Save ESO with new commercial strategie, more players , more fun

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
Bonjour je suis un joueur français régulier de ESO sur console , je m'excuse d'avance si les fautes de grammaire , d'orthographe et autres sont très présentent car je vais utiliser un traducteur, je joue depuis presque dix ans sur le jeux , je ne suis pas un joueur très haut niveau mais j'ai accompli beaucoup d’activités sur le jeux comme les donjons dlc hard mode , les raids dlc en vétéran et certain hard mode , donc on peut dire que je suis un joueur moyen mais avec beaucoup d’expérience et temps de jeu . Pourquoi je vous dit cela ? C'est car la dernière fois que je me suis exprimer sur ce forum , j'ai reçu des commentaires malveillant sans raison , venant de joueur ou de blogueur qui trouver mes idées stupides et qui n'était pas capable de voir le point de vue de tout type de joueur : débutant , classique et HL . DONC j'invite les personnes qui ne veulent pas que le jeux évolue et qui critique sans arrêt les autres joueurs moins doué qu'eux à regarder mes anciennes discussions d'il y a quelque année et vous remarquer que beaucoup d'idées que j'ai cité sont maintenant présente dans le jeu , c'est la preuve que certaines de mes idées font preuves de logique et d'utilité dans le jeu . Malgré cette introduction je suppose que les messages malveillants vont continuer mais au moins j''aurais essayer, Merci

Alors maintenant je vais évoquer selon moi les modifications qui pourrait permettre au jeu de survivre plus longtemps et qui permettraient d'attirer de nouveaux joueurs et donc de nouveaux profits , je vais souvent cité d'autres jeux concurrent comme exemple pour être le plus concret possible , car il y a beaucoup de jeux qui ont été capable de transformer leurs défauts et anciens contenu en des nouveautés apprécier de tout les joueurs ou presque ;( .

--tout d'abord rendre le jeu de BASE gratuit , free to play pour toute les plateformes . je sais ce que vous aller me dire , le jeu ne coûte que quelque dollars ou est gratuit si vous avez le game pass ETC.... mais je vous parle de le rendre gratuit pour tous car on vie dans un monde où il y a une grande partie des gens qui refusent d'acheté un produit qui ne connaissent pas , et ils ont raison , même si le jeu ne coûte que 1 dollar , DESTINY 2 par exemple , le jeu payant est devenu vide et très critiquer juste après sa sortie puis ils ont modifier le jeu , l'ont rendu FREE-TO-PLAY , ils ont fait de la publicité pour dévoilé aux monde que le jeu était devenu gratuit et cela à relancer complètement la franchise et à multiplier le nombre de joueur présents sur le jeu , ce qui donne ensuite envie aux joueurs d'évoluer dans le jeu en achetant des DLC , cosmétique , consommable et autres , C'EST LOGIQUE , C'est COMMERCIAL !!!!!

-- Je dois vous avoué que je ne sais pas du tout comment fonctionne les serveurs de jeu vidéo mais je dois comme même en parler. Pour moi il est crucial d’intégrer le cross play ( xbox - playstation uniquement , surtout pas le cross play avec le PC) , car aujourd'hui en 2024 le cross-play est devenu de plus en plus indispensable pour la survie d'un jeu , je prend l'exemple même de TESO où l'on doit attendre presque 1 heure pour trouver un donjon ou un battleground matchmaking alors que ce sont des activités populaires du jeu c'est inacceptable .L’idéal serait de rallier tout les serveurs ( Américain, Européen, Asie ) mais je suppose que ce n'est pas possible car les latence seraient trop élevées ou de l'ai rallier uniquement pour des petites activités matchmaking, comme les donjons et battleground qui se composent de quelques joueurs par partie seulement. Mais dans tout les cas il faut obligatoirement le cross play XBOX - PLAYSTATION , c'est vital pour le jeu . Il y a aussi une grande demande venant des joueurs pour que tous le contenu acheté( monture , cosmétique , consommable, maison et surtout les DLC et pourquoi pas les points de champions aussi) par exemple dans le serveur Européen soit aussi valable dans les autres serveur telle que le serveur Américain , cela permettrais au joueurs de changer de serveurs au cas où ils ne trouveraient pas de monde sur leur serveur habituel . le Cross play est un point majeur pour la survie du jeu

--un point rapide mais efficace , faire de la publicité de tout les changements mentionnés , pour donner l'impression que le jeu renaît et s'adapte au nouveaux monde du jeux vidéo ( accessibilités, jouer pour jouer et pas jouer pour farmer ou faire de la gestion d'inventaire , du contenus existant revisiter , des nouveautés logiques et attractive etc.....)

Un autre point très important , VALORISER la progression dans le jeu , pour moi c'est un gros point faible de eso même après les nombreuses mise a jour pour corriger cela , je veux dire par la que la monté de niveau n'est vraiment pas très logique , les quêtes n'ont pas de réel intérêt en terme d'expérience , pourquoi ne pas faire comme Diablo 4 , c'est a dire gagner beaucoup d'xp en jouant , en s'amusant , les joueurs cherchent avant tout du gameplay , c'est un point fort de ESO les mécaniques de donjon , de boss , de raid c'est génial , il faut valoriser cela au lieu de passer des heures à tourner en rond dans un lieu de farming. LES SOLUTIONS QUE JE PROPOSE POUR APPRECIER LA MONTE DE NIVEAU DANS ESO:
-- Ne plus diviser l'expérience et l'or en fonction du nombre de joueur , cela va à l'encontre même des mmo , en quoi le surplus d'expérience est un problème , n'oublions pas que c'est aussi le but du jeu et beaucoup de joueurs sont frustrés car ils mettent trop de temps à arriver au ENDGAME ET à l'accomplissement des activités endgame, beaucoup trop de joueur abandonnent le jeu pour ça , c'est beaucoup beaucoup d'argent perdu , de la communauté perdu et surtout de la mauvaise publicité. Je sais ce que certains sont en train de pensés face à cela " les joueurs d'aujourd'hui veulent qu'on leur donne tout et rapidement sans passer beaucoup de temps sur le jeu" et OUI c'est une réalité le monde en générale devient comme ça et je comprend les différents points de vue , mais sincèrement je préfère vite monter en niveau pour ensuite m'amuser avec les activitées endgame , pas vous?
L’expérience s'applique sur les deux barres de compétence , les compétence de classes ne nécessite plus d’être inséraient pour progresser , les compétences d'armes progressent si vous avez cette arme équiper dans votre inventaire ou sur l'une de vos barres et donc ne nécessite plus d’être inséraient pour progressaient
augmentation de 300% de l’expérience gagné en tuant des monstres ou des boss lors des activités suivante : WORLD BOSS , donjon de groupe( 4 players) , arène , raid , principalement les activité endgame. cette augmentation est énorme et nécessaire uniquement si l'expérience gagné n'est plus divisé par le nombre de joueurs présents .
--- Les quêtes doivent être récompenser , car vous les développeurs ,vous avez travaillaient pour faire des quêtes plus ou moins intéressante et vous mériter qu'on s’intéresse au scénario que vous avez fait pour nous , alors donner un réel intérêt a tous ça comme une augmentation de 500% de l’expérience gagné et 700% pour les quêtes des DLC . Ce qui faut retenir de ce sujet c'est que les joueurs veulent augmentaient de niveau en s'amusant et pas en farmant ou en augmentant petit à petit .
L'experience en accomplissant des activités pvp battleground de 1000% (pour compenser le fait que vous ne gagné pas d'xp lorsque vous tuer un joueur

VALORISER LES ACTIVITÉS POPULAIRES , retravailler les récompenses ( OR , set,XP,objet d'atisanat etc...) lié à ces activites , leur gameplay , modifier ,supprimer , ajouter des boss , monstres, mécaniques, hardmode , ajouter des événement dans les donjons , le loot des boss pour donner l'envie de ramasser ses trésors ( plus d'or , de vrai potion alchimique aléatoire!!). Valoriser en priorité les activités multijoueur ( DRAGON , DONJON , RAID, ARENE , WORLD BOSS,BATTLEGROUND ETC...)car elles sont complexe à effectuer en solo pour certaines personnes et avec la baisse du nombre de joueur sur le jeu , ces activité deviennent inaccessible .je ne suis pas un professionnel en PVP mais pour l'activité Battleground , il faudrait absolument retirer le délai de réapparition après la mort car cela ralenti le gameplay et supprimer la possibilité d'infliger ou de recevoir des dégâts lorsque vous réapparaissais dans votre camp, ça n'a aucun sens

----Modifier le fonctionnement des quêtes journalière , ajout d'une nouvelle interface pour les quêtes journalières (identique à celle des EFFORTS), c'est à dire que vous aurez un tableau de toutes les quêtes journalière de tamriel et ce tableau ce réinitialise tout les jours , le point positif c'est que vous n'aurez plus à devoir chercher les quêtes auprès des PNJ , mais vous devrez allé les voir pour obtenir la récompense , et augmenté le taux le loot des motifs et autre objet rare obtenu lors des quêtes secondaires

----ajouter plus d’amélioration pour chaque sort pour varier les différents builds , corriger les gros problèmes d’accessibilité du combat notamment les potions alchimiques qui reste pour moi un des plus gros défaut du jeu , je vais prendre Diablo 4 comme exemple , au debut de diablo 4 , le jeu avait le meme probleme que teso pour l'alchimie( on devait obligatoirement farmer les plantes et autres réatifs alchimiques pour crafter les potions qui nous intéressé mais les developpeurs ont observés que personne n'aimais farmer les ressourses , c'est une perte de temps dans le jeu, ce que veulent les joueurs c'est s'amuser!!!! Donc en quelque mois seulement ils ont trouvés le meilleur compromis qui soit , ils ont combinés toute les différentes plantes du jeu en 1 seul item appelé herbes alchimiques et le plus important c'est qu'ils ont rendu les herbes alchimiques lootable dans toute les activités et en quantité généreuse , TESO doit absolument copier ce model car c'est le meilleure moyen de créé des potions en quantité pour valorisé toute sorte de gameplay car n'oublions pas qu'on utilise 1 potion toute les 45 secondes dans TESO contre 30 minute dans diablo4 et le problème de l'alchimie dans teso c'est la disponibilité car vous avez les choix suivant : soit vous farmer les plantes alchimiques pendant des heures dans les differentes region , soit vous allez gagné des pierrs de Tel var ou tout perdre!!!! , soit vous les achetez hors de pris dans les marchants de guilde et le jour où il n'y aura pas assez de monde sur le jeu ou que vous aimez dépensez votre or autrement , vous serrez obligé de jouer avec les potions infecte trouvé sur les monstres ,IL FAUT QUE CELA CHANGE!!! pour les nouveaux et les anciens joueurs . Il faudrait aussi augmenté les effets des potions à 1 minutes minimum (car beaucoup de personne ne possède pas les capacités de regarder à la fois si la potion est prête et le reste du combat)
solution pour ce probleme , nouvelle interface pour l'alchimie qui fonctionne exactemment comme la création de sort puis augmenter la quantité d'herbe alchimique obtenu dans les activés dlc et mettre une quantité extreme pour lremplacer les anciens ingrédient rare comme le sang de dragon donc tuer un dragon raporte maintenant 100 herbes alchimiques

Edited by ZOS_Volpe on July 24, 2024 11:56PM
  • EdjeSwift
    Antiquities Addict
  • Tandor
    Perhaps the mods could move it?
  • Syldras
    Funny thing is that OP mentions being a French player and excuses for potential grammar mistakes because he's using a translator - just that he somehow forgot about that step :D Well, mistakes happen. I'm sure he'll notice.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • Paramedicus
    damn, i bet this post contains solutions for all ESO problems. If only it was in english.. :/
    PC EU
    /script JumpToHouse("@Paramedicus")
    ↑↑↑ Feel free to visit my house if you need to use Transmute Station or vet Trial Dummy with buffs and Aetherial Well (look for the Harrowing Reaper on the northern rock wall) ↑↑↑
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    damn, i bet this post contains solutions for all ESO problems. If only it was in english.. :/
    If only Google Translate existed... ;)
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Syldras
    Don't worry :p

    @deadtek Tu as accidentellement oublié d'inclure la traduction en anglais ;)
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • VouxeTheMinotaur
    for anyone who doesn't have instant translate / can't read French, this is what OP said:

    Hello I am a regular French player of ESO on console, I apologize in advance if grammar, spelling and other mistakes are very present because I will use a translator, I have been playing for almost ten years on the games, I am not a very high level player but I have accomplished a lot of activities on the games such as dungeons dlc hard mode, DLC raids in veteran and some hard mode, so we can say that I am an average player but with a lot of experience and playing time. Why am I telling you this? That's because the last time I expressed myself on this forum, I received malicious comments for no reason, coming from players or bloggers who found my ideas stupid and who was not able to see the point of view of any type of player: beginner, classic and HL. SO I invite people who don't want the game to evolve and who constantly criticize other players less talented than them to look at my old discussions from a few years ago and notice that many of the ideas I mentioned are now present in the game, this is the proof that some of my ideas show logic and usefulness in the game. Despite this introduction I guess the malicious messages will continue but at least I would have tried, Thank you

    So now I will talk about the modifications that could allow the game to survive longer and that would attract new players and therefore new profits, I will often cite other competing games as an example to be as concrete as possible, because there are many games that have been able to transform their flaws and old content into new ones appreciated by all players or almost ;( .

    --first of all make the BASE game free, free to play for all platforms. I know what you're going to tell me, the game only costs a few dollars or is free if you have the game pass ETC.... but I'm talking about making it free for everyone because we live in a world where there is a large part of people who refuse to buy a product that doesn't know, and they are right, even if the game only costs 1 dollar, DESTINY 2 for example, the paid game became empty and very criticized right after its release then they modified the game, made it FREE-TO-PLAY, they advertised to reveal to the world that the game had become free and this to completely relaunch the franchise and multiply the number of players present on the game, which then makes players want to evolve in the game by buying DLCs, cosmetics, consumables and others, IS IT LOGICAL, IS IT COMMERCIAL!!!!

    -- I must admit that I don't know how video game servers work at all, but I have to talk about it. For me it is crucial to integrate cross play (xbox - playstation only, especially not cross play with the PC), because today in 2024 cross-play has become more and more essential for the survival of a game, I take the example of TESO where you have to wait almost 1 hour to find a dungeon or a battleground matchmaking while these are popular activities of the game it is unacceptable. The ideal would be to join all the servers (American, European, Asian) but I guess it's not possible because the latency would be too high or too high Rally only for small matchmaking activities, such as dungeons and battleground which consist of only a few players per game. But in any case you have to cross play XBOX - PLAYSTATION, it's vital for the game. There is also a great demand from players for all the content purchased (mount, cosmetics, consumables, homemade and especially DLC and why not champion points too) for example in the European server to be also valid in other servers such as the American server, this would allow players to change servers in case they do not find a world on their usual server. The Cross play is a major point for the survival of the game

    -- a quick but effective point, publicize all the mentioned changes, to give the impression that the game is reborn and adapts to the new world of video games (accessibility, play to play and not play to farm or do inventory management, existing content revisit, logical and attractive new features etc.....)
    Another very important point, VALUE the progression in the game, for me it's a big weak point of eso even after the many updates to correct this, I mean that the leveling up is really not very logical, the quests have no real interest in terms of experience, why not do like Diablo 4, That is to say to gain a lot of XP by playing, by having fun, players are looking above all for gameplay, it is a strong point of ESO the mechanics of dungeons, bosses, raids are great, you have to value this instead of spending hours going around in circles in a farming place. THE SOLUTIONS I PROPOSE TO ENJOY LEVELING UP IN ESO:
    -- No longer dividing experience and gold according to the number of players, this goes against even mmos, in which the surplus of experience is a problem, let's not forget that this is also the goal of the game and many players are frustrated because they take too long to get to the ENDGAME AND to the completion of the endgame activities, Far too many players abandon the game for this, it's a lot of lost money, lost community and especially bad publicity. I know what some people are thinking about this "today's players want us to give them everything and quickly without spending a lot of time on the game" and YES it's a reality the world in general is becoming like this and I understand the different points of view, but sincerely I prefer to level up quickly to then have fun with the endgame activities, Not you?
    Experience applies to both skill bars, class skills no longer need to be inserted to progress, weapon skills progress if you have this weapon equipped in your inventory or on one of your bars and therefore no longer need to be inserted to progress 300%
    increase in experience gained by killing monsters or bosses during the following activities: WORLD BOSS, group dungeon (4 players), arena, raid, mainly endgame activities. This increase is huge and only necessary if the experience gained is no longer divided by the number of players present.
    --- Quests must be rewarded, car you developers, you worked to make more or less interesting quests and you deserve that we are interested in the scenario you made for us, so give a real interest to all this as a 500% increase in the experience gained and 700% for the DLC quests. What should be remembered from this topic is that players want to level up by having fun and not by farming or increasing little by little.
    The experience by completing 1000% battleground pvp activities (to compensate for the fact that you don't earn xp when you kill a player
    VALUE POPULAR ACTIVITIES, rework rewards (OR, set, XP, atisanat item etc...) related to these activities, their gameplay, modify, delete, add bosses, monsters, mechanics, hardmode, add events in dungeons, the loot of the bosses to make you want to collect your treasures (no more gold, no more random alchemical potion!!). Prioritize multiplayer activities (DRAGON, DUNGEON, RAID, ARENA, WORLD BOSS, BATTLEGROUND ETC...) because they are complex to perform solo for some people and with the decrease in the number of players on the game, these activities become inaccessible .I am not a professional in PVP but for the Battleground activity, it would be necessary to remove the respawn delay after death because it slows down the gameplay and remove the possibility of inflicting or receiving damage when you respawned in your camp, it makes no sense

    ----Modify the way the daily quests work, add a new interface for the daily quests (identical to the one of the EFFORTS), that is to say that you will have a table of all the daily quests in tamriel and this table resets every day, the positive point is that you will no longer have to look for the quests from the NPCs, but you will have to go to them to get the reward, and increased the rate of loot of the patterns and other rare items obtained during the side

    quests ---- add more improvement for each spell to vary the different builds, correct the big problems of accessibility of the fight especially the alchemical potions which remains for me one of the biggest flaws of the game, I'll take Diablo 4 as an example, at the beginning of Diablo 4, the game had the same problem as Teso for alchemy (we had to farm plants and other alchemical reatives to craft the potions we were interested in but the developers observed that no one liked to farm resources, it's a waste of time in the game, What the players want is to have fun!!! So in just a few months they found the best compromise possible, they combined all the different plants of the game in 1 single item called alchemical herbs and the most important thing is that they made alchemical herbs lootable in all activities and in generous quantities, TESO must absolutely copy this model because it is the best way to create potions in quantity to enhance any kind of gameplay because let's not forget that we use 1 potion every 45 seconds in TESO against 30 minutes in diablo4 and the problem of alchemy in TESO is the availability because you have the following choices: either you farm the alchemical plants for hours in the differentes region, either you will win from the screes of Tel var or lose everything!!! , either you buy them out of the guild merchants and the day when there are not enough people on the game or you like to spend your gold otherwise, you will be forced to play with the foul potions found on the monsters, THIS HAS TO CHANGE!! for new and old players. It would also be necessary to increase the effects of potions to 1 minute minimum (because many people do not have the ability to watch both if the potion is ready and the rest of the fight)
    solution for this problem, new interface for alchemy which works exactly like spell creation then increase the amount of alchemical herb obtained in dlc activates and put an extreme amount to replace the old rare ingredient like Dragon's Blood so killing a dragon now yields 100 Alchemical Herbs
    PS5/NA: Vouxe_
  • Paramedicus
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    If only Google Translate existed... ;)

    i dont think google supports this odd language:

    "Bonjourjeursuisjur un joueur "

    Seems like a result of random keyboard smashing
    PC EU
    /script JumpToHouse("@Paramedicus")
    ↑↑↑ Feel free to visit my house if you need to use Transmute Station or vet Trial Dummy with buffs and Aetherial Well (look for the Harrowing Reaper on the northern rock wall) ↑↑↑
  • Lotus226
    Soul Shriven
    @EdjeSwift, FR forum is dead since Bethesda France has closed few months ago... No way to be heard on that side unfortunately... But I understand that posting in French in an English forum is not the best way to be heard neither, so here is a translation of the OP post (using translator too o:) ):

    <quote> @deadtek

    I'm a regular French ESO player on console , I apologize in advance if the grammar , spelling and other mistakes are very present because I will use a translator , I've been playing for almost ten years on the game , I'm not a very high level player but I have accomplished a lot of activities on the game like dungeons dlc hard mode , raids dlc in veteran and some hard mode , so we can say that I'm an average player but with a lot of experience and game time . Why am I telling you this? It's because the last time I expressed myself on this forum, I received malicious comments for no reason, from players or bloggers who found my ideas stupid and who weren't able to see the point of view of all types of player: beginner, classic and HL. SO I invite people who don't want the game to evolve and who constantly criticize other players less gifted than themselves to look at my old discussions from a few years ago and notice that many of the ideas I cited are now present in the game, which is proof that some of my ideas are logical and useful in the game. In spite of this introduction, I suppose that the malicious messages will continue, but at least I've tried, thank you.

    So now I'm going to talk about the changes that I think could help the game survive longer and attract new players and therefore new profits, I'll often cite other competing games as examples to be as concrete as possible, because there are many games that have been able to transform their flaws and old content into new features appreciated by all players or almost ;( .

    --I know what you're going to say, the game only costs a few dollars or is free if you have the game pass ETC.... but I'm talking about making it free for all, because we live in a world where there's a large proportion of people who refuse to buy a product they don't know, and they're right, even if the game only costs 1 dollar, DESTINY 2 for example, the paid game became empty and very criticized right after its release, then they modified the game, they made it FREE-TO-PLAY , they advertised to reveal to the world that the game had become free and this completely relaunched the franchise and multiplied the number of players present on the game , which then made players want to evolve in the game by buying DLC , cosmetics , consumables and others , IT'S LOGICAL , IT'S COMMERCIAL ! !!!!
    -- I must confess that I have no idea how video game servers work, but I have to talk about it anyway. For me it's crucial to integrate cross-play (xbox - playstation only, especially not cross-play with the PC), because today in 2024 cross-play has become more and more essential for the survival of a game, I'll take the very example of TESO where you have to wait almost 1 hour to find a dungeon or a battleground matchmaking when these are popular game activities is unacceptable. The ideal would be to rally all the servers (American, European, Asian), but I suppose that's not possible because the latency would be too high, or to rally them only for small matchmaking activities, such as dungeons and battlegrounds, which consist of just a few players per game. But in any case, XBOX - PLAYSTATION cross-play is vital for the game. There's also a big demand from players for all content purchased (mount, cosmetic, consumable, house and especially DLC and why not champion points too) for example in the European server to also be valid in other servers such as the American server, this would allow players to change servers in case they do not find people on their usual server. Cross play is a major point for the survival of the game.
    --a quick but effective point: publicize all the changes mentioned, to give the impression that the game is reborn and adapted to the new world of video games (accessibility, play to play and not play to farm or do inventory management, revisit existing content, logical and attractive new features, etc. .....).
    Another very important point, VALUE progression in the game, for me this is a big weakness of ESO even after the many updates to correct this, by which I mean that leveling up is really not very logical, the quests have no real interest in terms of experience, why not do like Diablo 4, i.e. earn lots of xp by playing, by having fun, players are looking for gameplay first and foremost, and this is one of ESO's strong points: the dungeon, boss and raid mechanics are brilliant, and should be exploited instead of spending hours going round in circles in a farming area. THE SOLUTIONS I PROPOSE TO ENJOY LEVELING UP IN ESO:
    -- No longer divide experience and gold according to the number of players, this goes against the very grain of mmo, in what way is the surplus of experience a problem, let's not forget that this is also the goal of the game and many players are frustrated because they take too long to get to the ENDGAME AND to complete endgame activities, too many players abandon the game for this, it's a lot of money lost, lost community and above all bad publicity. I know what some people are thinking about this: “today's gamers want to be given everything and quickly, without spending much time on the game” and YES, it's a reality, the world in general is becoming like that and I understand the different points of view, but sincerely, I prefer to level up quickly and then have fun with endgame activities, don't you?
    -- Experience is applied to both skill bars, class skills no longer need to be inserted to progress, weapon skills progress if you have the weapon equipped in your inventory or on one of your skill bars, and therefore no longer need to be inserted to progress.
    -- 300% increase in experience gained by killing monsters or bosses in the following activities: WORLD BOSS , group dungeon (4 players), arena, raid, mainly endgame activities. this increase is huge and only necessary if the experience gained is no longer divided by the number of players present.
    --- Quests must be rewarded, because you, the developers, have worked hard to create quests that are more or less interesting, and you deserve us to be interested in the scenario you've created for us. So let's make it all worthwhile by increasing the experience earned by 500%, and by 700% for DLC quests. The important thing to remember about this subject is that players want to level up by having fun, not by farming or leveling up little by little.
    -- Experience by completing battleground pvp activities by 1000% (to compensate for the fact that you don't gain xp when you kill a player).
    -- VALUE POPULAR ACTIVITIES, rework the rewards (GOLD, set, XP, crafting items, etc.) linked to these activities, their gameplay, modify, delete, add bosses, monsters, mechanics, hardmode, add events in dungeons, boss loot to make players want to collect their treasures (more gold, real random alchemical potion!!). Give priority to multiplayer activities ( DRAGON , DONJON , RAID, ARENE , WORLD BOSS,BATTLEGROUND ETC...) because they are complex to do solo for some people and with the drop in the number of players on the game, these activities are becoming inaccessible. I'm not a PVP professional, but for the Battleground activity, the reappearance delay after death should absolutely be removed, as it slows down gameplay, and removing the possibility of inflicting or receiving damage when you reappear in your camp makes no sense.
    ---- Modify the way daily quests work, adding a new interface for daily quests (identical to the EFFORTS interface), i.e. you'll have a table of all the daily quests in Tamriel, and this table will reset every day. The good news is that you won't have to search for quests with NPCs, but you'll have to go to them to get the reward, and increase the loot rate of patterns and other rare items obtained during side quests.
    ----Add more upgrades for each spell to vary the different builds, correct the major problems of accessibility to combat, particularly alchemical potions, which for me remains one of the game's biggest flaws, I'll take Diablo 4 as an example, at the start of Diablo 4, the game had the same problem as teso for alchemy (you had to farm plants and other alchemical reagents to make the potions you wanted, but the developers noticed that nobody liked farming resources, it's a waste of time in the game, what players want is to have fun! !!! So in just a few months they found the best compromise they could, combining all the different plants in the game into a single item called alchemical herbs, and most importantly, making alchemical herbs lootable in all activities and in generous quantities, TESO absolutely must copy this model, as it's the best way of creating potions in quantity to enhance all kinds of gameplay, because let's not forget that 1 potion is used every 45 seconds in TESO, compared with 30 minutes in Diablo 4. The problem with alchemy in TESO is availability, as you have the following choices: either you stuff alchemical plants for hours on end in the various regions, or you earn Tel var stones or lose everything!!!! Or you can buy them at overpriced guild merchants, and the day there aren't enough people in the game, or you'd rather spend your gold on something else, you'll be forced to play with the foul potions found on monsters. The effects of potions should be increased to a minimum of 1 minute (because many people don't have the ability to check whether the potion is ready and the rest of the fight at the same time).
    Solution to this problem: new alchemy interface that works exactly like spell creation, then increase the quantity of alchemical herbs obtained in dlc activations and set an extreme quantity to replace the old rare ingredients like dragon's blood, so killing a dragon now yields 100 alchemical herbs.

  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan

    i dont think google supports this odd language:

    "Bonjourjeursuisjur un joueur "

    Seems like a result of random keyboard smashing
    So it's exactly like all the "English" posts on this forum, then. Every time I read posts on this forum, I have to force myself to ignore the various grammatical and spelling errors in the posts.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Paramedicus
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    So it's exactly like all the "English" posts on this forum, then. Every time I read posts on this forum, I have to force myself to ignore the various grammatical and spelling errors in the posts.

    dat tru my fried. ppl dunt care how they write proper enlish or not
    PC EU
    /script JumpToHouse("@Paramedicus")
    ↑↑↑ Feel free to visit my house if you need to use Transmute Station or vet Trial Dummy with buffs and Aetherial Well (look for the Harrowing Reaper on the northern rock wall) ↑↑↑
  • Lotus226
    Soul Shriven
    @VouxeTheMinotaur, faster than me :D
  • VouxeTheMinotaur
    Lotus226 wrote: »
    @VouxeTheMinotaur, faster than me :D

    :D my computer does it instantly when detected. when i refreshed to make sure it posted i saw your translation and thought "oh my goodness, great minds huh?"
    PS5/NA: Vouxe_
  • Paramedicus
    i created TL;DR of the original post. Do you think that sums it up well?

    • Make the base game free-to-play for all platforms.
    • Introduce cross-play between Xbox and PlayStation, not with PC.
    • Advertise changes to show the game is evolving.
    • Improve progression: Make leveling more fun and rewarding.
      • Stop dividing XP and gold by the number of players.
      • Increase XP gains from key activities and quests significantly.
      • Simplify skill progression.
    • Enhance popular activities: Rework rewards, mechanics, and accessibility.
    • Improve daily quests: New interface, easier access, better rewards.
    • Revamp alchemy system: Simplify resource gathering, increase potion effects, and introduce a new interface.
    PC EU
    /script JumpToHouse("@Paramedicus")
    ↑↑↑ Feel free to visit my house if you need to use Transmute Station or vet Trial Dummy with buffs and Aetherial Well (look for the Harrowing Reaper on the northern rock wall) ↑↑↑
  • Paramedicus
    Summary v2 (bit longer):
    • Make the base game free-to-play for all platforms. This change would remove the initial barrier to entry, attracting a larger player base. Drawing from examples like Destiny 2, transitioning to a free-to-play model can significantly boost player numbers and encourage spending on DLCs, cosmetics, and other in-game purchases.
    • Introduce cross-play between Xbox and PlayStation, but not with PC. Cross-play has become essential for the survival of multiplayer games. It would reduce wait times for matchmaking in popular activities like dungeons and battlegrounds, improving the overall player experience. Additionally, allowing content purchased on one server to be accessible on another (e.g., European server content available on the American server) would provide flexibility for players.
    • Advertise changes to highlight the game's evolution and adaptation to modern gaming trends. Marketing these updates can re-ignite interest in the game, presenting it as responsive to player feedback and capable of providing a fresh experience.
    • Improve progression: Make leveling more fun and rewarding.
      • Stop dividing XP and gold by the number of players, which goes against the MMO spirit. This would help players reach endgame content faster, addressing the frustration of slow progression.
      • Increase XP gains from key activities like world bosses, group dungeons, arenas, and raids by 300%. This significant boost would encourage engagement with popular content.
      • Quests should provide substantial rewards, with a 500% increase in XP for regular quests and 700% for DLC quests. This change would make questing a more viable and enjoyable way to level up.
      • Simplify skill progression so that class and weapon skills progress without needing to be slotted, making character development more streamlined and less restrictive.
    • Enhance popular activities: Rework rewards, mechanics, and accessibility.
      • Increase the rewards (gold, sets, XP, crafting items) for multiplayer activities such as dragons, dungeons, raids, arenas, world bosses, and battlegrounds. This rework should include modifying, removing, or adding bosses, monsters, mechanics, and hard modes to keep these activities fresh and exciting.
      • Improve the experience in battleground PvP by removing the respawn delay after death and preventing damage upon respawn to maintain fast-paced gameplay.
    • Improve daily quests: Introduce a new interface for daily quests similar to Endeavors. This interface would provide a board of all daily quests in Tamriel, resetting daily. Players would no longer need to search for quests from NPCs but would still visit them for rewards. Increase the loot rate of motifs and rare items from side quests to make daily activities more rewarding.
    • Revamp the alchemy system: Simplify resource gathering, increase potion effects, and introduce a new interface.
      • Combine all different plants into one item called alchemical herbs, lootable in all activities and in generous quantities. This model, inspired by Diablo 4, would make creating potions easier and more accessible.
      • Increase potion effects to last a minimum of one minute, addressing the challenge of managing potion use during combat.
      • Implement a new alchemy interface similar to spell creation, and increase the quantity of alchemical herbs obtained in DLC activities. Replace old rare ingredients with large quantities of herbs, making resource collection less time-consuming and more player-friendly.
    PC EU
    /script JumpToHouse("@Paramedicus")
    ↑↑↑ Feel free to visit my house if you need to use Transmute Station or vet Trial Dummy with buffs and Aetherial Well (look for the Harrowing Reaper on the northern rock wall) ↑↑↑
  • Tandor
    There's nothing there that I would see as an improvement, if I'm honest. Too many items smack of simplification aka trivialisation. I certainly see nothing that I can believe would induce ZOS to devote huge resources to a massive rewriting exercise.

    The problem with any posts wanting to introduce aspects of other games into ESO because they work in those games, or at least the poster likes them in those games, is that there's always a failure to comprehend that this game is not those other games, nor even in the same genre necessarily, and lots of players don't want it to become those other games, or else they'd be playing them instead of this one. I don't imagine introducing aspects of other games would fit in with the developers' vision and plans for the game either.

  • Syldras
    i dont think google supports this odd language:
    "Bonjourjeursuisjur un joueur "
    Seems like a result of random keyboard smashing

    Ever seen Finnish? :p
    (Nothing against the Finnish language, really, I just find it horribly hard to learn.)

    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • Paramedicus
    Syldras wrote: »

    Ever seen Finnish? :p
    (Nothing against the Finnish language, really, I just find it horribly hard to learn.)

    "Vesihiisi sihisi hississä."

    dear god
    Edited by Paramedicus on July 23, 2024 10:39PM
    PC EU
    /script JumpToHouse("@Paramedicus")
    ↑↑↑ Feel free to visit my house if you need to use Transmute Station or vet Trial Dummy with buffs and Aetherial Well (look for the Harrowing Reaper on the northern rock wall) ↑↑↑
  • EdjeSwift
    Tandor wrote: »
    There's nothing there that I would see as an improvement, if I'm honest. Too many items smack of simplification aka trivialisation. I certainly see nothing that I can believe would induce ZOS to devote huge resources to a massive rewriting exercise.

    The problem with any posts wanting to introduce aspects of other games into ESO because they work in those games, or at least the poster likes them in those games, is that there's always a failure to comprehend that this game is not those other games, nor even in the same genre necessarily, and lots of players don't want it to become those other games, or else they'd be playing them instead of this one. I don't imagine introducing aspects of other games would fit in with the developers' vision and plans for the game either.

    Pretty much sums up my thoughts on the entire post. Player wants to play ESO only in name, they want a wholly different set of mechanics and gameplay because they feel that's what the game should be. I've said before, I'll say it again, you can't ask for such massive overhauls for a game that's over 10 years old at this point, you're just better off playing the other games you seem to enjoy more. I translated the post from the bottom up and from the point where they wanted a centralized daily bored I knew the post was going to be a "I don't want to play ESO I want to play something else but call it ESO" sort of post.
    Antiquities Addict
  • TaSheen
    EdjeSwift wrote: »

    Pretty much sums up my thoughts on the entire post. Player wants to play ESO only in name, they want a wholly different set of mechanics and gameplay because they feel that's what the game should be. I've said before, I'll say it again, you can't ask for such massive overhauls for a game that's over 10 years old at this point, you're just better off playing the other games you seem to enjoy more. I translated the post from the bottom up and from the point where they wanted a centralized daily bored I knew the post was going to be a "I don't want to play ESO I want to play something else but call it ESO" sort of post.

    Agreed. There's just not much in other games that I think would fit well here - I mean, that's why I don't play other games, why I only play TES (obviously including ESO).

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • Syldras
    "Vesihiisi sihisi hississä."
    dear god

    Luckily, people don't talk about water demons very often :p
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • valenwood_vegan
    My advice is that it might make more sense to post individually about some of these things rather than a long list of not-closely-related requests, which overwhelms the reader and makes the post difficult to respond to; and I think tends to focus readers' attention on the ideas they don't agree with, and may result in a lot of varied "I don't want ____" responses, making meaningful discussion difficult.

    It's too much for me to really respond to it all, but a few thoughts:

    1) ESO seems to have rather limited development resources devoted to it at this time, and I think it's unlikely that we're going to see major reworks of entire existing systems. With limited (and potentially shrinking) resources, everything has an opportunity cost, and there are lots of frequent requests to improve existing systems (pvp improvements, more detailed zones with better stories; more housing slots, bug fixes, balancing, new skill lines or weapons, QoL and UI improvements, and on and on) that should be addressed before devoting resources to reworking basic aspects of the game, based on an uncertain hope that doing so will attract new players.

    Imo, ESO should play to and build on its strengths, not try to change to be like some other game.

    2) I don't think eso needs to be further simplified and trivialized.

    Leveling (at least to the extent that it matters - additional cp becomes useless after a point) was already sped up significantly with the cp rework. The gear grind has been reduced significantly with transmutation, sticker book and reconstruction, and curation.

    Continuing to speed the "rush to the end" may be desirable for some players, but endgame is different for everyone. And it risks making everything so quick and shallow and trivial that some players quickly get bored. And we also already wind up with a lot of high level players who don't really know what they're doing and get frustrated because they're "at endgame" but they can't actually do the relevant content. Faster isn't always better.

    3) I'm unsure about the effectiveness of making the game free to play. They actually have tried this once, temporarily, with the Epic giveaway. From the point of view of a player, it did noticeably increase the population of new players, but only for a very short time. It also resulted in a noticeable increase in bots and RMT spam in zone chat, and was followed soon after by a complete pause on crown store gifting due to fraudulent activity, which may or may not have been related.

    Ultimately only zos knows if it was an effective strategy, and if it was they may do something similar again in the future.

    But if it was made a permanent change, the revenue from the base game would need to be replaced in some way - there are already a lot of complaints about crown store prices, loot boxes, systems designed to push people into subscribing, lack of in-game rewards compared to paid items... I'm not sure players would necessarily like the results of going free to play.

    4) Crossplay has been asked for and argued over hundreds of times, for years now. I wouldn't get your hopes up that it's coming any time soon (though it *could* be something they're quietly working on), as zos' consistent answer has been that it involves significant technical challenges, as the game was not designed for it.

    [EDIT to clean up and fix typos].
    Edited by valenwood_vegan on July 23, 2024 11:33PM
  • Nharimlur_Finor
    They're making money from whatever they do now.
    Rhetorically speaking, would they make more or less from these changes?
    Tandor wrote: »
    There's nothing there that I would see as an improvement, if I'm honest. Too many items smack of simplification aka trivialisation. I certainly see nothing that I can believe would induce ZOS to devote huge resources to a massive rewriting exercise.

    The problem with any posts wanting to introduce aspects of other games into ESO because they work in those games, or at least the poster likes them in those games, is that there's always a failure to comprehend that this game is not those other games, nor even in the same genre necessarily, and lots of players don't want it to become those other games, or else they'd be playing them instead of this one. I don't imagine introducing aspects of other games would fit in with the developers' vision and plans for the game either.
    That's mostly it.

  • LPapirius
    I feel like a better strategy to improve the game and to restore the vibrancy and community that ESO used to have is to go back to what made ESO great in the first place.

    First, game boxes and PC players absolutely should not share servers. A big no thank you to cross platform play.

    Second, restore Cyrodiil to population caps to at minimum 200/faction and restore performance to what it was shortly after the hardware upgrade about 5 years ago. After 5 years it's time for a new hardware upgrade anyway. Get some of the insane proc sets out of cyrodiil, like RoA, DC and a few others that never should have existed in the first place. Free pull sets should not exist. They're fundamentally unfair in combat situations and just bad game design to have created them in the first place. There are roughly 10% of the population allowed into cyrodiil now days, and there are roughly 10% of the PvP guilds that used to exist as a result.

    Third, stop focusing on the casual player community so heavily. I've never played a game with as much churn of the player base as ESO has. That's because ZOS essentially ignores suggestions and needs of the veteran player base. U35 drove off the vast majority of the end game PvE and PvP community. That's why you don't see most of the vet ESO streamers anymore and we aren't getting the needed tutorials for the most challenging content in the game anymore.

    Fourth, stop spreading the game thinner and thinner over the same server hardware. When new content is added to the game, add more server resources to support it. This is the primary reason there are so many perennial performance issues.

    Fifth, get back to focusing on the fantastic combat system. Focus far, far less on housing, ToT and companions. This is an MMO and the focus should be on promoting reasons for players to group together and help each other out. There should be more reasons to join guilds and participate in guild activities.

    And finally, in the first couple to few years of the game ZOS was actually pretty good about communicating with and working with the player base. Now the player base is virtually shunned from having any input what so ever in terms of the direction of the game and what new features players would like to see in game. ZOS, for all intents and purposes, ignores the feedback they get on the PTS and continues to implement very unpopular changes.

    In short, ZOS should be focusing WAY, WAY more on player retention and FAR, FAR less on catering to the casuals who aren't going to stick around for long anyway.
  • manukartofanu
    If some of your ideas even appeared in the game, that doesn't necessarily mean they were good. The current state of the game suggests that some things were either done in vain or even to its detriment. But I don't want to say they were bad, as I won't go check.

    A free base game is good when a fresh account holds no value for veterans. This is not the situation with ESO. The giveaway of accounts last summer led to tragedy and collapse, and the action clearly wasn't worth the consequences. Free account = no gifts. It's alarming that you're proposing a free base game, even though it's already known to be a terrible idea because it has been tried before.

    Crossplay can only be a forced measure. But if the online population on consoles is dying, ESO will inevitably come to this.

    Author, did you miss the release of the Arcanist? Nowadays, newcomers reach the end game very quickly. So quickly that they've completed the game within a year. Fast progression and an easy game are only good in the short term. This model doesn't work in the long term because if people complete everything, they move on to play another game.

    And yes, the proposal of more loot. Well, we're already reaping the consequences of the illusion that more motives/resources are supposedly good. Basic recipes drop frequently and from everywhere. Do they hold any value for anyone? No. The same will happen with everything that drops frequently and from everywhere. Rewards should be rewards; they need to be earned. Drops should bring joy when they happen. If everything drops everywhere in abundance, there will be no joy in it, and it will all be perceived as junk, just like the other stuff that drops in abundance now.
  • Amottica
    Making the base game free would be a horrific mistake. Even a low entry cost keeps players' quality at a certain level, which would be lost if the base game became free. It would worsen the group finder experience and open the door to constant gold seller spam in chat.

    Anyone who played SWTOR early on and experienced when they changed to the hybrid model of F2P/subscription can vouch for the accuracy of my comment. Further, a player who refuses to pay that extremely small amount to buy the base game will not likely spend much after that point. We already have F2P weekends where players can try the game and see if they like it.

    The game is not dependent on crossplay to survive. There are enough players to keep the game alive for years to come. Returning to the previous level of adding content and keeping it quality content is what this game's survival requires.

    Google Translate to French.

    Rendre le jeu de base gratuit serait une horrible erreur. Même un faible coût d'entrée maintient la qualité des joueurs à un certain niveau, qui serait perdu si le jeu de base devenait gratuit. Cela détériorerait l’expérience de recherche de groupe et ouvrirait la porte au spam constant des vendeurs d’or dans le chat.

    Quiconque a joué à SWTOR au début et a fait l'expérience du passage au modèle hybride F2P/abonnement peut se porter garant de l'exactitude de mon commentaire. De plus, un joueur qui refuse de payer ce montant extrêmement minime pour acheter le jeu de base ne dépensera probablement pas beaucoup après ce point. Nous avons déjà des week-ends F2P où les joueurs peuvent essayer le jeu et voir s'ils l'aiment.

    Le jeu ne dépend pas du jeu croisé pour survivre. Il y a suffisamment de joueurs pour maintenir le jeu en vie pendant des années. Revenir au niveau précédent consistant à ajouter du contenu et à conserver un contenu de qualité est ce qu'exige la survie de ce jeu.

  • BlackRaidho
  • Maitsukas

    The PC-NA+PTS mix-up back in April is something that made me fully against crossplay. Having something like that occur when all NA and EU servers are merged with each other would be catastrophic.
    PC-EU @maitsukas

    Posting the Infinite Archive and Imperial City Weekly Vendor updates.

    Also trying out new Main Quests, Companions, ToT decks, Events and Styles on PTS.
  • BlackRaidho
    Maitsukas wrote: »

    The PC-NA+PTS mix-up back in April is something that made me fully against crossplay. Having something like that occur when all NA and EU servers are merged with each other would be catastrophic.

    Imagine how much drama in HL about "Consoles peasans without addons" and "PC masteraces full addons go brrrr".
  • Dragonnord
    I'm sorry OP but I disagree with every single one of your suggestions.

    I'm playing TESO because TESO is TESO and I like the way it is now.
    SERVER: NA | PLATFORM: PC | OS: Windows 10 | CLIENT: Steam | ESO PLUS: Yes
This discussion has been closed.