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Developers like to think they know more about the game than the player base, which is understandable cause you created the damn thing but this is not always the case, just as parents don’t know their children as much as their friends do… this class needs a major overhaul

I only like it because I’ve always liked necromancers in all the games I played… besides tanking I feel like I’m forcing myself onto the class, it’s not fun to play and it’s not effective either

I understand giving necromancers access to lots undead minions would cause server issue but it shouldn’t be able to just make corpses out of thin air, this is one of the reasons ESO’s necromancer feels off play style wise and thematically… Based on lore necromancy can lean more into ghostly/spirit spells, mysticism, soul magic, alteration and destruction magic etc not only conjuration/animating

Necromancer should not need corpses to cast basic spells but only need corpses to empower them… remove the corpse requirement for skills but make it so if there are corpses around, you consume them and empower your abilities, the way boneyard works

There are lots of really cool necromancy animations that bosses and adds use that are already in the game that can be put to good use…
Animations from Unhallowed grave, Graven deep (Zelvraak the Unbreathing), Fang lair, Crypt of hearts 2, Vault of madness, Wayrest sewers and Banished cells

What happened with grave lords sacrifice? When it was changed the notes said it wasn’t a final change and you were still working on it… 2/3 patches later no changes?

Since Necromancer is modelled after Molag Bal, wouldn’t it be nice to give them cold fire?

Bring back the older version of the magica blast bones and give it cold fire damage… say if the damage tool tip is 10k make 5k be fire and the other 5k be ice

And do the same thing for ricochet skull, boneyard, skeletal arcanist, mystic siphone, hungry scythe and make renewing undeath or intensive mender or both damage skills since those morphs are largely unused and make them do cold fire damage as well… maybe change the visuals as well to complement the cold fire aesthetic… for example for one of the boneyard morphs u can use the blue fire area of effect animation High Kinlord Rilis does in Banished cells 2

Add execute scaling for scythe or blast bones or flame skull or increase the the death knell passive from 25% to 40% or 50%

Colossus should stun on all hits not just the third, this would help it be more viable in pvp so players can’t just walk off after the first hit, if they block the first the second or third can still stun them

Kinlord Rilis, Oryn the black and Nerien’eth are all necromancers and they can teleport, they use the same animation as well… squeezing that in for the player would be very nice for the necromancer especially in pvp since it struggles with self healing or better yet remove that minor defile from render flesh

The upcoming changes to Grave grasp - Grave grasp should have 1 circle and apply all these effects in it, the circle should preferably be around the player

Bone Goliath can get the Voria the Heart-Thief treatment (unhallowed grave side boss), she does more damage when she transforms to Goliath, maybe give a 15% increase on damage done and a stronger area of effect damage to ravenous Goliath

Still the new corpseburster set would’ve been S tier if it had a lingering damage over time effect similar to pillar of nirn… this wouldn’t have changed its current role, spamming detonating siphon would still be an option, just not the only viable play style

And oh give corpseburster the cold fire damage type as well

I had to get this out of my chest, I’m done raving about the necro
  • necro_the_crafter
    Developers like to think they know more about the game than the player base, which is understandable cause you created the damn thing but this is not always the case, just as parents don’t know their children as much as their friends do… this class needs a major overhaul

    I only like it because I’ve always liked necromancers in all the games I played… besides tanking I feel like I’m forcing myself onto the class, it’s not fun to play and it’s not effective either

    I understand giving necromancers access to lots undead minions would cause server issue but it shouldn’t be able to just make corpses out of thin air, this is one of the reasons ESO’s necromancer feels off play style wise and thematically… Based on lore necromancy can lean more into ghostly/spirit spells, mysticism, soul magic, alteration and destruction magic etc not only conjuration/animating

    Necromancer should not need corpses to cast basic spells but only need corpses to empower them… remove the corpse requirement for skills but make it so if there are corpses around, you consume them and empower your abilities, the way boneyard works

    There are lots of really cool necromancy animations that bosses and adds use that are already in the game that can be put to good use…
    Animations from Unhallowed grave, Graven deep (Zelvraak the Unbreathing), Fang lair, Crypt of hearts 2, Vault of madness, Wayrest sewers and Banished cells

    What happened with grave lords sacrifice? When it was changed the notes said it wasn’t a final change and you were still working on it… 2/3 patches later no changes?

    Since Necromancer is modelled after Molag Bal, wouldn’t it be nice to give them cold fire?

    Bring back the older version of the magica blast bones and give it cold fire damage… say if the damage tool tip is 10k make 5k be fire and the other 5k be ice

    And do the same thing for ricochet skull, boneyard, skeletal arcanist, mystic siphone, hungry scythe and make renewing undeath or intensive mender or both damage skills since those morphs are largely unused and make them do cold fire damage as well… maybe change the visuals as well to complement the cold fire aesthetic… for example for one of the boneyard morphs u can use the blue fire area of effect animation High Kinlord Rilis does in Banished cells 2

    Add execute scaling for scythe or blast bones or flame skull or increase the the death knell passive from 25% to 40% or 50%

    Colossus should stun on all hits not just the third, this would help it be more viable in pvp so players can’t just walk off after the first hit, if they block the first the second or third can still stun them

    Kinlord Rilis, Oryn the black and Nerien’eth are all necromancers and they can teleport, they use the same animation as well… squeezing that in for the player would be very nice for the necromancer especially in pvp since it struggles with self healing or better yet remove that minor defile from render flesh

    The upcoming changes to Grave grasp - Grave grasp should have 1 circle and apply all these effects in it, the circle should preferably be around the player

    Bone Goliath can get the Voria the Heart-Thief treatment (unhallowed grave side boss), she does more damage when she transforms to Goliath, maybe give a 15% increase on damage done and a stronger area of effect damage to ravenous Goliath

    Still the new corpseburster set would’ve been S tier if it had a lingering damage over time effect similar to pillar of nirn… this wouldn’t have changed its current role, spamming detonating siphon would still be an option, just not the only viable play style

    And oh give corpseburster the cold fire damage type as well

    I had to get this out of my chest, I’m done raving about the necro

    Agree on the most part.

    IMO gravegrasp should be an AoE targetable, like elemntal ring, that way necros would have acsess to range corpse gen, which would free us from GLS hardwiring into skulls for corpse gen. And its still could be targted right at you feet to get a corpse there if you want it.

    Also I was thinking about skulls for a while a got that concept in my head. What if:

    Flaming Skull Vengeful spirits : summon 2 flaming skulls to haunt your target, each dealing X damage on impact. Grant a stack of Haunted for 5 seconds each cast up to 3 stacks. Haunted increase class abilities damage by 4% and increase skulls released by 1 per stack. This ability deals 30% more damage against monsters and cannot be dodged. Numbers should be adjusted, so in PvP it should deal less damage (1000-1500 on optimised build per skull) than average spammable due to its undadgable nature, but in PvE with 30(+-)% boost should make it able to compete with other spammables.

    Venom Skull Decaying spirits : summon 3 venom skulls to haunt your target, each dealing X damage on impact.. While ability is slotted on either bar, each corpse consumed grants a stack of Haunted up to 3 stacks. Each stack of Haunted increase spell/weapon damage by 50 and increase skulls released by 1, casting this ability removes all stacks of Haunted from you. Enemy hit by the ability grant a stack of Possesed per skulls hit for 5 sec, each stack of Possesed increase targets damage taken from yours DoT's by 2%. This ability deals 30% more damage against monsters and cannot be dodged. Same logic here, less then average damage for PvP but competent for PvE cuz you dont benefit from undodgable trait there.

    And skulls made smaller in size with travel speed kept the same. And we dont need GLS anymore since skulls give either class ability or DoTs damage boost.

    And then, sine we have cool utility in skulls, precise placement of corpses due to grave grasp being single instanced AoE thats gonna be benficial for both melee and range builds, I would like to see GLS and Blighted blastbones removed. Yes, both of them. But first we have to talk about archer and a mage summons.

    Archer and mage should both have ramping up damage every hit. Then, since mage have cleave on each attack, archer should apply a 4m poison cloud, around enemy hit, that deals X damage every 2 sec for 4 sec, refreshing on every hit. This will result in more single target damage done by archer, as well as also giving him the ability to cleave.
    And, most fun part, after your summoned mage/archer has been alive for 6 seconds, you can turn them into blastbones, that will function just like blastbones we all know and love. This will be a trade off since you'll have to sacrifise building up pressure from damage incease with each hit, to instead deal damage in the single burst. Damage numbers should be adjusted, so overall dps of summon, if it stay for full duration, would be more than firing up a blastbones everytime ability reaches 6 seconds.

    So, what will we do with empty Blastbones/GLS slot? Thats right, permanent summon of course! And this time - Raise Undead. Raise a zombie to fight at your side. Zombie has its own skill depending on a morph you choose. And, biend undead, once every 1 min zombie revives itself agter taking a 4 sec nap is it killed.

    1. Blighted Undead. Base zombie attacks deal desease damage. Ocasionally zombie can throw up on enemies in cone aplying deseased status effect and major defile to enmies hit. Special Ablity - Jump. Jump makes zombie gapcolse a choosen target dealing X desease damage and apply a stun for 2 seconds.
    2. Coldfire Undead. Base zombie attack deal Frost damage. Ocasionally zombie can spit coldfire on enemies in cone, dealing X Frost damage aplying chilled and burning status effect on enmies hit. Special Ablity - Ignite. Ignite cloacks zombie in coldfire, aplling 30k damage shield to it for 10 seconds. Enemies within 6m radius take X Flame damage every 2 seconds, this ability has higher chance to proc burning.

    Also was thinking about concept of cold fire, maybe its should be a new element: Frost damage that procs unique status like coldburn that is literally like bruning but deals frost damage?
    Edited by necro_the_crafter on September 26, 2024 2:00PM
  • FionaFlute
    I really wish the tether from corpses didnt require line of sight of the corpse. It breaks so easily on any line of sight that I hate using the skills or necro in general.
  • spaceghost8
    Your version of cold fire sounds great as well, it would be nice if we had it, since cold fire is all over the place in Tamriel not just in Cold Harbour

    One of the things I think limits creativity on the necromancer is its dependency on corpses, corpses should not be the only way a necromancer is viable, corpses should only supplement the necromancer that’s it, this is the way necromancers are in previous elder scrolls games and lore.

    Necromancers use destruction magic and use summoning mainly as support or damage dealers not as their means to cast destruction spells… Unlike the arcanist it’s crux system fits in fluently, the corpse system makes the necromancer feel slow and clunky
  • taugrim
    The best fix to Necromancer would be to ditch the corpse mechanic. It's super duper clunky and limits use in mobile fights.

    What I'd rather see:
    1. Necromancer accumulates a counter on the player, based on number of corpses generated. If the player moves, the counter value sticks with them (at least for some time, a la how decay works with Crux).
    2. Today's corpse-consuming abilities consume the counter. If an ability requires a corpse today, then it can't be cast until the counter >= 1.
    3. Today's abilities that target a corpse instead will require an actual mob or player target. A target-sticky DoT or HoT will be far more useful and flexible.
    PC | NA | CP 2.3k
    • Active: Dark Elf Stamina Templar | Dark Elf Stamina Arcanist | Dark Elf Stamina Necromancer
    • Inactive: Nord Stamina Warden | Orc Stamina Sorceror | Nord Stamina Nightblade | Nord Stamina Dragonknight
    • Ankle Biters | Legends Syndicate (PVP) | Moonlit Shenanigans | Song of Broken Pines (PVP) | Ulfhednar (PVP)
  • spaceghost8
    Necro is so bad and everyone knows it that I never get accepted as a dd on groups that have auto accept applications off

    Necro can be alright on older trials like sunspire for example, where bosses don’t move around much but considering the way ZOS seems to be going with the newer trials, boss fights are more mobile and they’re more fun this way but the necro is left on the dust
  • sarahthes
    Necro is so bad and everyone knows it that I never get accepted as a dd on groups that have auto accept applications off

    Necro can be alright on older trials like sunspire for example, where bosses don’t move around much but considering the way ZOS seems to be going with the newer trials, boss fights are more mobile and they’re more fun this way but the necro is left on the dust

    Are you low cp?
  • spaceghost8
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Necro is so bad and everyone knows it that I never get accepted as a dd on groups that have auto accept applications off

    Necro can be alright on older trials like sunspire for example, where bosses don’t move around much but considering the way ZOS seems to be going with the newer trials, boss fights are more mobile and they’re more fun this way but the necro is left on the dust

    Are you low cp?

  • spaceghost8
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Necro is so bad and everyone knows it that I never get accepted as a dd on groups that have auto accept applications off

    Necro can be alright on older trials like sunspire for example, where bosses don’t move around much but considering the way ZOS seems to be going with the newer trials, boss fights are more mobile and they’re more fun this way but the necro is left on the dust

    Are you low cp?

    Y does that matter lol… with my arcanist, DK, sorc, Templar I can get to any pug trial
  • necro_the_crafter
    Necro is so bad and everyone knows it that I never get accepted as a dd on groups that have auto accept applications off

    Necro can be alright on older trials like sunspire for example, where bosses don’t move around much but considering the way ZOS seems to be going with the newer trials, boss fights are more mobile and they’re more fun this way but the necro is left on the dust


    necros are one of the best dps out there for 12 men content.
    Where is lacks is small scale and solo play.
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