Sorc pet style- is noone listening to us

  • Nerouyn
    fizzylu wrote: »
    But this thread is about the fact that players had requested changes to the twilight matriarch model and were not only not given them.... but the complete opposite.

    It's cool that you like the upcoming skill styles, I think a couple are neat myself.... but on this specific subject (the twilight matriarch and the player feedback for it over the years), yeah no, things are not cool.

    Someone else claimed, falsely, that the skill styles would only ever be colour variations. You disagreed and I backed you up, giving an upcoming example.

    You then argued that this example wasn't different enough to qualify as more than a colour only change, when clearly it is. And also further that no-one would appreciate it. I explained why I would, if I were playing warden presently.

    My points are all valid and on topic.

    I don't like this twilight restyle myself, as I said originally, but as I also said, it's ZO finally making good on their long ago made promise of pet style variations. Made all the way back when wardens were first introduced.

    This and as someone else pointed out, that alternate warden bear style moving from the "Special" tab of the appearance UI to skill styles, pretty much guarantees that we'll see more.

    The question which should be on peoples' lips is how? Earnable in game or crown store?

    If there has been high demand for certain pet appearance variations then I wouldn't be surprised to see those go into the store.
  • BretonMage
    I think a lot of people had ideas about the Sorc pet that were not feasible.

    Yes, it'd be great to have something less intrusive. But remember that the pet actually has mechanics, and it useable in PvP. That means you can't:
    1. Remove the model
    2. Change the model to something harder to see
    3. Completely change the model to act differently
    without making it seem something like P2W in a way.

    How about reducing the size by about 30-40% at least? Surely that would be fine for PVP?
    Also, on PTS there are class skills in the collections menu - they're not previewable or purchaseable yet, but they are giving each class a standard color (and Sorc is red). Also some lines do have consistent colors, if all the purple Destro skills are any indication.

    Wait, Sorc is red but Destro is purple? Sounds chaotic, and not in a good way.
    Edited by BretonMage on October 20, 2024 6:33AM
  • fizzylu
    Nerouyn wrote: »
    You then argued that this example wasn't different enough to qualify as more than a colour only change, when clearly it is. And also further that no-one would appreciate it. I explained why I would, if I were playing warden presently.
    That is not what I said or implied; I meant that people upset a lot and specifically about the twilight matriarch feedback going ignored probably won't feel better about it being ignored just because another skill got a somewhat cool style with some extra VFX.

    I'm not arguing with you and never was. I was simply giving my opinion, trying to stay on the subject of the twilight matriarch feedback clearly going ignored, and also clarify that where we were standing on this topic isn't exactly the same (me ultimately focused on the twilight matriarch model feedback going ignored, you looking forward to some new skill styles with particle effects).
    I am someone who is impacted by the current twilight matriarch to the point of it being unusable for them, I am specifically not happy about the fact that Zenimax does not see all the feedback about the twilight matriarch model as a priority in the slightest and is now even giving the ability a visual change that ignores all of it. Them slapping some particle effects onto another skill style unrelated to the twilight matriarch does not make me feel better, and yes, I'm pretty certain people in my boat will share that sentiment.

    And sure, I guess maybe the extra particle effects (which I stand by what I said that this is close enough to still be called a "recolor" in my opinion since it's not something like a whole entire model or animation change) could be a sign that one day they finally have it in them to actually offer a legitimate change to the current twilight matriarch.... but I'm not waiting two more years for that.

    That is all.
    Edited by fizzylu on October 20, 2024 6:51AM
  • Erickson9610
    I know it's frustrating when our first Skill Style isn't appealing. For instance, Werewolf players didn't ask for a green recolor of Roar that makes it look like bad breath or bile. We instead want to change the fur color of Werewolf Transformation, like how Slate-Gray Summoned Bear works.

    Regardless, this is only the first Skill Style for Summon Winged Twilight. We will likely get more in the future.
    PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf

    Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
    Please give us Werewolf Skill Styles (for customizing our fur color), Grimoires/Scribing skills (to fill in the holes in our builds), and Companions (to transform with).
  • twev
    If they wanted the twilight to be more user friendly - they'd make it fly a few feet higher.

    But I think the aim was more towards giving/taking.
    They gave us a pet that is usually useful.
    But they offset that by making it obnoxiously in the way most of the time.
    It feels like the devs use it to troll sorcs as a tradeoff for the enhancement given by the twilight.

    Oh, you want a cool looking pet that looks like it's helping you in a fight?
    OK, in your face.

    At least it acts as a decoy half the time, drawing some direct enemy fire away from the sorc.

    I just wish they were dye-able.
    Or we could clothe them in some various leather (with no protection value) armor to dress them up a bit, like a companion.

    At least send the poor thing to a spa, and get that nasty skin condition seen to by a proper twilight healer.
    Edited by twev on October 20, 2024 8:07AM
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • Diebesgut

    ... tried 2 times a sorcerer.... but my Khajiit family don't like this big flappy thing. It constantly flaps in your field of vision and you can't see anything anymore. Plus there's this annoying FLAP fLaP FlAp sound all the time.

    Don't know how anyone could play a sorcerer with this thing (or this ulgy big clanban and this ugly skamp)...

    Khajiit Sicherheitsdienst ~ Überprüfung von Schlössern aller Art ~ Khajiit Security ~ Inspection of any kind of locks
    Khajiit Gebrauchtwaren ~ Handel mit Waren aller Art ~ Khajiit Store ~ Trading of any kind of goods
  • Pelanora
    No pet sorc needs to make a proper come back with adjusted passives. Not via poorly working sets.

    If you do a search there's old threads complaining pet sorc needed a buff so it was as good as no pet sorc, and they over did it, and now summoning is too powerful vs the other skill lines.
    Edited by Pelanora on October 20, 2024 6:51PM
  • SickleCider
    Speaking as a sorcerer, I want a crow. Just let me complete my Crow Friend aesthetic.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • Pelanora
    i started playing assuming we would morph the pets into an atronach like we could in Oblivion- there was a dlc where we could summon a fire atronach. SO DISAPPOINTED.

    No sorcerer worth their salt would pick a twilight over an atronach.
  • Stafford197
    Pelanora wrote: »
    i started playing assuming we would morph the pets into an atronach like we could in Oblivion- there was a dlc where we could summon a fire atronach. SO DISAPPOINTED.

    No sorcerer worth their salt would pick a twilight over an atronach.
    I had a similar situation…. back when I started ESO I traveled to a mages guild hall looking to purchase an Ice Spike spell like in Skyrim, only to find out we can’t purchase spells or spell scrolls in this game at all.

    Spellcrafting was planned at one point which would've added all spells we’ve seen in past TES games and many more. The schools of magic aka Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration, Illusion, Alteration would become skill lines to level up and we could have purchased basic versions of spells and spell scrolls from vendors. Compare this to right now where we can’t summon a Flame Atro, and can’t even obtsin a basic ability like Frostbite from Skyrim which could purposely work like a smaller/weaker Arcanist Beam since it’s a Novice level spell.

    The game is a decade old and yet seems to constantly want to stray away from its Elder Scrolls roots…. Such a missed opportunity tbh.
  • Cooperharley
    I think rather than arguing nuance here as many are in this thread, I think the underlying theme here is:
    - We like and want to EARN/EARNABLE skill styles - more of these!
    - Only ever adding color variations on an RGB wheel is not original or all that cool. The new molten whip and wild wood force pulse or whatever is great! More of this
    - summonable pets like the warden bear, sorc pets, etc need a major facelift and skill styles is the platform for this. The red version, given all the complaints over the years, is poor taste and we should be investing resources into making things better - not change an x, y and z value for coloration changes alone.

    The only thing holding back eso is itself. Let’s make worthwhile changes or none at all in my opinion. Take the time to do cool NEW things - not little shortcuts. :) my two cents
  • moderatelyfatman
    I think rather than arguing nuance here as many are in this thread, I think the underlying theme here is:
    - We like and want to EARN/EARNABLE skill styles - more of these!
    - Only ever adding color variations on an RGB wheel is not original or all that cool. The new molten whip and wild wood force pulse or whatever is great! More of this
    - summonable pets like the warden bear, sorc pets, etc need a major facelift and skill styles is the platform for this. The red version, given all the complaints over the years, is poor taste and we should be investing resources into making things better - not change an x, y and z value for coloration changes alone.

    The only thing holding back eso is itself. Let’s make worthwhile changes or none at all in my opinion. Take the time to do cool NEW things - not little shortcuts. :) my two cents

    I thought you quit ESO? :D
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