Loremaster's Archive- Clockwork City

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Community Manager
Hi everyone! We’re here to bring you another Loremaster’s Archive. With Clockwork City being a focus of July’s Anniversary Spotlight, we’ve received a notice from Archcanon Tarvus. He has procured a short audience with Sotha Sil to answer questions about Clockwork City. So make haste with your questions!

To help Archcanon Tarvus answer as many questions as possible in his allotted time, please keep your questions short (no more than a line or two) and limit yourselves to one question. We'll keep this thread open for one week (closing 7/8/2024 @ 10am ET/3pm UTC) for everyone to get your questions in starting today. Archcanon Tarvus is eager to answer your questions!
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on August 6, 2024 3:49PM
Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
Staff Post
  • argyro
    Are the mechanical constructs and fabricants waterproof?
  • mb10
    Is there any similarity in the technology/theories used to create the constructs and fabricants as there were for the constructs the Dwemer built?
  • TheNuminous1
    As an apostle of the clockwork God myself I've taken over the observatory prior on request of our Lord Seht, but for all my research and machinations, I can not deduced the original intent of the Observatory, so I ask thee, Why was the Observatory Prior built and what function does it serve in the greater clockwork wheel.

    May your gears turn with precision and oil flow like rain

    -Ziim of the Great House Telvanni
  • Necrotech_Master
    for all of the dwemer/clockwork things ive seen, it seems inconceivable that there werent more that were modes of transportation than just riding clockwork/fabricants that were based off of animals

    it confounds me how few dwemer minecarts there are, or that there has not been a clockwork style vehicle of transportation for carrying persons or other heavy objects

    surely the great visionary sotha sil could explain why this is
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Benefactor
    Some of the Fabricants seem to take organic parts from creatures that we know. One of these creatures I cannot source the organic part from. I am incredibly curious, what creature was used as the base for Verminous Fabricants?
  • verminjerky
    (I'm not normally one to beg but I will actually cry if Michael picks my question. I'm not being hyperbolic. I might print and frame the answer. July 8th is literally my birthday. ETA: Benefactor's question is so good, I had it too! I saw their post after I finished mine, but I hope it will be taken as a sign that the community would love to know.)

    "Esteemed Archcanon, in my extensive studies of Lord Seht's creation, there is one tiny mystery that vexes me. Unlike other fabricants, the so-called 'verminous fabricant' doesn't closely resemble any mortal creature—of the forms known to me, it seems most similar to the common daedroth known as a clannfear. Sotha Sil's rightful contempt for daedra is well documented, so I often ponder from where he obtained his inspiration for this creation, and what its purpose could be."

    -Llivion Aran, Great House Indoril (The courier also delivers a bottle of finest sujamma marked with the Aran family seal.)
    Edited by verminjerky on July 2, 2024 7:15PM
  • Inari Telvanni
    Inari Telvanni
    Seeing an Apostle out and about has been an extraordinarily rare circumstance, in my experiences, so I must ask: have the Clockwork Apostles ever traveled beyond their City to share the doctrines of Lord Seht with the Dunmer, or to live in Morrowind?

    -Spellwright Inari Telvanni
  • drip_fromtheinkwell
    "Hello, Archcanon! I've always seen priests and followers of Lord Seht when visiting our temple, but my question is, how are they different from the Apostles of the Clockwork City? Do Apostles get to choose to be Apostles, or are they chosen— and how do they get there? Could anyone from any House be one— maybe someone from House Redoran? Thank you!"

    ~ Redoran Seldus Sarandas
  • ClowdyAllDay
    How many unwilling subjects did you sacrifice in order to make your race of cyber men?

    PS The Sixth House will be restored and you false gods brought to justice for your crimes!
    Edited by ClowdyAllDay on July 2, 2024 10:35PM
  • Prophet_of_Malacath
    Thricefold Venerations!

    I write from the Mages Guild Hall of Fargrave! As no secrets escape the Father of Mysteries, I'll take the presence of Factotum parts at the markets here as no surprise.

    Are these illicit goods for sale? Or does the great and future city export older material? Why might locals be so fascinated with clockwork constructs?

    Dumak gro-Mudan the Small
    Forgemaster & Magesmith
    The Pariah's Forge is an Orsimer-focused Discord RP Hub: https://discord.gg/KfuWGFDXJC
  • Aliyavana
    One of the theories I hear about the Clockwork City is that the reason for its existence is to stop the Daedra. We used to have the Dragonfires for that, but Mannimarco's treachery proves that a countermeasure like yours is worth having.

    My legion has been combating the forces of some forgotten Daedric Prince. Er, Ith-el, er, Ithlen? Evelia? Ithe-el-evelia? For some reason my memory is failing me, but as I quickly scribble this message down, I am curious if she is related to a winged entity from your brother's "36 Lessons". This "BARFOK, Maid of Planes", who had the "powers of Event Denouement". Perhaps they are one of the reasons you felt the need to build your Clockwork City?

    I really hope your noble plans for your realm are fully realized.

    - Geraud Surilie, Trooper of the West Weald Legion
    Edited by Aliyavana on July 4, 2024 1:31AM
  • Legoless
    Three blessings, Archcanon.

    Are the Clockwork Apostles counted among the Temple faithful? It seems to me that there is little communication between the two, despite both groups venerating Seht.

    —Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits
  • Elsonso
    Dear Archcanon Tarvus,

    Is this Barbas, again? Didn't I dispatch you once for killing and impersonating the Archcanon?

    Please state the time and location and I will be there to put you down, again.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • MafiaCat115
    Dear Archcanon Tarvus,

    I am curious if notable individuals have ever been invited to the Clockwork City, or if visitors (or future occupants) must find their own way into the City.

    Asrea Starlight, Altmer Scholar from Alinor
    Still waiting for answers about class set aura behavior, and also hoping that one day hair dyeing will be an option. We know it's canon thanks to a book in the Manor of Masques! (House of Reveries: The Troupe)
    Proud owner of a Morrowind Banner of the 6th House (back when it actually meant something)
  • Kallykat
    I wonder:

    1) How does the Tribunal Temple feel about the Clockwork City Apostles? Do they even know they exist?

    2) Why did Lord Seht make so many creations that imitate life? Because he could? To better understand them?

    -- on behalf of Mirri Elendis
    (She keeps sharing these ponderings with me, so I thought I'd ask and give her an answer once and for all.)
  • Tyrvarion
    Honorable Archcanon and Lord Seht,
    Sotha Sil is the Magus of the Tribunal, but he’s also – perhaps more importantly – the Craftsman, the Tinkerer, the Smith. What was his path as a creator? What’s his advice for the craftsman seeking to extend one's horizons?

    Kaenag of Clan Firewolf, Grandmaster Smith of the Arcane Forge
    Edited by Tyrvarion on July 4, 2024 11:46AM
  • Solinar
    Dear Archcanon Tarvus,

    I was rather curious on the history regarding the genesis of the Clockwork City's Factotums. During one of my storied 'Grand Expeditions' touring Dwemer ruins across Tamriel, I encountered an interesting type of Dwemer animunculi within the Arkthzand caverns of Blackreach known as 'Architons', which resembled the Factotums in many aspects. Therefore, I was wondering if Lord Seht may have taken inspiration from these Architons in his Factotums, or are the similarities entirely coincidental here?

    Aicantar of Lillandril, Master Artificer of the Conclave of Aetherius
    Edited by Solinar on July 2, 2024 11:26PM
  • JiveSalts
    Esteemed Archcanon Tarvus,

    Has Lord Seht, or any of his Clockwork Apostles sent or considered sending clockwork prostheses to war heroes that have lost their limbs in battle?

    —Aradyn Darvvyn, Wounded Veteran of the Second Akaviri Invasion
    Part-time tank, full-time failure
  • Vinovin15
    Lord Seht,

    What do you know of the Coruscations: The Prime Archon and Mnemo-Li? I have heard they may have a hand in the creation of Prisoners Unbound, and you are the only being I know who is versed in the subject.

    There is no right lesson learned alone,
    -Connor Tsaga, Numinous
  • SeaGtGruff
    Does Flavorless Paste come in any other flavors?
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • WonderfulWizardWill
    Soul Shriven
    By the Word, begin sequence.

    Hail, Lord Seht, Light of Knowledge and our Clockwork Teacher-God.
    With the events that have transpired within Your Holy World-Mechanism, Your departure to Cogitum Centralis has left many of Your Children, the Apostles, worried. Many request a status on Your well-being. Forgive me this small blasphemy, but I would like to know but one thing:
    How are you doing, Father?

    By the Word, end sequence.

    - As delivered by Joshabar, Apostle of Sotha Sil
    By the Word of Seht, I am bound.
  • OgrimTitan
    With Clockwork City mythostructured after the Aurbic Wheel, rationally will be to assume it's circular in from. The scale model of the city supports this idea. Dare you privy me to what lies in the forbidden parts of the land, beyond the mountains of the Radius? Here be (clockwork) dragons?
    Lord Nicolas le Bellerose, Spell-Knight Mentor of Daggerfall School of Julianos, questral of ontologic


    Edited by OgrimTitan on July 7, 2024 7:42PM
  • Enodoc
    To the Esteemed Lord Seht, c/o Archcanon Tarvus:

    Scholars have recently been debating the nature of the Clockwork contraption discovered in the vaults beneath Ayem's city of Mournhold. Is this contraption the Clockwork City itself, or merely a miniature manifestation serving as an access and entry point, while the city itself is in some adjacent place? If the latter, are there additional manifestations elsewhere which could also act as entrances, such as perhaps beneath Ebonheart, or beneath Vehk's city on Vvardenfell?

    --Enodoc Dumnonii, Savant of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord - discord.gg/uesp
  • OgrimTitan
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi everyone! We’re here to bring you another Loremaster’s Archive. With Clockwork City being a focus of July’s Anniversary Spotlight, we’ve received a notice from Archcanon Tarvus. He has procured a short audience with Sotha Sil to answer questions about Clockwork City. So make haste with your questions!

    To help Archcanon Tarvus answer as many questions as possible in his allotted time, please keep your questions short (no more than a line or two) and limit yourselves to one question. We'll keep this thread open for one week (closing 7/8/2024 @ 10am ET/3pm UTC) for everyone to get your questions in starting today. Archcanon Tarvus is eager to answer your questions!

    Am I to understand this Loremaster's Archive is a result of my proposal from here:
    https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/660470/10-years-anniversary-loremasters-archive ?

    If yes, then what exactly the team decided? 1 more, unbound-to-the-DLC-release, archive for this year? More? Big Jubilee 10 Years Archive later? Can you share here at least little something, Kevin?
  • Finedaible
    I have sighted many Factotums outside Seht's realm, including a recent festival celebrating Zenithar. Is it common, or easy for Factotums to leave the Clockwork City? Are they there by Seht's will or perhaps some unfortunate temporal displacement?

    - J'ziah
  • JakeBB1948
    1) What the heck is this "Verminous Fabricant"? I have seen no record of creatures on Nirn.
    2) When will the Apostles of Seht get around to releasing a Verminous Fabricant mount?
    3) I appreciate that Lord Seht was dissatisfied (to put it nicely) with the chaotic and harsh world of Nirn, built by different gods and spirits, who concerned themselves not at all about the suffering and death of mortals. So, he sought to create a unified alternate reality in his Clockwork City demiplane. And yet, so much of the CWC is full of peril and suffering! What is the philosophical reasoning? Even within his gleaming city there are some people who are neglected, sick, and in pain. If he is following a pure Boethian 'arena' for mortals overcome, what then is the difference from Nirn?
    4) I have long imagined that Lord Seht seeks to perfect the process of creating life in his own image. To this end, I have thought, he created fabricants - which combine flesh and machine - as well as purely mechanical factotums. His greatest creations, on the face of it, are known as the Imperfect. This name implies, to my ears, that he is striving yet to create Perfect children. And yet...why bother with flesh? The Imperfect do not have flesh. Upgrading mortals into greater, mechanical purity is one thing. But why create new flesh-beings at all?
  • Argrum
    Soul Shriven
    To Archcanon Tarvus,

    The Clockwork City is supposed to be free of daedra, but rumors persist about the presence of agents serving Nocturnal and Clavicus Vile, of all things, all the same. If we assume these rumors to be true, would arcanist tomes be able to slip past the Clockwork City's defenses by the same means as daedra and their tools, if such a thing is even possible?

    Of course, there would never be daedra in Seht's city, so this is all theoretical.
  • DagothCorvia
    Esteemed Archcanon Tarvus,

    In all my years living in Vvardenfell, I saw a portal that ended up leading me to the Clockwork City by accident. At the moment of my arrival, I got injured by some fabricants but gracefully rescued by an apostle. Despite my name, is there any way possible for me to join the ranks of the Apostles? Why do these portals open randomly for some people?

    Dagoth Silryn, explorer and scholar
    Edited by DagothCorvia on July 3, 2024 9:13PM
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    Oh that’s right,
    Tarvus is dead isn’t he?

    @ZOS_Kevin You sure that shouldn’t be Archcanon Llevule?

    I’ll be ambiguous just in case.

    To the current Archcanon of the Tribunal Temple,

    Your master Sotha Sil once described himself as ‘Locked in time. Determined by chains of action and consequence.’ I think I now have a better understanding of what he was speaking of. Is the time coming - by which I mean, within a Breton lifetime - when the Numinous Paravant will echo forth the endeavor of the White Star?

    Respectful Regards,
    First Emissary Rohais, Craglorn Embassy
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works
    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • naga007
    Soul Shriven
    Exalted Archcanon,

    As many know, Mournhold is built on the skeleton of Old Mournhold, and rumored to be atop the Dwemer ruins of Bamz-Amschend, which many claim contains a Vault containing an entrance to the Clockwork City itself! Furthermore, my sources among the United Explorers suggest deep below all this infrastructure sits a long forgotten Daedric Shrine, Norenen-Dur.

    So I ask the Clockwork God this: does the site in which these cities and ruins congregate bear some unknown preexisting importance or significance?

    I thank you and Lord Seht for your time and consideration,

    – Legate Skaldrig Black-Wolf
    Doyen of the Xylo Basin Naology Arm of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits
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