I frequently struggle to make a female heads that pleases me. It is for some races easier than for others.
What I realized while playing with the sliders: It seems that moving the sliders leads to much more sophisticated changes to the head shape specifically for female heads. And I would say much much more sophisticated than for male heads. This means that excursions from the standard head (all sliders central) are much more limited for female heads. This is probably the reason why females all look so much alike each other in ESO and while this is to some extent true for male heads too it is still more pronounced for female heads.
ZOS: Why are we so restricted when creating female heads? I don't understand. Please leave it to the players to create the heads they want and that pleases them and don't impose a specific look to them. If a player wants to make an ugly female head so it is up to that player and none other's business. So please increase slider range also for females. Just keep the proportional factors as they are but increase the limits of the slider. For all existing characters this should not impact their looks, only move the depicted position of the slider in case that player would like to modify the look.