ESO
    Travail wrote: »
    He's gaining so much ultimate that at times he's overlapping 2 Standards. Now, I'm no developer, but I'd hazard a guess that this isn't working the way the devs intended. That's not to say he's exploiting, but rather that the ultimate mechanic in general has been implemented poorly.

    No one should be keeping a 100% uptime on any ultimate. The way I understand it, ultimates were designed to be game-changing abilities, which are used sparingly (basically a mechanic ripped right out of MOBAs.) Being able to have your ultimate running for the entire duration of the fight makes your character far more powerful than the game is balanced for, which is a contributing factor in videos like this (or Vampires who are wrecking in Cyrodiil with Bat Swarm spam.)

    They also need to look at the Talons ability, because it is one of the best CC's in the game. They either need to nerf it, or give other classes that same kind of functionality, because currently that skill alone allows Dragonknights to take on too many melee enemies at once. If this is how the game is designed, then design each class to be able to do it. If that's not how the game was intended (which seems more likely) then Talons needs a change.

    The nature of CC probably could use a change across the board, specifically when dealing with AoE crowd control powers. I wouldn't mind seeing specific CC immunities given to NPCs for a short period after being affected by AoE crowd control. For example, after affecting an enemy with Talons, they become immune to "immobilize" for 10 seconds. They could still be knocked down, stunned, feared, mesmerized, etc.; but they would be immune to the affect of the ability which was last used on them. This would mean that no single power, and likely no single player, could keep an entire group of enemies locked down indefinitely.

    Just like the ability to keep 100% uptime on ultimates is making some ultimate attacks too powerful, allowing everyone to take a single, spammable AoE CC attack is making those mechanics far too powerful as well. If they don't any cooldowns on abilities, then CC immunity might be the way to go.


    Basically all I see is please nerf skilled players through your entire post. Any decent player should be able to pretty much endless spam ultimates its not a vamp thing, nor a dk thing, but a choice in gear and play style to build it faster. While the overall video is nice and does show what a decent player can do its not game breaking and any class can do it. Both my dk and nb can solo the same fight and both go about it entirely different ways.

    Dk has one great cc abil that everyone complains about but honestly how often do any other classes even use cc? I have yet to ever do a dungeon and see any other class use any real cc even when a dk is not present. No I don't mean the occasional single target stun or knockdown but actual cc-crowd control not single target control. There are plenty of cc abils out there and several very good ones available to any classes.

    Seriously you recommended a 10 second immune time? So what your recommending is that healers go sword and board to become the new tanks? It's not enough heals have to deal with bad players but now you want them to do everything. Having to use a different cc abil to keep mobs locked down, etc. is not even somewhat feasible with the lack of skills one can have up at one time. Skill in the game would be entirely gone, so heals would just hold agro spamming everything they had and hoping no skilled dps spam fast enough that the mobs died before they did.

    The only thing I see is every single time someone posts a vid soloing something or destroying unskilled players in pvp is a whole lot of crying from people that didn't have as much skill. So awesome idea's how about we ask for all but 5 skills to be removed from the game, take out all cc, all healing and maybe just maybe it won't be too complicated for people crying nerf.
  • Sihnfahl
    I've seen how much more powerful DK's are than most people, especially in PvP.
    Broken NB skills? Passives that aren't working? Erroneous stacking of bonuses? Are DKs powerful because the class is powerful, or because someone wasn't paying attention to variables when they were calculating bonuses in combat?

    I'm just saying that chances are, they probably know what theyre doing.
    Not if they're repeating issues other games have had. Taking from WoW - remember PoM-Pyro builds? Ret pallies? FOTM rogues?

    The issues that resulted in broken combinations have been out there, and they were quite public... and persistent for a while.

    It would take someone completely unaware of MMO past to not know what skill chaining can result in if one's not careful.
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