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Azandar's Favor: Interact with an Ayelid Well

  • LoneWandererBud
    Soul Shriven
    Xbox, it's still busted December 22. Azandar level 10, full rapport. Someone mentioned earlier that accounts with the Necrom chapter can't trigger this, and vice versa. From a programming standpoint that sounds plausible, some coder probably flipped a "true" to a "false". If that's the case, there's no workaround until they fix. Super shocked that they're not even acknowledging it. SHOCKED I tells ya.
  • Lydawobbles
    I bought necrom on my print farming account solely for Azandar’s perk. I refuse to do the intro quest to get him 19 more times. This is ridiculous.
  • shack80
    I have this bug with do an enchanting writ also.
  • KnightWulfhart
    Soul Shriven
    Messages can be removed from this thread for "bashing" but a simple "were looking into it" is apparently impossible.
  • Basbor
    This bug is also known in the German-speaking part of this forum:

    No help so far...
    Edited by Basbor on December 29, 2023 9:53AM
  • Rylanda
    Messages can be removed from this thread for "bashing" but a simple "were looking into it" is apparently impossible.

    Still no reply or response about this - it's been months. A simple "we're looking into this" would go a long way.

    [edited for discussing moderator action(s) & goodbye/quitting post]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on January 7, 2024 3:17PM
  • Psychopote
    Basbor wrote: »
    This bug is also known in the German-speaking part of this forum:

    No help so far...

    Exactly the same observation on the French forum. Still no answer so far...
  • xclassgaming
    still bugged :/
    Give us clannfear mounts!
  • Hailan
    @ZOS_GinaBruno any chance of a reply for this bug? Even just letting the community know you’re aware of the bug and looking into it?
  • Dagraenion
    Hopefully, this bug will be fixed after this maintenance. Fingers crossed
  • Oznog666
    It's a server maintenance no bug fixing patch. BTW what bug? There's for sure no bug at all otherwise some officials would have responded already :D
  • KnightWulfhart
    Soul Shriven
    Guess every person here is just imagining a multi-achievement blocking bug, not to mention the other thread about it, as well as it being documented in both the German and French bug report forums. With no official comment being a major point of contention among those having to deal with said "imaginary" bug.
    How simply absent-minded we must be to have not have realized it just wasn't real! Wish I had thought of that sooner!
    Wow, thanks to your insightful comment the bug just ceased to exist!
  • sablackblade
    Soul Shriven
    This would be a lot more tolerable if they just acknowledged the bug already. You’d think the easy way to do this is simply remove the requirement. It’s been 4 months and still no breath of a fix. Dev’s are capable of moving us in here and snipping the comments here, but not any actual acknowledgment of the issue.
  • AgaTheGreat
    What a shame... I've been wondering why this achievement is not unlocking for me :neutral:
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • MannedYeti
    Still bugged Xbox/NA. I have gameclip showing it not update in the journal, max level, max rapport, all other achievements done, interacting with a well with him out, getting rapport for it, him giving dialog and the achievement not updating. My wife on the other hand, no issues she walked up to the first well she saw (in Greenshade by the public dungeon) with him out and done. Also made sure to save that clip to an external drive just so I have it somewhere else. My wife and I both wanted his upgrade for running Infinite Archive (we both run it all the time) we loot everything and we wanted the passive from him, she has it now which is cool, I've got more gold than her but I'd still like to have it to have the chance of the plans and because we are both completionists lol. Either way it would be nice if they fixed it soon.
  • Ashjunkie
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin ... anyone. Is this ever going to be fixed? Can we get like a time-frame or even a "we're checking into it"? There are some clues about what might be wrong in this thread if you guys are having trouble finding it... if anyone has checked that is.

    Can we get an update please?
  • Kimid
    3 years out of game, come back and level an arcanist with azander and lo and behold first thing I have is this bug ..... and as per, no response from the devs. Same old same old getting old.
  • Ashjunkie
    @ZOS_GinaBruno any word? I know some people somehow magically have the achiev but most of us can't get it. We getting ignored b/c it isn't everyone? He has the best perk in the game but some of are just out of luck with no one doing anything at all? Is it b/c I always preorder? I heard the ones that don't have necrom can get the achiev. What do we have to do to get this noticed exactly?
    Edited by Ashjunkie on January 7, 2024 4:39AM
  • douglasezf
    @ZOS_Icy @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin

    SOLVE THAT, PLEASE... you keep releasing new content and having lots of problems with the old ones, this is very wrong
  • Ashjunkie
    @ZOS_RichLambert psst, please get someone to check on this? We paid for necrom and we'd like the perk that comes with it. We have had 0 responses since August and it's now January.
  • ADarklore
    I know in a different post on this bug, they said that the achievement works if you have NOT unlocked Azandar, but does not work if you already have him unlocked.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • tomofhyrule
    I'm wondering if this is one of those things that they're just waiting to fix in a full update. Remember we had that literally gamebreaking Quest bug a while back that was introduced with Necrom that prevented you from doing quests, and that didn't get fixed until the next update, leaving some people unable to play for up to three months?

    It is concerning that none of the devs have chimed into either of these threads (or to the one that also stops you from completing the Seeker's Archive if you've done Necrom) to let us know that a fix could be in the works, but maybe we'll see something in the PTS patch notes - the reveal stuff has gone out to the influencers, so that means that we should be getting news of the reveal event next week and then the PTS sometime around the 29th or so.

    For now, if you have any friends who have not unlocked Azandar yet, you can tell them to go interact with a well. The flag is currently set that it'll check off if you have Azandar uncollected, so you can at least get it for your friends. Hopefully soon they fix this one.
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Hi all, we wanted to provide a brief update on the Azandar's Favor achievement issue. First, thanks for all of your posts on this issue. In checking with the team, there is a fix in the works to resolve this issue. We are working on nailing down timing and once we do, we'll follow up with that information.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • xclassgaming
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all, we wanted to provide a brief update on the Azandar's Favor achievement issue. First, thanks for all of your posts on this issue. In checking with the team, there is a fix in the works to resolve this issue. We are working on nailing down timing and once we do, we'll follow up with that information.

    thank you for the update! <3
    Give us clannfear mounts!
  • Lydawobbles
    Hooray! Thank you!
  • Ashjunkie
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all, we wanted to provide a brief update on the Azandar's Favor achievement issue. First, thanks for all of your posts on this issue. In checking with the team, there is a fix in the works to resolve this issue. We are working on nailing down timing and once we do, we'll follow up with that information.

    Thank you for answering!!
  • Dagraenion
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all, we wanted to provide a brief update on the Azandar's Favor achievement issue. First, thanks for all of your posts on this issue. In checking with the team, there is a fix in the works to resolve this issue. We are working on nailing down timing and once we do, we'll follow up with that information.

    Finally, a response! Thank you, and we will look forward to this update/fix with a bated breath.
  • WildRaptorX
    Still broken
  • Oznog666
    Yeah because the last patch was NOT for bug fixing, it was just for the reveal event;

    The Elder Scrolls Online v9.2.9 contains preparations for today's Global Reveal Event. That's it! The size of this patch is approximately 164MB.

  • Kimid
    And to fix a maelstrom bug where normal was apparently giving out perfected weapons with the current event. Because it's urgent to take things away, but not to give us the things we were promised a year ago.
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