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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Save ESO with new commercial strategie, more players , more fun

  • deadtek
    hello and sorry for forgetting the translation, but today it's easy for you to translate a web page into English, you just need to right click and "translate page", thank you for the good comments and for the negative comments and the players who do not want the game to evolve, there is no point in responding because if you like to wait 1 hour just to find a veteran dungeon or see ESO die slowly then do what you want please and let people express their ideas a little, because if we refuse the evolution of a game or others, we would still be in the stone age or worse we would be conditioned by religious gurus, I know I extrapolates a little but it basically tells you that evolution must never end. in addition to that my ideas are simplistic and promote all the players, looked at my old discussions, because the changes that I had cited in my old ideas, now they are in the game
  • TaSheen
    That's not how public forums work; anyone can post an opinion, it doesn't have to agree with your post, and you can't tell people not to post "dissenting" with the OP.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • EdjeSwift
    deadtek wrote: »
    hello and sorry for forgetting the translation, but today it's easy for you to translate a web page into English, you just need to right click and "translate page", thank you for the good comments and for the negative comments and the players who do not want the game to evolve, there is no point in responding because if you like to wait 1 hour just to find a veteran dungeon or see ESO die slowly then do what you want please and let people express their ideas a little, because if we refuse the evolution of a game or others, we would still be in the stone age or worse we would be conditioned by religious gurus, I know I extrapolates a little but it basically tells you that evolution must never end. in addition to that my ideas are simplistic and promote all the players, looked at my old discussions, because the changes that I had cited in my old ideas, now they are in the game

    To save people the time: I did, they didn't.

    Your suggestions were not implemented, bug fixes aren't going to be attributed as suggestions.
    Antiquities Addict
  • Necrotech_Master
    because initially i couldnt read the initial post, going off of the title of the thread alone, i thought "oh here we go, another 'the game is dying threads' "

    since the post was translated, i would also be heavily against all of those changes, especially the purely f2p one

    going purely f2p is usually a sign a game is dying and is usually a death knell for most MMOs unless its designed as f2p from the get go

    we got a taste of what this was like with the addition of eso to the epic store, and there was a massive increase in bots/RMT spammers (some of which are still in the game though a lot of it has been tempered down since the end of the epic promotion)

    the game is absolutely not dying, if your getting 1 hour queues, its likely because your queuing as a dps outside of primetime server hours
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • VouxeTheMinotaur
    deadtek wrote: »
    hello and sorry for forgetting the translation, but today it's easy for you to translate a web page into English, you just need to right click and "translate page", thank you for the good comments and for the negative comments and the players who do not want the game to evolve, there is no point in responding because if you like to wait 1 hour just to find a veteran dungeon or see ESO die slowly then do what you want please and let people express their ideas a little, because if we refuse the evolution of a game or others, we would still be in the stone age or worse we would be conditioned by religious gurus, I know I extrapolates a little but it basically tells you that evolution must never end. in addition to that my ideas are simplistic and promote all the players, looked at my old discussions, because the changes that I had cited in my old ideas, now they are in the game

    I'm sure the ideas you've had were good ones but may have been common requests from multiple people. you must remember that the devs for ESO are also looking at feedback from multiple sources while having their own team come up with ideas for the game and obviously take from previous games and its own lore.

    Definitely does not take an hour to get into veteran dungeons, at least in PS/NA in my experience on DPS characters, maybe at best 15-20 minutes. I know battlegrounds and PvP is a whole other story both queue time and performance wise. the fact that it's taking over an hour is frustrating, yes, but that does not mean the health of the game is going downhill, in this game's case, it means its peak playtime, or many players are queueing for the same role while there's little of the other roles.

    Free to play, I agree with many people here who are against it. Free to play invites many problems, and if you're saying it takes over an hour to get into veteran dungeons, free to play would only heighten that wait time since majority of players like to play DPS, along with the already existing problems dungeoneers face with paying players. free to play would also, I imagine, invite a huge increase in prices for the crown store, many features blocked behind a paywall, and increase in price for DLC chapters as well as subscription, even if it's just a couple of dollars, still no bueno. Imagine an ESO battle pass? NO THANKS!

    Taking @EdjeSwift 's word on the previous ideas you say were implemented and yes, mentions of bug fixes or problems aren't necessarily ideas. The forums are filled with people mentioning / complaining of bugs found in game. hence, a common request from multiple people from multiple sources, of course the devs were going to look into it and have a solution. all your ideas were just added to the pot.

    introducing ideas to this game is fighting an uphill battle for multiple reasons:

    - the game is 10 years old

    - the equipment used to run the servers, or the servers themselves is rather dated from my understanding, I'm not sure why the equipment used to run a game that had supposedly made over a billion dollars is dated but hey, I just play the game man.

    - the amount of coding already existing in the game is immense, and to change it may create other problems that the devs are not ready for (and by track record history, will take forever to fix while keeping the new coding, it's better to leave content as it is)

    - mixing playstyles, mechanics, ideas from other games into ESO makes this less ESO -esc. the game isn't its own "brand," it just copies from other games, trends, etc. No originality. ESO is ESO because it does not have what Diablo and Destiny has. This can be argued sure, since ESO has subscriptions like other games, and takes a lot of MMORPG classic ideas like dungeoneering, raids, and such. But on surface value, it's ESO - a different type of MMORPG if that makes any sense.

    - Though for this year Q4 there is something, PvP has not seen much love and needs improvement before PvE gets more added. i do not PvP but sympathize with PvP lovers, i have many of them in guilds. ESO's style of PvP is unique in many fields, and is what draws players to keep coming back and logging in. Many players only PvP, so to continually add PvE content is discouraging. If we want to talk about a dying player base, in my opinion, PvP'ers are the dying player base in ESO's numbers.

    - i would like to guess many players are well over 30, 40, 50 years of age, and like the simplicity of ESO's current state where there are not constant changes. Inviting changes to things that were working fine as is usually invites frustration. The fact that ESO is simple is why people like it the most.

    - Inviting trendy things like fast playstyle, fast XP gain, thousands of gold as a standard reward, doubling the rewards of items, etc does not sound good for ESO, makes it sound like any other free to play looter shooter. Changing the economy like that makes things less valuable but prices will go up anyway. does not make it easier for newer players to be able to afford things.
    If anything, that would reduce the playtime of players because for one, everything gets handed to you on a silver platter sort of speak, and two, there's no intensity to the gaming experience, no need to learn mechanics, or adjust playstyle, builds etc, if I can just power level extremely fast and become strong super-fast by buying everything, slapping it on, and just rushing into something that's supposed to be challenging. What's the point of coming back to play if I can do everything in one or two tries?
    There's a percent of players that do this with newer content, only because they've done the time and have been playing for a number of years, becoming veterans of the game. To dimmish that by introducing a player that can do the same thing in a few weeks or a month is like a slap in the face to the work that has led them to be able to do this. ESO's favorite thing so far: farming and grinding combined with RNG to increase player playtime and item rarity. It works, people complain cause yeah it sucks sometimes, but it works. It gives people something to look forward to and earn what they want.

    to be clear, you are in no way being discouraged from posting your ideas on the forums, i post ideas and get shut down by many people as well where they explain to me why they do not believe it will work, but that does not stop me from continuing to post cause hey, maybe one of the ideas might click with the community. understand the game has its limitations, and the community has a voice as well. I'm sure we'd all like to see ESO evolve somehow, but not where it loses its own styled brand in the process.

    Posting on the forum invites this. The forum is meant for any and all feedback, and that includes negative. even a simple "no." is feedback.
    PS5/NA: Vouxe_
  • ZOS_Volpe

    Because this thread has derailed rather quickly, we felt it was best to close it down. Please be sure to keep our Community Rules in mind when posting on our forums.

    Please also make sure to post in your supported languages that we have here on the forums.

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