Building Stacks of Thrassian Stranglers at Alliance War Base?

  • TechMaybeHic
    How fast would stacks climb killing guards at resources, keeps, towns, etc?

    It's a reasonable question to ask why players feel compelled to go out of their way and siege dummies. Not intended but not really convenient either so it kind of points to how bad just using the set as intended is.

    It seems like the health penalty and shield reduction, and resetting on crouch/invisibility (imported to prevent high number ganks) is enough. Ramp up should be quicker
  • Jaraal
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Every other stacking set in the game requires actual combat to get the stacks. Go kill some wolves

    Respectfully, this is false.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • wolfie1.0.
    Aldoss wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Aldoss wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is not working as intended and we are investigating this now. No eta on a fix, but once we have something more concrete to share, we'll update either here or in patch nots.


    Necro is literally a dumpster fire, but god forbid some people willfully drop their hp 5k and their dmg shields by 50% for extra damage. That gets IMMEDIATE response.

    The tank meta continues.

    Yea, but check this… those same classes are gonna use this cheese more effectively than necro without repercussions. So it’s a lose lose for necro. Win win for most other classes.

    I don't use thrass but I have no problem fighting someone who has full stacks of thrass, whether they got them by killing guards, players, or got them every death by wasting 3 minutes to travel to the base to use the target dummies.

    The set shouldn't require deaths anyway for its activation. I'd rather it take 30 seconds to ramp up its effect, similar to ddf or roksa and lose stacks when you stealth or go invisible.

    My comment is frustration that 1. Someone ruined the fun that made an otherwise trash item suddenly worth using, and 2. That this will steal devs time when they should be working on fixing things that have a real, tangible effect on the experience in cyro for all players - class balance being a major one.

    Add this set to the pile of trash sets that clutter the game and will now never be worn.

    They were going to find it eventually, and it's better to deal with it now than down the line when it's wide spread or some streamer published about it. We don't need half of pvp facing potential disciplinary actions for something like this.

    Not saying zos would, but more that they could.
  • Xzysts
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Aldoss wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Aldoss wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is not working as intended and we are investigating this now. No eta on a fix, but once we have something more concrete to share, we'll update either here or in patch nots.


    Necro is literally a dumpster fire, but god forbid some people willfully drop their hp 5k and their dmg shields by 50% for extra damage. That gets IMMEDIATE response.

    The tank meta continues.

    Yea, but check this… those same classes are gonna use this cheese more effectively than necro without repercussions. So it’s a lose lose for necro. Win win for most other classes.

    I don't use thrass but I have no problem fighting someone who has full stacks of thrass, whether they got them by killing guards, players, or got them every death by wasting 3 minutes to travel to the base to use the target dummies.

    The set shouldn't require deaths anyway for its activation. I'd rather it take 30 seconds to ramp up its effect, similar to ddf or roksa and lose stacks when you stealth or go invisible.

    My comment is frustration that 1. Someone ruined the fun that made an otherwise trash item suddenly worth using, and 2. That this will steal devs time when they should be working on fixing things that have a real, tangible effect on the experience in cyro for all players - class balance being a major one.

    Add this set to the pile of trash sets that clutter the game and will now never be worn.

    Well realistically, I somewhat agree with your point. However, also know this… ball groups use everything to their advantage at an even greater capacity. You get a whole ball running this or a 4-6 man or some other cheese and it’s a lose lose for the solo players/small groups like most other things. Overall, it’s not a good thing to have in the game objectively as it was not intended to operate this way. Whatever ZOS does with it is ultimately their call and I wouldn’t mind seeing a complete rework to be something like what you mentioned above.

    How, exactly, is this "cheese"? It's 1150 WD/SD at the cost of 6k health. You can't use stealth or damage shields with it. There's a huge tradeoff involved with running the mythic; you're exchanging survivability for damage. Objectively, that's a great thing for the game when there's so many people running around with 40-50k HP and people on the forums are complaining about a tank meta.

    It's a mythic used almost exclusively for 1vX/2vX/fighting outnumbered. Ballgroups don't run this set-- they're running 40k+ HP and stacking shields ontop of HoTS. Pugs don't run this set. Frankly, I don't really know what your agenda is, but your reasoning isn't lending you any real credibility. To me, it reeks of you getting bodied in Cyrodiil by someone running Thrassians, so you sprinted over here to get them nerfed. :D

    If all you can run is cheese just say that. No need to bash me. In any case no… I don’t get bodied in PvP. If you want we can duel PC NA
    -Goblinu_ESO on YouTube
    Community Discord: hK4dFwE7zZ
    All-class player w/over 5,000 hours across multiple platforms
  • Xzysts
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Aldoss wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Aldoss wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is not working as intended and we are investigating this now. No eta on a fix, but once we have something more concrete to share, we'll update either here or in patch nots.


    Necro is literally a dumpster fire, but god forbid some people willfully drop their hp 5k and their dmg shields by 50% for extra damage. That gets IMMEDIATE response.

    The tank meta continues.

    Yea, but check this… those same classes are gonna use this cheese more effectively than necro without repercussions. So it’s a lose lose for necro. Win win for most other classes.

    I don't use thrass but I have no problem fighting someone who has full stacks of thrass, whether they got them by killing guards, players, or got them every death by wasting 3 minutes to travel to the base to use the target dummies.

    The set shouldn't require deaths anyway for its activation. I'd rather it take 30 seconds to ramp up its effect, similar to ddf or roksa and lose stacks when you stealth or go invisible.

    My comment is frustration that 1. Someone ruined the fun that made an otherwise trash item suddenly worth using, and 2. That this will steal devs time when they should be working on fixing things that have a real, tangible effect on the experience in cyro for all players - class balance being a major one.

    Add this set to the pile of trash sets that clutter the game and will now never be worn.

    Well realistically, I somewhat agree with your point. However, also know this… ball groups use everything to their advantage at an even greater capacity. You get a whole ball running this or a 4-6 man or some other cheese and it’s a lose lose for the solo players/small groups like most other things. Overall, it’s not a good thing to have in the game objectively as it was not intended to operate this way. Whatever ZOS does with it is ultimately their call and I wouldn’t mind seeing a complete rework to be something like what you mentioned above.

    How, exactly, is this "cheese"? It's 1150 WD/SD at the cost of 6k health. You can't use stealth or damage shields with it. There's a huge tradeoff involved with running the mythic; you're exchanging survivability for damage. Objectively, that's a great thing for the game when there's so many people running around with 40-50k HP and people on the forums are complaining about a tank meta.

    It's a mythic used almost exclusively for 1vX/2vX/fighting outnumbered. Ballgroups don't run this set-- they're running 40k+ HP and stacking shields ontop of HoTS. Pugs don't run this set. Frankly, I don't really know what your agenda is, but your reasoning isn't lending you any real credibility. To me, it reeks of you getting bodied in Cyrodiil by someone running Thrassians, so you sprinted over here to get them nerfed. :D

    Do you have any tips on farming Thrassians? Was gonna go for it tonight! Any help would be appreciated!!! 😁😁😁
    -Goblinu_ESO on YouTube
    Community Discord: hK4dFwE7zZ
    All-class player w/over 5,000 hours across multiple platforms
  • React
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Aldoss wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Aldoss wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is not working as intended and we are investigating this now. No eta on a fix, but once we have something more concrete to share, we'll update either here or in patch nots.


    Necro is literally a dumpster fire, but god forbid some people willfully drop their hp 5k and their dmg shields by 50% for extra damage. That gets IMMEDIATE response.

    The tank meta continues.

    Yea, but check this… those same classes are gonna use this cheese more effectively than necro without repercussions. So it’s a lose lose for necro. Win win for most other classes.

    I don't use thrass but I have no problem fighting someone who has full stacks of thrass, whether they got them by killing guards, players, or got them every death by wasting 3 minutes to travel to the base to use the target dummies.

    The set shouldn't require deaths anyway for its activation. I'd rather it take 30 seconds to ramp up its effect, similar to ddf or roksa and lose stacks when you stealth or go invisible.

    My comment is frustration that 1. Someone ruined the fun that made an otherwise trash item suddenly worth using, and 2. That this will steal devs time when they should be working on fixing things that have a real, tangible effect on the experience in cyro for all players - class balance being a major one.

    Add this set to the pile of trash sets that clutter the game and will now never be worn.

    Well realistically, I somewhat agree with your point. However, also know this… ball groups use everything to their advantage at an even greater capacity. You get a whole ball running this or a 4-6 man or some other cheese and it’s a lose lose for the solo players/small groups like most other things. Overall, it’s not a good thing to have in the game objectively as it was not intended to operate this way. Whatever ZOS does with it is ultimately their call and I wouldn’t mind seeing a complete rework to be something like what you mentioned above.

    How, exactly, is this "cheese"? It's 1150 WD/SD at the cost of 6k health. You can't use stealth or damage shields with it. There's a huge tradeoff involved with running the mythic; you're exchanging survivability for damage. Objectively, that's a great thing for the game when there's so many people running around with 40-50k HP and people on the forums are complaining about a tank meta.

    It's a mythic used almost exclusively for 1vX/2vX/fighting outnumbered. Ballgroups don't run this set-- they're running 40k+ HP and stacking shields ontop of HoTS. Pugs don't run this set. Frankly, I don't really know what your agenda is, but your reasoning isn't lending you any real credibility. To me, it reeks of you getting bodied in Cyrodiil by someone running Thrassians, so you sprinted over here to get them nerfed. :D

    If all you can run is cheese just say that. No need to bash me. In any case no… I don’t get bodied in PvP. If you want we can duel PC NA

    Let's run some next time we're both on, I'm curious what your playstyle is. Add me, @ReactSlower
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Cloudrest
    Xzysts wrote: »
    In any case no… I don’t get bodied in PvP.

    Yyyyeah idk, your YouTube channel doesn't lend you any credibility there.
    Xzysts wrote: »
    If you want we can duel PC NA

    If you think that's a good idea. Give @React an add and I'll be there. Wonder if @StaticWave wants in on this, too?
    Formerly @Cloudrest, now @Nightwielder in-game on PC/NA. Cyrodiil PvPer; retired duelist and PvE Trifecta DPS.
    Empyrean Knight Gwynevere | ♔ Breton Templar | AR50 Grand Overlord II | 9400+ hours | Aldmeri Dominion
    Merethiel of Vaulinchyl |🗡Altmer Nightblade | AR50 Grand Overlord I | 3000+ hours | Aldmeri Dominion
    ♔ Immortal Redeemer | ♔ Tick-Tock Tormentor | ♔🗡 2x Gryphon Heart | ♔ Godslayer | 🗡 Dawnbringer | ♔ 7x Former Empress
  • IncultaWolf
    Lol the pvp players with the biggest egos are coming out with the "duel me and find out" posts again :D
  • StaticWave
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    In any case no… I don’t get bodied in PvP.

    Yyyyeah idk, your YouTube channel doesn't lend you any credibility there.
    Xzysts wrote: »
    If you want we can duel PC NA

    If you think that's a good idea. Give @React an add and I'll be there. Wonder if @StaticWave wants in on this, too?

    I’ll love a friendly duel. Add me @Static.Wave
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • Xzysts
    I play everything. Mostly enjoy brawler but that is mostly dead besides on warden.
    -Goblinu_ESO on YouTube
    Community Discord: hK4dFwE7zZ
    All-class player w/over 5,000 hours across multiple platforms
  • Xzysts
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    In any case no… I don’t get bodied in PvP.

    Yyyyeah idk, your YouTube channel doesn't lend you any credibility there.
    Xzysts wrote: »
    If you want we can duel PC NA

    If you think that's a good idea. Give @React an add and I'll be there. Wonder if @StaticWave wants in on this, too?

    I’m a loss is a loss. Im not scared to lose a duel. It doesn’t really mean much. In any case, why are they offering to duel but not you?
    -Goblinu_ESO on YouTube
    Community Discord: hK4dFwE7zZ
    All-class player w/over 5,000 hours across multiple platforms
  • Cloudrest
    Xzysts wrote: »
    I’m a loss is a loss. Im not scared to lose a duel. It doesn’t really mean much. In any case, why are they offering to duel but not you?
    Cloudrest wrote: »

    I'll be there.

    Read what I said again.
    Edited by Cloudrest on March 23, 2024 5:13AM
    Formerly @Cloudrest, now @Nightwielder in-game on PC/NA. Cyrodiil PvPer; retired duelist and PvE Trifecta DPS.
    Empyrean Knight Gwynevere | ♔ Breton Templar | AR50 Grand Overlord II | 9400+ hours | Aldmeri Dominion
    Merethiel of Vaulinchyl |🗡Altmer Nightblade | AR50 Grand Overlord I | 3000+ hours | Aldmeri Dominion
    ♔ Immortal Redeemer | ♔ Tick-Tock Tormentor | ♔🗡 2x Gryphon Heart | ♔ Godslayer | 🗡 Dawnbringer | ♔ 7x Former Empress
  • Nevidyra
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    In any case no… I don’t get bodied in PvP.

    Yyyyeah idk, your YouTube channel doesn't lend you any credibility there.
    Xzysts wrote: »
    If you want we can duel PC NA

    If you think that's a good idea. Give @React an add and I'll be there. Wonder if @StaticWave wants in on this, too?

    I’m a loss is a loss. Im not scared to lose a duel. It doesn’t really mean much. In any case, why are they offering to duel but not you?

    if it doesn't mean much.. why are you trying to challenge some of the best players on the server to a duel to prove your point? it's not going to end up going well for you regardless lol
    CP 1k+

    Immortal Redeemer [✅]
    Tick-Tock Tormentor [✅]
    Gryphon Heart [✅]
    Godslayer [WIP]
    Dawnbringer [N/A]

  • Xzysts
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    I’m a loss is a loss. Im not scared to lose a duel. It doesn’t really mean much. In any case, why are they offering to duel but not you?
    Cloudrest wrote: »

    I'll be there.

    High school was hard, huh?

    I’ll be there =/= I will duel. Especially when replying to your friends comment saying he wants to duel… In any case, I am not going to continue feeding into your negativity on this thread.. If you want, reach me on my channel or on discord. We can be adults… it is a game after all correct?
    -Goblinu_ESO on YouTube
    Community Discord: hK4dFwE7zZ
    All-class player w/over 5,000 hours across multiple platforms
  • PureEnvelope35
    Time for the already neglected Jabplar to farm wolves...

    Would have been interesting to see Thrassian's have some weighted stack gain from players, maybe 10 or 5 or something instead of just suffering to get stacks, only to still suffer because jabs.
    • Fashion is the true endgame.
    • PC EU
    • EP Astera the Charlatan Stamina Arcanist (PvE)
    • EP Malina the Pure Stamina Warden (PvP)
    • EP Athena the Pure Stamina Dragonknight (PvP)
    • EP Elizabeth the Pure Stamina Sorcerer (PvP)
    • DC Bonneville the Pure Magicka Dragonknight (PvE)
    • DC Lyudmila the Omen Stamina Necromancer (PvE)
    • DC Breña the Pure Stamina Nightblade (PvP)
    • DC Cirise the Pure Magicka Warden (PvP)
    • DC Melinda the Omen Stamina Necromancer (PvP)
    • DC Adeliane the Pure Magicka Templar (PvP)
    • AD Valencia the Pure Magicka Dragonknight (PvE)
    • AD Do'Nhadir Stamina Nightblade (PvP)
    • AD Xiphias Sword-Like-Comet Stamgicka Warden (PvP)
    • AD Eleanora the Pure Stamina Sorcerer (PvE)
  • Xzysts
    Nevidyra wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    In any case no… I don’t get bodied in PvP.

    Yyyyeah idk, your YouTube channel doesn't lend you any credibility there.
    Xzysts wrote: »
    If you want we can duel PC NA

    If you think that's a good idea. Give @React an add and I'll be there. Wonder if @StaticWave wants in on this, too?

    I’m a loss is a loss. Im not scared to lose a duel. It doesn’t really mean much. In any case, why are they offering to duel but not you?

    if it doesn't mean much.. why are you trying to challenge some of the best players on the server to a duel to prove your point? it's not going to end up going well for you regardless lol

    I see we brought all the friends onto the forum that are mad at my post. In any case, it does not matter to me if I win or lose. Whether I am the best or not is of no concern to me. If I get bodied… then prove it. Simply defending my position as anyone would.
    -Goblinu_ESO on YouTube
    Community Discord: hK4dFwE7zZ
    All-class player w/over 5,000 hours across multiple platforms
  • Cloudrest
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    I’m a loss is a loss. Im not scared to lose a duel. It doesn’t really mean much. In any case, why are they offering to duel but not you?
    Cloudrest wrote: »

    I'll be there.

    High school was hard, huh?

    I’ll be there =/= I will duel. Especially when replying to your friends comment saying he wants to duel… In any case, I am not going to continue feeding into your negativity on this thread.. If you want, reach me on my channel or on discord. We can be adults… it is a game after all correct?

    Iunno if you can try and take the moral high ground about being "adults", here, when you're publishing stuff on your youtube channel and actively gloating with an ego about being the one to "destroy" the thrassian meta in PvP and making fun of people who aren't happy with you over it. We'll all duel you, happily. I thought that was obvious, seems not though. :D
    Formerly @Cloudrest, now @Nightwielder in-game on PC/NA. Cyrodiil PvPer; retired duelist and PvE Trifecta DPS.
    Empyrean Knight Gwynevere | ♔ Breton Templar | AR50 Grand Overlord II | 9400+ hours | Aldmeri Dominion
    Merethiel of Vaulinchyl |🗡Altmer Nightblade | AR50 Grand Overlord I | 3000+ hours | Aldmeri Dominion
    ♔ Immortal Redeemer | ♔ Tick-Tock Tormentor | ♔🗡 2x Gryphon Heart | ♔ Godslayer | 🗡 Dawnbringer | ♔ 7x Former Empress
  • Xzysts
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    I’m a loss is a loss. Im not scared to lose a duel. It doesn’t really mean much. In any case, why are they offering to duel but not you?
    Cloudrest wrote: »

    I'll be there.

    High school was hard, huh?

    I’ll be there =/= I will duel. Especially when replying to your friends comment saying he wants to duel… In any case, I am not going to continue feeding into your negativity on this thread.. If you want, reach me on my channel or on discord. We can be adults… it is a game after all correct?

    Iunno if you can try and take the moral high ground about being "adults", here, when you're publishing stuff on your youtube channel and actively gloating with an ego about being the one to "destroy" the thrassian meta in PvP and making fun of people who aren't happy with you over it. We'll all duel you, happily. I thought that was obvious, seems not though. :D

    Yea it is funny. The video is of comedic purpose and parody. Not everything has to be doom and gloom... If you have to use exploits and keep things secrect from other players that can use the same thing against you, can you really claim to be the best players IG? In any case, it is not supposed to function that way yet, you want it to be a secret and not change so you can continue to exploit it. Like I said, I am not replying on here anymore. Have a good night, bud.
    -Goblinu_ESO on YouTube
    Community Discord: hK4dFwE7zZ
    All-class player w/over 5,000 hours across multiple platforms
  • Jaraal
    Having fought with (and dying to) all of the potential duelists in this thread, I can safely say that it would be an interesting thing to watch. I know where my proverbial money would be, though. :)
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • PureEnvelope35
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    I’m a loss is a loss. Im not scared to lose a duel. It doesn’t really mean much. In any case, why are they offering to duel but not you?
    Cloudrest wrote: »

    I'll be there.

    High school was hard, huh?

    I’ll be there =/= I will duel. Especially when replying to your friends comment saying he wants to duel… In any case, I am not going to continue feeding into your negativity on this thread.. If you want, reach me on my channel or on discord. We can be adults… it is a game after all correct?

    Iunno if you can try and take the moral high ground about being "adults", here, when you're publishing stuff on your youtube channel and actively gloating with an ego about being the one to "destroy" the thrassian meta in PvP and making fun of people who aren't happy with you over it. We'll all duel you, happily. I thought that was obvious, seems not though. :D

    Yea it is funny. The video is of comedic purpose and parody. Not everything has to be doom and gloom... If you have to use exploits and keep things secrect from other players that can use the same thing against you, can you really claim to be the best players IG? In any case, it is not supposed to function that way yet, you want it to be a secret and not change so you can continue to exploit it. Like I said, I am not replying on here anymore. Have a good night, bud.

    It wasn't a really well kept secret then? A lot of us on EU knew about it and paid it no mind because its hardly an exploit no? Its just making an already niche mythic that's only really use is making melee magplar less... iffy to play, killing 50 adds before fighting open world doesn't appeal if you have to hunt them does it?

    By your logic if you didn't know that Azureblight was a strong set against stacked organised players IE ballgroups, would this; video be exploiting a set too, because it is relatively unknown as a PvP set currently? (had some terrible deaths to it in the aprocalypse of 2020 though)

    Also Thrassian stacks can still be built on adds outside of delves or guards etc, etc anyway? So if you have a personal issue with the people using them they'll still be around just a good 20% slower to come back. Just find this whole thread an interesting issue to bring to the forefront instead of the actual issues plaguing Cyrodiil such as the return of our favourite desynchronization, Tarnished Nightmare causing your ears to bleed, why specifically target a mythic item that causes people to ragequit when they lose 50 stacks but makes Jabplar at least somewhat tolerable?
    • Fashion is the true endgame.
    • PC EU
    • EP Astera the Charlatan Stamina Arcanist (PvE)
    • EP Malina the Pure Stamina Warden (PvP)
    • EP Athena the Pure Stamina Dragonknight (PvP)
    • EP Elizabeth the Pure Stamina Sorcerer (PvP)
    • DC Bonneville the Pure Magicka Dragonknight (PvE)
    • DC Lyudmila the Omen Stamina Necromancer (PvE)
    • DC Breña the Pure Stamina Nightblade (PvP)
    • DC Cirise the Pure Magicka Warden (PvP)
    • DC Melinda the Omen Stamina Necromancer (PvP)
    • DC Adeliane the Pure Magicka Templar (PvP)
    • AD Valencia the Pure Magicka Dragonknight (PvE)
    • AD Do'Nhadir Stamina Nightblade (PvP)
    • AD Xiphias Sword-Like-Comet Stamgicka Warden (PvP)
    • AD Eleanora the Pure Stamina Sorcerer (PvE)
  • DanteTheDeviant
    Aldoss wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is not working as intended and we are investigating this now. No eta on a fix, but once we have something more concrete to share, we'll update either here or in patch nots.


    Necro is literally a dumpster fire, but god forbid some people willfully drop their hp 5k and their dmg shields by 50% for extra damage. That gets IMMEDIATE response.

    The tank meta continues.

    Exploits that benefit some classes more than others and some players who are in the know but not others is definitely a problem that needs fixing immediately. Tank meta sucks, but I'd rather us all be tank meta, than a handful of players bypassing it with an exploit and being god tier in PvP, ruining it for everyone else.

    And don't act like ganker one shot builds would not be able to abuse this because no stealth. Two proc sets with this much weapon damage will one shot most anyone.
    Edited by DanteTheDeviant on March 23, 2024 11:35AM
  • DanteTheDeviant
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    I’m a loss is a loss. Im not scared to lose a duel. It doesn’t really mean much. In any case, why are they offering to duel but not you?
    Cloudrest wrote: »

    I'll be there.

    High school was hard, huh?

    I’ll be there =/= I will duel. Especially when replying to your friends comment saying he wants to duel… In any case, I am not going to continue feeding into your negativity on this thread.. If you want, reach me on my channel or on discord. We can be adults… it is a game after all correct?

    Iunno if you can try and take the moral high ground about being "adults", here, when you're publishing stuff on your youtube channel and actively gloating with an ego about being the one to "destroy" the thrassian meta in PvP and making fun of people who aren't happy with you over it. We'll all duel you, happily. I thought that was obvious, seems not though. :D

    Yea it is funny. The video is of comedic purpose and parody. Not everything has to be doom and gloom... If you have to use exploits and keep things secrect from other players that can use the same thing against you, can you really claim to be the best players IG? In any case, it is not supposed to function that way yet, you want it to be a secret and not change so you can continue to exploit it. Like I said, I am not replying on here anymore. Have a good night, bud.

    It wasn't a really well kept secret then? A lot of us on EU knew about it and paid it no mind because its hardly an exploit no? Its just making an already niche mythic that's only really use is making melee magplar less... iffy to play, killing 50 adds before fighting open world doesn't appeal if you have to hunt them does it?

    By your logic if you didn't know that Azureblight was a strong set against stacked organised players IE ballgroups, would this; video be exploiting a set too, because it is relatively unknown as a PvP set currently? (had some terrible deaths to it in the aprocalypse of 2020 though)

    Also Thrassian stacks can still be built on adds outside of delves or guards etc, etc anyway? So if you have a personal issue with the people using them they'll still be around just a good 20% slower to come back. Just find this whole thread an interesting issue to bring to the forefront instead of the actual issues plaguing Cyrodiil such as the return of our favourite desynchronization, Tarnished Nightmare causing your ears to bleed, why specifically target a mythic item that causes people to ragequit when they lose 50 stacks but makes Jabplar at least somewhat tolerable?

    Just like Imperial Physique, you have to hunt and continue to win to get that full power, without dying. That takes skill, making the set more balanced, instantly getting your stacks back giving you full power at all times is not intended. The idea is high risk high reward, not just high reward.
  • DanteTheDeviant
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Wow, dude! Thanks for bringing this game-breaking exploit to the attention of the developers. Seriously, it was such a huuuuuuuge problem. Thank you! o:)

    It is game-breaking for PvP. You're just mad it'll be fixed and you won't be able to abuse it against players who don't know.
  • Xzysts
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    I’m a loss is a loss. Im not scared to lose a duel. It doesn’t really mean much. In any case, why are they offering to duel but not you?
    Cloudrest wrote: »

    I'll be there.

    High school was hard, huh?

    I’ll be there =/= I will duel. Especially when replying to your friends comment saying he wants to duel… In any case, I am not going to continue feeding into your negativity on this thread.. If you want, reach me on my channel or on discord. We can be adults… it is a game after all correct?

    Iunno if you can try and take the moral high ground about being "adults", here, when you're publishing stuff on your youtube channel and actively gloating with an ego about being the one to "destroy" the thrassian meta in PvP and making fun of people who aren't happy with you over it. We'll all duel you, happily. I thought that was obvious, seems not though. :D

    Yea it is funny. The video is of comedic purpose and parody. Not everything has to be doom and gloom... If you have to use exploits and keep things secrect from other players that can use the same thing against you, can you really claim to be the best players IG? In any case, it is not supposed to function that way yet, you want it to be a secret and not change so you can continue to exploit it. Like I said, I am not replying on here anymore. Have a good night, bud.

    It wasn't a really well kept secret then? A lot of us on EU knew about it and paid it no mind because its hardly an exploit no? Its just making an already niche mythic that's only really use is making melee magplar less... iffy to play, killing 50 adds before fighting open world doesn't appeal if you have to hunt them does it?

    By your logic if you didn't know that Azureblight was a strong set against stacked organised players IE ballgroups, would this; video be exploiting a set too, because it is relatively unknown as a PvP set currently? (had some terrible deaths to it in the aprocalypse of 2020 though)

    Also Thrassian stacks can still be built on adds outside of delves or guards etc, etc anyway? So if you have a personal issue with the people using them they'll still be around just a good 20% slower to come back. Just find this whole thread an interesting issue to bring to the forefront instead of the actual issues plaguing Cyrodiil such as the return of our favourite desynchronization, Tarnished Nightmare causing your ears to bleed, why specifically target a mythic item that causes people to ragequit when they lose 50 stacks but makes Jabplar at least somewhat tolerable?

    I mean if your sole purpose for one class is to lean on one mythic… then that’s a problem with the class and you should invest your time on the forums relaying that to ZOS instead of commenting on this post like I am the bad guy.

    Besides, all of my forum posts are for the betterment of the game. You can go to my profile and check my discussions… believe it or not, I actually do want what’s best for the game overall.
    -Goblinu_ESO on YouTube
    Community Discord: hK4dFwE7zZ
    All-class player w/over 5,000 hours across multiple platforms
  • PureEnvelope35
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    I’m a loss is a loss. Im not scared to lose a duel. It doesn’t really mean much. In any case, why are they offering to duel but not you?
    Cloudrest wrote: »

    I'll be there.

    High school was hard, huh?

    I’ll be there =/= I will duel. Especially when replying to your friends comment saying he wants to duel… In any case, I am not going to continue feeding into your negativity on this thread.. If you want, reach me on my channel or on discord. We can be adults… it is a game after all correct?

    Iunno if you can try and take the moral high ground about being "adults", here, when you're publishing stuff on your youtube channel and actively gloating with an ego about being the one to "destroy" the thrassian meta in PvP and making fun of people who aren't happy with you over it. We'll all duel you, happily. I thought that was obvious, seems not though. :D

    Yea it is funny. The video is of comedic purpose and parody. Not everything has to be doom and gloom... If you have to use exploits and keep things secrect from other players that can use the same thing against you, can you really claim to be the best players IG? In any case, it is not supposed to function that way yet, you want it to be a secret and not change so you can continue to exploit it. Like I said, I am not replying on here anymore. Have a good night, bud.

    It wasn't a really well kept secret then? A lot of us on EU knew about it and paid it no mind because its hardly an exploit no? Its just making an already niche mythic that's only really use is making melee magplar less... iffy to play, killing 50 adds before fighting open world doesn't appeal if you have to hunt them does it?

    By your logic if you didn't know that Azureblight was a strong set against stacked organised players IE ballgroups, would this; video be exploiting a set too, because it is relatively unknown as a PvP set currently? (had some terrible deaths to it in the aprocalypse of 2020 though)

    Also Thrassian stacks can still be built on adds outside of delves or guards etc, etc anyway? So if you have a personal issue with the people using them they'll still be around just a good 20% slower to come back. Just find this whole thread an interesting issue to bring to the forefront instead of the actual issues plaguing Cyrodiil such as the return of our favourite desynchronization, Tarnished Nightmare causing your ears to bleed, why specifically target a mythic item that causes people to ragequit when they lose 50 stacks but makes Jabplar at least somewhat tolerable?

    Just like Imperial Physique, you have to hunt and continue to win to get that full power, without dying. That takes skill, making the set more balanced, instantly getting your stacks back giving you full power at all times is not intended. The idea is high risk high reward, not just high reward.

    A fair comparison but people do forget that Thrassian's gives you an inability to crouch, -6000 HP and a 50% shield reduction (at max stacks ofc) whereas Physique's drawback is just, don't die and if you do get chased, queue out of IC which I'd say is just as annoying because of how common it is but also unsure how ZOS could fix that...

    I get that people don't like it being gotten easily from the Cyrodiil spawn but it will also still be fairly easy to build stacks just inconvenient, some personal bias as I do get annoyed when a groupmate vanishes for 5 minutes to build stacks and that will probably take 10 now because they never learn to stop crouching when going AFK...
    • Fashion is the true endgame.
    • PC EU
    • EP Astera the Charlatan Stamina Arcanist (PvE)
    • EP Malina the Pure Stamina Warden (PvP)
    • EP Athena the Pure Stamina Dragonknight (PvP)
    • EP Elizabeth the Pure Stamina Sorcerer (PvP)
    • DC Bonneville the Pure Magicka Dragonknight (PvE)
    • DC Lyudmila the Omen Stamina Necromancer (PvE)
    • DC Breña the Pure Stamina Nightblade (PvP)
    • DC Cirise the Pure Magicka Warden (PvP)
    • DC Melinda the Omen Stamina Necromancer (PvP)
    • DC Adeliane the Pure Magicka Templar (PvP)
    • AD Valencia the Pure Magicka Dragonknight (PvE)
    • AD Do'Nhadir Stamina Nightblade (PvP)
    • AD Xiphias Sword-Like-Comet Stamgicka Warden (PvP)
    • AD Eleanora the Pure Stamina Sorcerer (PvE)
  • virtus753
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    I’m a loss is a loss. Im not scared to lose a duel. It doesn’t really mean much. In any case, why are they offering to duel but not you?
    Cloudrest wrote: »

    I'll be there.

    High school was hard, huh?

    I’ll be there =/= I will duel. Especially when replying to your friends comment saying he wants to duel… In any case, I am not going to continue feeding into your negativity on this thread.. If you want, reach me on my channel or on discord. We can be adults… it is a game after all correct?

    Iunno if you can try and take the moral high ground about being "adults", here, when you're publishing stuff on your youtube channel and actively gloating with an ego about being the one to "destroy" the thrassian meta in PvP and making fun of people who aren't happy with you over it. We'll all duel you, happily. I thought that was obvious, seems not though. :D

    Yea it is funny. The video is of comedic purpose and parody. Not everything has to be doom and gloom... If you have to use exploits and keep things secrect from other players that can use the same thing against you, can you really claim to be the best players IG? In any case, it is not supposed to function that way yet, you want it to be a secret and not change so you can continue to exploit it. Like I said, I am not replying on here anymore. Have a good night, bud.

    By your logic if you didn't know that Azureblight was a strong set against stacked organised players IE ballgroups, would this; video be exploiting a set too, because it is relatively unknown as a PvP set currently? (had some terrible deaths to it in the aprocalypse of 2020 though)

    Azureblight is actually unavoidably broken in all content, though.

    Have a look at logs, and you’ll see that:

    -everyone in it can now contribute to the same stack, which was a major stealth change (bug?) introduced several updates ago

    -any player who contributed to a stack can be chosen to get the resultant explosion, while the person who got credit for the stack often doesn’t get the explosion damage (which is what really gives away that the set is not working as intended/stated)

    -as of U41, multiple players can now get the same explosion on the same target in a single-target fight (for example, you can have 3 explosions go off in the same millisecond from a single stack on one target, with no other targets around), despite the tooltip stating that explosions can only happen every 0.5 seconds apart

    -last I knew it also doesn’t purge properly in PvP, similar to other stacking sets like Relequen (where purging knocks stacks from 10 to 1, but the next light attack goes back to 10 from 1)

    This is a very different situation in some ways than someone taking advantage of dummy kills counting as NPC kills to build stacks. There is literally no way to wear Azure without encountering (and therefore benefiting) from its bugs.
  • PureEnvelope35
    virtus753 wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    I’m a loss is a loss. Im not scared to lose a duel. It doesn’t really mean much. In any case, why are they offering to duel but not you?
    Cloudrest wrote: »

    I'll be there.

    High school was hard, huh?

    I’ll be there =/= I will duel. Especially when replying to your friends comment saying he wants to duel… In any case, I am not going to continue feeding into your negativity on this thread.. If you want, reach me on my channel or on discord. We can be adults… it is a game after all correct?

    Iunno if you can try and take the moral high ground about being "adults", here, when you're publishing stuff on your youtube channel and actively gloating with an ego about being the one to "destroy" the thrassian meta in PvP and making fun of people who aren't happy with you over it. We'll all duel you, happily. I thought that was obvious, seems not though. :D

    Yea it is funny. The video is of comedic purpose and parody. Not everything has to be doom and gloom... If you have to use exploits and keep things secrect from other players that can use the same thing against you, can you really claim to be the best players IG? In any case, it is not supposed to function that way yet, you want it to be a secret and not change so you can continue to exploit it. Like I said, I am not replying on here anymore. Have a good night, bud.

    By your logic if you didn't know that Azureblight was a strong set against stacked organised players IE ballgroups, would this; video be exploiting a set too, because it is relatively unknown as a PvP set currently? (had some terrible deaths to it in the aprocalypse of 2020 though)

    Azureblight is actually unavoidably broken in all content, though.

    Have a look at logs, and you’ll see that:

    -everyone in it can now contribute to the same stack, which was a major stealth change (bug?) introduced several updates ago

    -any player who contributed to a stack can be chosen to get the resultant explosion, while the person who got credit for the stack often doesn’t get the explosion damage (which is what really gives away that the set is not working as intended/stated)

    -as of U41, multiple players can now get the same explosion on the same target in a single-target fight (for example, you can have 3 explosions go off in the same millisecond from a single stack on one target, with no other targets around), despite the tooltip stating that explosions can only happen every 0.5 seconds apart

    -last I knew it also doesn’t purge properly in PvP, similar to other stacking sets like Relequen (where purging knocks stacks from 10 to 1, but the next light attack goes back to 10 from 1)

    This is a very different situation in some ways than someone taking advantage of dummy kills counting as NPC kills to build stacks. There is literally no way to wear Azure without encountering (and therefore benefiting) from its bugs.

    As far as I've read into it and had people MOSTLY in PvE test Azureblight is working as intended, has been since the changes made to it on PTS, the initial change had seperate stacks for each player which caused it to be extremely strong and was swiftly changed, as it is now I am 99% sure it is working as intended, in both PvE and PvP it is designed to be used by multiple Damage Dealers to get the procs off as fast as possible, the cooldown of 0.5s is per player using the set, hence it being bad if 2-3 people use it but over 3 means it is efficient, however the wording on the set's tooltip is a bit... it specifies that YOU can only get the explosion once every 0.5s but similarly to sets like Dark Convergence the sheer word count in the set proc conditions are awful to read.

    • Fashion is the true endgame.
    • PC EU
    • EP Astera the Charlatan Stamina Arcanist (PvE)
    • EP Malina the Pure Stamina Warden (PvP)
    • EP Athena the Pure Stamina Dragonknight (PvP)
    • EP Elizabeth the Pure Stamina Sorcerer (PvP)
    • DC Bonneville the Pure Magicka Dragonknight (PvE)
    • DC Lyudmila the Omen Stamina Necromancer (PvE)
    • DC Breña the Pure Stamina Nightblade (PvP)
    • DC Cirise the Pure Magicka Warden (PvP)
    • DC Melinda the Omen Stamina Necromancer (PvP)
    • DC Adeliane the Pure Magicka Templar (PvP)
    • AD Valencia the Pure Magicka Dragonknight (PvE)
    • AD Do'Nhadir Stamina Nightblade (PvP)
    • AD Xiphias Sword-Like-Comet Stamgicka Warden (PvP)
    • AD Eleanora the Pure Stamina Sorcerer (PvE)
  • Xzysts
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Having fought with (and dying to) all of the potential duelists in this thread, I can safely say that it would be an interesting thing to watch. I know where my proverbial money would be, though. :)

    Let’s do it then. @Goblinu for anyone who is serious.
    -Goblinu_ESO on YouTube
    Community Discord: hK4dFwE7zZ
    All-class player w/over 5,000 hours across multiple platforms
  • virtus753
    virtus753 wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Xzysts wrote: »
    I’m a loss is a loss. Im not scared to lose a duel. It doesn’t really mean much. In any case, why are they offering to duel but not you?
    Cloudrest wrote: »

    I'll be there.

    High school was hard, huh?

    I’ll be there =/= I will duel. Especially when replying to your friends comment saying he wants to duel… In any case, I am not going to continue feeding into your negativity on this thread.. If you want, reach me on my channel or on discord. We can be adults… it is a game after all correct?

    Iunno if you can try and take the moral high ground about being "adults", here, when you're publishing stuff on your youtube channel and actively gloating with an ego about being the one to "destroy" the thrassian meta in PvP and making fun of people who aren't happy with you over it. We'll all duel you, happily. I thought that was obvious, seems not though. :D

    Yea it is funny. The video is of comedic purpose and parody. Not everything has to be doom and gloom... If you have to use exploits and keep things secrect from other players that can use the same thing against you, can you really claim to be the best players IG? In any case, it is not supposed to function that way yet, you want it to be a secret and not change so you can continue to exploit it. Like I said, I am not replying on here anymore. Have a good night, bud.

    By your logic if you didn't know that Azureblight was a strong set against stacked organised players IE ballgroups, would this; video be exploiting a set too, because it is relatively unknown as a PvP set currently? (had some terrible deaths to it in the aprocalypse of 2020 though)

    Azureblight is actually unavoidably broken in all content, though.

    Have a look at logs, and you’ll see that:

    -everyone in it can now contribute to the same stack, which was a major stealth change (bug?) introduced several updates ago

    -any player who contributed to a stack can be chosen to get the resultant explosion, while the person who got credit for the stack often doesn’t get the explosion damage (which is what really gives away that the set is not working as intended/stated)

    -as of U41, multiple players can now get the same explosion on the same target in a single-target fight (for example, you can have 3 explosions go off in the same millisecond from a single stack on one target, with no other targets around), despite the tooltip stating that explosions can only happen every 0.5 seconds apart

    -last I knew it also doesn’t purge properly in PvP, similar to other stacking sets like Relequen (where purging knocks stacks from 10 to 1, but the next light attack goes back to 10 from 1)

    This is a very different situation in some ways than someone taking advantage of dummy kills counting as NPC kills to build stacks. There is literally no way to wear Azure without encountering (and therefore benefiting) from its bugs.

    As far as I've read into it and had people MOSTLY in PvE test Azureblight is working as intended, has been since the changes made to it on PTS, the initial change had seperate stacks for each player which caused it to be extremely strong and was swiftly changed, as it is now I am 99% sure it is working as intended, in both PvE and PvP it is designed to be used by multiple Damage Dealers to get the procs off as fast as possible, the cooldown of 0.5s is per player using the set, hence it being bad if 2-3 people use it but over 3 means it is efficient, however the wording on the set's tooltip is a bit... it specifies that YOU can only get the explosion once every 0.5s but similarly to sets like Dark Convergence the sheer word count in the set proc conditions are awful to read.


    All of my observations are current from logs from Live after U41 went live on PC/Mac except the PvP purge issue.

    The set is broken.

    People are still not getting explosions from their own stacks, three people (or possibly more - I’ve seen three several times) are capable of getting the same explosion from a single stack, and single stacks are being contributed to by everyone in Azure (a major change made several updates ago without a change in tooltip or any developer note).

    ETA: Here's an example from the first 8 seconds of a fight against the Spiral Descender in Sanity's Edge from Update 41. Only the Spiral Descender was present until 22.625s, at which point the Descender called an add. There were no other mobs in this fight.

    3.062: Player A gets the stack and the only explosion
    4.111: Player B gets the stack and BOTH Player B and Player C get explosions in the same millisecond
    4.956: Player D gets the stack, but Player C gets the only explosion
    5.775: Player A gets the stack, but Player C gets the only explosion
    6.578: Player B gets the stack and the only explosion
    7.304: Player E gets the stack, but BOTH Player B and Player F (NOT Player E) get simultaneous explosions
    8.017: Player A gets the stack, but Player A AND Player B AND Player C get simultaneous explosions

    And it goes on like this. I cannot tell how the game decides who should get explosions off of whose stacks and whether the stack-builder should get an explosion at all. It's not a cooldown issue, as Player A was obviously eligible to get an explosion again between 3.062s and 5.775s, but they did not get the explosion for their own stack. Same with Player D at 4.956s.

    Something is clearly not right when a single stack on a single target in a single-target fight results in 3 simultaneous explosions, and when multiple people can get explosions off of someone else's stack when that stack builder doesn't get an explosion at all. Both of those things are present repeatedly. This is occurring across multiple groups and multiple logs live on U41.

    ETA2: The stacking behavior is very different from its initial implementation, which lasted several years from this set's debut with Lair of Maarselok. There was NO change to the tooltip and NO developer commentary regarding this major change, which is when Azure started to be usable by more than one person in a trial without diminishing returns.

    The stack-"stealing" issue has been present for multiple updates. It is not new with U41. Since the change where multiple players can wear this set and all contribute, it has been an issue that one player can build stacks repeatedly and the other player can get all the explosions. It seems random.

    The multiple explosions simultaneously off of one stack on one target is new since U41, to my knowledge. I have not been able to find it in the logs prior to that.
    Edited by virtus753 on March 25, 2024 5:02PM
  • ArchMikem
    Cloudrest wrote: »
    Wow, dude! Thanks for bringing this game-breaking exploit to the attention of the developers. Seriously, it was such a huuuuuuuge problem. Thank you! o:)

    As they should have.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
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