CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »It's almost like they should've done this when they had DM only queue. Instead, the "random" queue pulled from the DM only queue when it couldn't fill, making nearly every match a DM in both queues.
Bring back DM only queue, and separate the queues so that the non-DM queue never gets pulled into a DM.
gariondavey wrote: »
Exactly this.
And for OP: there is a lot more of us who would prefer to "opt out" of the objective modes instead
And most of you have found a way to do that, haven't you? Thus proving there is in fact fighting in OBJ modes. Because while you may choose to focus on it, you didn't invent it. You didn't BRING it with you. It was there all along.
What similar strategy can OP employ in their equal but opposite predicament?
Strategy is meaningless if every tactic meets death instantly. In that case it is best to avoid the battle. Which this is not even a battle; maybe more like an execution hah.
But that's the point I'm making is the Arcanist CC is so strong and some players have Fate Carver damage tuned up as much as possible to the point they are wiping out entire groups with ease.
Strategy is meaningless if every tactic meets death instantly. In that case it is best to avoid the battle. Which this is not even a battle; maybe more like an execution hah.
But that's the point I'm making is the Arcanist CC is so strong and some players have Fate Carver damage tuned up as much as possible to the point they are wiping out entire groups with ease.
And most of you have found a way to do that, haven't you? Thus proving there is in fact fighting in OBJ modes. Because while you may choose to focus on it, you didn't invent it. You didn't BRING it with you. It was there all along.
What similar strategy can OP employ in their equal but opposite predicament?
DrNukenstein wrote: »
-Build to fight people, instead of cheese objectives
-Accept you are not Superman and work with your team
-Queue solo queue only if you are solo and prone to tilt. It really does make a difference.
-If you see one team clumping and acting like a single organism while your team is not doing that, say something.
-Be the bread, not the meat.
In order for that to be a similar strategy for OP's equal but opposite problem you would have to think the solution the vocal DM crowd came up with is:
- Try to capture objectives
That's not the case. [Snip]
Sadly, when the queue system was no longer to their liking, what they did was just treat every mode as though it were DM after all.
So I ask again, with more clarity this time, how can someone who hates DM and feels as though it's cheesy employ a strategy during DM that suits their OBJ needs?
If there isn't a genuine answer then I think OP has a bigger problem than the DM crowd has. And it also seems a little unfair that, while one solution isn't yet known, the other is essentially to ruin OBJ modes.
So actually I'll amend the original question: How can the OP ruin every DM they're in for those that do enjoy it? An answer to this question would perhaps be even better. An equal and opposite problem needs an equal and opposite solution.
Or better yet, they can remove all the objective modes.
Out of curiosity... Cuz I like a well painted picture...
Are you solo que or group que?
Would you consider yourself good at PvP or not really?
Are you high mmr? Or something else?
Most people, I think, agree with you. They might come from different perspectives-- might have their own agendas, but most of us BG players wish DM and OBJ ques were separated.
BUT. I must say this, just to properly paint the picture: your problem seems to be specifically with Arcanist and/or just getting wrecked by better players as much as it is with Deathmatch.
Do you think your problem could be fixed with a revamp to the MMR system as well as with a separation of ques?
You should only be getting DM about 20% of the time. I'm not entirely clear on why this 20% makes you not even want to try for the 80%. Perhaps there are some other factors, and perhaps you could elaborate?
And most of you have found a way to do that, haven't you? Thus proving there is in fact fighting in OBJ modes. Because while you may choose to focus on it, you didn't invent it. You didn't BRING it with you. It was there all along.
What similar strategy can OP employ in their equal but opposite predicament?
gariondavey wrote: »
This is fallacious and honestly I don't know why you said this to me.
If people can opt out of objective modes then objective modes will only have objective players.
If people can opt out of dm then objective modes will still have dm players and the entire situation is not resolved.
The first option will fix the problem. The second will not.
being able to opt out of objectives will still put objective players in deathmatch so it wouldn't fix the problem at alll.
would be better if we can opt out of deathmatch and objective modes.
or just have separate queues for deathmatch and objectives.
so people can choose what kind of battlegrounds they want.