TechMaybeHic wrote: »Just make mounting in combat require a 5 second cannel, cost all mag, stam, and mount stam. Then it is too risky to try to use it to just escape unless you had a clear path
how about no change. Time gated stuff already exists everywhere i dont need time gated mounting
To be honest, if you could mount whilst in combat, having the mount start with no stamina would be a good middle ground.
If someone were trying to escape by mount, a single light attack will knock them right back off and leave them open for an easy kill.
Why not allow this?
Because it's not about escaping but chasing. As it is, if someone is chasing on a mount you can knock them down once and that's mostly it, at least for a time. Imagine ten people mounting up everytime they get knocked down, so when you hit one there's already nine others in range to zerg you down.
Zergers love chasing me. I'll gladly take the risk. So tired of walking between keeps.Because it's not about escaping but chasing. As it is, if someone is chasing on a mount you can knock them down once and that's mostly it, at least for a time. Imagine ten people mounting up everytime they get knocked down, so when you hit one there's already nine others in range to zerg you down.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »Just make mounting in combat require a 5 second channel, cost all mag, stam, and mount stam. Then it is too risky to try to use it to just escape unless you had a clear path
Veinblood1965 wrote: »Just change it where if you have not been attacked within the last five seconds you can mount.
To be honest, if you could mount whilst in combat, having the mount start with no stamina would be a good middle ground.
If someone were trying to escape by mount, a single light attack will knock them right back off and leave them open for an easy kill.
Why not allow this?
barney2525 wrote: »
I thought increasing your stamina to 60 was supposed to be a benefit.
Now we are asking to completely invalidate high stamina mounts?
So, this topic is gonna make me ask this question
Isn't there a new grimoire that lets you call your ride and basically use it like a weapon (not tried it yet) in PvP
How does that work?
Dude if you can't kill players that are both out of stam and mag (so one stun and he can't recover), then it's on you.
Maybe you should not be able to fight 10 players on your own?
If you aren't familiar with the situation I'm talking about that says a lot more about you than me. You can't reliably kill someone when being chased by ten players keeping up with you, because if you do go on the offensive against one of them, so will the other nine against you.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »
I would think turning to try to knock a chaser off their mount would be enough for the other 9 to catch you anyway.
This has nothing to do with stam or killing anyone or even being killed. You literally are stuck until leave Cyro or something. You can port at forts or port to IC but you can NOT mount. If you are running with a group you can't catch up.
JUST REMOVE the "can't mount stuck in combat" from Cyrodiil. I know it can't be fixed but it could be removed.
This will not affect "PVP" as there is is NO PVP you just can't mount because you are stuck in combat.
This is ESO, they can't "just" do anything. Coding something like this would probably take hundreds of person hours and break something entirely unrelated, like making companion voice lines play endlessly every time you sneak or something.
This, stuck in combat is basically two things, the one you run into farming or doing quests is that you pull some mob who can not reach you do their one attack before becoming immune and running back who is in itself very stupid.Players at Cyrodiil have been asking for this for years. And if players mount up that are LOSing they will be easier to kill mounted. Plus you have the mounting time for players to catch up. Do we really needed "can't mount in combat" ANY WHERE in the game? This could easily be removed.
This occurs when there are NO players any where around. You can port to another keep but when you get there you still can't mount.