Test dummys + combat metrics + scribed skills

Hey all

I'm not sure the dummy and/or combat metrics registers a scribed skill. My parse yesterday did not mention the skill and it was a horribly low dps....

Anyone know either way- definitely works/definitely doesn't, on the dummy's and the add on....

  • fizl101
    Did the final dps and the time make sense with each other? There may be a bug similar to when whorl didn't show on the dps score, but you could work out your real dps based on the finish time
    Soupy twist
  • Pelanora
    Thanks for the answer!

    I'd have to do more parses to be sure, I don't do enough of them plus it was quite a different scribe-y set up, to be sure of what I was seeing. I'll have to test some variations.
  • flizomica
    Are you sure the skill is not there? I just tested with two scribed skills (magical contingency + magical burst) and they definitely show up on CMX. The only caveat is that it separates out the direct damage vs. DoT portion of the skills, so they're further down the list in terms of % contribution. I also noted that CMX was consistently reporting 1.5k DPS higher than the readout in chat in three different attempts.
  • Pelanora
    My cmx and chat readout were the same, but cmx had no mention of magical contingency, which was why I wondered if the dummy didn't register it. Wheras cmx is showing it in gameplay eg a WB. Worth knowing it splits out the damage, thanks.

    I'll do some more parses.... try and figure it out....
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