I lost count the many times I wasted the 5 (or more) keys because I was in a rush to pick up the pledge quests. With people waiting on you and you spamming the conversations to pick up the quests, it is too easy to grab the quest and immediately open the coffer store and purchase something that you can't sell back. At the very least, a simple (hopefully) change, would be to perhaps end the NPC interaction after picking up the quest? Since there is a decent delay between pressing the interact button to actually starting a conversion is long enough to realize one should stop spamming the interact key.
Also, don't get me started on the whole key shenanigans and wasting 250 keys on trying to get that new Blind Shoulder style page.. shenanigans, I tell you! >.<
To the trolls, I hope you don't have to rush to do anything and make mistakes. If you do, let us know so the rest of us can troll too hahaha!
@RexyCat, thank you for the suggestion of using addons. I had an addon that would do that, but after Gold Road, it would either cause my client to crash or I would have to fight the addon so I can actually get to the quest. That was a bizarre behavior change, but it got super painful and I just deleted it. I myself have over 160 addons running, and amazingly well I might add. I agree that minor changes to behaviors in the game/UI could have far reaching changes. Sigh, yeah I suppose the only recourse is another addon. Thank you for the suggestion, I'll go check it out.
Item Set Curation Additions
To assist with various item chases throughout Tamriel, the following coffers will now offer curation.As with all curation, the coffers will only award items you have not yet collected. Once you have collected all pieces, curation will end and the coffers will once again reward random pieces.
Undaunted Monster Set Shoulder Coffers
This affects only the specific dungeon coffers offered by Maj al-Ragath, Glirion the Redbeard, and Urgarlag Chief-Bane. The mystery coffers are not affected by curation.
These coffers will be for sale for 8 undaunted keys.