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Is Ithelia just a Tragic character?

Now that gold road has been out for a while. The story kind if felt like Ithelia was being punished for something that hadn’t happened yet and that punishment led to her becoming evil for a brief second and she only becomes evil because various things pushed her into becoming evil, such as Mora. Her anger ablut being erased was justified. However, no one apart from Ithelia actually learned their lesson. Although Ithelia does not feel like much of a threat (mainly cause of the writing) and only came across as a threat to Mora because she threatened Mora’s ability to be certain about the future, she accepts that she cannot exist within that reality with her powers. Although there is no real reason why she had to disappear and not just learn to control her powers or have some sort of restriction placed on her other than imprisonment. I feel overall she is a tragic character.
Edited by Libonotus on October 5, 2024 11:56PM
  • SilverBride
    I felt bad for her watching the end of that story play out. I just couldn't see her as all bad.
  • Pelanora
    She threatened Moras world of secretive control and micro managing everyone's destiny, with freedom and 'the road not taken' so he ended her. With zero evidence for us she was even a threat.

    I know Mora is sexless squid, but voiced to sound male- it just smacked of misogynistic bollicks to me, like some church tale against women they call witches just so they can destroy them, and I couldn't even finish the story.
    Edited by Pelanora on October 6, 2024 5:48AM
  • Libonotus
    I felt bad for her watching the end of that story play out. I just couldn't see her as all bad.

    Yeah I never saw her as bad like she was being punished for something that hadn’t happened and Mora and everyone was pushing for it to happen until it did and then were “we didnt do it”. The only one who learned a lesson was Ithelia
  • Libonotus
    Pelanora wrote: »
    She threatened Moras world of secretive control and micro managing everyone's destiny, with freedom and 'the road not taken' so he ended her. With zero evidence for us she was even a threat.

    I know Mora is sexless squid, but voiced to sound male- it just smacked of misogynistic bollicks to me, like some church tale against women they call witches just so they can destroy them, and I couldn't even finish the story.

    Tbh i dont think things would have got as bad as they did if we didnt get involved. She only lost it cause the loom broke and I feel like Mora wouldve foreseen our involvement causing that event so it just feels heavily manipulative on Mora’s part
  • Pelanora
    I've never hated anything in eso like I hated Mora and that story.

    Hoarding knowledge and secrets, destroying women who stood for freedom from destiny..... awful. What point was zos even trying to make.
    Edited by Pelanora on October 6, 2024 5:54AM
  • Libonotus
    Pelanora wrote: »
    I've never hated anything in eso like I hated Mora and that story.

    Hoarding knowledge and secrets, destroying women who stood for freedom from destiny..... awful. What point was zos even trying to make.

    so trus
  • ArchMikem
    Pelanora wrote: »
    I've never hated anything in eso like I hated Mora and that story.

    Hoarding knowledge and secrets, destroying women who stood for freedom from destiny..... awful. What point was zos even trying to make.

    Even though I think Mora can shove it, i will say, Ithelia's very existence was an existential threat. She had the power to tear the fabric of Reality apart if she simply was angry enough. We the player even witness this in one of the Timelines. That Ithelia's Torvesard was even like "Bro, you really need to get your item and leave or you'll cease to exist." A Dremora showing regard for a Mortal's life before his own world and existence comes to an end.

    I also think bringing Sexism and Patriarchal Oppression into it isn't necessary.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Pelanora
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Pelanora wrote: »
    I've never hated anything in eso like I hated Mora and that story.

    Hoarding knowledge and secrets, destroying women who stood for freedom from destiny..... awful. What point was zos even trying to make.

    Even though I think Mora can shove it, i will say, Ithelia's very existence was an existential threat. She had the power to tear the fabric of Reality apart if she simply was angry enough. We the player even witness this in one of the Timelines. That Ithelia's Torvesard was even like "Bro, you really need to get your item and leave or you'll cease to exist." A Dremora showing regard for a Mortal's life before his own world and existence comes to an end.

    I also think bringing Sexism and Patriarchal Oppression into it isn't necessary.

    So he said. But we didn't know that for sure. She only grew dangerous when she was angry, as all Princes might. He was afraid of her potential to affect his power over us, and she gave people freedom from his destiny.

    Smacks of the worst of things, to me.

  • colossalvoids
    Still puzzled why through the whole story we were a passive observer, never actually trying to stop the daedra until the world is literally falling apart. It's hard to judge anything having zero player agency and trying to see what zos wanted to say with this and rewire what a daedric princes in essence are for a one chapter ride, so we feel sympathy for it by default. A conflict of what story is showing us and what's tes lore about it was all the time before, so if you're not really concerning yourself with in-game world and just here for the feels it's probably a tragic character indeed, especially if you're treating them as a regular person.
  • Jaimeh
    I don't remember all the details of the quest, but I think it was because of the world destruction that happened in the parallel realities that the Vestige visited, so they decided it would be inevitable to happen in that reality at some point as well, or at least something along those lines. In all honestly, I didn't like how they implemented the concept of such a daedric price without speculating in the story on the already existing concepts of entities such as Satakal, and generally how she fits into the concept of the reality cycling in TES, assuming her powers as a prince extend far beyond the Mundus. I don't think it was very well done, for all the implications her presence had, the story was resolved far too easily and fast, [snip] It was a bad idea to create new lore with such momentous consequences, they could have went with a less far reaching concept and a more compelling story. It honestly reminded me of action movies that laud the villain and their powers, build up to the climate so much, but then the story fizzes out and you forget it the minute you exit the theatre.

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 12, 2024 7:00PM
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